Absolute Choice

Chapter 30: Want to play games again?


In fact, Shi Xiaobai didn't want to go to the toilet. The reason why he stood up was different from Ling Cun's prediction, but it was similar.

He didn't want to join Han Feng or Song Xiao's forces, and he didn't want to stand up for Xiang Wu. He simply believed that things like voting should follow personal wishes. There is nothing wrong with relying on collective cohesion to obtain security, but using collective power to obliterate individual freedom, Shi Xiaobai believes that this is not in line with his royal principles.

So Shi Xiaobai actually got up to walk to the other corner of the seat. Since Xiang Wu could become one person's power, why shouldn't Shi Xiaobai do the same? He wants to isolate others!

But Lingcun stopped him and convinced him.

Shi Xiaobai forgot which sentence made him quietly give up this almost stupid idea, but Shi Xiaobai knew in his heart that the reason why he really gave up was always just because of fear - he was afraid of being eliminated directly.

Whether he chooses to hide his identity or chooses to indirectly agree to join Han Feng's forces on the pretext of "going to the toilet", it should be an uncomfortable thing for Shi Xiaobai. According to his character, he laughed and said, "I prefer to "No" is a matter of course.

But Shi Xiaobai, who has never been afraid of the powerful, is extremely afraid of the weak - he is afraid that he has always been a weak one.

I have always heard other people say that Shi Xiaobai is a genius and how excellent Shi Xiaobai's qualifications are, but Shi Xiaobai knows better than anyone else that he is a weakling. Even if he steps into the spiritual realm, Shi Xiaobai has no Feeling the slightest change, whether it was Ye Jia Quan's fist, Ling Cun's mystery, or Sith's oppression, Shi Xiaobai felt deeply that he was too weak.

It's not that he's afraid of Ye Jiaquan's fists, nor will he give in to the pressure of the Sith. Shi Xiaobai is just anxiously worried about when he can become stronger and when he can get rid of weakness.

However, newcomer training was the closest opportunity to become stronger so far. Shi Xiaobai didn't want it to slip away from his hands. He wanted to hold it tightly at all costs.

For this reason, Shi Xiaobai compromised, hiding his identity and joining Han Feng's forces. This was one of the few compromises Shi Xiaobai made.

After going to the toilet and returning to his seat, Shi Xiaobai felt very heavy. He clearly had the opportunity to become stronger, but for some reason, he couldn't feel any joy at all, as if something was missing in his heart.

Shi Xiaobai was quiet and silent, but the surroundings became noisy. Various sounds flowed into his ears, and Ling Cun's voice often sounded in his ears. Shi Xiaobai felt more and more irritable, as if there was a heat flowing in his body, making him Every nerve in his body was restless.

Shi Xiaobai couldn't help but glance at the isolated corner. The man named Xiang Wu was sitting there quietly, motionless, as if bound by the air and imprisoned by time.

But Shi Xiaobai saw freedom in him.

The freedom of being unable to move is also freedom!

"This king seems to be ill."

Shi Xiaobai sighed and slowly closed his eyes. He needed to rest because he was fighting with himself.

... ...

... ...

Shi Xiaobai's rest time did not last long. Sis slowly walked in from outside the classroom. The moment he stepped into the classroom, everyone closed their mouths and fell silent, and all the noise turned into dead silence.

Shi Xiaobai opened his eyes involuntarily, and when his gaze met Sith's slightly narrowed eyes, his hair suddenly stood up, as if a frightened cub was about to jump up.

Fortunately, Lingcun on the side held his shoulder in time, and Shi Xiaobai calmed down from the sudden pressure from Sith.

"This pervert definitely did it on purpose. I almost fell into his reincarnation eye illusion!"

Shi Xiaobai complained in his heart, and the depression in his heart gradually faded away unconsciously.

Sis slowly walked towards the high platform in the middle. His light footsteps were particularly clear in the quiet classroom, as if they were synchronized with everyone's heartbeats, and as if everyone's heartbeats were involuntarily accommodating his pace.

Meticulous discipline is clearly reflected in this classroom.

"Relax, don't be nervous, I'm in a good mood today." Sis spoke softly.

As soon as Sis finished speaking, voices of relief suddenly filled the classroom, and Shi Xiaobai felt Ye Jiaquan's tense body beside him slowly relax.

