Absolute Choice

Chapter 469: It takes ten minutes to complete the amazing operation (six thousand words!)


How did Li Wuyu and the others do it

I believe that not only the earthly yaksha and the shadow ghost are puzzled, I am afraid that the big guys in the three-dimensional world are also confused at this time, and they may even be tempted to ask - "What kind of strange development is this?" , "Is there still such a naughty operation?", "Come on, author, it's time for us to have a serious talk."

Well, based on the professional ethics of telling the story clearly, it is definitely not for the sake of low word count, definitely not for the sake of low word count, and it is definitely not for the sake of low word count. Important things must be said three times! (Finally, I happily finished the word count.)

Ahem... Anyway, in order to tell the story clearly, let us go back ten minutes ago, to the time when the Shadow Ghost just appeared and released a wave of poison written as "despair" and read as "trailing teammates". A moment.

At that time, the shadow ghost suddenly appeared and performed a magnificent show of magic, directly immobilizing the seven Li Wuyu people, and announced three pieces of information that could not be judged to be true or false, but it was indeed disappointing.

First, because Marshal Niubi is not the eye of the formation, killing Marshal Niubi cannot break the God-killing formation. Their efforts are destined to be in vain.

Secondly, the identity of this black flying thing is actually the tower lord of the ninth floor. They have to fight against three tower lords now.

Third, the exit command was disabled, and "that person" with such super authority was the mastermind, and "that person" was determined to kill them.

Three pieces of information successfully weaved the web of despair.

Li Wuyu could not judge whether the information was true or false, but judging from the current situation, these three pieces of information were most likely true.

Although these three desperate messages are mixed with the only information that is beneficial to them-the God-killing Formation can be cracked by destroying the Eye of Formation.

But this only beneficial information is of no help in the current situation. At this moment when seven people are restrained at the same time, unless strong support appears to get them out, nothing can be done.

They can no longer protect themselves, let alone save Shi Xiaobai.

At that moment, even Li Wuyu felt helpless and fell into a pessimistic mood.

But at that moment, a familiar voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

"Hey, hey, hey... Speechless donor, can you hear me?"

At first, Li Wuyu thought he was experiencing auditory hallucinations or hallucinations, because the sound clearly did not come from his ears, but sounded directly from his head.

But soon, the voice called again, and Li Wuyu finally realized a possibility.

He tried to respond with his own thoughts.

"Liu Yu?"

When he responded, a sound of relief immediately sounded in his mind, and then the voice said this in his mind.

"Huh, it's Pindao... Listen, the reason why you can hear Pindao's voice now is because of Pindao's superpower - 'Conscious Communication'. The function of this superpower is probably to communicate with people within a certain distance. Awareness conversations for those who say no.”

Li Wuyu was stunned for a moment, but immediately came up with a sudden idea because of this new information, so he couldn't help shouting in his mind: "Wow haha! Liu Yu, your superpower is... simply a fortress! You are worthy of it." He’s a man with ‘Yu’ in his name just like me!”

Liu Yu suddenly felt ashamed and said with a bitter smile: "This power is too useless in combat. I have always felt that it is a pity to throw it away if it is tasteless. I didn't expect that it would be useful at this time..."

"Somewhat useful? You are so humble. This power of yours may be able to save us all!" Li Wuyu said excitedly.

"Really? I racked my brains and couldn't think of any other solution now, so I tried to communicate with your consciousness... Well, Silent Donor, have you already thought of a solution!?" Liu Yuhuai He said with anticipation in his mind.

"Well, I've come up with a way that might work, but it's better than being unable to do anything... Oh, by the way, can your power only allow two people to communicate with each other? "Li Wuyu said.

"In the beginning, it was true that there could only be two people, but after Pindao's practice and improvement, it is now possible to connect to a consciousness and communicate with the common consciousness of three people. However, three people is the limit of Pindao's current ability." Liu Yu said.

"Only three people are enough. At least it saves the process of transmitting information. Without further delay, you can connect Ye Wuqing's consciousness now. I don't know how long the three lords will leave us." Li said silently.

"Okay!" Liu Yu responded.

A second later, Liu Yu said again: "Okay, picked up."

"Hey, Ye Wuqing, can you hear me?" Li Wuyu immediately tried to call.

"Huh?" Ye Wuqing's slightly confused voice sounded in the minds of Li Wuyu and Liu Yu at the same time.

"I am Li Wuyu. We are currently communicating with the consciousness of three people through Liu Yu's powers. Do you understand?" Li Wuyu did not waste time and immediately informed Ye Wuqing of the current situation in the most direct way.

"Yeah." Ye Wuqing responded, neither surprised nor as excited as Li Wuyu. It was obvious that her thoughts were not here.

