Absolute Choice

Chapter 504: The climax is coming (second update!)


"Twenty thousand years ago, that is, the historical background of the seventh layer of the world!"

The Demon Queen not only advanced for seven thousand years, but also quietly transitioned the story to the second stage!

Now, we finally begin to tell the true history of the seventh world!

Shi Xiaobai cheered up a little. If there was anything about the story told by the Queen that deserved his attention, it would undoubtedly be the historical point in the re-creation of the seventh layer of the world. Without the intervention of trialists like them, what would have happened? What direction, the lion king, the gatekeeper giant, Marshal Niubi, the real devil king, queen and god king, and what is the ending

The Demon Queen seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly chuckled and said: "Twenty thousand years ago, one year during the Brave Martial Arts Tournament, the Demon King disguised himself as a brave man and came to the Chao Moran Kingdom to participate in the Martial Arts Tournament. As a result... the peaceful boat capsized. Got it!"

Shi Xiaobai was slightly startled by these playful words. The Demon King disguised himself as a brave man to participate in the Brave Martial Arts Association? Why is this plot so familiar!

Shi Xiaobai suddenly felt a sense of anticipation for this story.

The Demon Queen smiled slyly and did not go straight to the topic. Instead, she asked: "My husband has lived in the Demon Realm for a period of time. I must have heard creepy wailing sounds from every corner of the Demon Realm every time the sun rises, right?"

Shi Xiaobai was also used to the devil queen's appetizing "bad taste", and nodded helplessly. The wail at dawn was indeed creepy, and filled every corner of the devil's realm, as if every citizen of the devil clan was there. It was like wailing and screaming. At first, he thought it was some kind of disaster, but later he realized that it was "daily life" in the Demon Realm.

The Demon Queen said: "This is the sequelae left by that infectious disease. Whenever the sun rises, the demon clan members will feel the pain of being burned all over their bodies. The pain is so painful that they can't help but cry. It will last for half an hour every time. As mentioned above, countless demons have committed suicide because they could not bear this kind of torture for thousands of years. In fact, the protoss who were also infected also had similar sequelae, but they only felt their whole bodies being frozen at dusk and sunset. The bone-chilling cold was equally painful.”

That infectious disease was truly unprecedented. It not only created two races of gods and demons, but also caused them to suffer every day. What kind of infectious disease could have such an exaggerated effect

Shi Xiaobai was confused, but did not ask any questions. However, he slowly spoke and finally broke his silence.

"What did the Demon King do at the Brave Martial Arts Tournament?"

Shi Xiaobai is more concerned about this matter, and in his opinion, this should be the "main line" of this historical story. However, the Queen repeatedly drags on the "side line" to delay time, which really makes him a little impatient. .

"My husband is really anxious, and that's right. It's human nature to want to know if the devil he is 'playing' has achieved the same deeds as himself."

The Demon Queen chuckled and said: "The real Demon King in history disguised himself as a brave man. Not only did he win the Brave Martial Arts Championship like his husband, but he also did even better than his husband. The Demon King killed the Lion King in the finals!"

Shi Xiaobai was shocked, the Demon King killed the Lion King? No wonder the small boat of peace capsized at once!

The Queen chuckled and said: "The Demon King at that time was influenced by the deep-rooted thinking of all previous Demon Kings. He believed that the extraordinary race was still the strongest race in the world, so he did evil in the world but never dared to offend the extraordinary nation. He thought he was fighting against the extraordinary king Lion King. , in the end he would be defeated or even miserably defeated, but he did not expect that by then the extraordinary holy tree had already decayed due to the poison it had accumulated, and the Lion King could only initially use the extraordinary fourth transformation! The Demon King did not know that the Lion King was so weak, so he missed it for a moment , accidentally killed the Lion King!"

Because the Demon King didn't know that the Lion King was too weak, so he killed the Lion King without holding back

Pfft, it turns out that the Lion King is so aggrieved no matter in the recreated history or in the real history!

Shi Xiaobai couldn't help but chuckle. Sure enough, although he was also listening to a story, listening to an original historical story was completely different from listening to an adapted fan story.

Shi Xiaobai quickly stopped smiling, and now his energy recovered a lot.

