Absolute Choice

Chapter 507: How bold the man is, how fruitful the land is!


Shanghai City, Nine-turn Extraordinary Tower, Great Auditorium.

In just a few dozen minutes, the originally deserted auditorium was already overcrowded. When the news of Shi Xiaobai entering the eighth floor came out, the ongoing meeting about Wen Hezheng and Kevin in another building had just ended. Before the senior management of the organization left, they hurriedly came to inquire. Jiang Tianyou, who was in charge of organizing the selection, also came to the scene. For a while, the auditorium was bustling with people.

The auditorium was quickly filled with people, and reporters from major newspapers also flocked in. However, the auditorium was so full that even some of the top leaders of the organization had no room to sit. How could there be room for these reporters

Several senior leaders of the organization shouted, and the security outside the auditorium began to clear people. All the reporters from the newspapers were kicked out of the auditorium. They complained angrily, but they had no other choice. The people sitting in the auditorium were the powerful figures of each organization. , no one like them, young reporters, can afford to offend. What's more, they have been used to this kind of treatment for many years as reporters, so they have to squat outside the auditorium, sticking their heads and ears against the wall, not letting go of a single thing in the auditorium. The wind blows.

Logically speaking, all reporters should be kicked out, but there was one exception.

This person was the suit reporter from Donglin Newspaper, who was also the first reporter to discover that Shi Xiaobai had passed to the eighth floor.

The reason why the suit reporter was able to stay in the auditorium was not because he got the first-hand information. In fact, this kind of very critical matter in the journalism world was meaningless to the top leaders of the organization, and it did not constitute a reason for accommodation. .

The reason why he was able to stay in the auditorium was because he was smart enough and prepared!

Why do journalists in suits wear formal suits

Yes, just prepare for this moment!

The reporter in a suit had quietly hidden the camera when the top leaders of each organization arrived, and sat upright without looking away. In addition, he was dressed in formal attire, so none of the security guards and top executives recognized that he was actually a reporter!

"I'm so witty!"

The reporter in the suit gave himself a thumbs up. He felt so sad when he saw that those reporters from big newspapers who usually "showed off their power" were kicked out of the auditorium, but an unknown reporter from a small newspaper like himself stayed here openly.

However, the reporter in the suit knew that he couldn't just sit there like this. Now reporters from various newspapers were blocked outside the auditorium. It was no longer possible to get first-hand information about Shi Xiaobai's follow-up situation. He had to do it if he stayed in the auditorium. something, otherwise it would be pointless.

The reporter in the suit looked around cautiously and found that most of the senior leaders of the organizations were whispering, and no one noticed that he was such a new face.

The reporter in a suit quietly put his hand into his pocket and took out his mobile phone. He pretended to look at something at first, then quickly glanced left and right, and found that no one noticed his behavior. Suddenly, his fingers were on the screen of the mobile phone at an extremely fast speed. dot dot dot!".

I clicked on the recorder in less than three seconds!

The reporter in a suit put the phone with the recorder on in his pocket with a "swish" sound. During this period, his heart beat like a drum, and his heart almost jumped into his throat.

How bold the man is, how fruitful the land is!

Faced with so many high-level leaders of the organization, a reporter in a suit secretly turned on the recorder. This was undoubtedly "daring"!


The reporter in the suit took a long breath, turned to the fat man sitting next to him and said, "Hello, I am Chen Dadan from the Donglin Organization."

The slightly fat man glanced at the reporter in a suit, frowned slightly and said, "Donglin Organization? Sorry, maybe I am ignorant and have never heard of the Donglin Organization. I am also a little unfamiliar with this little brother."

The reporter in the suit was extremely panicked, but he pretended to be extremely calm. He laughed and said: "How could it be that the eldest brother is ignorant? The Donglin Organization is just a third-rate organization. It is normal for the eldest brother to have never heard of it. The younger brother is not third-rate." I'm lucky enough to be nearby, so I can sit in the same auditorium with you all? It's normal for my eldest brother to be shy. How can I be qualified to show up in the circle where my eldest brother hangs out! This is a rare opportunity, I'm so shy Do you want to talk to big brother?"