"Ye Wuqing, I know you are very anxious now. You must be the most anxious person facing this situation, because instead of resolving your own crisis, what you are more anxious to do is to rescue Shi Xiaobai. However, you must now Calm down, listen, I have a way that may be able to save everyone, even Shi Xiaobai, and the most critical step of this method must be implemented by you, and only you! For this, you must calm yourself down Come down, no matter how difficult it is, you must force yourself to calm down... Now, Ye Wuqing, in order to save everyone, no, even if it is just to save Shi Xiaobai, can you calm down?"

Li Wuyu said this, even if time was of the essence, he still tried his best to persuade. Obviously, whether Ye Wuqing could calm down was a very important key.

In this regard, Ye Wuqing was silent for only a second before giving a firm answer.

"Say a way."

Ye Wuqing did not answer yes or no, but Li Wuyu knew that even if "can't", she would turn it into "can". If this was the way to save Shi Xiaobai, she would force herself to do it no matter what. .

"Since 'Mirror Imitation' will be triggered passively, I know that the shadow that binds us now is called 'Shackles of Shadow', and I also know the release principle of 'Shackles of Shadow'. In fact, 'Shackles of Shadow' does not bind us. The body is an illusion created by two superpositions!" Li Wuyu said.

"Two overlaps plus illusion? What is that?" Before Ye Wuqing could say anything, Liu Yu couldn't help but ask.

"It can be understood as a double dream. In fact, our consciousness is in the dream created by the first illusion at this time, but the second illusion deceives us that we are in reality. The purpose is to make us not know that we are in The illusion was cast. The prerequisite for this double-overlapping illusion is to use the shadow to capture the shadow of the person being cast. In principle, the illusion can be broken as long as the shadow contact is cut off, but none of the seven of us can do this, let alone We can't place our hopes on non-existent reinforcements, so what we have to do is to break away from the double illusion by our own will!" Li Wuyu tried his best to explain this slightly complicated concept in the most understandable terms.

"How to break free?" Ye Wuqing immediately asked the key point of the matter.

"We must first break away from the second illusion, that is, see through the false reality used to disguise the first illusion. The simplest way is to keep telling ourselves 'this is not reality' to achieve the effect of hypnotizing ourselves. This step requires firmness Self-belief can only be achieved by those who believe in themselves extremely. Ye Wuqing, among the seven of us, you and I are the only ones who can break away from the second illusion in a short period of time." Li Wuyu did not intend to explain why only he and Ye Wuqing was able to break away from the second illusion in a short time, but this was well-founded.

The basis for this is that when faced with the soul pressure of Dixing Yaksha, only he and Ye Wuqing were able to act normally, while the other five people were more or less affected. The reason why he was able to do this was because he had received "stress resistance training" since childhood. However, Ye Wuqing overcame the oppression of the soul's pressure completely by relying on her own will and belief.

This girl who rarely takes the initiative to talk to others is not afraid of strangers or aloof, but because her mind is too mature. Perhaps as the paper farmer said, Ye Wuqing, like Shi Xiaobai, is still young but has a mind close to that of a monster. Freaks, they can see through the essence of many things at a glance, as well as the darkness that is blocked by the light. Shi Xiaobai faces this with a positive attitude, while Ye Wuqing chooses to ignore it and stay away from things that have nothing to do with the sword. world.

"Then?" Ye Wuqing said, interrupting Li Wuyu's sudden thoughts.

"Then... After breaking free from the second illusion, we will enter the dream created by the first illusion, and our true consciousness is there. The first illusion is the orthodox inner magic illusion. Through It amplifies the inner demons of the user and makes the user fall into the most terrifying nightmare cycle. Therefore... the way to break free from the first illusion is to defeat one's own inner demons."

Li Wuyu said this, paused slightly, suddenly sighed, and said apologetically: "Sorry, there is an inner demon that is difficult to defeat deep in my heart. It is an inner demon that I cannot defeat in a short time. So. , the only person left who can break free of the second illusion and the first illusion and break the 'shackles of shadow' with personal power is you, Ye Wuqing."

"I understand." Ye Wuqing said.

"Now, Ye Wuqing, I don't know what your inner demon is, and I don't know if that inner demon is as difficult for you to defeat as it is for me, but we can only place our hope on you, so... ... Ye Wuqing, are you confident that you can defeat your biggest inner demon?"

Li Wuyu chose his words carefully. He knew how shameless and cowardly it was to put almost all the burden of saving everyone on Ye Wuqing. But other than that, he really had no other choice, because if If he can't even break free from the "shackles of shadow", then his next plan is just empty talk.

"I can... No, I definitely can!" Ye Wuqing gave this answer.

Hearing Ye Wuqing's answer, Li Wuyu immediately realized that he had asked a stupid question.

