Absolute Choice

Chapter 416: The mission of the devil


The Demon Realm, the Demon King’s palace.

The Queen chuckled and said: "On the contrary, my husband has asked the right person. I am afraid that only I can answer this question."

Shi Xiaobai was stunned for a moment, and his eyes suddenly lit up. The answer to this question probably involved the absolute choice of how to complete this time. He actually didn't have much expectations for the Queen, but he didn't expect that the Queen actually knew the answer. .

Shi Xiaobai couldn't help but asked: "What is the mission of the Demon King?"

The Demon Queen glanced at Shi Xiaobai, covered her mouth and said with a smile: "It seems that my husband really wants to know the answer to this question, so I won't interest you anymore. The mission of the Demon King..."

The Queen said as she walked towards the desk, and suddenly pulled out a shabby book from under the pile of books and handed it to Shi Xiaobai, "Husband, read it yourself."

Shi Xiaobai couldn't help but rolled his eyes. It turned out that the answer to this question could really be found on the desk!

Shi Xiaobai gave the Queen a strange look. Since the answer was in the book on the Devil's desk, why would the Queen say that she was the only one who could answer it? Could it be...

Shi Xiaobai suppressed some speculation in his heart and reached out to take the shabby book. Although he could find this book by searching the desk by himself, it was at the bottom of the stack and it would still take some time.

Shi Xiaobai lowered his head and looked at the dilapidated notebook in his hand. This was an old notebook that was almost rotten, as if it had gone through thousands of years.

Shi Xiaobai opened the book and saw the writing that was almost melting into the black and yellow paper. The mottled rust covered part of the writing, and there were some traces of being eaten by insects.

The handwriting was blurry, but barely legible, and some words were missing, but the general meaning of the words could still be guessed. Shi Xiaobai struggled to read this shabby book.

The book was very thin, with only a dozen pages, and the handwriting was very large, with less than a hundred words per page. Shi Xiaobai was serious and quickly turned to the end, but his mood became heavier in vain.

What is described in this book is a first-person self-narrated story.

The protagonist of the story is Diaba, the prince of a race called Dia. He has been loved by all kinds of people since he was a child and has a happy childhood.

The protagonist has an older brother named Diaji, who is also the prince of the Dia clan. He is his idol and closest playmate that he has admired since childhood.

Diaba's happy life came to an abrupt end when he was sixteen years old. That year, an unknown infectious disease suddenly broke out in the Diaba tribe. The sick tribe members would become extremely ugly, gradually lose their rationality, and become He is violent and crazy, killing people wantonly.

For the survival of the entire Dia tribe, the Dia tribe began to implement isolation and exile, banishing sick tribesmen to isolated areas and leaving them to fend for themselves.

While the quarantine was in full swing, Diaba, the protagonist in the story, was infected!

Logically speaking, it is impossible for Diaba to be infected because he has lived in the palace for a long time and never left the house when the infectious disease broke out. There is no reason for him to be infected!

But there is no way to change the cruel reality. Although Diaba is the prince, half of the Diaba tribe has been exiled due to infectious diseases, and the prince cannot survive.

Diaba was banished to an isolated prison.

The story is a first-person self-narration, so at this time, the author uses one sentence to describe his exile to a desperate place where infected patients gather - "I was exiled to hell."

The book ended abruptly at this point. This simple story was actually quite boring and left too much suspense. However, the author left a sentence on the last page that made Shi Xiaobai suddenly feel heavy.

"Many years later, I realized that it was my brother who had infected me. I was willing to give up the throne for the sake of it..."

Shi Xiaobai sighed softly, looked up at the Queen and said, "What about the second half of the story?"

Naturally, this story is not over yet. What happened after Diaba was exiled to "hell"? It can be seen from "years later" that Diaba did not die from the infectious disease, nor was he killed by the infected patient. He survived with strength, but many years later he learned that his misery was caused by being framed and betrayed by his most respected brother. What would he do

Moreover, what does this story have to do with the Demon King’s mission

Shi Xiaobai's heart was full of questions.

The Queen smiled slightly and said: "The second half of the story is very complicated, but it is also very simple... Not only did Diaba not die, but the tribesmen infected with the strange disease did not die either, and they found a way to survive under Diaba's leadership. The way out was to become another race. When he learned that his infection was framed by Diaji, Diaba became angry and launched a war."

Shi Xiaobai's brows jumped when he heard this, and he said in surprise: "Two races? War? Could it be that..."

The Queen nodded and said: "Yes, as my husband thinks at this moment, the Dia clan is the current God clan, and the ugly clan expelled due to the infectious disease is the current demon clan! Diaji and Diaba are the first ones respectively. Let the God King and the Demon King! The hatred between them ignited the war between the two races! Gods and demons have not been at odds since ancient times, because their relationship started with a disease and a hatred!"

This little book narrates a simple story, but it actually is the origin of the two clans of gods and demons!

"So, what does this have to do with the Demon King's mission?"

Shi Xiaobai asked.

This is the most fundamental problem.

The Demon Queen chuckled and said: "The rise of the Demon King, the birth of the Demon Clan, the beginning of the war, everything is for two words. The mission of all the Demon Kings is of course also these two words - revenge!"

Shi Xiaobai frowned slightly, "Revenge against the gods? Or revenge against the first god king?"

The Demon Queen shook her head and said: "None of them. The Demon King's hatred is against the God King and has nothing to do with other gods. The first God King has died long ago, so for the Demon King at this moment, if we want to talk about mission, , of course, it is revenge against the God King at this moment!"

"Husband, if I am not wrong in my reasoning, the Demon King's mission is... to kill the current God King!"

Shi Xiaobai raised his eyebrows slightly and thought carefully about the rationality of this inference.

Mission refers to the task assigned to a person or the responsibility he should shoulder, and the mission of the devil naturally refers to the responsibility or task shouldered by the devil!

The second Demon King, the third Demon King, and even the Demon King for generations actually inherited the status and will of the first Demon King, so of course they should shoulder the mission given by the first Demon King. This seems to be the Demon King's mission. answer.

Revenge is the mission of the devil! !

And revenge against whom

As the 100th Demon King, it is of course impossible for him to take revenge on Diaji, the first God King, nor on the race with which he is connected by blood. Of course, there is only one target for revenge - the current surviving God King!

There is no problem with this reasoning.

"If you want to complete the mission of absolute choice, you must kill the current God King."

Shi Xiaobai thought about it and felt a headache. Should he kill the God King or should he kill the God King? This question was very confusing.