Absolute Choice

Chapter 498: This is not a disease, but life!


Meeting Cao Tutu again on the Third Ring Road in Beijing was like catching a wild big-breasted luoli. Xiao Xiao was very cautious this time and held Cao Tutu for fear that she would suddenly disappear again.

Xiao Xiao struggled with her words and finally convinced Cao Tutu, who insisted on going alone. She coaxed and lied, and this super roadie who didn't have any self-consciousness about being a roadie reluctantly got into the car.

The private car turned around and headed towards the Caesar Hotel branch closest to Longxia Stadium.

In the back seat of the carriage, Xiao Xiao and Cao Tutu were sitting in the same row. Since they were not familiar with each other, there was a small distance between them.

After Cao Tutu got in the car, she kept stuffing meat buns into her mouth without saying a word. She was probably a little unhappy because she was forcibly interrupted because of "a trip where a person gets lost when he says he is lost." He ate the buns faster than before. I have to go a little faster and eat a big one in less than half a minute.

Just after finishing one, Cao Tutu immediately used space magic to "steal" new hot buns without stopping.

Although Xiao Xiao doesn't know much about the magic system, but with a little common sense, he knows that this kind of magic that "space transfers" objects from a long distance to his own hands is very mysterious, belongs to high-level magic, and consumes a lot of magic power.

Xiao Xiao very much suspected that the reason why Cao Tutu continued to use magic for more than ten minutes without showing fatigue in that final was because he usually used high-level space magic so frequently.

Cao Tutu ate a big meat bun in half a minute, one after another, without any sign of stopping or even taking a break. He quickly ate close to ten.

Xiao Xiao was stunned and couldn't help but wonder, could Cao Tutu be a monster that transformed into a human? Otherwise, how can a human stomach hold so many meat buns

Xiao Xiao's scalp went numb after seeing it, and finally couldn't help but ask: "The meat buns...are they so delicious?"

Cao Tutu turned around and nodded with bright eyes. After a moment, she frowned and shook her head.

After swallowing the food in his mouth, Cao Tutu muttered: "The meat buns are very fragrant, but if you eat too much, they won't taste good. But... meat buns are the best to fill your stomach!"

No matter how delicious the food is, you will definitely get tired of it after eating too much. This is easy to understand.

But what does it mean that meat buns are best for filling your stomach

Xiao Xiao hesitated for a moment, thought about a more euphemistic wording, and said, "Classmate Cao, could it be that you eat so many meat buns...just to fill your stomach?"

Cao Tutu chewed the food in his mouth and nodded matter-of-factly.

Xiao Xiao smiled stiffly and said, "Can't you eat so many meat buns?"

Cao Tutu nodded and muttered: "I'm not full, I'm still very hungry."

Xiao Xiao’s head was full of black lines, and she secretly thought, you are indeed a humanoid monster!

"Do you always eat so much food?"

Xiao Xiao took the liberty to ask again, but she had no choice. She was too curious about this matter. A normal person would be a big eater after eating so many meat buns without being stuffed to death, but Cao Tutu still felt hungry. This was obviously a problem. !

Cao Tutu shook his head and said: "I didn't before. I suddenly felt so hungry more than ten days ago that I couldn't get enough no matter how much I ate... Then it became like this... The meat buns are just a snack to relieve hunger a little bit." From now on, my family will have to eat dozens of kilograms of meat to be full, and dad said I will soon make our family poor!"

Cao Tutu said it calmly, and Xiao Xiao's scalp went numb when he heard it.

So many meat buns are just snacks? Do you need to eat dozens of kilograms of meat every day to be full

This happened suddenly more than ten days ago

Is this a disease

And he is very ill!

"Can this disease be cured?"

Xiao Xiao blurted out, and then quickly covered her mouth, thinking that she was too arrogant, why did she say such "impolite" words? Although Mr. Cao doesn’t seem like someone who would care about this.

"It's not a disease."

To Xiao Xiao's surprise, Cao Tutu suddenly swallowed the food in his mouth, his expression became slightly serious, and he said solemnly: "Dad said this is not a disease, but life!"

Xiao Xiao was startled, feeling that this topic seemed to have become a bit heavy. "It's not a disease, it's life." Such statements often carry some ulterior secrets. Is it really appropriate for her to touch Cao Tutu's secrets like this

Xiao Xiao suddenly didn't want to ask any more questions.

As a result, Cao Tutu suddenly changed his expression, pursed his lips slightly, and said depressedly: "I think it's a disease. Otherwise, why are I always hungry? But even the miracle doctor, my mother-in-law, couldn't cure it, so my father gave up, saying that it couldn't be cured. Your disease is your fate, accept your fate..."

Xiao Xiao opened her mouth, not knowing what to say for a moment.

A disease that cannot be cured is life. Isn’t this too ambitious

Fortunately, she thought she was about to hear some terrible secret. It turned out that she was indeed ill. But what kind of illness was so weird that Cao Tutu needed to eat dozens of kilograms of meat every day to satisfy her hunger? After all, where did the food she ate go? It couldn't really be in her stomach, right

Xiao Xiao was filled with doubts, but in the end she didn't ask again. Although Cao Tutu was heartless and unscrupulous, she couldn't be shy about digging up other people's secrets, right

Xiao Xiao stopped talking, and Cao Tutu's attention immediately returned to the meat buns, and he ate them happily without looking "tired" at all.

Sure enough, Cao Tutu is addicted to meat buns and can't extricate himself. Otherwise, how would a normal person choose meat buns as a snack

Xiao Xiao shook his head and smiled to himself, then turned to look at the scenery outside the window.

There was no words all the way, Xiao Xiao remained silent, while Cao Tutu concentrated on eating the meat buns.

After a long time, Xiao Xiao was bored and habitually took out her mobile phone to refresh the "Shi Xiaobai" post bar.


Xiao Xiao only glanced at it and almost screamed!

"Ah! Shi Xiaobai has entered the eighth floor! ! ! 》

"The fourth eighth-level trialist in the history of the Nine-turn Extraordinary Tower is born!" Shi Xiaobai lived up to expectations! 》

"The Trial Stone Tablet has been updated, Shi Xiaobai is on the eighth floor, as evidenced by the photo!" 》

"The peak of Xia Kingdom's late-stage flow, can Shi Xiaobai prove to the world that "late-stage flow" is still feasible? Stay tuned for this year’s World Championship! 》

"Celebrate with champagne tonight!" 》

"Opening a room to celebrate tonight!" 》

"KFC celebration tonight! 》

"Although this is "Shi Xiaobai Bar", but... please don't celebrate, woo woo woo, my favorite Li Wuyu is dead!" 》

All that caught his eye were posts about Shi Xiaobai's passage to the eighth floor, which also contained a small part of the sad news about Li Wuyu's death. Xiao Xiao kept flipping through the posts with mixed emotions.

She didn't know Li Wuyu, so she wouldn't be saddened by Li Wuyu's bad news. However, Xia Guo lost a talented boy and lost an opponent among his peers who could be regarded as a target. It still made this girl with upright views feel... Somewhat depressing.

But at the same time, Xiao Xiao was so excited that Shi Xiaobai reached the eighth level and could not help clenching her pink fists!

Well done, little pervert!

Xiao Xiao shouted in his heart.

She just felt energetic and couldn't help but refresh the post bar over and over again to check the constantly updated posts.

Suddenly, a post whose number of replies kept increasing with each refresh caught Xiao Xiao's attention.

"Prophecy Post-Shi Xiaobai can't stay on the eighth floor for an hour!" 》