For Ye Wuqing, no matter whether she can defeat her inner demons or not, she will answer "yes" and give a "certain" answer, because that is the only way to save Shi Xiaobai, so even if her inner demons are No matter how hard it is to defeat the demon, no matter how scared and flinched the inner demon once made her, she will try her best to defeat it now and defeat herself who once chose to escape.

Ye Wuqing is such a handsome girl!

"If only I could be as brave as her."

Li Wuyu thought so, and his heart ached as if he was being strangled by a knife. He recalled that rainy night that he might never forget for the rest of his life. It was the inner demon that he did not have the courage to face at this moment, making him act like a coward. Choose to escape the nightmare.

Li Wuyu quickly adjusted his emotions, because the most important task had been entrusted to Ye Wuqing, so he had to do his best to arrange the next matters.

"Ye Wuqing, after you break free of the 'shackles of shadow', you have to wait for the opportunity to complete two things."

Li Wuyu said quickly: "First, if Marshal Niu Bi is about to recover or has already recovered, find a way to make him completely lose combat effectiveness in a short period of time. Second, there is no time for the Earthly Yaksha and the Shadow Ghost to react. Use the 'Sky-Shielding Sword' on the nodes of the shadow tentacles. I have seen your brother use the 'Sky-Shielding Sun-Shielding Sword'. The black sword energy of this sword can block light, as long as the sunlight on the tentacle nodes is blocked. , we can break the 'shackles of shadow' on us. If I remember correctly, the 'Sword that covers the sky and the sun' is a move in the Ye family's sword art, you should be able to use it, right?"

"Okay." Even though he had only practiced a few times, Ye Wuqing still answered in the affirmative without hesitation.

"That's good, if everything goes well, if all seven of us are freed from the shackles of the 'shackles of shadow', then please go and contain the Earthly Yaksha immediately. I will rely on the ability of mirror imitation to contain the shadow ghost, and then... ...The plan to save Shi Xiaobai has officially begun! This time, I will definitely deploy the plan to the most perfect level. Although I have failed several times before, I still ask you to believe me... I , No, I will definitely bring Shi Xiaobai back to you!" Li Wuyu said.

"Okay, please." Sensing the sincerity in Li Wuyu's words, Ye Wuqing chose to believe him again and made a rare request like "please".

"Thank you... Then please take care of the task of rescuing all seven of us!"

Li Wuyu responded with the same sincere "please", and then said to another person who had not had a chance to interrupt for a long time.

"Liu Yu, cut off the connection with Ye Wuqing, and then... connect with the paper farmer!"

... ...

After more than ten seconds of explanation, the paper farmer who was connected to the three people’s consciousness communication quickly understood the current situation.

"So, what is my mission?" asked the paper farmer.

"Assuming that Marshal Niubi loses his combat effectiveness and we successfully contain the Dixing Yaksha and the Shadow Ghost, then we will have the ability to rescue Shi Xiaobai, but the prerequisite for rescuing Shi Xiaobai is... to find out the Shadow Ghost and declare that we are basically The eye of the formation that cannot be found. And the only person who can do this is you, paper farmer!" Li Wuyu said.

"Only I can do this? No way?... Huh? Huh! You, you, are you..." The paper farmer was confused for half a second, and then realized something. , suddenly became a little panicked.

"Yes, I know what your hidden power is, and I also know the reason why you are called Changshan's paper farmer! Well, summoning cute paper cranes from the palm of your hand really doesn't suit you. A consistent image, but there is no need to be so resistant. You know, contrasting cuteness is also an important part of shaping a character..." Li Wuyu couldn't help but laugh as he spoke.

"Damn it! I obviously only used it a few times when I was a child. How on earth did you learn such private information?" The paper farmer couldn't calm down anymore.

"Well, don't worry about these unimportant details... Anyway, I won't tell anyone else. This is a secret between the two of us." Li Wuyu said.

When Liu Yu heard this, he couldn't help complaining in his heart - although he did only play a role similar to "passing the microphone", there were obviously three people, okay!

And the "secret between two people" is too fake. When the paper farmer uses his superpower, even the 30,000 soy sauced three-race audience will know it clearly, right

"Back to business."

Li Wuyu quickly stopped joking and said: "If I guessed correctly, your power should be similar to the summoning spell in the magic system. You should be able to command the paper cranes you summoned and interact with them. Maintain conscious contact and receive feedback from them...right?"

"Well, your guess is correct." The paper farmer immediately calmed himself down.

