Absolute Choice

Chapter 5: Can I call you big brother?


The hero has arrived, Shi Xiaobai has been waiting for this sentence.

In fact, he also heard these words at the last moment when the second option failed. At that time, the little fat man had just been tortured to death by Sahadun. Sahadun walked towards him. He slowly closed his eyes, but this sentence came to his ears-Here comes the hero.

But then the hot voice of "Choose, boy" sounded in his mind, so he didn't have time to take a look at the belated hero, so he went back in time to the pause moment when the option appeared.

"If we can hold on until the hero arrives, maybe we can be saved, right?"

This idea became Shi Xiaobai's belief in choosing [Save Little Fatty] for the third time. In order to hold on until the hero arrives, he must find ways to delay time.

But after experiencing the first two failures, Shi Xiaobai knew very well that they were extremely fragile in front of the disaster demon and could not withstand the slightest torment. Therefore, if they wanted to delay time, use mystery or pretentiousness, they would never succeed.

But fortunately, the second failure gave Shi Xiaobai two very important pieces of information. The first is naturally that the hero will come, and the second is that the name of the disaster demon is Sahadun.

So Shi Xiaobai thought of the most likely way to succeed - flattery. He used the most exaggerated words to praise Sahadun, trying to deceive its trust, or at least divert its attention.

The effect was beyond Shi Xiaobai's expectation. Shi Xiaobai breathed a sigh of relief as this disaster demon turned out to be so unpraising, but there were waves of nausea in his chest, because every time he said a word of praise to Sa Hatton's words would remind him of the screams and cries under the sunset.

The more he praised Sahadun, the angrier he felt, and the sadness in his heart became more uncontrollable, as if tears would burst immediately, as if all the negative emotions were stirring in his stomach, making him want to vomit desperately.

But Shi Xiaobai knew that not only could he not reveal his true emotions, but he had to pretend to be fanatical and pious. It was very difficult, but Shi Xiaobai did it.

After gaining Sahadun's "trust", the first thing is to save the little fat man's life. Shi Xiaobai was very stupid, so he used the stupidest and most desperate method.

God knows, when he kicked the little fat man, how much he wished it was all just a dream. When he tore the hope in the little fat man's eyes apart with one sentence after another, how much he wished he would wake up from this painful nightmare immediately.

In fact, he should have beaten the little fat man even harder, so that he could completely eliminate Sahaton's vigilance. But damn, he couldn't do it. After one kick, he almost collapsed. He is playing the evil role that he has always despised, but in his heart he yearns to become a hero of justice and knock down Sahadun with one punch.

The ideal is beautiful, but the reality is cruel. Shi Xiaobai tried his best, and finally racked his brains to make up a long nonsense chanting mantra. Sahadun finally lost his patience completely, and Shi Xiaobai could no longer stop it.

Shi Xiaobai, who was close to despair, still had the last glimmer of hope left in his heart. He was still waiting for the arrival of the hero, so he turned this glimmer of hope into a shout and call at the top of his lungs.

The hero is really here.

Shi Xiaobai tried his best to hold back his tears, because he knew it was not the time to cry yet. Although the hero holding the moon blade blocked Sahadun's scythe hand, the battle had just begun. Whether the hero could defeat the disaster demon would determine is the most important question.

"Come on, hero."

Shi Xiaobai clenched his little hands and carefully moved his body towards the little fat man in the sand pit.

... ...

... ...

The hero who blocked Sahadun with a knife was dressed in a strange way. He wore a tight-fitting yellow leather jacket, red gloves, red boots, a red belt, and a white cape. What was even stranger was that his head was bald and even had sparkling with light.

It turned out to be a bald hero dressed as Superman.

The atmosphere at this time was also a little strange. After Sahadun's right hand with the sickle was blocked, his whole body began to shake violently, and his dark blue eyes slowly turned red. However, not only did he not withdraw his right hand, but he also had no intention of making other movements with his left hand.

Even after the bald hero slowly withdrew the knife, Sahadun's body still maintained the motion of halfway waving his right hand, like a frozen statue.

"How do you want to die? With a knife? Or with a punch? Or..." the bald hero said, and the sharp eyes that were originally full of murderous intent suddenly became a little stupid when he put away the knife, and he was originally tense. His facial features suddenly softened, and he looked a little harmless for a moment.

"This... this demon..." Sahadun was trembling as he spoke, and his body shook even more violently, as if the bald head in front of him was extremely terrifying.

"This demon, this demon doesn't want to die!" Sahadun suddenly roared, turned around and ran away in the opposite direction, running away like a lost dog.

Shi Xiaobai was stunned when he saw the bald hero raising his knife and aiming it at Sahadun, who was running further and further away and was about to disappear from sight, intending to cut him down.

"Is he going to kill the disaster demon from the air?" Shi Xiaobai felt excited in his heart. He looked at the bald hero dressed as Superman, his eyes filled with admiration.

At this moment, an anxious girl's voice sounded in the distance.

"Leave this head to me!"

When the bald hero heard this voice, he scratched his head and put the knife back into its sheath. Shi Xiaobai was dumbfounded. He looked at Sahadun who was about to run out of sight, feeling secretly anxious in his heart.

Suddenly, a scene appeared that Shi Xiaobai would never forget.

He saw that the disaster demon who had tortured him to death just now, Sahadun, who was too powerful for him to resist, was like a piece of tofu that had been cut with countless knives and broken into countless small pieces in an instant. .

Shi Xiaobai didn't see what was going on at all, but in an instant, Sahadun was shattered into pieces and turned into pieces.

At the same time, from the end of the field of vision, a girl slowly walked towards them.

Due to the distance, Shi Xiaobai could not see the girl's face clearly, but the girl was wearing short-sleeved shorts, and her white skin and proud figure were clearly visible.

"So handsome!" For Shi Xiaobai, that was a touching scene that he would never forget.

However, he didn't pay attention to it for too long. Instead, he endured the pain in his abdomen and got up and walked towards the sand pit.

"Great, little fat guy... we survived... we..."

Shi Xiaobai, who was walking, slowly stopped because he saw the little fat man backing away in fear, his eyes looking at him full of fear.

"I hurt him... It's all because I'm too weak... If I could be stronger, there must be a better way to protect him." The joy in Shi Xiaobai's eyes gradually dimmed.

"I'm sorry..." Shi Xiaobai said to the little fat man, his tone full of apology, and he lowered his head deeply.

"Big brother..." Suddenly the little fat man called softly.

Shi Xiaobai looked up. The small round face balled up with tears, runny nose, and sand looked like an old football in the afterglow of the setting sun, light and heavy.

"Do heroes... exist?" the little fat man asked gently.

"Yeah!" Shi Xiaobai nodded heavily.

"Big brother didn't cheat on me?"


"Am I... a member of the Xiaobai Heroes?"


"Mom, little mouse, Xiaolei and the others won't die?"


"Big brother, can I call you... big brother?"


"Wow... wuwuwu~"

The small body jumped up from the sand pit and landed in an embrace that was also small but big enough to hold him.

In the park at dusk, the little fat man hugged Shi Xiaobai and cried loudly.

Shi Xiaobai, who was desperately holding back his tears, finally couldn't hold it back anymore, and two lines of tears burst out from his eyes.


At this moment, the thirteen-year-old child burst into tears.

(ps: Please recommend and collect!)