Absolute Choice

Chapter 452: Is this really Ye Wuqing?


"This marshal is the one you least want to meet - the tower lord!"

Marshal Niubi loudly announced his identity with undisguised arrogance. The above lengthy words contained an astonishing amount of information.

The setting of Shi Xiaobai inexplicably becoming the Demon King and the setting of Li Wuyu becoming the God King were actually a conspiracy arranged by Marshal Niu Bi

The Hero King they thought was a fake trial program turned out to be real? Turns out to be the real King of Heroes who traveled through time three thousand years ago

And the War of Three Kings and all the arrangements made by Marshal Niubi were originally designed to kill the King of Heroes

After Shi Xiaobai and the King of Heroes both suffered losses, were they completely wiped out by it as the tower lord

A series of shocking information stunned all the trialists from the human world. Naturally, they would not simply believe Marshal Niubi's one-sided words, but they could not deny that if these pieces of information were connected in series, they could get the most reasonable solution. the truth.

If the Hero King is a real existence that traveled through time and space, it can explain the sense of disobedience that has always existed. If Marshal Niubi is the tower lord, then as the ruler of this layer, he does have the ability and right to design such a tower. The conspiracy was laid out, and when both Shi Xiaobai and the King of Heroes were hurt, they did have enough power to completely obliterate them.

The fact that Shi Xiaobai and the King of Heroes disappeared without a trace also seemed to prove that what Marshal Niu Bi said was true, because it was impossible for the two proud people to choose to use the exit command at the same time, but they disappeared from this world, so besides being completely wiped out , it seems difficult to find a better explanation.

Are Shi Xiaobai and the King of Heroes really... really dead

Everyone suddenly felt their bodies become cold, as if they were in a world of ice and snow.

But at this moment, Ye Wuqing was the first to take action.

Just as Marshal Niu Bi finished speaking, Ye Wuqing suddenly pulled out the silver sword from the scabbard and ran towards Marshal Niu Bi.

She was always calm, but her eyes showed a rare look of panic, but her worry and panic did not affect her making the most correct judgment.

Whether Shi Xiaobai survives or not is a determined outcome, and it cannot be changed no matter how panicked he is.

But if Shi Xiaobai is still alive, knowing his situation as quickly as possible may be able to save him from the crisis he is in. And if you want to know the truth, the simplest and most direct way is naturally - from the mouth of the culprit. Pry out the truth of the matter.

In short, the best thing to do at this moment is to knock down Marshal Niubi as quickly as possible and force him to tell the truth.

Defeat it, even if it is the tower lord who is regarded as a nightmare by the trialists!

Ye Wuqing's eyes were sharp and firm, like a sharp sword that determined the direction.

"Nice look."

Marshal Niubi sneered. He obviously didn't expect that one of these ant-like testers would resist so quickly. I really don't know whether to call her courageous or reckless.

Ye Wuqing's running method is not like Shi Xiaobai and Li Chenxi who rely on short bursts to move as fast as lightning. Her running is fast and steady, and the swing of her legs back and forth forms an afterimage, but she looks particularly solid and flowing. The wind is winding like an elf, and the slightly lowered body is like a running cheetah, which is in sharp contrast to the usual tranquility.

Suddenly, countless amber light particles floated from the earth and quickly gathered in the long sword in Ye Wuqing's hand. A layer of amber light surrounded the girl.

Ye Wuqing actually activated the power of the sword directly, and her eagerness for a quick victory was evident.


The paper farmer's eyes widened slightly and he murmured to himself: "Super promotion... Her obsession with swordsmanship is actually stronger than before?"

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple are called the seven colors of the rainbow. The seven colors of the rainbow are the class divisions of most power systems, because the strength of most "powers" will be directly reflected in the colors. This theory is called It is the "Seven Colors of the Rainbow Law".

The brilliance of the power of the sword actually follows the "law of seven colors of the rainbow". The colors it presents reflect the degree of obsession with the sword and the level of the power of the sword. Among red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple, red is the lowest. And purple is the strongest.

But "power" is like stars, and there will naturally be some colors of power that transcend the seven colors of the rainbow, such as Shi Xiaobai's golden swordsmanship.

Generally speaking, colors other than the seven colors of the rainbow are considered to be beyond purple, but how much beyond it is unknown. Therefore, the colors outside the seven colors of the rainbow are collectively called "super-level colors". There is no clear definition of super-level colors. High and low.

The power of kendo does not belong to the system of "power", but to the "transformation system". Therefore, the color of kendo does not mean the strength of the power, but a question of conversion rate, which affects the degree of conversion of mental power into power. , if red can convert 10% of mental power into power, then purple may be able to convert 30%. Although it does not affect the upper and lower limits of personal power, in terms of efficiency, the color of swordsmanship obviously occupies a higher An absolute advantage.