How should I put it, life is like being strong. Since you can’t resist, why not just enjoy it

The Demon Queen was very satisfied with Shi Xiaobai's reaction, and seemed to be more interested in telling the story because of it. She continued: "The Demon King's gain from this trip to the Supernormal Kingdom is not only to kill the Lion King, but also to know the truth about the decline of the Supernormal Race. , the most important thing is that when the sun rises in the supernatural kingdom, when the devil is suffering from the burning pain, he feels a sense of coolness, the burning pain is greatly reduced, and the endurance time is also greatly shortened. The devil discovers that It is the protective power of the extraordinary holy tree!”

When Shi Xiaobai heard this, he roughly guessed the follow-up development. The fact that the strength of the Extraordinary Kingdom has become weaker has been exposed, and the Extraordinary Holy Tree can alleviate the inhuman torture that the demons have to endure every day. The Demon King will definitely treat the Extraordinary Saint Shu Meng coveted him, not to mention that this Demon King has never been a law-abiding Demon King. Otherwise, how could he even disguise himself as a brave man

Sure enough, the Queen then told how after the Demon King returned to the Demon Realm, he began to deploy a plan to attack the Extraordinary Kingdom, and the resourceful figures in the Demon Clan made a guess - could the infectious disease that changed the Dia clan actually be... They were far away from the extraordinary sacred tree. What were the sequelae of the outbreak

This possibility is extremely high, and it well explains the strangeness of the infectious disease that created two races of gods and demons.

Because of this, the Extraordinary Holy Tree has become even more popular, and the Demon Realm is fully prepared to attack the Extraordinary Kingdom, seize its territory, and monopolize the Extraordinary Holy Tree!

"However, the upper echelons of the Demon Realm's ruling class actually hid a traitor from the Divine Realm. Therefore, the Divine Realm also learned that the extraordinary holy tree could end the suffering of the cold that had tortured the Divine Race for thousands of years. The Divine King immediately tore up the treaty of hiding from the world. Likewise, Sent troops to attack Chaorang Kingdom!"

The Queen said: "Although the Demons and Gods have had generations of hatred, under the huge temptation of the Extraordinary Holy Tree, they decided to join forces to 'clean up' the Extraordinary people first, and then discuss the division of the Extraordinary Kingdom's territory. At that time, the Lion King was killed, and the Chaoren Kingdom was in chaos. How could they resist the joint attack of the gods and demons? But seeing that the Chaoren Kingdom was about to be unable to hold on, the Chaos Sacred Tree suddenly exerted its divine power, giving the six Chaoren clansmen stronger power and creating The Hexagram Hero was killed, and the God King also temporarily rebelled because of the amazing power displayed by the Demon King and the Demon Realm. He joined forces with the Hexagram Hero and killed the most powerful Demon King at the time! However, the Demon King also tried his best to defeat the God King before he died. He was seriously injured, causing great damage to the vitality of both the gods and demons!"

The birth of the Six-Pointed Star Hero and the temporary rebellion of the God-King brought the originally defeated Transcendent Kingdom back to life, and also caused the most powerful Demon King to regretfully die in battle. This historical truth is why Shi Xiaobai was set as the Demon King in the seventh-level world. The reason why you have to kill the Hexagram Hero or the God King to clear the level.

Because only if one of the two dies will the fate of the devil change.

But in real history, perhaps the most powerful demon king in history died in battle 20,000 years ago!

"The Demon King died in the battle, and the God King was seriously injured, and died a few days later! At this point, the Demon King, the God King, and the Lion King were all dead, and all three tribes lost their leaders! But the war is still going on! The Demon Queen temporarily succeeded the Demon King. After taking the throne, Marshal Niubi became the God King, while the Lion King's illegitimate son, the Gatekeeper Giant, ascended the throne and became the new extraordinary king! The three tribes were sworn in due to the hatred for the death of the three kings, and the fight for the extraordinary sacred tree And the smoke continued, because the God King betrayed time, so the three tribes never joined forces again, but formed a tripartite conflict and began the long Three Realms War!"

The Queen narrated that period of history and suddenly let out a long sigh, "The war has continued like this for more than five thousand years. The forces of the three realms have restrained each other. No one can win the final victory. The war seems to continue like this endlessly. … It would be great if the war could really continue like this, but it is a pity that fifteen thousand years ago, the Three Realms War suddenly came to an abrupt end!"

