Absolute Choice

Chapter 32: The weakest newcomer


Although Shi Xiaobai was standing, he was trembling all over, sweating profusely, his face was extremely pale, and his eyes were slightly white. Everyone knew that if the Sith hadn't allowed him to fall, he would have fainted long ago.

At this moment, Shi Xiaobai's condition is probably difficult for him to even walk half a step, let alone holding up a spiritual shield to defend against the attacks of seventy-two newcomers? Why do Sith play such a ruthless and boring "game"

Some newcomers who are familiar with the Sith's misdeeds are very confused. The Sith have always abandoned boring toys and games, so why are they doing the opposite now

The Sith gave his answer.

A playing card appeared out of thin air between his two fingers. Then he flapped his wrist and flicked it lightly. The strangely colored playing card suddenly flew towards Shi Xiaobai's chest and disappeared into Shi Xiaobai's eyes. In the body, disappeared without a trace.

The moment the poker disappeared, a ray of red light suddenly burst out from behind Shi Xiaobai, turning into a huge light and shadow behind him. The light and shadow formed a pattern that was sometimes illusory and sometimes real. The pattern was a huge picture. The playing cards, red heart graphics and the number eight constitute the entire appearance of the playing cards' light and shadow.

Immediately some newcomers on the seats screamed!

"Underworld Poker?!"

"Eight of Hearts, so... so luxurious!"

"Poker Sith, the King of Hades!"


One after another, people stood up from their seats, eyes wide open, unblinking, for fear of missing this rare scene. Their eyes were full of awe when looking at the light and shadow of the poker pattern.

"What is underworld poker?" Ye Jiaquan scratched his head and asked Lingcun.

"The Underworld Poker is the A-level ability of the Sith instructor. It is called the Poker from the Underworld. Some people say that the Sith Poker is actually the Underworld."

Lingcun had a strange expression on his face and a hint of disbelief in his tone as he said: "Every underworld poker played by the Sith instructor is extremely precious, because the underworld playing cards are made from the souls of the dead, regardless of disaster demons, star beasts, or alien races. Extradimensional creatures, mutated creatures, and even human souls are all the materials used by Sith instructors to make underworld poker. Therefore, Sith instructors are veritable soul reapers and spokespersons of the underworld. Because they are too powerful, they are even called the "human world" Hades'."

"Using souls as materials to make playing cards? This... can this be done?" Ye Jiaquan was dumbfounded.

"Superpowers refer to 'whimsical abilities'. Nothing is impossible unless you can imagine it. This is also the main reason why supernatural beings are powerful. However, superpowers must have three major elements: function, conditions and restrictions. The Sith Instructor's Underworld Poker definitely There are also usage conditions and restricted weaknesses, but this is the most important secret of a Sith instructor, and I’m afraid no one knows about it.”

Lingcun swallowed, moistened his throat, and continued: "The Sith instructor's underworld poker is said to have four functions. I remember that the red heart card represents 'healing'. The Sith instructor is now using it on Shi Xiaobai It is to heal hearts. The higher the value of the card, the better the effect. Eight of hearts is above average and quite precious. Ye Dasha, if you calculate it based on your soul level, you may not be able to make a hundred of them. An eight of hearts!”

"A hundred of my souls are not enough!?" Ye Jiaquan was stunned.

"The Sith instructor did not hesitate to spend such precious underworld poker to cure Dahei. Why? For what?"

Lingcun frowned deeply. Whether he was tricking Shi Xiaobai into using the Burning Body Forbidden Curse to encourage growth, or using underworld poker to forcibly restore Shi Xiaobai's mobility, it was obviously all to make this game sound uninteresting. If it goes on smoothly, is that game so important to the Sith

"Is it possible that the Sith instructor would feel very happy if Shi Xiaobai failed miserably seventy-two times?"

Pluto Sith regards human beings as toys, life as a game, and the world as a paradise. All his rules of action and judgment standards should only distinguish between "interesting" and "uninteresting".

Pampering is fun, trampling on boring is the only principle of Sith's work.

What Sith was doing at this moment clearly proved one thing - Shi Xiaobai and the upcoming game were quite interesting to him and worthy of his love.

"Hey, I shouldn't have persuaded him to participate in newcomer training. For him, [Gaia] is not an inevitable choice, or even an excellent choice. But for my own selfish reasons, I tricked him into hiding his identity. Sheep He fell into the tiger's mouth, and it was me who harmed him."

