Absolute Choice

Chapter 505: massacre


"Fifteen thousand years ago, humans invaded!"

The Queen's eyes were slightly cold, and there was a sneer at the corner of her mouth. She said coldly: "That was a long-planned invasion. The mighty human army rushed out of the hole of the sacred tree. As soon as they arrived in the extraordinary world, they began to massacre the three races. Tribesmen, at that time, humans used so-called magic and fighting spirit, and their strength was quite impressive. In addition, their numbers were exaggerated, and they chose to invade and raid late at night. By the time the three tribes reacted, they had been retreating steadily and were unable to resist!"

Shi Xiaobai was stunned. He was used to hearing various stories about human worlds being invaded. This was the first time he heard that humans had premeditated invasions of other worlds. He didn't know what to think.

There was a hint of anger in the Queen's voice as she continued: "Even the Demon King, the God King and the Extraordinary King could not withstand the crushing force of tens of thousands of magic mages and hundreds of thousands of vindictive knights. The armies of the three tribes were defeated. The people of the tribe could only flee, but humans were in hot pursuit! Countless demons, gods and supernatural tribesmen were burned to death by fire, frozen by ice, buried alive by rocks, pierced by thunder, and crushed by hurricanes. , was stabbed into a hornet's nest by the knight's spear and sword. The God's Domain, the Demon's Domain and the Supermundane Kingdom suddenly flowed into rivers of blood. The fields were full of mourners and desolate people. The ground was full of broken corpses of the three tribes. Every sight was broken walls! That lasted for a whole day. The tragedy of one day is greater than any war in the 15,000-year history of the Extraordinary World. Humans slaughter the aboriginal people of the Extraordinary World just like butchers slaughtering cattle and sheep, and farmers harvesting straw. They are ruthless and inhumane!"

The Queen sternly accused the brutal crimes of human invasion. It was a war without crushing. If the crusher was merciless, then the misery of the crushed could be imagined. Shi Xiaobai was once the earth He is also a Chinese, so he knows that China has also experienced a period of crushing war in history. The Nanjing Massacre, which is still complained of blood and tears to this day, is a abnormal product of this crushing war.

Shi Xiaobai was angry at this kind of inhumane war, but he was not sure whether the "history" mentioned by the Queen was true, and as a human being it was difficult for him to assume the role of an aborigine in the extraordinary world, so he remained calm Be silent and don't express your opinion on this "history" mentioned by the Queen.

The Demon Queen glanced at Shi Xiaobai, a trace of surprise flashed in her eyes, but she quickly regained her composure and spoke again: "The massacre lasted for three full days. The remnants of the three tribes who escaped the massacre tried their best to escape. Dare to stop at all, because the human army was still chasing after them, and it was then that the three tribes realized that the distribution of the three sacred trees was also premeditated. The human army invading from three directions successfully formed a circle The triangle then continued to compress towards the middle, and the three fleeing tribes were forced to flee towards the center of the triangle, which is the former site of the Extraordinary Kingdom where the Extraordinary Holy Tree is located!"

The three holy trees are engraved with human words, namely "world", "time" and "destiny". The human army also passed through the hole of the holy tree and relied on the position of the three holy trees to escape. Surrounded by the remnants of the three ethnic groups and forced towards the former site of Chaofan Kingdom, it all sounds like a long-planned invasion.

But why do humans do this

Shi Xiaobai had doubts in his heart, but he could not tell whether the history mentioned by the Queen was true or false, so he refrained from asking questions again.

The Demon Queen was silent for a moment, and glanced at Shi Xiaobai indifferently. A trace of surprise flashed in her eyes, but soon she returned to the cold state. When the holy tree came, it withered and turned into an abyss black hole. There was no other extraordinary holy tree in the old site of the Extraordinary Kingdom. There was only an abyss black hole bigger than a lake. It was deep and dark, with no bottom visible, as if it led to the abyss of hell. Human beings They surrounded the remaining people of the three tribes to the former site of the Chao Moran Kingdom, and finally forced them to jump into the black hole of the abyss. They did not accept surrender, did not accept prisoners, and did not accept begging for mercy! Humanity has exterminated humanity and killed every member of the three tribes in the Chao Moran World. Leave a place to kill them all!”

When the Demon Queen said this, she suddenly gritted her teeth and said with anger in her eyes: "Fifteen thousand years ago, the extraordinary world became the human world, and it remains until today!"

