Absolute Choice

Chapter 470: Welcome back (five thousand words!)


"How on earth did you do that!?"

The memory ends and time returns to the moment when Di Xing Yaksha made a surprised sound.

Of course, Dixing Yaksha could not have imagined that a Taoist priest who seemed inconspicuous to it could actually play the trump card of "conscious communication" to turn a corner, so it could not have guessed in any case what happened in those precious ten minutes given by them. What a complex change.

The script planned by Li Wuyu was performed without any mistakes. It can even be said that the development went much smoother than he expected.

Ye Wuqing completed the most critical and difficult task perfectly, and the paper farmers lived up to their efforts and found the location of the formation eye in such a short time.

So, next, there is only the last step left!

Li Wuyu raised his head and glanced at the sky, smiling slightly. The paper cranes were flying to the same position, and everything was going smoothly.

"How on earth did you do that!"

Di Xing Yaksha once again issued a cold inquiry.

Li Wuyu glanced at it, sneered, and ignored it again.

Of course, he would not be as stupid as the Shadow Ghost to tell his secrets to the enemy. Moreover, the layout of these ten minutes cannot be explained in one or two sentences. A conscientious author who has never been a good writer also spent 6,000 words. I just barely made it clear.

What's more, Marshal Niubi has already passionately performed what is meant by "the villain dies by talking too much", and he doesn't want to cooperate in a funny drama of "the decent dies by talking too much".

"Hmph! No matter how you did it, it was just to find the Eye of Formation. If you think you can destroy the Eye of Formation from under our noses, you are too naive!"

Dixing Yaksha sneered, even if they knew the location of the Eye of Formation, it did not mean that they could successfully destroy the Eye of Formation.

Dixing Yaksha glanced at the shadow ghost that was still roaring "impossible" crazily, and understood deeply what it means to be "not afraid of opponents like gods, but afraid of teammates like pigs." It frowned and said in a deep voice: "Shadow Ghost! Calm down! It’s just that the position of the Eye of the Formation has been exposed. The God-killing Formation has not been broken yet! What’s more, what if it is broken? Our mission is to kill all these trialists, no matter the process. No matter what, just achieve the result!”

"Oh... Oh... Yes, you are right, kill them all! Kill them all! Just kill them all!" The shadow ghost stopped its miserable scream, because it was too afraid of being tortured by the adult, Even his voice was trembling, but it was precisely because of fear that the trembling emotion sounded like hysterical madness.

"Kill, kill, kill, kill..."

Cold voices kept spitting out from the shadow head that was strangled by the throat. Suddenly, the shadow ghost attached to the ground stood up, like a pool of black mud suddenly standing on the ground.

This jet-black mud body expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye, reaching the height of several floors in an instant.

Li Wuyu's shadow hand that was originally holding on his neck was stretched out in an instant. He frowned, jumped back, and quickly distanced himself.

"Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill them all!"

Dozens of thick black tentacles stretched out from the huge mud body, slapping the ground vigorously, as if crazy.

It looked like a giant octopus made of black mud that was several stories tall, except that it had not just eight tentacles, but dozens of them, and they were even growing.

"If you think that, as lords, we don't have reserve means that we will only use in critical moments, then you are too naive."

Dixing Yaksha's body suddenly expanded several times, his black-gray skin was suddenly covered with scarlet flowing lines, and the aura exuding from his body was several times more terrifying than before.

"Being able to break through the shackles of shadow and find the Eye of Formation, your excellence has exceeded my expectations. But that's all. The ghosts and I in the taboo state will not give you any more chances!"

Just as most bosses will suddenly go berserk when in a red-blooded state, the Earthly Yaksha and the Shadow Ghost are in dire straits, and of course they will use some taboo power that requires a price!

"Sure enough..."

Li Wuyu smiled.


An unknown premonition arose in Di Xing Yaksha's heart.

"You didn't use your full strength, and of course I won't show all my cards. Sorry, I still have the last trump card!"

Li Wuyu said this and looked up at the sky.

At some point, the paper cranes soaring in the sky had gathered at the same place. They were arranged in an orderly manner, forming a clear-cut shape.

From a distance, it looks like a huge "arrow" drawn in the sky!

And this "arrow" points to a certain location on the earth!

"The Eye of the Formation is right there, everything is ready, so our last trump card is up to you!"

Li Wuyu put his hands in the shape of trumpets to his mouth, took a deep breath, and shouted with all his strength!

"Mu Yuesheng!"

As the sound resounded, a figure stepped forward from the side of the paper farmer.

A certain girl who had been hiding in the blind corner of the field of vision, and whose name had not even appeared in this story for a long time, came into everyone's eyes at this moment.

She wore a simple short-sleeved top, a thin summer sweater, and a gray pleated skirt. There was no flashy color embellishment in her clothes.

She cut off her short brown hair, which only hung down to her shoulders. Along with her long hair, she also had the fragility and charm of a girl.

