Absolute Choice

Chapter 48: I'll accompany you to see the meteor shower


On the soft couch, the girl was only one body away from Shi Xiaobai. She was sitting cross-legged with her knees bent. The dark gothic dress covered her slender legs, but could not hide her moving curves.

The exquisite body leaned slightly, leaning on the sofa, with her palms gently supporting her soft cheeks. A section of skin like jade was exposed at her wrists. Her azure eyes narrowed into a crescent shape, and she looked at Shi Xiaobai quietly. Looking at it, an intoxicating smile spread across her beautiful face.

If there really are elves in the world, then her smile is so beautiful that the elves would be amazed.

Time seemed to freeze at this moment. The two of them looked at each other in silence. The black eyes as bright as stars and the blue eyes filled with stars reflected each other's figures. The girl was still smiling sweetly, but Shi Xiaobai's breathing gradually slowed down. Get anxious.

The blush gradually climbed up Shi Xiaobai's tear-stained face, as if he was enduring something. His reddish eyes shone with strong desire, and his hot breath told some strange impulse.

Suddenly, Shi Xiaobai raised his right hand. His eyes were still staring at the girl's eyes, but his right hand had slowly stretched towards the girl's cheek. At the same time, his body leaned forward slightly, as if to He pressed forward towards the girl.

It looked like a young boy who wanted to touch the face of the girl he admired.

The girl's smile stiffened slightly, and there was light in her eyes, but she did not stop or stop her. She just watched quietly as Shi Xiaobai's fingers came closer to her cheek.

Slowly, Shi Xiaobai's fingers touched... the white eyepatch covering the girl's left eye.

Shi Xiaobai took a breath, then suddenly lifted up the blindfold with force, and leaned forward suddenly. The girl's face was suddenly close at hand, but he stared at the girl's exposed left eye with his eyes wide open.

It was a golden eye that was blooming with brilliance, as dazzling and charming as the morning sun.

Shi Xiaobai's expression suddenly changed. He let go of his right hand and quickly retreated a long distance. He covered his eyes and said in pain: "Eyes, eyes, my eyes!"

The white eye mask fell back to cover the golden pupils, and a trace of doubt flashed in the girl's blue right eye.

Shi Xiaobai covered his eyes with his right hand, stretched out his left hand to point at the girl, and said coldly: "You can actually make my evil king's true eyes resonate with it, ha! I guessed it right, your eyes are - the evil king's true eyes. Eye! And you must be an elf witch with the blood of the Demon King!"

The girl was stunned, and an even more thrilling smile suddenly appeared on her face. She shook her finger and said with a smile: "Ignorant boy, the Demon King's True Eye is not the only one that can resonate with the Evil King's True Eye. Haha, what I have is —The True Eye of the God King!"

Shi Xiaobai was stunned, and his eyes suddenly softened, but as if he thought of something, his eyes immediately became extremely sharp, and he said in a deep voice: "Don't try to deceive me, I have already smelled the deliberateness in you. The hidden witch’s aura!”

The girl said softly: "I have fought countless witches in the dark place for hundreds of years, and then I lost the breath of my divine body, so what you smell is actually the smell of time."

"The taste of time?"

Shi Xiaobai was slightly startled, chewing on these words. After a moment, he asked, "Are you really not a witch?"

"No." The girl shook her head.

"Then who are you?" Shi Xiaobai asked.

"Who am I? It will be a long story, do you really want to hear it?" the girl asked with a smile.

"Of course!" Shi Xiaobai replied without hesitation.

The girl paused for a moment, moved her body to close the distance between the two, and said mysteriously: "Ten thousand years ago, I was the elf guarding the World Tree and lived a carefree life. However, the first wave of doomsday catastrophe After that, the World Tree lost its vitality, and before it withered, it chose me as the successor of its power. At that time, I was an elf and also the World Tree."

"Nine thousand three hundred years ago, I walked around the world and killed countless villains and many righteous people. I was tired of the human world, so I walked to the other side of the light, where I saw the so-called gods. The king and the gods he commanded, I kicked the god king off the throne and took away his god king's eyes. At that time, I became the god king."

"Nine thousand years ago, I was tired of the flattery of the gods, left the other side of light, and went to the other side of darkness. There, I saw the devil and the witches he raised. It took me a hundred years to transform all the witches in the dark side. For the elves, I banished the Demon King to the endless abyss. At that time, I was the Elf Queen in the dark beyond."