Shi Xiaobai's heart skipped a beat. This last piece of information was a bit too shocking. The human world today is actually an extraordinary world

Humans invaded and exterminated the three races, then replaced them and became the ruling race of the supernatural world

Shi Xiaobai was silent for a moment. In fact, he had doubts about the last part of the story, but he couldn't judge whether what the Queen said was true or false. After all, as a time traveler, he didn't even know the history of the human world. If If you speak out to refute or question, you will only be led by the devil.

Shi Xiaobai hesitated for a long time, and finally did not express his opinion on the last part of the story. Instead, he sighed softly and asked, "Is the story over?"

The Demon Queen glanced at Shi Xiaobai in surprise and nodded slightly. The cold expression on her face suddenly disappeared and was replaced by a charming smile. The speed of her face change was unparalleled.

The Queen chuckled and said, "My husband is really strange."

Shi Xiaobai raised his eyebrows, "Strange?"


The Queen squinted her eyes and smiled: "Over the past ten thousand years, including my husband, a total of four humans in the spiritual realm have reached the eighth level, so this is the fourth time I have told this story. But my husband's reaction is What puzzles me the most is that I still remember that the first person was a reckless man. When he heard me talk about human invasion, he cursed and was full of filthy words, so I couldn't help but teach him a lesson. The second person was an elegant person, but he was also a serious person. Every time I told a short paragraph, the man would ask a lot of questions, and I had to answer them one by one. Before I even finished telling the story, I asked him a lot of questions. My body and mouth are dry. The third person is a careerist without any scheming. He unscrupulously talks about his ambition to conquer the world. When he heard me talking about the human invasion, he began to use the fake history and concubine made up by humans themselves. Arguing, saying that what he wanted to conquer was the human world rather than some extraordinary world, I spent the longest time arguing with him... But my husband, my husband listened to it from beginning to end, and was silent in response, only slightly agreeing. He said a few words, and he didn’t even say a word when he heard about the human invasion. Didn’t the husband have doubts in his heart? Did the husband not question what I said? Or does the husband have no doubts about the history fabricated by humans? The husband is too strange. !”

Shi Xiaobai opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say. Of course he had doubts about the "history" the Queen said, and of course he had doubts, but he didn't even know what the Queen called "history fabricated by humans". How to refute, how to question

As a time traveler, and as a time traveler who doesn't like reading, Shi Xiaobai knows very little about the history of the human world he has traveled through. The "history" mentioned by the Queen is even what Shi Xiaobai knows about this human world. The first "history" we know.

The first three people the Queen is talking about are probably the Overlord Ji Feng, the Sword Immortal Xu Taibai and the Conquering King. These three are all famous figures in human history and have a high sense of identification with the human world. As the human world Of course, the indigenous people are familiar with history, and naturally they can't help but use the "human history" of 15,000 years ago to argue with the Queen.

But Shi Xiaobai is different from them. He can't use the history of the earth to argue with the Queen, right? Isn’t that a chicken-and-duck talk

Shi Xiaobai was embarrassed to say that he had never learned the history of the human world at all, so he could only say with a straight face, "I live in the present!"

Live in the present, rather than living under the crotch of history. Don’t worry about history.

The Demon Queen covered her mouth and said with a smile: "That will save me a lot of talking."

Shi Xiaobai nodded and quickly changed the topic: "Now that the story is over, can you tell me what the options for the eighth-level mission... are?"

When the word "option" came out of his mouth, Shi Xiaobai still felt a little numb.

The Demon Queen smiled slightly and did not answer directly, but said: "My husband, have you ever thought about why this place of trial is called the Nine Transformations Transcendent Tower?"

Shi Xiaobai was stunned for a moment, and after pondering for a moment, he tentatively said: "Nine Transformations Extraordinary and Nine Transformations Extraordinary sound quite similar, and contain the word extraordinary. Could it be that the Nine Transformations Extraordinary Tower was built by the Extraordinary Clan?"

"My husband is indeed very smart."

The Demon Queen praised: "The Nine-Turn Extraordinary Tower was built by the Extraordinary Clan over three thousand years ago, but it was intermittent due to wars and has not been completed for a long time."

Shi Xiaobai frowned slightly when he heard this. Although he didn't understand human history, Mu Yuesheng once introduced the Nine-turn Extraordinary Tower to everyone. This incident still left an impression on him. Shi Xiaobai wondered: "Nine-turn Extraordinary Tower" Isn’t the tower a super-civilized product left behind by alien races that invaded the human world?”