She has a pair of brown eyes, which are obviously a beautiful color for girls, but they look full of the perseverance that a teenager should have.

Her name is Mu Yuesheng, a name that may be forgotten if it is not mentioned, a name that only appears in a few strokes, and a name that seems to have disappeared in this story without having any impact.

Appearing on the same stage as Li Chenxi, Ye Wuqing, Mu Lengxi and other outstanding girls, she ranked last in appearance and weakest in strength. Even the meaning of her existence was very good.


But this is the most neglected girl with short brown hair. At this moment, everyone must look at her!

After this moment, everyone will remember her!

Because, at this moment, she is the protagonist!


In this story called "Rescuing Shi Xiaobai", she is, in the true sense,

—The final trump card!

... ...

"What? The last trump card? Brother Wuyu... Are you kidding me?"

"Hey, now is the time to joke? Yuesheng, you don't believe your brother too much, right?"

"Well, it's not that I don't believe you, it's just... I don't believe in myself... Compared to you, I'm too weak, ace or something... It's impossible, right? ?”

"Pfft! Are you too weak? Oh my god, if you just talk about super long-range attack capabilities, Shi Xiaobai and I will be beaten by you for several blocks, okay!?"

"Ah... stop joking! This kind of joke... is not funny at all... My furthest attack method, 'Electric Beam', only has an attack range of about one thousand meters. It’s obvious that it can’t even meet the ultra-long-distance standard.”

"Well...it turns out...you haven't realized the existence of 'that move'..."

"That move?"

"Well, after I learned about your superpower, I immediately thought of 'that move'. I didn't expect you haven't realized it yet..."

"Eh? Back then?"

"Well, because I was a little worried, I investigated your current situation three years ago."

"That's it..."


"It's not that I'm angry, it's just a bit... Forget it, let's talk about 'that move'? What exactly is 'that move' that I haven't realized yet?"

"Okay, I wonder if you have ever heard of a highly lethal military weapon called an electromagnetic gun?"

"Electromagnetic gun? Never heard of it..."

"That's right. It seems we have to start with the principles. Listen carefully."

"Well, listen."

"The electromagnetic gun is a kinetic energy killing weapon made using electromagnetic launch technology. It was developed by the military a long time ago and is still being improved. It mainly consists of four parts: power supply, high-speed switch, acceleration device and artillery shell. And your special ability 'Electromagnetic Physique' can simulate the first three, firing metal objects as cannonballs, achieving an effect similar to that of an electromagnetic gun. The focus of this trick is how to use 'Electromagnetic Physique' to simulate the power of an electromagnetic gun. Let me explain to you the principles of high-speed switches and accelerating devices in detail - your 'electromagnetic body' can naturally generate electricity, so any part of the body can be used as a power source. As long as you find a way to shorten the time for generating electricity, high-speed switches can also Not a problem. So the most critical thing is how to simulate the accelerating device. The current electromagnetic guns are divided into four types according to the accelerating devices: coil guns, rail guns, electric heating guns and reconnection guns. However, the basic principles are almost all generated by changes in the magnetic field. The Lorentz force causes the cannonball to generate kinetic energy and accelerate the projectile to fly out, so... "

"Wait... wait a minute! I don't understand a little bit starting from the acceleration device, coil gun, rail gun and so on... Wow, can you tell this part again, a little bit? Slower?"

"Well, no problem. All the remaining time belongs to you, no matter how many times I tell you, you are our last trump card!"

"Ah! The trump card at the end sounds so unreal. Can I really... Can I? Learn such a powerful move in such a short time just by relying on principles, I really... can do it Got it?"

"You can do it, I believe you."

"Believe me?"

"Yes, I still remember that when you left the Mu family, you held my hand and said to me - 'Even if I leave here, I am still me, the Mu Yuesheng who will never admit defeat. When we meet again in the future , I will not change either, well, it should be said that I will definitely become better, so don’t argue with adults about me anymore, believe me, I will be fine...'"

"Ah, stop talking, I don't know anyone who says such things!"

"Haha, you are still the same as when you were a child. You really haven't changed at all. You are still so..."


"I'm sorry, the last trump card means the greatest pressure, but I still choose to put it on you, because I know you can carry it... Because since a long, long, long time ago, you have always been They are all the strong Mu Yuesheng who I sincerely admire, who will never give in!"

"elder brother... ... "

"So, let's become the trump card that impresses everyone here, my dear sister!"

"It's not my sister, I'm my cousin."

"Hey, is this the point?"

"Well, I'll be the ace, my willful...cousin."

... ...

... ...


Mu Yuesheng murmured in a low voice and took out a coin from the pocket of her jacket. It was an ordinary coin, but it was not ordinary at all.

Because the black-haired boy who stuffed the coin into her palm once said to her in a very serious tone - "This is not an ordinary coin, but a god's coin!"

God’s Coin is also “God’s Coin”.