Shi Xiaobai was slightly shocked, another five thousand years skipped? It seems that the devil queen really wants to tell this historical story, rather than deliberately embarrass him? Moreover, why did the Queen say "It would be great if the war could really continue like this", and why did she look so sad now

"What happened?"

Shi Xiaobai finally couldn't help but fulfilled the "obligation" of the audience, responded to the speaker's words, and let the speaker know that he was listening and thinking. This is the listener's greatest respect for the speaker.

The Demon Queen seemed to be in a much better mood because of this. There was a slight smile on the corner of her mouth, but she soon sighed and whispered: "Fifteen thousand years ago, three towering giant trees came! And the extraordinary saint The trees are exactly the same, no one knows how these three towering trees appeared in the extraordinary world overnight, and the three towering trees are far apart and are distributed in a triangle!"

This shocking turn of events made Shi Xiaobai slightly startled and asked: "Another three extraordinary holy trees?"

Could it be that God did not want the war to continue, so he sent down three extraordinary sacred trees and placed them very far apart so that each of the three tribes could have one to end the suffering of the war

But if that's the case, why does the Queen put on this "sad" look, as if she has assumed the role of a character in the story, feeling "sad" because of the appearance of the three sacred trees

Things, I'm afraid, are not that simple.

Sure enough, the Demon Queen shook her head and sighed softly: "They are not extraordinary holy trees. The three sacred trees that came back look completely different. They are also completely different from the extraordinary holy trees. No matter the color or shape of the leaves, no matter how thick the trunks are. Or the density of the tree crowns, they are all different! The trunks of these three holy trees are also engraved with 'names' just like the extraordinary holy trees, but the words are not in the language of the extraordinary world. No one knows what the three holy trees are called! But , when these three holy trees came to the extraordinary world, the extraordinary holy trees seemed to have been deprived of all nutrients and withered at an extremely fast speed. In just three days, all the leaves fell off, and after ten days, they shrank and collapsed. An abyss hole, the abyss hole seemed to lead to hell, and the extraordinary holy tree fell!"

Shi Xiaobai took a breath of cold air. These three unknown holy trees actually took away the "nutrients" of the extraordinary holy trees. Are they really evil

The Demon Queen shook her head and said: "At first, the three tribes thought these three trees were evil trees, but later when they tried to get closer, they found that these three holy trees also had magical powers. When they stayed around these three holy trees, the gods and demons The pain of the sequelae of the tribe not only weakened, but even disappeared! At that time, the three tribes were like rain after a long drought, and the whole world was full of joy. They regarded these three holy trees as the rebirth of extraordinary holy trees, and because of the three holy trees Extremely far apart, each of the three tribes can occupy one and only one plant. Therefore, the three tribes ended the five thousand-year war between the three realms and signed a peace agreement. The three realms of transcendent gods and demons ushered in the world fifteen thousand years ago. Here comes the most beautiful peaceful situation!”

Talking about the beautiful peaceful situation, there was no smile on the Queen's face. She sighed deeply and whispered: "But, that beautiful peace was too short-lived..."

Shi Xiaobai couldn't help but asked: "What happened?"

What kind of changes would happen in such a peaceful situation, causing the Queen to show such a "sad" expression

Shi Xiaobai finally assumed the role of the audience and began to care about the direction of the story. At this point in the story, he always felt that something should appear.

The Demon Queen was silent for a long time this time, then slowly opened her mouth and said: "The people of the three tribes don't know that the words engraved on the three holy trees actually come from a race called human beings. The three holy trees are named - World , time and destiny. The people of the three tribes didn't even know that the peace they mistakenly thought lasted only a short month. A month after the three holy trees appeared, suddenly one day, a huge giant tree sprouted from the trunk of the holy tree. The tree hole! The alien races from other worlds rushed into the extraordinary world from the tree hole like locusts and the tide!"

When Shi Xiaobai heard this, his eyes widened and he had an ominous premonition in his heart. He opened his mouth and said, "It can't be..."

"That's right."

The Queen's eyes were slightly cold, a sneer appeared at the corner of her mouth, and she said: "Fifteen thousand years ago, humans invaded!"

Shi Xiaobai smiled bitterly.

He finally knew what was coming.

The Queen did enough foreplay, and the climax of the story that she had been painstakingly preparing finally came.

... ... .