Absolute Choice

Chapter 503: What’s wrong with liking to do a lot of foreplay and then climax!


"Until one day 27,000 years ago, the largest civil strife in Chaoren Kingdom occurred in the three thousand years since the founding of the country. The cause and course of the civil strife is a very complicated and exciting story. Since the husband is impatient, I will not tell you about my identity. "

The Queen suddenly gave up her "cold" mode and returned to the ambiguous title, with a charming smile on her lips.

It seems that her "conscience" found that she wanted to skip over a major civil strife that could have been discussed in a few hundred words

Shi Xiaobai was stunned when he heard this, but he was not happy. Instead, he glanced at the Demon Queen suspiciously. Why did he not believe that the Demon Queen could be so "understanding"

Sure enough, a sly smile flashed in the Queen's eyes and she said, "Because there will be a more complicated story next."

Shi Xiaobai rolled his eyes and remained silent. If he "protested" against the Queen's "naughty", it would only waste more time.

Sure enough, the Demon Queen seemed to be restricted by the rules and could only pause for a while before continuing: "The civil strife 27,000 years ago was the most important turning point for the Extraordinary Clan and even the entire Extraordinary World. The result of the civil strife caused the internal division of the Extraordinary Kingdom. , nearly half of the citizens of the Extraordinary Country collectively left the Extraordinary Country, moved to the south of the continent far away from the Extraordinary Country, and established a brand new country. Because they were far away from the Extraordinary Holy Tree, the new country was named the Kingdom of Dia, and the citizens of the Dia State Then they began to call themselves the Dia tribe! There has always been a small friction between the Chaorang Kingdom and the Dia Kingdom, but both sides have the ability to change the extraordinary nine changes, so no one took action for fear of fighting over each other. So it passed. For more than a hundred years, until... an unprecedented infectious disease occurred in Dia!"

When the Queen said this, she chuckled and said, "Did I let my husband see my body in the following history?"

Shi Xiaobai nodded when he heard this. When he asked the Queen about the mission of the Devil King, the small history book the Queen asked him to read happened to be connected with the history that the Queen was talking about at this time.

A huge and unprecedented infectious disease occurred in the country of Dia. Prince Diaba was also infected and was isolated in a closed space with a large number of infected patients. Diaba called it "hell".

With his strong will, Diaba survived in the "hell" and led the "evil ghosts" who survived the infectious disease to establish the future demon realm.

On the other hand, Diaji also established the prototype of the divine realm.

It was not until later that Demon King Diaba discovered that his infection was caused by his brother Diaji, and he became furious.

As a result, the first Demon King and the God King forged a sworn feud, so the mission of all successive Demon Kings is to kill the current God King!

This is the history recorded in that little book, but the description is quite brief and seems to have left out many details

"The scale of the infection gradually expanded, and more than half of the citizens were infected. The situation was so serious that the uninfected citizens were forced to abandon the infected country, migrate collectively to the north, and reestablish their country in the north. And the infected people who were left in the south were Most of the infected people died, but a small half still survived. The bodies of the infected Dia tribesmen mutated during the infection. They were originally green-skinned dwarfs. After the infection, their skin not only turned into jet black, but also became wrinkled and ugly. Numerous barbs and horns sprouted from all over the body, resembling a demon. Therefore, after Diaba re-established the country, he claimed to be a country of demons from hell, renamed the Dia clan as the "Demon Tribe", and called himself the "Demon King" '!"

The Queen chuckled lightly and continued: "On the other hand, the citizens of Dia who moved collectively to the cold north did not escape the disaster. The infection spread again, and this time it became out of control! But strangely What is surprising is that after being infected, the Dia people in the north did not turn black and ugly like the Dia people in the south. On the contrary, in the north, the infected green-skinned dwarfs gradually became fairer and shorter. The body gradually grew taller, the face became more and more beautiful, and white wings sprouted from the back, just like the legendary angel. Therefore, the Dia people in the north regarded this infection as a transformation, and were happy with the pain of the infection. After most of the people also died, they became brand new. The Dia family was born. After hearing that Diaba claimed to be the 'Demon King' and established the Demon Realm, Diaba began to call himself the 'God King', renamed the Dia family in the north the 'God family', and named his country 'Holy area'!"