Lingcun blamed himself in his heart, clenching his fists and habitually biting the nail of his thumb with his teeth. Several ways to break the situation flashed through his mind, but he rejected them one by one, eventually turning into a heavy helplessness.

The Sith were too powerful for him, and any ingenuity and trickery were useless in the face of absolute force.

... ...

... ...

Sith is not only one of the three giants in [Gaia], he is well-known in Xia Kingdom, and even internationally. The news that he suddenly volunteered to serve as an instructor for newcomers actually caused a sensation within [Gaia].

Although Sith has an eccentric personality, even a little perverted, there is no doubt about his strength, and he lectures seriously, and most newcomers benefit a lot, so even though they have seen Sith's "ordinary games" several times in the past four days, , they are still more happy than worried.

But at this moment, they were completely confused. Is this "slightly difficult game" going to be so perverted

Some newcomers with delicate minds felt something strange. The huge light and shadow showing the playing card pattern was essentially the soul! When the power of this playing card is eliminated, the souls imprisoned by the Sith in the playing card will disappear into thin air and disappear completely.

And that country bumpkin is absorbing the power of the soul at this time, and it is the precious "Eight of Hearts". Why does the Sith instructor "pamper" him so much? Some newcomers with dark hearts have been unable to suppress feelings of jealousy.

While everyone had different thoughts, the "Red Heart Healing" on the high platform was coming to an end.

The virtual shadow of the playing cards suddenly turned into a light red rain of brilliance, which fell on Shi Xiaobai's body. The granular energy blocks sank into the white and tender skin, and a thin layer of pink mist immediately filled Shi Xiaobai's surroundings. The sticky sweat evaporated in the red mist, and the face distorted by pain finally gradually became smoother, the clenched teeth gradually loosened, and the look in the eyes slowly returned.

The healing effect of "Eight of Hearts" was astonishing. In a moment, Shi Xiaobai's pain and fatigue were all eliminated, and his physical strength, energy and spiritual abilities were all restored.

At the moment when the soul in the underworld poker was about to dissipate, everyone in the room vaguely heard a roar that reached deep into the soul. The roar was full of anger, hatred and unwillingness.

At the same time, Shi Xiaobai's eyes suddenly opened wide, and an angry voice came from his throat, resounding throughout the classroom.

"You pervert, what did you do to me!?"

Everyone was stunned when they heard this. How could this country bumpkin dare to scold the Sith instructor? How dare you call yourself "my king"? Doesn't he know how dangerous his situation is

The Sith instructor is one of the three giants who can ignore organizational discipline. Even if he kills this bumpkin on the spot and makes his soul into the underworld playing cards, the top leaders of the organization who talk about "justice" all day long will only be able to He would smile bitterly and say "Can you please take it easy?", but would not impose any punishment.

This bumpkin is simply seeking death!

... ...

After Shi Xiaobai used the body-burning curse, his body suffered from burning pain, and his consciousness quickly fell into a trance. How could he still hear the sounds around him? Of course he didn't know what the Body Burning Curse was, otherwise how could he be deceived by the Sith so easily

So in fact, Shi Xiaobai didn't know that he had walked through the gate of hell once, and he didn't know that the Sith beside him was not only a game madman, but also a cruel devil. He also didn't know that he was about to face the seventy-year-old Two "competitions" with no chance of winning.

Shi Xiaobai only knew that after practicing the method taught by Sith, he fell into a long period of pain. Later, the pain gradually passed away, but all kinds of heart-rending roars and several emotions of unwillingness and resentment kept coming from his mind. Wave after wave hit his soul, causing him to almost have a nervous breakdown.

After suffering for a long time, he finally woke up and saw Sith at a glance. He suddenly remembered that this happened all because he practiced Sith's methods. He immediately found the culprit, so he cursed angrily without hesitation.

Shi Xiaobai stared at Sith with eyes wide open and full of anger.

The air seemed to solidify at this moment, and the depressive atmosphere suddenly filled the entire room. Everyone held their breath involuntarily, and were shocked to find that the Sith instructor's gloomy expression was like the dark clouds covering the sky before the storm.

This country bumpkin will die miserably, right

Just when everyone was guessing like this, Sith suddenly smiled, and an enchanting arc bloomed slightly at the corner of his mouth, which immediately turned into a charming smile.

"I helped you open up the Holy Veins of Spiritual Energy."

Sith narrowed his eyes slightly and said softly: "The human body has eight spiritual holy veins. Opening any one of them will have magical effects. Just now I helped you open at least one spiritual holy vein. The spiritual holy vein will allow you to The control of psychic abilities directly reaches the state of 'preliminary mastery', eliminating the long accumulation time."

