Absolute Choice

Chapter 456: So, die!


There are countless entrances to trial lands in the human world, most of which are hidden in the turbulent space that humans cannot yet enter. A small number of them have been discovered and used by humans for various reasons.

There are actually tens of thousands of available entrances just at the tip of the iceberg, but only a handful of them are well-known to the world. Among them, five extremely important trial places are known as the "Five Stairs."

In fact, the "Five Ladders" refer to the five most important realms in the spiritual energy system - the spiritual mortal realm, the spiritual soul realm, the spiritual power realm, the spiritual domain realm, and the spiritual king realm. The corresponding five trial places are actually the most authoritative trial places with limited levels that exactly match these five realms.

Among them, it belongs to the "ladder" of the spiritual mortal realm, and the most authoritative trial place in the spiritual mortal realm is the Nine-turn Extraordinary Tower.

This is also the only "staircase" located in the Xia Kingdom. It is the most famous trial place in the Xia Kingdom, and it is also a trial that newcomers to the spiritual world around the world are eager to experience.

Who created the Nine-turn Extraordinary Tower and when it was created are secrets that have long been buried in the dust of history.

However, there is historical data to prove that the Nine Transformations Transcendent Tower has existed for at least 10,000 years.

In these ten thousand years, countless batches of trialists have been experienced, and the program data has been refreshed countless times, but there are still a few special existences that have not been changed, standing at the apex of each layer of the world like eternal life. Bringing constant fear to the trialists, they are called tower lords.

In the nine-layer world, there are nine tower-layer lords. In the long ten thousand years, except for the lord of the fourth layer who was killed by the King of Heroes and the lord of the third layer who was "replaced" for some reasons, the other seven lords still remain. The same seven lords.

Although this is related to the time when the tower lords are stipulated to appear. The more powerful the trialist, the smaller the chance of encountering the tower lords, because they are often in the leading queue, but these seven tower lords can exist for ten thousand years. The fact that they are not eliminated shows how powerful they are against just trialists in the spiritual realm.

"Yes, in the human world, the tower lord may not be very powerful, but compared to the trialists of the spiritual realm, they are simply invincible. It is impossible for the trialists of the spiritual realm to defeat the tower lord. If you encounter a tower lord, you must run away and pray that you are lucky enough to escape."

The above was Liu Yu's initial understanding, and it was also the understanding of most of the trial participants.

But I don’t know when this understanding started, and it gradually collapsed.

Is it from the moment when the tower lord Thousand-Eyed Demon Lord on the third floor was "captured" by Shi Xiaobai

Or was it the moment when the news of Shi Xiaobai killing four tower lords bombarded the entire trial land

Liu Yu couldn't determine when exactly his impression of the tower lord dropped from "invincible" to "maybe possible to defeat".

But he was certain that at this moment, his awe of the tower lord had completely collapsed.

The Marshal Niu Bi who spoke nonsense as soon as he appeared on the stage, announced a shocking conspiracy, claimed to be the tower lord, and wanted to kill all the trialists, made Liu Yu feel disappointed, but at the same time he saw the hope of victory.

I originally thought that without the help of monsters like Shi Xiaobai and Li Wuyu, they would be easily crushed or even killed in one blow, but they never expected that the battle would be like this.

Ye Wuqing alone forced Marshal Niu Bi to passively defend.

When he, Mu Yuesheng, Feng Yuanlin, Mu Lengxi and the paper farmers joined in one after another, the situation became one-sided. Marshal Niu Bi, who threatened to kill them all, except for swinging an ax at the beginning, later... Half-kneeling on the ground, he held his head and defended. Although his defensive ability was still amazing, he was already beaten and scarred after being besieged for several minutes. He looked shaky and might fall down at any time due to serious injuries.

Liu Yu's brows gradually wrinkled.

"What's going on? How could the tower lord be so weak?"

"In the materials I have read, although the description of the tower lord on the seventh floor is not detailed, they all say that it is the most difficult lord among the first seven floors. How can it be so weak? And the image in the description is inconsistent with this The appearance of the horned warrior is completely different. Could it be that this is actually a fake tower lord?"

"No, the image can be disguised and the strength can be hidden. We cannot conclude that it is a fake tower lord."

"But, why? He exposed such a conspiracy, and even claimed to have killed Shi Xiaobai to attract hatred, but did not have the corresponding strength to deal with it. Isn't this a clear attempt to commit suicide? Is it masochism? Or is it simply overestimation? Have you lost your own strength?"

"No, that doesn't make sense. It's too inconsistent."

"Let's use the hypothetical method. Assume that it is the real tower lord. It has disguised its image and hidden its strength. The passive beating is just an illusion. The shaky appearance is also fake. Then, what is its purpose?"

"What is its conspiracy?"

Liu Yu is an out-and-out conspiracy theorist, and he is never afraid of his enemies with the most malicious speculation.

