Absolute Choice

Chapter 31: Are you actually a devil?


Shi Xiaobai was speechless. He had just played an uninteresting card drawing game with Sith not long ago. Shi Xiaobai was really not interested in Sith's games, and he was even more disgusted with the pervert of Sith.

But this perverted instructor had no intention of letting him go. Not only did he target him repeatedly, but now he even asked him to come to the podium by name as soon as class began.

Shi Xiaobai frowned when he felt the concerned looks and dense sympathetic glances from Ye Jiaquan and Lingcun.

"That's all, I was once the god of games after all. How can I be scared away by a pervert of a game that only has the name?"

Shi Xiaobai thought of the small victory in Sith's office, and suddenly felt confident. He stood up and walked to the central podium in front of everyone's eyes, looking fearless.

"Dahei seems to be very confident. I... think Dahei should be able to hold on." Ye Jiaquan looked at Lingcun and said with some lack of confidence.

Lingcun sighed and did not answer, a trace of solemnity flashed in his light blue eyes.

When Shi Xiaobai walked to Sissi, he immediately felt as if he had walked into an ice cellar, a chill arose throughout his body, and his body gradually became stiff.

Sis smiled evilly at Shi Xiaobai and said softly: "Before playing the game, let me ask, Dahei, do you know what a 'psionic shield' is?"

Shi Xiaobai was stunned, thought for a moment, shook his head and said, "I don't know."

Hearing this, the newlyweds at the table all looked in disbelief, and some of them even laughed with disdain.

There are idiots who don't even know about psychic shields? How did he get into [Gaia]? Is it because of nepotism? Some people suspected that Tu Dahei was actually Shi Xiaobai's newcomer, but at this moment, the suspicion in their hearts dissipated a lot.

The Sith had obtained Shi Xiaobai's information from the higher-ups of the organization. The information showed that Shi Xiaobai had not yet practiced spiritual energy. Of course, there was a possibility that he did not know about the 'psionic shield', so the Sith asked no more questions. . Shi Xiaobai's answer was expected, but Sith had a headache because the game he wanted to play required Shi Xiaobai to understand and master the "Psychic Shield."

"It seems that we need to encourage the seedlings to grow."

Sith thought so, turned to look at the newcomers at the seat, and said, "Wang Lin, please explain what a 'psionic shield' is."

As soon as he finished speaking, a short-haired young man of seventeen or eighteen years old stood up on the seat on the right. His muscles were strong under his tight shirt, and his strength was vaguely visible. Everyone in the blue team looked at the young man, showing awe and trust.

Wang Lin nodded to Sith, looked at Shi Xiaobai, and said calmly: "Psychic shields belong to the psychic defense among the four major defense systems of combat."

Wang Lin paused for a moment, and after considering his words, continued: "The defense system is divided into physical defense and spiritual defense. Physical defense refers to skin defense, flesh and blood defense, muscle and bone defense and spiritual defense, which is the category of physical cultivation. And spiritual defense Energy defense is the study of how to use psychic powers for defense. The psychic shield, as the name suggests, turns psychic powers into a shield to block attacks within the shield's defense range."

After Wang Lin finished speaking, he stretched out his right hand. Suddenly, white energy that seemed like light and gas gathered in front of his palm, forming a white shield that almost covered his body.

Shi Xiaobai's eyes lit up. He had seen that white energy before when Ye Jiaquan punched. So it turned out to be the so-called "spiritual power"

"Psychic shields are generally used to resist attacks from one direction. Whether they are melee swords or long-range gunfire and ammunition, hard psychic shields can block them one by one. Generally speaking, those below the fourth level of spiritual mortal The psychic shield can block ordinary bullets, but it is helpless against special spirit-breaking bullets."

After Wang Lin finished speaking, he took back his right hand, and the white shield immediately dissipated. He looked at Sith to signal that he had finished speaking. After seeing Sith's nod, he sat down gracefully.

"This thing can stop bullets!"

Shi Xiaobai's heartbeat suddenly accelerated and he felt that the blood in his body was about to boil.