"Tu Dahei, you can now use psychic shield."

Sith's voice was as gentle as a kind and gentle instructor. He didn't seem to be angry at all because of Shi Xiaobai's curse words, but instead tolerated his rudeness generously.

Everyone suddenly felt a little weird. Although the Sith instructor's statement was not wrong, why did he deliberately skip the matter of the body-burning curse? This spiritual holy vein was not opened by the Sith instructor for the bumpkin, but the bumpkin gambled his life and won with his incredible luck!

What exactly are the Sith going to do? What was the purpose of telling such a shameless lie with a gentle face and a serious face

Shi Xiaobai, who still didn't know that he had used the Burning Body Forbidden Curse, didn't know that Sith had lied to him, and he didn't know what the Holy Psionic Vein was, but he completely understood the last sentence.

"Can I use psychic shield?"

That is a method that can withstand bullets. He will use it all at once

Shi Xiaobai's eyes lit up, but soon his brows furrowed, and his eyes towards Sith were filled with wariness and suspicion again.

"Then why was my body burned by the fire of karma? Why did the resentful spirits of the underworld come to my temple to cry in sorrow? What on earth did you do?" After a moment of silence, Shi Xiaobai spoke angrily.

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was dumbfounded. What on earth was this bumpkin talking about? Fire of karma? Wraiths from the underworld

Sis was stunned for half a second. The smile on his lips grew stronger, and his eyes on Shi Xiaobai became softer. He said softly: "The acquisition of power will always be accompanied by the birth of pain. Tu Dahei only endured a short period of time." It hurts, but you have gained permanent strength, what else do you have to complain about?”

Sith's expression at this time seemed to be saying, you've got an advantage and you still behave well, right

The Sith's expression was so vivid that many newcomers quickly covered their mouths for fear of laughing out loud. Is this Sith instructor trying to coax a fool

However, Shi Xiaobai fell into deep thought after hearing Sith's words, and his eyes became extremely solemn. After a moment, Shi Xiaobai suddenly stretched his right hand forward. In an instant, a broken, white, almost transparent, and as thin as a cicada's wing spiritual shield suddenly opened in front of him.

Such an action that had never been practiced has become an almost instinctive behavior, as if in a single thought, fantasy can spurt out from the palm of your hand and turn into the most real existence.

Is this power

This is power!

While Shi Xiaobai was asking and answering himself, his mood suddenly became clear. The trace of resentment in his eyes disappeared instantly, and a high-spirited fighting spirit began to burn!

"If pain can bring strength, I am willing to suffer the pain of purgatory!"

Shi Xiaobai grinned, took back his right hand, looked at Sith and said, "I wrongly blamed you."

Everyone was stunned and speechless. This bumpkin was so stupid that no one else could! They suddenly felt a little intolerable, but they did not dare to take any action. The Sith instructor obviously had a plan and was enjoying it. If anyone dared to disturb the Sith's interest at this time, the end would be extremely miserable.

Sith is immersed in his own game world at the moment!

"Although you have gained power, this power is not stable. Your control over psychic abilities is only temporary. You have to find a way to consolidate it."

There was a slight smile on the corner of Sisi's mouth, which was extremely charming and enchanting, and once again told a lie to Shi Xiaobai.

For those who have opened up the holy vein of spiritual energy, their spiritual energy cultivation will be greatly accelerated, which will also be of great benefit to their physical cultivation. Moreover, their control over spiritual energy will rise to a higher level. Not surprisingly, it will be a permanent improvement. What Sith said "Short-lived" and "unstable" may not fool even a three-year-old child!

Everyone looked at Shi Xiaobai and thought, this country bumpkin is not that ignorant, right

"Ah? What should we do? How can we consolidate it?"

Shi Xiaobai's reaction was ridiculous. Not only did he believe it, he also panicked.

A strange light flashed in Sis's eyes, and his smile became even brighter. He looked at Shi Xiaobai with a gentle gaze, as if looking at his lover, which made Shi Xiaobai get goosebumps.

"It's very simple."

Sith said softly: "Only by constantly breaking and standing up can you truly stand firm. Dahei, the game I prepared for you can just allow you to consolidate the power that may dissipate at any time."

Shi Xiaobai frowned and asked warily: "What game?"

Sith's smile became more and more evil, and he pointed at the newcomers on the seat, and said in a bewitching tone: "The seventy-two newcomers here will become your sparring partners, and they will attack your psychic shield again and again, and again and again. Break your psychic shield!"