When a story progresses too smoothly, it is often just the foreshadowing of the next turning point.

Calm waves are mostly just the calm before the storm.

Liu Yu threw the talisman and attacked while turning his mind to think about the situation at the moment.

Contrary to the thoughtful Liu Yu, Feng Yuanlin, who has never been good at using his brain, did not feel the weirdness at this time. He waved the hard shield in his hand and kept hitting Marshal Niu Bi's back, while excitedly He shouted: "Come on, everyone, work harder, this stupid cow can't bear it anymore!"

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Marshal Niubi is already in the wind, because he is on his knees at this moment, vomiting smelly black blood from his mouth, and his scarred body is constantly shaking as he withstands the attack.

But except for Feng Yuanlin, the faces of the other people were not good-looking. Although they did not think as deeply as Liu Yu, they also saw the strangeness of the matter.

They seemed to be almost winning, but they were winning a little too weirdly.

Although Ye Wuqing activated the power of the sword throughout the whole process and used the simplest and crudest killing swordsmanship, it was indeed full of oppression. Even Li Wuyu, who was recovering from his injuries in the distance, had to admit that at this time, even he could not It must be taken seriously.

But it was too far-fetched for Ye Wuqing to suppress the tower lord by herself.

Moreover, due to Ye Wuqing's constantly moving close-range attack mode, in order not to affect her, the attacks of the other people were somewhat timid and did not dare to use their full strength. With this combination, the tower lord could be hugged. He had his head on his knees and didn't dare to fight back. No matter how he thought about it, it was a bit too fake.

Except for Feng Yuanlin, who didn't think at all, and Ye Wuqing, who simply gave up thinking, the others all felt that something was wrong.

But Ye Wuqing's storm-like attacks that refused to stop for a moment made them dare not stop at all. They could only follow her rhythm and attack non-stop.

This girl in green, who only has eyes for the sword and a certain boy, is the calmest when everyone is confused and takes the most correct action as quickly as possible, but she becomes the most confused when everyone gradually calms down, and as time goes by , the worried mood will breed more intense anxiety.

Every sword strike of the girl in green seemed to be roaring the same question silently.

Where is Shi Xiaobai


Where is it?


When the silver-white long sword finally pierced the hardened bronze skin and the broken armor, half of the blade pierced into Marshal Niubi's chest, missing the filthy heart by just a hair. At this moment, Ye Wuqing finally stopped. She slowly breathed out a cold breath and a hot word.

"Shi Xiaobai, where are you?"

Ye Wuqing asked, shaking the long sword in her hand slightly. The meaning was very obvious. If Marshal Niu Bi's answer did not satisfy her, she would not hesitate to stab its heart with the long sword.

Marshal Niubi, who appeared with a contemptuous attitude ten minutes ago, was now a complete loser. There was only a hairsth between his dying life and the edge of death. It was really embarrassing.

However, even in such an embarrassing situation, Marshal Niubi was still the arrogant Marshal Niubi, and a mocking smile slowly appeared on his ugly face that was a little ferocious and twisted due to pain.

"Where? Of course it is the eternal hell! Be sad! Be sad! The boy you love is dead!"

Marshal Niubi laughed maniacally, his eyes full of madness, "Do you want revenge? What are you still hesitating about? One centimeter away, just one centimeter further forward, you can vent the anger and hatred in your heart, and Is there an easier escape than this? Come on, kill this marshal!"

It’s hard to tell from his crazy appearance whether he is not afraid of death at all, or he is hysteria that has bottomed out.

No matter whether it is the 30,000 spectators who have already been stunned, or the testers, they can't help but take a breath at Marshal Niu Bi's madness.

But Ye Wuqing was unmoved, her cold eyes and frozen expression did not change at all. She was silent for a moment, and said as if talking to herself: "He is still alive, and you can't kill him with your strength. But you know where he is, and if I kill you, I won’t get the answer, but if I don’t kill you, you won’t tell me the answer.”

Marshal Niubi joked: "So?"

Ye Wuqing slowly raised his head, seeming to have firmed up a certain idea, "Whether I kill you or not, you will not tell me where he is. Then, I can only wait, no matter where he is, no matter what danger he encounters , all I can do is wait and firmly believe that he will not die."

"I believe in him. No matter how long I wait, it doesn't matter. If you are willing to tell me where is the best place for him, forget it if you don't. For me, the value of your existence is only this."

"So, die."

After a period of logical thinking that was neither too long nor too complicated, the girl who was not calm came to a conclusion and answered the sentence "So" with the coldest answer.

So, die.

At this moment, Ye Wuqing no longer hesitated.

It was also at this moment that Liu Yu, who had never stopped thinking, caught a hint of a smile from the corner of Marshal Niu Bi's mouth. The tangled thoughts were like untied knots, and all doubts were pierced in an instant.

Almost like roaring, Liu Yu immediately shouted anxiously.

"Stop! You can't kill it!"