Absolute Choice

Chapter 355: The Lion King is about to go berserk


The physical strength of the supernatural race is indeed terrifying, but strength alone does not mean that it is powerful. With a light dodge and a grab, the paper farmer skillfully tripped the huge and heavy Xiba to the ground.

According to the rules, in order to ensure that the players have sufficient physical strength, before entering the second and first finals, as long as they fall on all fours or the body goes out of bounds, it will be considered a failure.

So the paper farmer tripped up West Pakistan and already won the game.

But the paper farmer held Xiba's right arm in one hand and prevented it from touching the ground. The meaning of this approach was already obvious!

What an arrogant human being!

The people of the extraordinary tribe were shocked, and their hearts became complicated. It was always the brave men of their extraordinary tribe who let off steam, but this time it was their turn to be humiliated by the aliens!

The paper farmer still looked calm and said calmly: "Why don't you get up?"

Xiba was a little stunned. When he heard these words, he was extremely ashamed and angry. He shouted and got up from the ground.

Xiba said angrily: "Human, what trick did you do!?"

In Xiba's view, what happened at that moment was simply too weird. All the strength in its body was easily removed. The human just exerted a slight force, and it couldn't even stand firmly.

This must not have knocked it down with physical strength, but some weird trick!

The paper farmer sneered.

The physical strength of the supernatural race is indeed far superior to that of humans. He is indeed no match in a simple fight, but the fist and kick skills have never been limited to fist-to-fist head-to-head combat. Fighting skills are also a very crucial part!

The paper farmer still remembers that he said to Shi Xiaobai not long ago, "Shi Xiaobai, I want to learn to show off."

Shi Xiaobai's answer was simple, in one sentence, "Since they think they have superior physical fitness, why don't you defeat them with fists and kicks? Use your weakest to defeat their strongest!"

Use your weakest to defeat your opponent's strongest!

This is the best pretense!

No, this is no longer pretentious, but really awesome!

The Paper Farmer happens to have this ability. Most newcomers think that the Paper Farmer is excellent with marksmanship, but they ignore one sentence in the information provided by the official prediction ranking - Paper Farmer, the National Middle School Martial Arts Tournament has won the championship for three consecutive years!

Therefore, the paper farmer is not only an excellent marksman, he is actually proficient in all kinds of weapons, and his martial arts skills are even more amazing!

The paper farmer raised his right hand again, raised his eyebrows and said, "Continue?"

This provocative posture was also taught by Shi Xiaobai, but the paper farmer is really not good at showing off, so this movement is very stiff!

This pretense was very stiff, but it almost drove Xiba crazy!

Xiba roared angrily and charged forward again.

The story that happened next became Xiba's lifelong nightmare and subverted the cognition of the extraordinary people.

I saw the paper farmer easily disintegrating Xiba's offensive time and time again, throwing Xiba to the ground in a graceful manner, and even throwing him over his shoulder. Every time he knocked Xiba down, he would lift it up. Siba's wrists or ankles, do not let it get down on all fours.

This was merciless teasing and naked humiliation, but the audience had no temper because it already meant the crushing of strength.

At least according to the rules, Xiba has lost countless times!

In the end, Xiba couldn't stand the repeated humiliation and rushed out of the court, pretending to have accidentally failed. Only then did he end this painful situation where he couldn't use his strength or vent his anger.

The paper farmer used his excellent fighting skills to completely defeat Xiba, the fifth-ranked hero among the eight extraordinary warriors!

This is the power of human beings!

The people of the extraordinary race had to admit that humans should not be underestimated in terms of fighting skills.

In their view, humans have proven themselves and attracted their attention.

... ...

After the duel, the paper farmer returned to the audience, but there was not much joy on his face.

Feng Yuanlin asked strangely: "Eh? Why aren't you happy at all?"

The paper farmer sighed and said, "Not perfect."

Liu Yu stood aside and rolled his eyes, "Paper farmer, you have imitated Shi Xiaobai so quickly. This is not perfect enough. Are you so pretentious?"

The paper farmer shook his head and said in a deep voice: "I'm not pretending. Didn't you realize that I can't stand up to that extraordinary warrior? In terms of physical strength, I'm really not on the same level as him. If I punch him, I must be the one who loses. Although I completely defeated it with my fighting skills, this is completely different from what Shi Xiaobai said. I clearly used my strongest to defeat my opponent's weakest."

When the paper farmer said this, Feng Yuanlin and Liu Yu were also stunned. It seemed that this was indeed the case, and they couldn't help but look at Shi Xiaobai.

Shi Xiaobai smiled slightly and said, "That's enough. There's no need to show off. It's enough to prove that humans are awesome."

In fact, Shi Xiaobai was a little disappointed in his heart. According to his idea, if he wanted to complete the perfect pretense of "defeating the opponent's strongest with his weakest", the best scene would be the paper-making farmer fighting Xiba with his fists. Boom, punch it down.

But he is indeed a little naive. Although the paper farmer is a martial arts genius, the physical fitness of humans is indeed far different from that of extraordinary people. It is already good to be able to do this.

Shi Xiaobai did not show his disappointment and encouraged: "Keep working hard. If you can defeat Moya, you will be truly awesome."

Shi Xiaobai felt that his physical strength was increasing at an extremely fast speed as he continued to absorb the energy of the holy tree fruit, and he couldn't help but look forward to it.

When he completely absorbs the fruit of the holy tree, what level of physical strength can he reach

Is it possible to suppress the heroes of the extraordinary race in hand-to-hand combat

... ...

The martial arts tournament is still going on. This afternoon, the top sixty-four will directly determine the only place to challenge the defending champion Lion King, so the schedule is very crowded.

Fortunately, the way to determine the outcome is simple and crude, so each duel takes a relatively short time.

The three paper farmers have completely become the focus of the audience's attention. When they face other alien races, their crushing performance is no different from the heroes of the superhuman race. When they encounter the eight brave men except Moya, they can easily defeat them. .

The audience was extremely disappointed with the eight heroes, but they were full of confidence in Moya. They had been looking forward to what the battle would be like when these three humans met Moya.

However, the three paper farmers were lucky. They did not encounter Moya until the quarterfinals.

Among them, Paper Farmer eliminated two of the Eight Great Braves by himself, Feng Yuanlin eliminated one, and Liu Yu also eliminated one when thirty-two entered sixteen. There was another brave man who was ruthlessly eliminated by Moya.

Therefore, when the game entered the quarterfinals, only three of the eight heroes, including Moya, were left.

This was unthinkable in previous years.

The extraordinary people who witnessed all this with their own eyes began to have some doubts about whether their brave men could really fight against the Demon King's army.

When the fierce competition for eight into four is about to begin.

The Lion King, who was supposed to appear in tomorrow's game, suddenly appeared in the martial arts venue.

At that moment, the audience shut up.

Because everyone can clearly feel the anger exuding from the sudden arrival of the Lion King!

It was an angry look that seemed to destroy everything in front of him.

After the Lion King arrived at the martial arts venue, his eyes scanned all the spectators in the auditorium, his nose flapped, as if he was sniffing something. Suddenly, his eyes fixed on the location of Shi Xiaobai, the paper farmer and others.

Those lustful eyes were like a beast about to go berserk!

... ... .

(This is the two chapters of the 20th. Because people prefer to read them in succession, I finished coding the second update at 5 a.m. on the 21st, and then posted the first update of the 20th in succession. Although sometimes I will update once, but I will never stop updating. In the future, even if I stay up late, I will try to do at least two updates!)