What would happen if this pervert was in a bad mood

Shi Xiaobai couldn't help but flash this idea.

"The Sith instructor likes to play 'games' when he is in a bad mood. As for the content of the game, you will see it one day when he is in a bad mood. I won't talk about it anymore." Ling Cun leaned into Shi Xiaobai's ear. Bian said in a low and inaudible voice, with a hint of fear in his tone.

Shi Xiaobai was stunned for a moment, and a chill arose in his heart. A game that could make everyone nervous must not be a normal game.

Although the newcomers in the classroom breathed a sigh of relief, they still remained quiet, and their occasional movements seemed cautious.

"Okay, cute toys, let's continue with our morning lessons."

Sith clapped his hands and glanced at everyone. The newcomers who were called "toys" did not dare to show any dissatisfaction on their faces, and they all assumed a posture of listening carefully.

Sis paused and began to lecture.

"We have been talking about battle these days. In fact, battle is nothing more than a competition between four major systems - attack, defense, flash and superpowers. But you who do not have any superpower genes actually only have three major systems. You are naturally more powerful than others. The supernatural beings have one less fighting method. But I can tell you solemnly that it is not difficult for the psychics to defeat the supernatural beings. Because any 'superpower' must meet three major elements - function, conditions and restrictions. If If you can understand the usage conditions and restrictive weaknesses of your opponent's abilities, then the three major systems of attack, defense and flashing will still determine the outcome, and these three systems all rely on psychic abilities. In terms of psychic cultivation, The supernatural beings have no advantage over you!"

Sith spoke a series of words, and finally concluded: "In other words, the three major systems are the only way for you to defeat the supernatural beings, and they are also your remaining dignity and pride! You are different from the supernatural beings who are born with supernatural powers. You are all the most ordinary ordinary people, without any aura. You were defeated at the starting line as soon as you were born. You will be defeated in all kinds of competitions in the future. In this game called 'life', you are losers from the beginning. !”

"But you can make a comeback. As long as you hone your powerful attacks, hard defense, and flexible flashes, you will have the capital to fight against the supernatural beings. And I will teach you all of these!"

Sith seemed to be a different person. He put away his joking expression and became serious and serious. His tone of voice was also inspiring and passionate, as if a conscientious teacher was teaching his students with all his heart.

Shi Xiaobai noticed that the newcomers beside him were breathing rapidly, their eyes were filled with fighting spirit, and Ye Jiaquan clenched his fists tightly.

Sith's words touched them and infected them, and the last sentence ignited the longing buried deep in their hearts.

Shi Xiaobai's expression gradually became serious. What Sith said was "powerful attack, hard defense, and flexible flash", could he also have these

"But the premise of all this is whether you can persist until the end."

Sith suddenly changed the topic and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"It's such a pity that another cute toy has to be eliminated this afternoon."

The charming smile reappeared on Sith's face, and when he said the word "regret" in a joking tone, it was chilling.

The meaning behind his words made the newcomers on the red team take a breath, while the newcomers on the blue team collectively let out a gloating laugh.

This is only the fourth day of newcomer training, and the third person is going to be eliminated today

Shi Xiaobai felt that Sith's eyes glanced at him when he spoke, and the playful look in his eyes made Shi Xiaobai's heart beat slightly faster.

"You're not going to target me again, are you?"

Shi Xiaobai had an ominous premonition in his heart.

"Oh, by the way. Today, a newbie who has been absent from training for many days returned to the team. I just thought of a fun game and planned to let him participate in it."

Sisi showed an evil smile, looked in the direction of Shi Xiaobai, and said, "Tu Dahei comes to the stage and lets us play a... slightly difficult game."

After hearing this, everyone followed Sith's gaze and saw the slightly ordinary-looking Shi Xiaobai sitting at the table, and their hearts were filled with sympathy.

The Sith instructor said "game", not "mini-game", and used the modifier "a little difficult".

Newcomers who have had the misfortune to experience "normal games" can hardly imagine how crazy a Sith instructor's "slightly difficult game" would be

(ps: Let’s talk about updates. The new issue of this book will be updated twice a day, at noon and around 12 o’clock in the evening. The group number of the book club is 420179413. Everyone is welcome to join! By the way, please give me a recommendation vote. Today is Monday Hey, vote for recommendation eon, let’s try and see if we can hit the new book list!)