Absolute Choice

Chapter 472: Thank you and sorry


Three days passed in the blink of an eye.

Shi Xiaobai was still asleep and did not wake up once during this period.

Li Wuyu also did not miraculously reopen his eyes. Three days later, his face only became paler, his body became colder and stiffer, and even everyone's last absurd delusion was shattered by reality.

Li Wuyu was really dead. He could even survive the injury of a sword piercing his left chest, but he was killed by a palm that didn't even seem to cause any external injuries.

He didn't die grandly on the battlefield, but was slapped to death by his out-of-control companion after the war. This funny but ridiculous and tragic thing really happened.

At this time, in a certain attic in the Demon King's Palace that had just been designated as a forbidden area, Li Wuyu's body lay quietly in the coffin.

The human skin mask on his face, which was used to conceal his identity but had no effect at all, has been taken off, and the true face revealed is extremely handsome, not much different from the King of Heroes disguised as a man.

Li Wuyu has always been one of the most outstanding young men in the Xia Kingdom. He is among the best in terms of family background, talent, ability, and appearance. He became famous at a young age and has done many things that make people speechless but have to admire him. Xia Guoli admires him. There were countless girls who had unrequited love. After they came out of the tower, the news of Li Wuyu's death would break the hearts of many people.

The two girls who were in the attic at this time had cried countless times in the past three days.

Mu Yuesheng and Mu Lengxi sat silently in the corner of the attic, their eyes slightly red and swollen, and their expressions were a little dazed.

They come from the same family and can be considered cousins in terms of seniority. However, because Mu Lengxi was taken by her magic teacher since she was a child, Mu Yuesheng had already been sent down due to talent and qualifications when she returned to the Mu family. When it comes to the collateral family, only the slightly older Mu Yuesheng knows about Mu Lengxi's existence. This is because she is Li Wuyu's biological sister, but Mu Lengxi has no idea that there are other people in his family. Such a cousin who was forced to leave at a very young age.

However, they also experienced the grief of losing their loved ones at this time, and cried for a long time. They also knew each other's identity, and naturally felt more sympathy for each other, but neither of them tried to comfort the other, because There is simply no spare capacity.

They just stayed together in this dark attic, silent for three days, sad for three days, and calm for three days.

No matter how sad you are, you still have to force yourself to accept the reality that your loved one has passed away.


The attic door was gently pushed open at this time, and Liu Yu walked in quietly.

The two of them looked up when they heard the sound, then lowered their heads again.

Liu Yu sighed silently, slowly closed the door, walked slowly to the seat on the other side, and sat down gently. After hesitating for a long time, he took a deep breath and used "Conscious Communication" to connect the three people in the attic. consciousness is connected.

"Can I... disturb you for a moment?" Liu Yu said in his mind.

Mu Yuesheng and Mu Lengxi slowly turned their heads to look, hesitated for a moment, and nodded gently. Liu Yu didn't know how many times he apologized to them in the past three days. He blamed himself for being the closest but not stopping them. Tragedy happened. Naturally, they would not really blame him for this. No one would have thought to guard against such an accident. However, they did not have the energy to explain to him. Therefore, when Liu Yu came in, they thought he was going to apologize again. They subconsciously Then he avoided his gaze.

But seeing his expression at this time, it didn't seem like he was here to apologize again

"There is one thing that Pindao wants to discuss with you."

Liu Yu sighed and said: "Donor Shi Xiaobai hasn't woken up yet, but he will wake up sooner or later, so..."

When they heard the name "Shi Xiaobai", Mu Lengxi and Mu Yuesheng's expressions changed subtly. For them, hearing this name made them feel very complicated, and they even subconsciously wanted to escape.

"So?" But Mu Yuesheng knew that reality could not be escaped.

"So Pindao wants to discuss with you what happened after Donor Shi Xiaobai woke up. Pindao saw it at that time. Donor Shi Xiaobai's hair had clearly turned silver. He was obviously not conscious, otherwise he would not have done such a thing. Things. Pindao thinks that he may not remember what happened when he woke up..." Liu Yu said and suddenly fell into silence.

"Huh?" Mu Yuesheng frowned slightly.

Liu Yu sighed again and hesitated for a long time before saying: "If Donor Shi Xiaobai wakes up and learns that he killed Silent Donor while out of control, he will definitely feel very painful, but we all understand that the deceased has passed away. No matter how much he blames himself, it will not help, it will only increase his sorrow, so Pindao hopes that this matter can be hidden from Shi Xiaobai, the benefactor. More importantly, with the level of protection of the older generation of the Li family, if they learn that Li Wuyu has been killed, they will definitely He will do whatever it takes to avenge the murderer of Silent Donor, regardless of whether Donor Shi Xiaobai is innocent or not. The Li family is huge, not to mention the Gaia organization, even the Heroes Association can hardly guarantee the safety of Donor Shi Xiaobai, let alone protect it. For a while, the protection cannot last forever, and the Li family will not give up, so... Pindao hopes that this matter will be hidden not only from donor Shi Xiaobai, but also from the world. I'm sorry, Pindao knows that this is very selfish, but... "

Mu Yuesheng raised her hand and interrupted: "I understand that concealing the truth is good for everyone. My thoughts are the same as yours. Even if you don't mention it, I will mention it sooner or later, so you don't need to feel sorry for what you did. Everyone's business. We all know that in that state, 'Shi Xiaobai' could lose control and hurt Ye Wuqing. If he had retained some consciousness, he would never have done this. Therefore, the murderer of Brother Wuyu was not Shi Xiaobai is just a monster that none of us know, and this is the truth."

After three days of calming down, Mu Yuesheng, who collapsed and cried bitterly in the dead wasteland, has transformed back into the strong Mu Yuesheng.

"Thanks… "

Liu Yu rubbed his eyebrows. His face looked a little tired. It was obvious that he had not been able to sleep well in the past three days.

"I also… "

At this time, in the minds of Liu Yu and Mu Yuesheng, Mu Lengxi's voice sounded softly, "I also... hope to hide the truth... because... if it were my brother, I would definitely do the same thing..."

This girl, who is the youngest among the people, has almost suffered the biggest blow. The person she likes killed her own brother. Considering her age and experience, this is undoubtedly a tragedy that is too heavy, until now. She still held on to the pitiful fantasy that 'it would be great if everything was just a nightmare', but even so, at the moment when she needed to face it with strength, she still mustered up the courage to be strong.

Li Wuyu has two good sisters.

Shi Xiaobai has two good friends.

Therefore, the tragedy that has already occurred will not lead to another tragedy.

This is probably a blessing in misfortune, right


"Feel sorry."

Liu Yu didn't know how he felt when he said these two words, but when he walked out of the attic again, he only felt that the sunlight shining on him was a bit cold.