Seeing this, Sith's eyes flickered and he said: "Psychic defense is divided into four levels. The first level is psychic hardening. It uses psychic power to partially harden one's body to achieve the effect of instantly enhancing physical defense. The second level is spiritual hardening. It’s a psychic shield, generally speaking, it resists attacks in one direction.”

"The third level is the psychic shield. It can be said to be an all-round defensive shield. Although the defense is not as strong as the psychic shield, it is suitable for saving lives in a hail of bullets and swords."

"The last level is the psychic barrier, which can achieve a defensive effect in a large area. Most of the city barriers are jointly constructed by multiple people. After the hardness reaches a certain level, it can become the main means of defense against missiles and nuclear bombs."

Sith explained the four-layer psychic defense in detail. The newcomers in the room were already familiar with this knowledge, and they were suddenly a little confused. Why did the Sith instructor patiently explain such basic common sense to this bumpkin?

Shi Xiaobai's eyes almost turned red. What did he hear? Using human power to defend against missiles and nuclear bombs, isn't this the power he has always dreamed of

"How about it? Do you want to learn psychic shielding?" Sith's slightly bewitching voice sounded in Shi Xiaobai's ears.

At this time, Shi Xiaobai couldn't stand such temptation, and nodded quickly: "I want to! Not just shields, I want to learn everything!"

"Okay, then I'll teach you."

Sis smiled slightly and suddenly whispered something into Shi Xiaobai's ear. The newcomers pricked up their ears, but they couldn't hear a single word and suddenly felt strange.

Condensing a psychic shield is not something that can be accomplished overnight. Just like learning a language, it requires a long period of accumulation before it can be achieved naturally. The Sith instructor said that he would teach that bumpkin, and even said some words in his ear. Secret language, is there any shortcut that defies heaven

The Sith's whisper lasted for less than a minute. Shi Xiaobai nodded in understanding, and finally asked doubtfully: "Can you get the shield you mentioned by doing this? Is it that simple?"

Everyone was shocked. Is there really a shortcut

Sith nodded with a half-smile, "Of course, you'll know after you try it."

Shi Xiaobai had no doubt that he was there, and the passion for power in his heart made him immediately follow the method Sith said.

"Feel the spiritual power in your body with your heart, use your consciousness to control the reverse flow of spiritual power, and then recite the mantra silently..."

Shi Xiaobai stretched out his right hand, Sith's words flashed through his mind, and he suddenly felt a warmth rising in his body, which was quite comfortable.

But soon, the warmth suddenly heated up and gradually turned into a burning heat. Pain spread from every nerve. Shi Xiaobai suddenly felt that he was being burned by flames, and he almost fainted from the pain. .


A scream tore out of Shi Xiaobai's mouth and immediately resounded throughout the classroom.

The newcomers suddenly understood the truth of the matter, and immediately took a breath of air and covered their mouths to prevent themselves from screaming.

Ye Jiaquan's eyes turned red and he said in a trembling voice: "Lingcun, I, if I read it correctly, is Dahei using the 'Body Burning Forbidden Curse' now?"

Lingcun's face had already darkened, and he said in a painful tone: "It's the Body Burning Forbidden Curse, the most vicious method in the legend of robbing seedlings to encourage growth. The success rate is less than 10%. If successful, at least one spiritual holy vein can be opened, but The consequences of failure are physical self-immolation and painful death."

"If Dahei can survive the body-burning curse and open up any holy spiritual vein, then he can indeed omit the process of understanding and accumulation and directly 'preliminarily master' the control method of spiritual power. This should be what Sith came up with. shortcut."

"Damn it! I didn't expect that Sith would rather use this desperate method to make his game go smoothly. Doesn't he know that Dahei is actually Shi... No, it's impossible for him not to know, but why does he Do you want to do this? Isn't he afraid that Dahei will die directly? The success rate of the body-burning curse is less than 10%! If Dahei dies, wouldn't he, as the three giants of [Gaia], feel distressed? ?”

"Or, he doesn't care about the rise and fall of [Gaia] at all? Yes, he is such a lunatic. I should have thought of this earlier. It was me who harmed Dahei. It's all my fault! Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! "

Lingcun murmured, roaring silently in his heart, his expression became more and more painful, he held his head and buried it in his knees, and his body began to tremble.

