Absolute Choice

Chapter 349: Some fruits are lost if you miss them


The Lion King's eyes passed through the palace and looked at the extraordinary holy tree standing in the sky, with a hint of reminiscence in his eyes.

Its mother was originally a noble from the Extraordinary Kingdom, but fell in love with a lion-headed man for no apparent reason, and even gave birth to it regardless of risk.

The racial discrimination of the extraordinary race is deeply rooted. In the minds of the extraordinary race, even a beggar from the extraordinary race is more noble than the kings of other races.

The fate of the Lion King's mother can be imagined. She was expelled from the family and reduced from a noble to a lowly commoner. Her father could not bear the pressure from the outside world and left, leaving only the mother and son alone and dependent on each other.

Therefore, the life of the Lion King is divided into two parts. The second half is naturally the glorious king's life at this moment, while the darkness and bitterness of the first half are difficult for ordinary people to imagine.

The Lion King tried his best to forget his tragic childhood, but he could never forget the spring when he was ten years old.

It was a sunny morning and everything was full of vitality. My mother, who was already desperate for life, even for life, cooked a small pot of gruel.

The mother drank a bowl expressionlessly, then vomited black blood all over the floor in pain, and then died.

There is poison in the porridge, and it is extremely poisonous.

The Lion King only took a small sip and did not die from the poison immediately, but he was already alive.

This wasn't murder, it was suicide.

Its mother could no longer bear the hardship of life and the cruelty of reality and chose death.

The Lion King still loves life, but no one will save him at that time.

The lion king is desperate, he knows that when the poison spreads throughout his body, he will die.

But before it dies, what can it do when it is young and helpless

The Lion King came to the extraordinary sacred tree and began to climb the tree. Since it was destined to die, it would die closest to the sky.

At that time, the extraordinary holy tree was only surrounded by walls, but there were no guards to guard it, because the tree was full of poison, and trying to get close to it was tantamount to seeking death.

But the lion king is certain to die, so why not realize his childhood dream, climb up this sacred tree that is the highest in the sky, hide in the shade of the colorful trees that no one can find, and look down at all the people who have trampled him and his mother under their feet The extraordinary clan below.

Can such a beautiful yearning be realized before death

Someone saw it climbing the sacred tree, but no one stopped it. Instead, they gloated and waited for it to be eroded by the venom and fall from the tree with its whole body covered in ulcers.

It was death for everyone to watch, but it was colder and crueler than the gallows.

The lion king climbed and climbed. He didn't know how many meters he could climb. He only knew that he had to climb higher.

A little higher, a little higher, a dwarf off the ground, a little further.

Ten meters, twenty meters, thirty meters...

The lion king was not poisoned to death by the venom of the holy tree. Maybe it was the conflict between the venom and the poison of the bowl of porridge, maybe it was God's mercy, maybe it just hadn't happened yet...

But the result was that it successfully climbed into the canopy of the tree and disappeared from everyone's sight. It overlooked the entire extraordinary capital and felt that it had fulfilled its last wish. In this dirty and dark country, this was the only clean thing. of holy places.

If you can be buried here, it will be a blessing among misfortunes.

But just then, the Lion King saw two heart-shaped fruits.

The two fruits are almost invisible in outline, melting into the leaves, and would not be noticed at all if it were not sitting on the branch just below the fruits.

These two fruits are one large and one small. One seems to be ripe, and the other is still a little green.

The lion king was curious about the taste of the fruit, so he picked the ripe fruit and ate it wholeheartedly.

Then, its life and destiny changed from that moment on.

It was a mysterious and miraculous fruit that gave a hybrid of a supernatural race and a lion-headed man a physique far superior to that of other pure-bred supernatural races.

From a desperate child on the verge of death to the number one brave man who now rules the entire Superworld, the Lion King's life is divided into two phases. The turning point is this fruit!

So, for the next few decades, the Lion King has been waiting for another green fruit to mature.

If possible, the Lion King hopes to send an army to protect this sacred tree, but doing so will easily arouse suspicion from others. If combined with his experience of climbing a tree when he was ten years old and not dying, and then his whole person changed drastically, then the sacred tree's The fruit will be guessed.

Therefore, the Lion King only sent four guards. In fact, he was not very worried that someone would have such incredible luck like him.

At this moment, knowing that the eight brave men led by Moya were about to rebel, the Lion King finally couldn't wait any longer.

The fruit was almost ripe, but the Lion King originally wanted it to be fully ripe before eating, but it was not a bad idea to eat it now.

The Lion King retracted his gaze from the Holy Tree, looked down at the extraordinary "beauty" who was working hard to serve him with her mouth, fearing that she would be killed, and his male desire slowly ignited.

Before eating the fruit, eat these two "beauties" first!

The Lion King thought so and stretched out his hand to tear the clothes of the "beautiful girl" beside him.

Soon, moans that were almost screams sounded in the palace continuously.

If the lion king had not chosen to eat the "beauty" first because of lust, and if the lion king was not strong enough and ended the battle in a minute or two, then perhaps what it missed could still be recovered.

However, there is no if in the world.

While the Lion King was doing what he loved to do, Shi Xiaobai had already reached out and picked off the heart-shaped fruit.

Shi Xiaobai swallowed and took a bite.

The melt-in-the-mouth pulp is like delicious ice cream, but the taste is more complex. The sweet, sour, bitter and spicy tastes seem to be mixed together. At first, the whole mouth feels cold, but after swallowing, it suddenly becomes hot, warming the internal organs in an instant. , as if taking a sip of pure white wine.

What does it feel like

It seems a bit superficial to describe it as gourmet, because the taste of this fruit cannot be said to be the most delicious, but it must be the most unique.

Shi Xiaobai only felt that this trip was not in vain. This fruit was almost the most delicious thing he had ever eaten. If he eats too much of this taste, he may become addicted.

The coldness rushes straight to the top of the head, the warmth fills the blood, and the mixture of sour, sweet, bitter, and spicy seems to be the epitome of life.

Shi Xiaobai enjoyed the fruit one bite after another, not even sparing the core. When the whole fruit was finished, he couldn't help but lick the juice from his fingers.


After Shi Xiaobai finished eating, he couldn't help but burped.

Shi Xiaobai suddenly opened his eyes wide. He was actually full

Even after eating countless stones, giant black scorpions and steel rhinos all over the mountains and plains, he still didn't feel full.

But just after eating this fruit, he actually felt that his stomach was full, and it seemed that he had been unable to eat for a long time.

Shi Xiaobai immediately realized that this fruit... had unimaginable energy!

Feeling his body digesting this endless energy and its strength growing at an exaggerated speed, Shi Xiaobai almost laughed out loud.

However, Shi Xiaobai soon discovered that the dense aroma of the entire holy tree was disappearing. The fruit had been eaten, and the remaining aroma on the leaves was also dissipating. The aroma may have disappeared quickly. .

"Quickly retreat!"

Shi Xiaobai didn't dare to stay on this sacred tree anymore. This fruit was obviously very special. If the fragrance disappeared, someone might find out that the fruit had been eaten.

Anyway, these leaves are so unpalatable, there is no need to stay in the tree anymore!

Shi Xiaobai quickly evacuated.

When the Lion King ended the battle and the two extraordinary "beauties" were about to lose their human form, Shi Xiaobai was already sitting in the audience of the martial arts meeting.

Some fruits are lost if you miss them.