The suit reporter's "despicable" way of belittling himself and promoting others won the favor of the fat man. He smiled with satisfaction and thought that this man was very good. Although he was only a small figure in a small organization, he was self-aware and knew how to flatter. , very "promising".

"Little brother, don't belittle yourself. Although you are a small figure in a third-rate organization, you may skyrocket to the sky one day."

The fat man was saying polite words casually, and suddenly thought of something, and lowered his voice and said, "Do you know Wen Hezheng and Kevin? Two trash newcomers from a second-rate organization, because they hugged Shi Xiaobai's thigh, they soared into the sky. The sparrow is like a phoenix, and he even got the quota for the training of both factions, it's just... haha."

The slightly fat man's eyes were full of resentment and unwillingness. He was also a senior member of the organization who participated in the meeting not long ago, and he still can't let go of the outcome of the meeting.

The suit reporter felt that the fat man's words were very unpleasant, and felt inexplicably unhappy. What happened to the little guy? Should little people be despised and ridiculed by you like this

The suit reporter complained in his heart, but he could only agree with a smile, and secretly thought about the fat man's words. The results of that meeting have not yet been reported in the press, but from the words of the fat man, it seems that the result was Who wins, Wen Hezheng or Kevin? This is incredible news!

The reporter in the suit, who had gained something as soon as he made the move, suddenly became more courageous. He was silent for a while, and then he mustered up the courage to say: "Brother, waiting here is a bit boring, why don't you just find something to talk about? Now the common people of Xia Kingdom Everyone is discussing how long Shi Xiaobai can stay on the eighth floor and whether he can break the Conqueror King's record of five hours. I wonder what big brother thinks?"

The slightly fat man looked at the reporter in a suit, hesitated for a moment, and said in a low voice: "My surname is Sen. Everyone calls me Fat Sen. If you don't mind, just call me Brother Sen. Don't always be the eldest brother." It sounds panicked."

The reporter in a suit pretended to be surprised and shouted, "Brother Sen!"

Fatty Sen smiled with satisfaction, then waved the suit reporter to his head, then lowered his voice and whispered in the suit reporter's ear: "How long Shi Xiaobai can stay on the eighth floor is not something that can be discussed casually. Now the whole country is paying attention. , if you jump to conclusions casually, you may be secretly recorded by some unscrupulous reporter. There are all well-known and important people here. When the time comes, they will be used as material and sent to the news consultation, and the prediction will be wrong and you will be slapped in the face. That will be uncomfortable... So You have to be careful when discussing this."

The suit reporter secretly laughed in his heart, the conscientious reporter who secretly recorded the secret passage is right next to you, stupid pig!

The reporter in the suit felt proud, pretending to be serious on the surface, nodded seriously, and said sternly: "Brother Sen just expresses his opinion, I am very tight-lipped. We are just discussing, and no third person will know!"

Sen Fat smiled with satisfaction, a trace of hesitation flashed in his eyes, but in the end, his "not happy" mood defeated the cautious Cheng Fu. Sen Fat whispered in the ear of the reporter in the suit: "Let me tell you, this Shi Xiaobai is here We will definitely not be able to stay on the eighth floor for more than three hours, which is definitely the lowest record in history!”

Sen Fat was "wronged" at that meeting, and was almost frightened to the point of peeing by Yiquan's eyes. He had a bad feeling for the Gaia Organization, and Shi Xiaobai from the Gaia Organization also hated Wujiwu!

Although Fatty Sen also knew that Shi Xiaobai's theory that he could not stay on the eighth floor for more than three hours was baseless and that he would probably be slapped in the face, as far as the private discussion between him and brother Chen Dadan was concerned, there would be no third party. I personally know what would happen if he casually said something bad about Shi Xiaobai

Sen Fat vented his grievances and prepared to blackmail Shi Xiaobai forcibly based on some fabricated reasons.