Shi Xiaobai's screams continued, his skin had been dyed a hot fiery red, and bursts of white smoke were rising around him. His body seemed to be burning at any time, turning into the most ruthless... flame.

But Sith stood aside as if he was watching the show.

Even the coldest and most ruthless newcomer couldn't help but feel pity when he saw this scene. This idiot named Tu Dahei was really miserable. When he met Sith, a perverted lunatic dressed in a hero's cloak, he simply fell over. After eight lifetimes of bad luck, his only hope of survival now is the less than 10% success rate of cheating.

Using the Burning Body Curse, you can either be reborn in Nirvana or die in ashes, but all choices do not depend on yourself or your will, but only rely on luck!

Time passed by minute by second, and Shi Xiaobai's screams became hoarse, but his body seemed to be frozen. It looked like it would roll all over the ground at any time, but he kept standing with his head raised and roaring, as if he was standing still. The saplings are being burned by the fire.

How long will this torture last


Suddenly, a crisp cracking sound came from Shi Xiaobai's body. In front of him, an almost transparent broken shield bloomed like a lotus. The red light on his skin also faded away in an instant, and the surrounding temperature suddenly cooled down. The diffuse mist also disappeared in an instant.

The newlyweds at the table were immediately excited.

"Damn it, was it successful?"

"He actually survived the body-burning curse. This bumpkin's luck... is incredible!"

"This means that he has at least opened up a spiritual holy vein. Tsk tsk, fools are blessed!"

"That's enough for you. He's almost dead. Why can't you keep your mouth shut?"

"That's the Holy Vein that I won at the cost of my life. I can't accept it!"

"This... Should this bumpkin complain, or should he thank the Sith instructor?"


There were whispers and discussions in the classroom. They had witnessed the rare body-burning curse. What was even more rare was that this weak bumpkin actually succeeded!

Shi Xiaobai was still panting violently, sweat was all over his body, his eyes could hardly be opened, and his body seemed to fall over at a touch, but he still stood upright for some reason.

After enduring such cruel torture, at this moment of relief, he probably wanted to fall to the ground and faint, right

Why is he still standing

"Very good! Very good! Very good!"

Sith's almost crazy voice revealed all the mysteries.

Everyone closed their mouths involuntarily, their hearts filled with fear. Shi Xiaobai could not fall because the Sith did not want him to fall.

The Sith forced him to stand, and he could only drag his exhausted body and stand silently.

"Enough, enough, really enough!" Ling Zheng, who was sitting on the seat, roared silently in his heart, looking at Sith with anger hidden in his eyes.

Is it enough

For Sith, it was obviously not enough, because everything he did to Shi Xiaobai was to allow the game he designed to proceed smoothly, and his game had just begun.

"Now that Dahei has learned the psychic shield, let the game begin!"

The Sith mercilessly stated his purpose from the beginning to the end, and everyone couldn't bear to look at it. Tu Dahei, should I say that you are too lucky to have opened up the spiritual holy vein, or that you are too lucky? Oops, what about the perverted Sith

"The rules of the game are that everyone attacks Tu Dahei's psychic shield in turn. Only if one attack can break Tu Dahei's shield will he pass the level. If he cannot break it, he will be eliminated from [Gaia] directly!"

A wicked smile appeared on Sith's lips, "Then, let the game begin, I can't wait!"

Everyone was dumbfounded. What kind of game is this

I heard that this country bumpkin was only at the first level of spirituality, and he had just learned how to use psychic powers. The psychic shield he had put up was not only in tatters, but also so thin that it seemed like it was not there at all. There was no way they could not break it, right

The key is, if you can't break it, you will be eliminated. They will definitely attack with all their strength!

This is simply "abuse" without any suspense. No, excluding Tu Dahei, there are seventy-two newcomers in the classroom. This is seventy-two abuses!

Having just endured the physical torture of being on the verge of death, he was about to experience seventy-two misfortunes. This kind of game was really "fun" to the extreme.

"Sith instructor, are you actually a devil?"

This is the strongest thought in everyone's mind.

(PS: A big chapter of 4,000 words. Please collect, recommend, and reward! Also, don’t send red envelopes for recommendation votes to this book during the new book issue. They are not allowed in the new book issue.)