A civil strife triggered an internal schism in the Chaoshan tribe, splitting it into two tribes: the Chaoshan and Dia tribes. Then an infectious disease caused the Dia tribe to split again into two kingdoms, the north and the south. Due to the infection, the infection was affected by the geographical environment. Under the influence of this, the Dia tribe in the south became as ugly as demons, while the Dia tribe in the north became as beautiful as angels, thus giving birth to the Demon Tribe and the God Tribe!

This is what the Queen wants to explain in a thousand words. In fact, it can be summarized in a hundred words. But unfortunately, storytelling is not an explanatory text. The sponge will always be filled with water because of deliberately adding some necessary or unnecessary details. Get bloated.

But all in all, 27,000 years ago, the three major forces of the Extraordinary Kingdom, the Demon Realm, and the Divine Realm were initially formed. And the most shocking thing is that these three races and three countries actually have the same roots, and they were all weak at first. A green-skinned dwarf from the Dia family.

But the story of the Demon Queen obviously will not stop here. She continued: "Not only the body of the demons and gods mutated in the infectious disease, they also completely lost the blessing of the extraordinary holy tree and could not use it again. Nine extraordinary transformations, and therefore the demons and gods no longer have the power to fight against the extraordinary people, so they had to surrender and conceal the fact that they were actually members of the Dia tribe. However, due to the fact that the first demon king Diaba and the first god Due to the hatred between the kings, the Demons and the Gods started a war that lasted for two centuries. Until the third God King, who yearned for peace, used the God King's Order to forcefully withdraw his troops and surrender, and signed an agreement with the Demons to remain hidden forever. Without the unequal regulations of the world, and with the intervention of the Supernatural Kingdom, the war between gods and demons was finally put to rest, and the Supernormal world returned to a peaceful situation ruled by one country."

Twenty-seven thousand years ago, the extraordinary race blessed by the extraordinary sacred tree was still the most powerful race in the extraordinary world!

The Demon Queen continued: "In the following thousands of years, the Divine Realm stayed away from the world and gradually faded out of the stage of history. The extraordinary holy tree also gradually weakened during those thousands of years. The extraordinary kings of the extraordinary clan also weakened from the seventh to the strongest. It became the sixth change, the fifth change...until the strength of the Demon King of the Demon Realm gradually surpassed that of the Chaoren King! The Demon King, unwilling to be lonely, began to "do evil" in the world, but he did not dare to offend the Chaoren Kingdom, so he did not provoke a war between the two races. However, as a result, a group of "brave men" were born who were determined to kill the Demon King! The supernatural world retreated into the realm of gods, the demon realm became stronger day by day, and the gradual weakening of the supernatural kingdom progressed through the years. In this way, seven thousand years passed until Twenty thousand years ago…”

Shi Xiaobai was shocked when he heard this, "Seven thousand years have passed like this"

Although it only advanced to 20,000 years ago, it undoubtedly made Shi Xiaobai feel a little excited.

God knows, the story of the Queen is as long and ugly as a footband. The key is that it has been foreshadowing and telling the background. It has not yet reached the wonderful climax. How can people bear it

But Shi Xiaobai knows that any story told in a normal order needs to go through causes and developments before it can be deduced to a climax. Boring is a necessary process for excitement.

It's just that as a listener and a reader, I don't understand the difficulties of storytellers. Their perception is very direct, and the foreshadowing is not as good as the climax! The foreshadowing is boring! The foundation is in the water!

When one climax leads to the next foreshadowing, one may even wonder if the storyteller has changed. Why is there such a huge gap in excitement? But in fact, it’s not the storyteller’s problem, it’s the story itself!

This little bitch like the Queen loves foreplay so much! She kept dragging it on and couldn't listen to the crowd (zhe) climaxing!

Well, there are all kinds of women, and there are some who like to do enough foreplay before reaching climax. The Queen is just a bit more exaggerated.

But the story finally advanced another seven thousand years! This can be regarded as foreplay entering the next stage, just like the battlefield has shifted from the upper body to the lower body.