Absolute Choice

Chapter 473: As long as there is love, there is no problem even if they are brother and sister!


After Liu Yu left, the dark attic fell into dead silence again.

Mu Yuesheng and Mu Lengxi have thought a lot in the past three days. In fact, even if Liu Yu didn't speak, they would definitely not regard Shi Xiaobai as the murderer, because the silver-haired "Shi Xiaobai" was already related to The "devil" was no different. The way he cruelly tore the tower lord into pieces was clearly dehumanizing, and he almost tore off Ye Wuqing's arms. How could such a "devil" be Shi Xiaobai

So, all this was just an accident, just a natural disaster.

They all think so, they all think so...


Suddenly, the crisp sound of water droplets hitting the floor resounded in the dark attic, and it sounded particularly clear in this silent atmosphere.

Mu Yuesheng looked sideways, her pupils shrinking slightly.

Under the dim firelight, tears were falling continuously on the haggard face of the silver-haired girl. She stretched out her hands to wipe them away, but she couldn't wipe them away.

Logically speaking, this kind of crying has happened countless times in the past three days, so it is not surprising, but Mu Yuesheng knew that this time was different.

"You... are forcing yourself to give up... right?"

Mu Yuesheng sighed softly, hesitated for a moment, and slowly reached out to touch the girl's silver hair.

Mu Lengxi slowly raised her head and looked into those slightly red and swollen brown eyes. She saw a hint of see-through tenderness in them. The sadness in her heart suddenly became more unbearable, and her tears kept falling like a dam.

"You are forcing yourself to give up on your love for Shi Xiaobai... right?"

Mu Yuesheng said softly: "We all think that Shi Xiaobai is not the murderer, but... we have no way to deny the fact that Brother Wuyu died at the hands of Shi Xiaobai, and we have no way to escape. As soon as we see Shi Xiaobai, we will definitely Thinking of this painful thing, you can no longer like him as carefree as before, and you can't convince yourself to treat everything as if it never happened, so you want to force yourself to give up this love, but giving up is not that easy. It’s easy, but giving up is more painful than you imagined, so you can’t stop crying again, right?”

These words accurately stated the girl's inner thoughts at this time, making Mu Lengxi slowly widen his eyes.

Whether it is to conceal the truth about Shi Xiaobai's conspiracy or hide the truth from the world, she can do it easily because she thinks it is the right thing to do and this tragedy can be brought to an end here.

But the only person she couldn't hide or deceive was herself.

The murderer of Li Wuyu was indeed not Shi Xiaobai, but it was also an indelible fact that Li Wuyu died at the hands of Shi Xiaobai.

She simply couldn't imagine what kind of mood and expression she should have when facing Shi Xiaobai, who knew nothing about it.

Once she saw him, how could she not think of her brother's face sleeping forever

How could she allow herself to forget this unforgettable tragedy

She could no longer fall in love with that boy as carefree and innocently as before.

No, she doesn't even have the qualifications to like him anymore.

Because of Shi Xiaobai's intelligence, she couldn't avoid exposing her flaws in front of him, and she didn't have the confidence to hide the secret when Shi Xiaobai pressed him.

So what Liu Yu said about hiding Shi Xiaobai was equivalent to... avoiding Shi Xiaobai.

She must give up her love for Shi Xiaobai, whether it is to keep this secret or to prevent herself from constantly thinking of this painful memory.

However, giving up is not an easy thing, and it is not something that can be done with determination.

Because she is not that strong yet.

Mu Yuesheng saw through all this and said it without mercy.


Mu Lengxi asked sadly in her heart.

"Hey, Leng Xi, I like Li Wuyu. It's a love between a man and a woman."

Mu Yuesheng suddenly said this.

Mu Lengxi's eyes widened and she quickly covered her mouth with her hand.

“I have liked him since I was very young, because he is always able to do things that I cannot do, and he is always brave enough to realize the dreams that I want to do but dare not try. He is a real hero in my heart. "

Mu Yuesheng said softly: "When he stood in front of me, angrily protested to the adults and denounced the Mu family's unreasonable rules, I had tears on my face, but I was smiling happily in my heart, because he I did something that I tried my best to endure and wanted to do like crazy, but I still chose to back down. So from that moment on, I decided that there was one thing that I could not back down from...that is, to like like an ordinary girl. he."

Her love is so sincere that no one can have the slightest doubt.

Mu Lengxi's eyes gradually softened. Although he was a little surprised, it was not difficult to accept.

"but… "

Mu Yuesheng obviously wanted to say more than that. She sighed softly and said: "But we are cousins, we are related by blood! So... I know that this love will not have any results, it cannot have any results. ! This is a love that must be given up sooner or later. In the end, it will only leave sadness, regret and regret... "

Mu Lengxi's sudden words made Mu Lengxi frown. She quietly clenched her fists and quickly opened her mouth to say something, but then she remembered that she couldn't speak, and her expression suddenly became anxious.

not like this,

It shouldn't be like this,

She shouted in her heart.

"But I still chose to like it."

Suddenly, Mu Yuesheng smiled softly. She reached out and held Mu Lengxi's clenched fist, and said softly: "Even if there is no result, even if it is impossible to be together, even if we have to hide it from him forever, then what? What? Could all this be more painful than forcing myself to give up this love? The real regret is not that I like you but can't be together, but that you obviously like me so much but choose to give up when you can still persist."

Finally hearing what Mu Yuesheng wanted to say, Mu Lengxi's clenched right hand gradually loosened.

"So, you don't need to give up your love for Shi Xiaobai to avoid him, because if you like someone... you don't have to be together."

It turns out that she said so much just to tell her this.

Really, so silly.

Mu Lengxi nodded vigorously!

Even if we are destined not to be together, there is no need to give up the feeling of love.

Yes, that's true!

The tears finally stopped.

Mu Yuesheng smiled tenderly, raised her hand and touched Mu Lengxi's head.

Li Wuyu is gone, so she will take care of his sister.

Speaking of which, she is also her cousin.

At this time, Mu Lengxi suddenly turned around and picked up the writing board placed aside, picked up a pen and started writing quickly.

After a while, Mu Lengxi turned the writing board around.

Mu Yuesheng took one look, and her expression suddenly changed.

It was written on the writing board,

"It's not like that. Even cousins can be together. My brother doesn't care about blood relations or anything like that!"