"Tu Dahei, even if you fail again and again, even if your dignity is trampled on over and over again, you have to endure it with all your strength, grit your teeth and persevere, and find at least one opportunity to 'establish' from countless 'breaks'. Infinite breaks, Then stand up and gain strength!"

"Tu Dahei, do you long for power?"

Sith spread out his hands, as if he was holding an invisible treasure in his hands, and was inviting Shi Xiaobai to hold it. His fiery words had an irresistible magic power, and the description of "breaking and then standing up" was even more exciting. .

If they didn't know the cause and effect, the newcomers in the room would probably take it seriously, but the reality is cruel. The Sith's disguise is only for Shi Xiaobai, but the true face exposed in their eyes is naked. How disgusting!

However, this false disguise has obviously deceived the "ignorant" Shi Xiaobai and even impressed him.

Does Shi Xiaobai long for power

"No, what this king desires is justice!"

Shi Xiaobai sneered, and then turned into a bitter smile, "But justice requires strength to maintain."

This kind of mental activity only took a second. Shi Xiaobai came to a conclusion, turned to look at the newcomers in the seat, and said loudly: "Then I'll trouble you all!"

Shi Xiaobai accepted Sith's game and even believed that the seventy-two newcomers present were "sparers" who were ready to help him.

Everyone sighed inwardly, this bumpkin was still fooled.

Even if opening up the Holy Psionic Veins has allowed him to jump to a new level of control over his psychic abilities and reach "preliminary mastery", to use a perfect psychic shield requires a higher level of "practice makes perfect", then It is a state that requires several years of accumulation to achieve.

The psychic shield he had just propped up was not only broken, but also so thin that it was almost transparent. Even a seven or eight-year-old primary school student could break such a psychic shield, let alone pass the [Gaia] newcomer assessment. of them.

The country bumpkin will indeed continue to "break", but it is impossible to "establish". What they had practiced thousands of times to do, how could this bumpkin do it in seventy-two times

There is no doubt that he will suffer seventy-two painful defeats! The taste of failure will slowly add up and become a heavy feeling of depression. When the last straw hits, the country bumpkin will completely collapse, ranging from losing self-confidence to being unable to recover.

"This is the trick that the Sith is best at. It first gives the player the greatest hope, and then peels away the hope bit by bit, allowing the despair wrapped in hope to slowly be revealed."

Sitting at the table, Lingcun murmured to himself, looking extremely painful. An idea that was difficult to accept but seemed infinitely close to the truth emerged in his mind.

"This game designed by Sith is far higher than before in terms of the price paid and the degree of care. Shi Xiaobai should have reached the level of 'pampering' in his heart. And the 'pampered' toy will be thoroughly played with Bad' has always been the Sith's favorite game."

"The Sith wants to completely destroy Shi Xiaobai! Then the game will never be that simple. He has a back-up plan!"

Lingcun's pupils shrank suddenly, and his heart skipped a beat. He looked at Shi Xiaobai, who was full of fighting spirit, and Sith, who was full of smiles on the podium. He bit the nail of his thumb hard, and his handsome face looked like he was overloaded with thinking. Somewhat twisted and hideous.

"Think quickly, there must be a way, there must be some other way, there must be a way that I haven't thought of--quickly, think quickly, take all your brain cells, so hurry up and think of a way! "

Lingcun's eyes were red and his teeth were working harder and harder.


There was a soft sound of nails being bitten off.

At the same time, Sith's excited voice sounded, instantly drowning out all the remaining thoughts.

"Then the game begins! The first wave of attacks will be launched by the weakest!"

Sith reached into his pocket and pulled out a pamphlet, flipped through it quickly, and whispered: "Let me find out the name of the weakest little toy among this [Destruction] newcomers."

Sith flipped through it for a while, and finally stopped on a certain page, with a pleasant smile on his lips.

"We found it. The weakest newcomer in this class is called Chen Lingcun."

(ps: Because the editor in charge requires that the daily update volume of the new book issue should be between 4,000 and 6,000 words. And this chapter has 5,500 words, so there is only one update today. Mainly because I don’t want to deal with the plot out of chapter, so this chapter Chapters should be arbitrary. If you think this model is not good, you can give your opinion in the book review area. If you have no objections, if I encounter plots that are not suitable for breaking chapters in the future, I will combine two chapters into one, but one update. Finally, international practice , please collect, please recommend, please reward.)