If there really is a "god" in this world, then the one who took her all the way from the third floor, used weird massage techniques to change the width of her brain, and maybe even changed the fate of her life. To her, isn't this boy a "god"

In this way, the coin he "rewarded" is really the coin of God.

But now, this lovely, respectable "god" who can be grateful for a lifetime is trapped in a terrible world called "God-killing Formation", but she has become the last trump card to save him, holding the key to saving him. strength.

So, she... What else can she hesitate


There is nothing to hesitate about!

"I am the ace!"

Mu Yuesheng took a step forward, turned her body sideways, straightened her right arm, and aimed at the position pointed by the "arrow" woven by countless paper cranes on the other side of the earth.

The god's coin stood quietly on her index finger, close to the downward-curved thumb, like a cannonball about to be fired.

The ice-blue electric light sizzled, wrapping around the straight white arm, stirring and jumping, becoming more and more intense.

"come on."

This is the voice of the paper farmer standing not far away.

But Mu Yuesheng knew that all the partners who were standing on this land and doing their best for the same goal must have shouted the same two words in their hearts.

She bears not only the "last trump card", but also their hopes and efforts.

This is a very heavy pressure.

But no matter how heavy it was, she would straighten her back.

Because she is,

Strong Mu Yuesheng!

Need power

Then take away all the electric charges in my body!

—The ice-blue electric light wrapped around his arm suddenly began to beat wildly, like continuous thunder in the clouds.

Need high-speed switching

Humph, even if the fingers are completely disabled, the moment will be compressed to the shortest possible time!

-The thumb on the index finger suddenly pressed down hard, making a deep mark on the index finger. Then at the moment when the lightning was the most violent, the thumb flicked towards the coin between the two fingers as quickly as possible!

Need an accelerator

Magnetic field changes, Lorentz force, kinetic energy acceleration... I have even memorized such a complicated process. After working so hard, I will work harder, so... success! please!

—As the electric current pulses, the God’s Coin sets off!


"Come back! Shi Xiaobai!"

I don’t know who it was, I don’t know which people, I don’t know how many people, I don’t know who made such a cry at the same time at that moment.


The coin called the "electromagnetic gun" was so fast that it was too fast to see its trajectory clearly, but because it was fast, everyone saw it reach the finish line in the next moment.

Just like a real cannonball explosion, the land where the paper crane pointed was filled with dust, and even the paper crane was frightened and flew around.

"Did you make it?"

This is a question that concerns everyone.


Shadow Specter nervously swallowed the non-existent saliva.

Suddenly, streaks of golden light shot out from the desolate earth and shot straight into the sky. The golden light continued to form a bright golden mirror.

If you look down from the sky, you will find that the golden light is woven into a pattern similar to a six-pointed star but much more complicated than a six-pointed star.

"No no no no!"

The shadow ghost screamed hysterically again.

And in the scream, all the golden mirrors collapsed!

"The God-killing Formation was actually broken."

Di Xing Yaksha sighed helplessly.

In the sound of sighs,

A golden light beam like a waterfall fell from the sky, landed on the basin, and landed in the center of the broken formation pattern.

In the bright and dazzling golden light pillar, two vague figures could be vaguely seen.

"Shi Xiaobai..."

Although it was covered in golden light and couldn't see clearly, judging from the height of one of the figures, there was no doubt that it was the boy they were familiar with.

"Haha, you are still alive as expected. I knew you couldn't die!" Li Wuyu laughed heartily.

"Well, Donor Shi Xiaobai, Pindao said that your seal is dark and it is a sign of disaster, but you just don't believe it. No, you still need Pindao to help you overcome the disaster." Liu Yu rubbed his eyes.

"Ahem, brother Shi Xiaobai, I think we need to have an in-depth discussion on how to use paper cranes to show off." The paper farmer secretly ordered the paper cranes to be placed in the sky. "Shi Xiaobai, I want to learn to show off." 'This line of big characters, the busy paper cranes all expressed that it was too difficult and I really couldn't do it.

"Boss Shi Xiaobai..." The most out-of-the-box Feng Yuanlin was as quiet as a handsome man at this moment.

"Shi Xiaobai!" Mu Yuesheng put her right hand with a completely swollen thumb behind her back, raised her left hand and waved it, calling out to the "god" she admired.

Mu Lengxi, who couldn't speak and didn't even dare to cry, didn't cry this time. She squinted her eyes and smiled sweetly.

They didn't know what kind of crisis he had survived in another world.

Nor would he know how hard they worked to free him.

But at this moment of goodbye,

No matter how sad the experience is,

They can warm each other.

Ye Wuqing stared at the familiar figure looming in the golden light.

The face that had been tense finally softened.

She raised her hand and gently twirled the hair next to her cheek.

The eyes are slightly red,

A gentle smile bloomed at the corner of her mouth,


Shi Xiaobai,

"Welcome back."