However, it is extremely difficult to advance in the color of swordsmanship, because it is not an improvement in strength, but a sublimation of obsession. It cannot be improved by accumulation and training. Generally speaking, it is difficult for a swordsman to advance to one level in his lifetime.

But Ye Wuqing's sword color has advanced. I don't know when, the super level has been promoted to amber beyond the seven colors of the rainbow!

This does not mean that Ye Wuqing's strength has skyrocketed. In fact, the impact is not big. It is just that the conversion of sword power is smoother and more efficient than before. But why Ye Wuqing can achieve super promotion is an intriguing question. question, because this means that her obsession with swordsmanship is more than twice as strong as before!

The papermaker has always regarded Ye Wuqing as an opponent to chase, so he has always paid attention to her level of strength. He was inevitably shocked, because in his understanding, since Ye Wuqing, who had a good impression of Shi Xiaobai, found her If she has other hobbies, then her obsession with swordsmanship will naturally decrease. How could her obsession with swordsmanship not decrease but increase

This is actually the reason why the paper farmer hated Shi Xiaobai at first. He always believed that this young man who made Ye Qingqing fall in love would weaken the target he had been chasing.

But the reality seems to be exactly the opposite.

... ...

When the paper farmer was shocked and confused, Ye Wuqing had already crossed tens of thousands of meters and rushed in front of Marshal Niu Bi.

Unwilling to wait for a moment, she directly chose the riskiest close combat.

Those bright eyes were not as calm and dull as before, their gaze was sharp and fierce, with a strong and persistent will.

What's even more ferocious is her sword.

The amber light exploded, and the silver sword was suddenly slashed out. This sword abandoned all the gorgeous moves and was simple and direct, so it was very rough.

In a real life-and-death battle, extra sword skills will become a burden, causing unnecessary delays and loopholes. Although simple and crude sword techniques like this have no aesthetic appeal, they are also the most practical killing sword techniques.

The silver long sword slashed out countless sharp sword energies, like countless bloody lotuses suddenly blooming!

A trace of surprise flashed in Marshal Niu Bi's eyes, but his expression remained calm. He took a step forward, and the bloody battle ax that appeared in his hand at some point slashed through it in the same simple and crude way!

The bloody battle ax chopped the air into pieces, and a space crack like spider silk pushed forward like a sound wave!


The collision of power exploded the surrounding air, and bright cracks spread out on the earth with Ye Wuqing and Marshal Niu Bi as the centers. Sand and dust were raised by the storm and filled the sky.

Yu Wei's catharsis had just begun, but Ye Wuqing's next sword had already been slashed out again. She only took a slight step back and withstood the waves caused by the collision.

This sword is still simple and crude, but it seems to be even more ferocious than before.

Marshal Niubi did not panic, and calmly blocked the sword with his battle ax again.

Ye Wuqing's figure appeared behind Marshal Niu Bi in the next moment, and the sharp sword energy seemed to cut off the world.

Marshal Niu Bi raised his eyebrows slightly, but did not turn around or even look back. He roared, and the skin on his back was suddenly covered with a layer of bright bronze. The sword energy slashed on it with a clang, and even a trace of wound was left. Not cut.

This move is similar to psychic hardening, but the defensive capabilities are not on the same level at all.

Ye Wuqing activated the power of swordsmanship and even chose the most brutal killing swordsmanship to raise her power to the extreme. However, she could not even break through the defense of Marshal Niubi's bronze hardened skin.

But even so, there was never a trace of discouragement in those amber eyes.

Ye Wuqing just moved a step, and the next sword was already slashed. No, the next sword was slashed in different directions at the same moment.

She realized that her strength was not enough to break through Marshal Niubi's defense, so she immediately adopted a strategy of speed suppression.

The 30,000 spectators were once again stunned. In the empty land, they saw the girl in green moving at an extremely fast speed, leaving behind a series of blue afterimages. At the same time, a series of swift sword shadows slashed at Niu from all directions. Marshal Bi, Marshal Niu Bi was suppressed in place and could not move at all. The bronze skin kept flickering and changing all over his body, but gradually, based on the speed of the girl, wounds of different depths were slowly cut out!

Marshal Niu Bi roared angrily. Its strength and defense were quite amazing, but Ye Wuqing's simple and crude but exquisite swordsmanship was too unreasonable!

The quiet swordsman is roaring with his soul!

At this moment, the beautiful girl in green clothes was no longer the calm blue lotus in the storm in the past, but the raging storm.

"Hey, is this really Ye Wuqing?"

Li Wuyu looked at the dumbfounded Li Wuyu and said, "Why is it completely different from the rumors?"