"Eight thousand and five hundred years ago, I discovered that there were countless worlds with different civilizations beyond darkness and light, so I left the light and wandered in thousands of worlds. At that time, I was a lonely traveler."

"Eight thousand years ago, I got tired and settled down in a world called 'Paradise'. In Paradise lived 'birdmen' with white wings. They called themselves angels, so I was a reclusive person at that time. Angel."

"Seven thousand years ago..."

... ...

... ...

More than ten minutes later, the girl finally finished counting the countless identities she had made up or told casually, and finally sighed and said: "A thousand years ago, I returned to the human world and slept deep underground for a thousand years. Year, I woke up ten years ago, so I am now a human, and my name is Huali."

Shi Xiaobai listened with great interest, his eyes lit up, and he still said: "It's really wonderful!"

Hua Li looked at Shi Xiaobai quietly and couldn't help but giggle, "Young man, do you really believe it?"

Shi Xiaobai was stunned, pointed at himself and said: "My intuition tells me that you are not lying. I don't believe in you, but trust in my own intuition."

Hua Li smiled and couldn't help but stretched out her hand to touch Shi Xiaobai's head and said softly: "If I could have met you earlier, maybe I wouldn't have to be bored for ten thousand years."

Shi Xiaobai felt a strange feeling in his heart when his head was touched. He hurriedly retreated to avoid Huali's "devil's claws", stretched out his hand to smooth the hair that was messed up by Huali, and sneered: "Don't even think about stealing this king." The Invisible Crown!”


Hua Li laughed heartily again, and her laughter was as sweet as a silver bell, like the sound of nature.

Shi Xiaobai's eyes slowly softened, and a smile slowly appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Why does she smile so happily

Shi Xiaobai felt very strange. Could there be magic in her laughter

Hua Li laughed for a long time before she gradually stopped. Her expression slowly calmed down. She looked at Shi Xiaobai and said seriously: "Your light makes people love you, your darkness makes people cherish you. You are real, pure, and indifferent." No impurities are present.”

"You believe every word I say, and you believe every word I say more deeply. You are different from those miserable people who have illusions about power but doubt their illusions. You believe that you are a weak king, and that your weakness is only temporary. Believing that you have the True Eye of the Evil King, believing that you are wearing an invisible crown, you firmly believe in every one of your imaginations."

"You are the most interesting human being I have ever met, so I am willing to grant your most desires."

Shi Xiaobai was stunned, looking at the elf-like purple-haired girl in front of him, and didn't know what to say for a moment.

Hua Li stood up from the sofa, walked to Shi Xiaobai, looked down into Shi Xiaobai's eyes, and said softly: "Then, let's go back to the original question, young man, do you long for power?"

Shi Xiaobai raised his head and stared into that blue eye. The question that he had avoided from the beginning struck again, and Shi Xiaobai fell into deep thought.

Does he crave power

It must be a desire, right

But... is what he longs for really power

Is the tangible feeling of desire that you touch during the training of newcomers, really, necessarily power

Shi Xiaobai wanted to answer, yes, it is power!

But his intuition told him, no, not necessarily, what he longed for was not necessarily power, what he longed for was not just power!

"I have no idea."

Shi Xiaobai gave his answer, his voice was a bit dry and hoarse, with a hint of timidity.

"I know you don't know. You don't know what you really desire. You don't even know what power is."

Hua Li chuckled, suddenly stretched out her hand to Shi Xiaobai, and said, "Then, I'll find the answer for you."

find out the answer

Shi Xiaobai's breathing stagnated slightly and he looked at Hua Li's extended hand.

The hand was white, slender, and looked as soft as boneless.

Shi Xiaobai was silent for a moment, then stretched out his right hand to hold it. A warm and soft touch came, but light and darkness suddenly emerged from where the two hands were clasped, and a black hole filled with light swallowed their palms.

Shi Xiaobai was startled and hurriedly tried to remove his right hand, but found that it was held tightly and could not break free at all. He raised his head and looked into Hua Li's eyes, which were as soft as morning light.

His intuition told him that this girl would not hurt him, so Shi Xiaobai stopped struggling.

The black hole filled with light slowly expanded, swallowing half of their bodies in an instant.

"It just so happens that the meteor shower is coming tonight, I will accompany you to take a look."

Hua Li said this when the black hole of light completely submerged the two of them.

(ps: To be frank, Huali’s eyepatch, golden eyes, stupid hair, and one word in her name are the settings of Little Bird Yurikka. The rest are not the same. Of course, the personality is also different. After all, life Different, different circumstances.)