"That's good! Let's talk about your mission. Paper farmer, when we are fighting the tower lord, you take the opportunity to sneak away from the battlefield, preferably in a blind spot outside the battlefield, and then use your abilities. , summon Qianzhihe to find the Eye of Formation. No one knows how deep the so-called Eye of Formation is hidden, so there is no way to predict how long it will take to find the Eye of Formation, but no matter how long it takes, we will I will try my best to contain the tower lord and give you enough time. No matter what, I will persist until you find him!" Li Wuyu's tone was firm and decisive.

"Understood, I will find the Eye of the Formation as soon as possible." The paper farmer said, no need for any exaggerated words of assurance, the assurance coming from the mouth of this domineering young man was enough to make people believe it.

"Thank you, then the task of finding the Eye of Formation is up to you!"

Li finished speechlessly, and then gave someone a pitifully small but crucial role again.

"Liu Yu! Next, connect to Mu Lengxi!"

... ... .

"Wow! Conscious communication! Well, brother Liu Yu, why didn't you tell me earlier? This power is simply tailor-made for Xiaoxi!"

Mu Lengxi was extremely excited. For a chatty person who couldn't speak, communicating through writing was simply a painful thing, but communicating with one's consciousness allowed one to speak freely. Such a thing was so wonderful and happy that "Taoist Liu Yu" was upgraded to "Brother Liu Yu" in her heart.

"..." Liu Yu was speechless and reluctantly gave up the precious opportunity to speak a line.

"Okay, let's be quiet for a while. Anyway, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future, and Liu Yu won't run away!" Li Wuyu said.

"Oh, okay, let's get down to business. So... what is my mission?" At such a critical moment, Mu Lengxi certainly would not be too willful.

The brother and sister reached a consensus at once. Regarding this, Liu Yu wanted to tell them loudly, could they ask Pindao for his opinion? Frequent use of consciousness communication will also be very tiring, okay

"Let's put it this way..."

Li Wuyu thought about the words and said: "The soul pressure of the earthly yaksha will pose a great threat to everyone's actions, and your... singing can not only eliminate the influence of the soul pressure, but also effectively limit the actions of the earth. Yaksha's actions, so... "

"Isn't it just singing? No problem, leave it to me!" Mu Lengxi interrupted Li Wuyu's somewhat hesitant words.

"But if you sing, your voice..." Li Wuyu sighed, and this was where he hesitated.

Although Mu Lengxi has the talent of a "singer", singing will make her already difficult-to-control "speech spirit" become more irritable, so every time she sings a song, her hope of being able to speak normally decreases. .

"Brother, what are you still worried about now? It's already an incurable disease anyway, no matter how bad it gets, it doesn't matter! If we can save everyone and Brother Xiaobai, there's nothing to worry about such a small thing. "Mu Lengxi said with a smile.

"You!" Li Wuyu had known that his sister would answer like this, but hearing her pretending not to care about her words still made him feel very distressed. His sister was a chatterbox who couldn't stop talking once she started talking. She clearly longs for the day when she can speak normally more than anyone else.

"Wow, are you done talking about the business? Hello, brother Liu Yu, brother Liu Yu, are you here? Are you there? Are you there?" However, the mind of the girl who was being worried was no longer here.

"In..." The girl's call was too fierce, and Liu Yu had no choice but to respond.

"That... If consciousness communication can be between three people, brother Liu Yu, can you... next time... that... Well, Xiaoxi has a lot to say to... .." Mu Lengxi suddenly became shy, and it was obvious that what she wanted to say made the girl a little embarrassed to speak.

"You want to communicate with Shi Xiaobai's consciousness, right?" Liu Yu was worthy of being a profound Taoist priest, and he immediately revealed the truth.

"Ah...but, is it okay?" the girl asked timidly.

"Of course... Of course it's no problem." Of course Liu Yu couldn't refuse, although in doing so he not only had to act as a "mouthpiece" without any sense of existence, but also had to eat cold dog food. But he really couldn't refuse this cute and pitiful girl. However, at this moment, Liu Yu inexplicably missed the little junior sister who timidly asked him, "Can Taoist priests get married?"

"Yeah! Thank you, brother Liu Yu!" the girl cheered.


Li Wuyu finally spoke. Although he was not an evil "sister control", it was still very complicated to watch his grown-up sister finally find someone she liked.

"Next! Connect to the Wind Yuan Scale!"

... ... .

"Anyway, you, Ye Wuqing and Liu Yu, use a triangular position to surround the ground and try to contain it. Oh, to be precise, you are a feint attack. In fact, your real mission is to protect my sister. Do you understand? ?" Li Wuyu said.

"Obviously... I understand." Feng Yuanlin always felt that Li Wuyu seemed to be in a bad mood, and immediately did not dare to ask more questions, saying that he understood.

"Well, that's good, let's go next."

Li Wuyu said, suddenly paused.

"Well, this is the end. Liu Yu, connect..."