Absolute Choice

Chapter 317: The impossible is possible (please vote!)


Shi Xiaobai was very sure that all the newcomers had left the Evil Dragon Valley, because he checked the valley before leaving to confirm that everyone had left.

Moreover, the valley is so open and open that even if a newcomer playfully plays hide and seek, it is impossible to hide them.

But at this moment, it failed, which meant that someone new died without Shi Xiaobai's knowledge.

How did this newcomer die

Why did he die so silently

Shi Xiaobai knew nothing. This was even more bizarre than when the newcomer was killed by an invisible monster.

Shi Xiaobai could only use the short period of time he chose to make guesses.

Maybe someone really was left in the Dragon Valley? For example, the whole person was quietly swallowed by the monster and died after a while

Maybe after a newcomer left the valley, he didn't wait outside the valley, ran to other places, and encountered something unexpected

Maybe someone new died suddenly and quietly due to some disease or virus, and no one noticed

Everything is possible, but the possibilities are actually very slim.

Shi Xiaobai sighed in his heart, guessing blindly was not an option, he could only do it all over again.

... ...

Return to the same time point for the fifth time.

Just like the fourth time, Shi Xiaobai quickly asked everyone to leave the valley. Of course, he said such an important thing as "Don't fart" three times.

This time, Shi Xiaobai specifically reminded everyone to wait outside the valley and not to run too far.

The newcomers were very obedient and walked towards the exit of the valley.

Shi Xiaobai took advantage of this time to confirm the number of people in the valley. He counted three times very quickly, and finally determined that there were a total of forty-eight people in the valley, including him and Hua Xiaozi.

The newcomers left the valley one after another. Shi Xiaobai set off faster than before this time. When the newcomers at the end left the valley, he and Hua Xiaozi followed closely behind.

What greeted them was a loud fart sound.

Yes, I came out early this time, just in time for the newcomer to fart.

Everyone covered their noses and exclaimed, "It stinks so bad", and then stayed away from the newcomer in disgust. This stinky fart had caused a murder, so one can imagine its power.

Shi Xiaobai reacted very quickly. The moment he heard the fart sound, he had already used "No Breathing" to block his sense of smell. This was probably the biggest advantage of doing it all over again. It was a little sad to think about it.

The first time Shi Xiaobai came out of the valley, he counted the number of people. He counted three times very quickly and determined that the number of people at this time was forty-eight.

Everyone has left the valley.

And everyone was waiting outside the valley, no one ran elsewhere.

"I'm sorry, I just can't bear it anymore."

The newcomer's awkward apology came to my ears, and it was still the same words, but the time was moved forward a little because Shi Xiaobai came out early.

Shi Xiaobai had no time to pay attention to him, and scanned each newcomer carefully, checking their expressions.

There is no doubt that their expressions at this time are very bad. Anyone who suffers such a "poisonous gas attack" will not be in a better mood.

But their faces were all rosy and normal, and the look in their eyes was not dim at all. They did not look like they were sick or poisoned, nor did they look like they were dying.

Suddenly, Shi Xiaobai saw a figure from behind. It was a young girl on the outermost side. The girl's back was slightly bowed, one hand was holding on to the big tree, her back was facing everyone, and she seemed to be enduring some kind of pain.

"That's her!"

Shi Xiaobai's eyes lit up and he rushed in front of the girl at an extremely fast speed.

This girl is probably suffering from some kind of disease and will die quietly soon.

Shi Xiaobai was anxious and couldn't help but hold the girl's shoulders and shouted loudly: "Hold on!"

The girl was startled. She quickly looked up and found that it was Shi Xiaobai. She breathed a sigh of relief. However, while relaxing, the girl's expression suddenly changed. She reached out to cover her mouth. Her slightly pale face became even paler. Her shoulders Trembling.

"Forbearance... I can't bear it anymore!"

The girl shouted, suddenly shook Shi Xiaobai away, turned around and ran behind the big tree, leaned down, and started...


The girl started vomiting. Shi Xiaobai looked nervously and saw no blood as expected, only a pile of ordinary vomit.

The girl vomited a few times, then quickly took out a handkerchief from her arms and wiped the dirty corners of her mouth. She turned around and saw that everyone had heard the sound and looked towards her. Her face suddenly turned red.

Shi Xiaobai asked with concern: "Are you okay? Are you sick?"

