Absolute Choice

Chapter 370: What does he want to do?


The power of the Lion King Fist is incomparable, but Shi Xiaobai has a keen awareness of danger and believes in his own intuition. In addition, his ultimate crab step has gone one step further. Therefore, he can escape in extremely timely manner and at an astonishing speed. With the help of him, he successfully escaped to the edge of damage from Lion King Fist.

The damage edge of the Lion King Fist was like the tail of a storm. Shi Xiaobai was injured all over his body. His clothes were in tatters and he looked quite embarrassed. Fortunately, his physical strength was no longer the same. This punch only hurt him a little. hurt.

Danger alertness, escape speed, and physical strength. If any of the three were lacking, Shi Xiaobai would die without a burial place. The paper farmers would have been killed instantly.

This is how terrifying the Lion King is!

Of course, in the eyes of the extraordinary audience, Shi Xiaobai is truly terrifying. In the duel between fists and Gang, he forced the Lion King to humiliate and give in. After the Lion King used his special move, he was still alive and even stable. Stand firmly.

This human being is as tenacious as a cockroach, which makes people feel unfathomable. It makes the audience of the extraordinary race have a question, "It's over, can the Lion King really defeat this human being?"

However, the situation at this time is still very optimistic for the Lion King.

Although after using a special move like the Lion King Fist, the Lion King needs to rest for at least half an hour before using the Lion King Fist again. Fortunately, although this human being is very tenacious, there is still a huge gap between his attack ability and that of the Lion King. gap!

This human being is completely unable to shake the Lion King's defense!

The Lion King's defense is invincible, but at least it is invincible!

Therefore, the Lion King's victory is inevitable, it is just a matter of time!

The audience of the extraordinary people believed so much, and the Lion King was so confident that even the three paper farmers had solemn expressions on their faces, unable to question this unavoidable question.

After Xu Taibai, no trialist was able to defeat the strengthened Lion King, because the Lion King's defense was so strengthened that it was incredible!

Shi Xiaobai didn't think so.

invincible position

does not exist!

The Lion King sneered: "Come on, human, you can still struggle for a while, use your strongest moves to see if you can make me blink!"

After the Lion King finished speaking, he crossed his arms and ignored Shi Xiaobai.

The audience of the extraordinary race cheered for the Lion King. Although the Lion King was forced to use defense to win, winning this duel is the most important thing now. Now we need to unite the target with the outside world!

Shi Xiaobai shook his head and laughed.

These idiots, dominated by racial superiority, know absolutely nothing about power.

He couldn't break the Lion King's defense

No miracles will happen in this battle

"I never need miracles, because I can create miracles!"

Shi Xiaobai clenched his right fist slightly, the wind suddenly blew up, his figure suddenly moved, and Shi Xiaobai suddenly rushed out at lightning speed!

Everyone couldn't help but open their eyes wide, for fear of missing the next scene.

Where is the upper limit of this human being

His next move may be his strongest method. Can it shake the Lion King's defense

The hearts of the extraordinary audience were confused!

However, the next scene shocked them a little!

Because Shi Xiaobai, who rushed out at a very fast speed, did not rush straight to the lion king, but suddenly turned a corner!

Moreover, Shi Xiaobai did not stop, his figure was as fast as lightning, and suddenly he shuttled through the entire venue!

The wind howled, and the constantly flashing figure was dazzling, but every time he approached the Lion King, he suddenly turned around. He wandered around every corner of the duel field, but did not attack for a long time, as if he did not intend to attack at all!

"What does this human being want to do?"

"He probably knew that he couldn't beat the Lion King, so he was planning to run around and then make a surprise attack."

"Stupid, the Lion King's defense ability relies purely on its strong body. As long as it stands, it is an immovable mountain. No matter how this human sneaks up on him, even if he attacks the Lion King while he is asleep, it will not be able to cause any harm to the Lion King. harm!"

"Haha, this human being is really at his wits' end!"

"Run, run, no matter how you run, it won't help. The Lion King can take a nap!"

The audience of the extraordinary race was extremely happy. Since this human did not choose to attack directly, but ran around in the duel field, it proved that he had no confidence that he could break the Lion King's defense and could only make such a funny struggle!

The three paper farmers did not think so, because based on their understanding of Shi Xiaobai, Shi Xiaobai could not be the kind of despicable person who looked for opportunities to make a sneak attack. His behavior at this time must have his own intentions!

But what is his intention

Feng Yuanlin wondered: "What exactly does Boss Shi Xiaobai want to do? Have you two seen it?"

The paper farmer shook his head and said: "I can't tell, but it should have nothing to do with the sneak attack. The Lion King's defense is purely physical defense, and no matter how good the timing of the attack, it is useless. With Shi Xiaobai's wisdom, he should be very clear about this."

Liu Yu shrugged and said, "Don't guess what donor Shi Xiaobai is thinking!"

The three of them couldn't guess Shi Xiaobai's thoughts.

The Lion King was confident that he had seen through Shi Xiaobai's intention. It sneered: "Stupid human being, if you think it will be effective to seize the moment when I am slack and attack, then you can continue your struggle. I will squint for a while." .”

After the Lion King finished speaking, he closed his eyes!

In previous martial arts competitions, Moya had wanted to rely on his speed to scurry around the venue, and then seize the moment when the opponent was slack and succeed in a sneak attack.

This kind of routine is not surprising to the Lion King. After all, facing its invincible defense and invincible power, the sad weakling can only hold on to the only slim hope!

But is this useful

The Lion King sneered in his heart, it was just a stupid struggle!

Now just wait and see how long this human can continue to struggle!

Now it has enough patience.

Shi Xiaobai's figure was too fast to be seen clearly, and he was still running around in the duel field. His tracks were irregular and he was just running around at will. He only deliberately avoided when approaching the Lion King, and did not frequently visit the Lion King. The king was shaking around, making the audience of extraordinary people gradually doubt whether he really wanted to make a sneak attack.

When will this human attack be launched

Three minutes later

five minutes later

ten minutes later

The ending left everyone speechless. For thirty minutes, this human was actually running around in the duel field the entire time!

What does he want to do

What on earth is he waiting for

For half an hour, all the audience watched this dazzling figure moving continuously, which made their eyes hurt!

Damn it, I’m tired of watching it. Wouldn’t this human being, who keeps moving at high speed the whole time, be tired

The lion king opened his eyes. To be honest, he was tired of waiting.

It felt like it was being played.

This human being is at his wits end and is just trying to delay time!

"Then let me, the king, end this weakling's struggle!"

The Lion King sneered, slowly arched his right arm, and clenched his fist!

Half an hour has passed.

The Lion King has been able to use the second Lion King Fist!