Absolute Choice

Chapter 345: If you dare to offend me, please eat later


Walking into the city, there was a sharp contrast between the hustle and bustle inside the city and the depression at the city gate. Because the Brave Martial Arts Tournament was going to be held today, Shi Xiaobai saw many different races on the streets.

According to Moya, the Brave Martial Arts Association welcomes brave men of all races. It seems that the races in this world still feel like a hundred schools of thought are contending.

The ones Shi Xiaobai saw most along the way were dwarfs with dark green skin. Obviously, this was the common image of the extraordinary race.

But it seems that every dwarf is a little arrogant, implicitly revealing a sense of superiority over other foreign races.

But the strange thing is that in the conversations I heard along the way, those brave men from other races were clearly being ridiculed, but they kept lowering their posture, as if it was a matter of course that they were despised by the green-skinned dwarf.

Whether it is an ape-headed man who is more than three meters tall, a ferocious-looking tiger-headed man, or a snake-headed man with a weird appearance, they all respect the green-skinned dwarfs in the city.

It seems that even the most ordinary civilian of the extraordinary race can look at the brave men of foreign races with contempt.

What made Shi Xiaobai speechless the most was that when these foreign warriors who had been looked down upon saw him, they actually looked at him with contempt!

This blatant racial discrimination is infuriating.

Shi Xiaobai almost drew his sword and killed these strange and ugly foreign warriors.

A huge towering tree diverted Shi Xiaobai's attention at that time and indirectly saved these alien warriors.

This towering tree is located in the center of the city. It rises hundreds of meters high from the ground, so it can be seen from the outer areas of the city.

This giant tree is not only frighteningly tall, but its appearance is extremely strange. The trunk and branches are brown and black, shimmering with the luster of steel, and the leaves reflect the colorful light of the sun like crystals, and the huge canopy is shrouded in the sky. In the glory of color.

"This is the sacred tree of our extraordinary tribe. It is called the extraordinary holy tree. It has the power to communicate with gods. When the demon king's army invades, the extraordinary holy tree will send down divine power to make the brave men of the extraordinary tribe even more brave!"

Moya was obviously used to the way outsiders swallowed their saliva in shock when they saw the extraordinary holy tree, so he introduced it with great pride.

However, what Moya never expected was that the human being in front of him swallowed saliva not out of shock, but because he was greedy!

This place was several kilometers away from the holy tree, but Shi Xiaobai could still vaguely smell the fragrance of the leaves. Different from the refreshing fragrance, to him, it was the fragrance of delicious food.

What would this crystal leaf taste like

Shi Xiaobai swallowed again, and after a while he suppressed the terrifying appetite that was almost aroused again.

As you move forward and get to the center of the city, the scene becomes more prosperous and prosperous. Although the buildings all have a medieval flavor, they are frequently embellished with rare ornaments such as gold and crystal, making these buildings look rich and luxurious.

Almost every brick and tile in the palace of the King of the Extraordinary Kingdom is decorated with gold, which looks extremely luxurious.

Passing by the palace, after a while, we finally arrived at the guest house prepared by the extraordinary tribe for foreign brave men.

Although these guest houses are not luxurious, they are still extremely spacious and the environment is very clean.

However, Moya did not stop at any room, but walked towards the corner.

"That's where you humans rest."

Moya pointed to the corner.

Shi Xiaobai walked over and took a look, his brows suddenly frowned deeply.

It was a narrow room, and compared to this row of long rooms, the appearance was a bit dark and dirty, not to mention the huge difference in space inside.

This looks like a stable in a high-end hotel.

This is a guest house for them humans!

There was anger in Shi Xiaobai's eyes.

Moya chuckled and said: "I'm sorry, because you humans suddenly appeared and got the quota of braves, which was beyond our expectations. Since there are too many foreign braves coming to this martial arts conference, there is a shortage of rooms, so we have to let you stay temporarily. I’m really sorry here.”

The green-skinned dwarf said apologetic words, but the expression on his face and the tone of his words showed no apology at all.

Shi Xiaobai took a deep breath and said coldly: "You will soon regret what you have done at this time."

Even though he knew that these extraordinary races were not real existences, but NPCs created by the trial process, Shi Xiaobai almost lost his mind in anger at such racial discrimination.

However, Shi Xiaobai was vaguely aware that if his anger boiled over, it would seem to be a very terrifying thing.

So he suppressed his anger.

Moya said expressionlessly: "It seems that you are very angry, but this is normal. You should cherish this moment of anger. Because after you see the power of the extraordinary people, there will only be awe and fear left in your heart. Look, Look at those aliens, just like you humans, they complained and resented the unfair treatment at first, but now they accept it with peace of mind, because the world is inherently unfair, and they are destined to be high or low when their race is determined at birth. Well, see you at the martial arts meet. If you want to prove your status as a human being, that is the best opportunity."

After Moya finished speaking, he turned and left.

Shi Xiaobai stood there expressionlessly for a long time, taking several deep breaths before suppressing some inexplicable impulse in his heart.

When he realized that he was irritated, he seemed to have a vague feeling of losing his mind, and there was a raging desire for destruction in his heart. The almost primitive violence made Shi Xiaobai have to force himself to calm down.

Shi Xiaobai has realized that he cannot be easily dominated by anger.

However, it was impossible for him to completely swallow this breath.

Wait until the martial arts competition to get slapped in the face

No, it was too late. Shi Xiaobai wanted to take a breath of evil at this moment!

This desire is extremely strong!

Shi Xiaobai took a deep breath and involuntarily looked at the towering tree that could be seen from anywhere.

Is this the sacred tree of the extraordinary tribe

Shi Xiaobai's eyes lit up slightly, and he had an idea in his mind.

Since the superhumans who think they are superior despise their humans so much and even give them such unfair treatment, then why should he show any mercy

"You forced me to... eat your sacred tree!"

Shi Xiaobai sneered and began to think about how to eat up this sacred tree.

No matter what kind of trouble he would cause after eating this sacred tree, Shi Xiaobai would not be able to swallow this bad breath!

Dare to offend me

Let’s talk after eating!

... ...

(PS: From now on, I will update two or three chapters at once around 9:10 p.m.)