The girl shook her head and said shyly: "No, I just... The smell was so bad that I couldn't help but want to vomit."

Shi Xiaobai was stunned, is that guy taking the blame again

But after Shi Xiaobai took a serious look at the girl, he found that although the girl's face was a little ugly, she was not weak. She seemed to simply want to vomit.

"Not her!"

Shi Xiaobai realized this.

"The time is almost up!"

For some reason, Shi Xiaobai was very sensitive to time, as if there was a clock in his heart. He could accurately calculate that in about ten seconds, the moment of the last failure would come.

Shi Xiaobai quickly turned to look at the newcomers, who were also looking at him with strange eyes.

"Shi Xiaobai, you seem... a little weird?"

"Master Shi Xiaobai, what happened?"

"Why do you want us to leave the valley quickly? Did you find any danger?"

"I want to know more, why you must never fart, please explain..."


The newlyweds obviously had a lot to say and couldn't stop talking once they started speaking, and the scene suddenly became noisy.

Shi Xiaobai didn't have time to explain now, so he could only respond in silence, looking back and forth at each newcomer.

Shi Xiaobai confirmed three times again that there were still forty-eight people here including him.

Since everyone was talking, it was conducive for Shi Xiaobai to observe. They all looked energetic. Some of the newcomers who were relatively taciturn, although they did not speak, looked very healthy.

Shi Xiaobai turned his head again and glanced at the girl next to him. The girl felt much better after vomiting. Her face became rosy again, and her cheeks were as red as apples because of shyness. The girl was not about to die at all. signs.

Shi Xiaobai glanced at everyone.

No one, no one among the forty-eight people, showed any signs of imminent death. Their vitality was more vibrant than the forest.


There were still three seconds left before the last round of options failed. Shi Xiaobai felt slightly nervous and looked at the expressions of each newcomer more carefully, for fear of missing any details.


The last time it was confirmed, there were a total of forty-eight people here including him, not a single one was missing!


Time is up.

Shi Xiaobai's heartbeat accelerated slightly.

Could it be that by coming out early this time, he unintentionally changed a certain ending, and that the newcomer who was supposed to die inexplicably suddenly survived

"Choose, boy."

A hot voice sounded in my mind.

As if telling Shi Xiaobai.

No, no surprise.

... ...

... ...

"Choose, boy!"

This is the sixth time I have faced this option.

Although they failed the first three times, each time they failed, they were able to more or less sort out some information to make the next round of actions more progressive.

But after the fourth and fifth failures, Shi Xiaobai was a little confused.

After these two failures, not only did he not get the information, but the situation became a dead end.

There were forty-eight people in the valley.

After leaving the valley, there were still forty-eight people outside the valley.

At the last second, the forty-eight people, including him, looked extremely healthy and showed no signs of imminent death.

Anyone else might have thought that he had missed something, but Shi Xiaobai was very confident in his observation ability. When he was observing the expressions of each newcomer, he was also determining the number of people, and had even classified each newcomer. His appearance was noted down.

Shi Xiaobai was 100% sure that he had not missed anyone by mistake.

Everyone is healthy at the last second. Even if someone's health is just an illusion, it is impossible to die suddenly in a few tenths of a second, right

Then the situation at this time became - no one died, no one was eliminated, and the option of "saving everyone" failed!

What is going on with such a contradictory and mysterious situation

"There is no such thing as an unsolved game."

Shi Xiaobai thought so, and his slightly confused eyes gradually became firm.

He must be missing something.

What's missing

Shi Xiaobai fell into deep thought. His thoughts were spinning very fast. Possibilities flashed through his mind. Even if the possibilities were slim, he thought about them carefully.

But there seemed to be no "possibility" that could perfectly explain the situation at this moment. After one "possibility" after another was denied by Shi Xiaobai, it seemed that the answer could no longer be found.

There is no "possibility" to support this situation.

So, what else can be done

Shi Xiaobai did not give up, he abandoned his inherent thinking.

Since, there is no "possibility" to break the situation.

So, why not think about those "impossible" things

"Could it be..."

Shi Xiaobai pondered for a long time, and suddenly his eyes lit up, and he thought of a seemingly impossible possibility.

... ...

(PS: You might as well think about what the seemingly impossible possibility is? Everyone is welcome to guess the plot! I beg for monthly votes and rewards.)