However, Sen Fatty never expected that "little brother Chen Dadan" who heard what he said suddenly stood up with a "wow" and shouted loudly: "What! Brother Sen, you actually think that Shi Xiaobai is in the eighth The layer can’t last even three hours!?”

The reporter in the suit shouted at the top of his lungs, and his voice stood out among the whispers in the auditorium. All the senior officials in the auditorium turned their heads and looked at each other in astonishment. The positions of the reporter in the suit and Fatty Sen suddenly became caught the spotlight.

Sen Fat's eyes darkened and he almost fainted.

Did you say it was so tight

Did you agree that only two people knew about it

Do you really want everyone in the auditorium to know

Sen Pang quickly pulled the reporter in his suit, made a silencing gesture, and even gave him a "wink" to signal the reporter in his suit to quiet down.

However, the reporter in the suit seemed not to have seen Sen Fat's hint, and shouted again as if he had lost his mind: "Brother Sen, although I salute you as Brother Sen, but I really can't agree with your statement of looking down on Shi Xiaobai! As we all know, I cannot agree with you!" , Shi Xiaobai conquered eight tower lords. This is an unprecedented feat. Even Ji Feng, Xu Taibai and the Conquering King couldn't do it! In my opinion, Shi Xiaobai can at least defeat the Conquering King. The record of staying for more than five hours! But Brother Sen, you said that Shi Xiaobai couldn't even stay for three hours! Three hours! Brother Sen, how can you have such a prejudice!"

The reporter in a suit looked excited and spoke fiercely, but very logically. His voice was loud enough to drown out the whispers in the auditorium, and immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Sen Fat was about to cry but had no tears. He wanted to slap the reporter in a suit to death. His fat face turned red. Seeing everyone looking at him, he didn't know how to explain it.

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded.

"Little brother, this is wrong! It is true that Shi Xiaobai has conquered eight tower lords unprecedentedly, but how can it mean that Ji Feng, Xu Taibai and the Conqueror King can't do it? As we all know, conquering the tower lords requires clearing each level. Without any help, and being in the leading queue, it is difficult to encounter the tower lord. Ji Feng and the others just didn't try to attack the tower lord, but it doesn't mean that they can't do it! Indeed, it is said that Shi Xiaobai can't survive three It's a bit reckless to say that Shi Xiaobai can definitely set the latest record in more than five hours, but that's too arbitrary! Let's analyze it rationally, is Shi Xiaobai really better than the conquering king in the spiritual realm? "

The speaker is a man in a suit.

Sen Pang's eyes lit up and he was pleasantly surprised. The man in a suit who suddenly appeared was the main force in the meeting who lured and coerced Nangong Shan!

The man in the suit was probably still worried about the outcome of the meeting, so he couldn't help but jump out to vent!

Suit reporter Chen Dadan's eyes also lit up, and he was even more surprised than Sen. This is what he has been waiting for!

The reporter in a suit reached into his pocket and shook his cell phone. The phone's recorder had already been turned on!

The reporter in the suit took a deep breath, attracted everyone's attention and the aggressive gaze of the man in the suit, and said loudly: "In my opinion, Shi Xiaobai is better than the Conquering King in the spiritual realm! Do you think that Shi Xiaobai is not necessarily better than the Conquering King? Is there any basis for this?"

Come on, have your say!

These are news materials worth thousands of dollars!

Today's Chen Dadan is very bold!

... ... .

(PS: The second update is still being processed and will be updated in an hour or two. The plot of the ninth floor has been conceived, but I am a bit confused about how to express what I want to write, so I will use a small branch line to transition it first. This paragraph The small branch will not be long and will end in two chapters, so I will write the plot of the ninth floor tomorrow, so don’t worry!)