Absolute Choice

Chapter 513: The Sinful Poison of the Holy Tree (Second update!)


Kunpeng's sword technique and the Sword of Pledge of Victory were ineffective, so Shi Xiaobai had no choice but to swallow the green ball in one gulp, trying to "digest" it completely with the power of gluttony.

Unexpectedly, instead of being affected, the green ball felt like a fish in water, falling down his throat and hanging in Shi Xiaobai's chest, next to his beating heart.

Shi Xiaobai immediately felt palpitations in his heart, and he opened his mouth to spit it out!

The green ball suddenly stabbed out countless thin green needles like a hedgehog, forcefully piercing into Shi Xiaobai's internal organs, meridians of limbs and blood vessels throughout the body!

If it weren't for the "non-breathing" that greatly reduced the pain, Shi Xiaobai would have screamed, but even so, the pain of being pierced through the delicate flesh and blood in his body was still particularly clear, as if being bitten by thousands of ants!

And at the next moment, the countless spikes protruding from the green ball suddenly shot out viscous green liquid with a pop, injecting into Shi Xiaobai's internal organs, the meridians of the limbs and the blood vessels of the whole body, and mixed with blood, bone marrow and various kinds of fluids. Bodily fluids mixed together!

Shi Xiaobai's skin was filled with a layer of oily green from the inside to the outside in an instant!

Bloodline transformation!

No, it's more than that!

The "disaster" that Shi Xiaobai encountered was far more than that. Suddenly, bursts of crisp crackling sounds sounded throughout his body!

Shi Xiaobai took a deep breath. He could feel that all the bones in his body were compressing, twisting, and deforming!


Trunk bones!

Limb bones!

Two hundred and six bones are moving at the same time at this moment, either squeezing, rubbing, or colliding, in an orderly manner, but without any rules!

But one thing is clear. Not only has Shi Xiaobai's skin turned green, but his body is also slowly shrinking!

This is no longer a simple bloodline transformation, but a racial transformation!

Shi Xiaobai is transforming from a yellow-skinned human into a green-skinned dwarf superhuman!

The remnant soul of the Extraordinary King finally changed its lines. It suddenly started "reciting" loudly like reading a "full score composition".

"Hold it! Pain is a necessary process of transformation!"

"Hold on! This is not a punishment, but an extraordinary gift!"

"Relax! Don't resist, this is the king's inheritance and the king's gift!"


The Chaofan King actually played the role of a persuasive elder, trying to "pacify" Shi Xiaobai, who was "accepting" the inheritance of the Chaofan King.

Is this also one of the settings of the "program"

Shi Xiaobai couldn't help but laugh angrily.

Hold it in? persist in? Relax

Play that fucking bullshit!

Let’s not talk about who can bear this kind of pain without "breathing out", let’s talk about the deceptive setting of changing from a human to a green-skinned dwarf, who would be willing to accept it!

Naturally, Shi Xiaobai couldn’t accept it!

As soon as the thought of resistance came out, the bright red blood in the blood vessels that was gradually "swallowed" by the green liquid suddenly began to boil, like a raging wave hitting the green liquid flowing in the blood vessels in reverse!

The blood of the human race is resisting the blood of the extraordinary race!

Shi Xiaobai suddenly remembered that the Queen said that the inheritance of the Extraordinary King must be accepted by the inheritor willingly. It turns out that this is the case. The bloodline of other races is not to be bullied. When the owner has the will to resist, they will defend it like soldiers charging into battle. "land"!

Although the pain caused by the confrontation between the two bloodlines could not be suppressed, Shi Xiaobai still gritted his teeth and urged the human bloodline to fight against the inheritance of the Extraordinary King!

Red blood and green liquid begin to "fight" each other!

The green ball suddenly trembled and made a clanking sound, like an angry child!

The remnant soul of the Extraordinary King seemed to have sensed this situation. Not only did he change his lines, but his face also changed, and he said urgently: "Child, hold on! Hold on! Relax! Don't resist! The pain is only temporary, bear with it. It’s over! But if you try to resist, the power of inheritance will bite your body back. Once the extraordinary gift turns into the sinful poison of the holy tree, no one can save you!"

Obviously in the setting of the remnant soul of the Extraordinary King, Shi Xiaobai who came to the ninth level should be a trialist who voluntarily accepted the inheritance. From its perspective without subjective thinking, Shi Xiaobai's sudden resistance was because he could not bear the pain. , so he began to persuade in an anxious tone!

However, the reason why Shi Xiaobai reached the ninth floor was not because he did it voluntarily, but because the Queen ignored the rules and forcibly sent him up!

Shi Xiaobai couldn't help but feel doubtful.

The Demon Queen knew that the situation would be like this, but still sent him to the ninth level. Did she think that he would compromise the inheritance of the Extraordinary King because of the threat of death? Or do you want to kill him with this

But with the Demon Queen's strength, if you want to kill him, wouldn't it be easier to do it yourself

So, the answer is the former

No, no matter how "cheap" the Queen is, she is not a fool after all, and is even very smart. She must know very well what he will do when faced with this situation!

Shi Xiaobai suddenly grinned when he thought of this.

Lingering as a green dwarf


This king will never!

Feeling the "master's" strong will to resist, the human blood suddenly boiled even more. The bright red blood in turn "swallowed" the green liquid, and the compressed and twisted bones suddenly stretched, like a warrior who was pressed under a huge boulder, holding on with both hands. Wei Ran stood up from the boulder, straightened his body, and stood tall against the sky!

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

The green ball suddenly rotated at high speed, rubbing violently against the ribs in the chest, making a sharp and ear-piercing sound!

The Extraordinary King's face changed drastically and he screamed: "Stop! Stop! Stop!"

"Accepting the inheritance of the Extraordinary King, you will have supreme power, become the king of the Extraordinary Clan, and become the master of a world! Your destiny will definitely change because of this!"

"Stop it!"

The Extraordinary King screamed hysterically, but it was just a remnant soul. Although it was endowed with some of the emotions of the Extraordinary King, it had no intelligence and no strength. It could not stop Shi Xiaobai's resistance at all. He could only try to use words. Come to persuade Shi Xiaobai.

Shi Xiaobai turned a deaf ear, closed his eyes, and mobilized the power of the human bloodline with all his strength, constantly eroding the inheritance of the extraordinary king. He closed his eyes step by step, and the power of the bloodline finally surrounded the green ball!

The blood of the human race is deep-rooted, Shi Xiaobai is determined to resist, and the inheritance of the extraordinary king has no power to resist!

"I will decide my own destiny!"

Shi Xiaobai suddenly opened his eyes and roared towards the Extraordinary King. The power of blood in his body turned into an invisible hand and grasped the green ball tightly. He tightened it suddenly. The green ball struggled violently and let out bursts of sharp and miserable sounds. Call!


What screamed even more miserably was the remnant soul of the Extraordinary King. Its translucent soul body suddenly flickered on and off, gradually becoming more transparent, as if a cloud of smoke could be blown away at any time.

"Damn you sinner, destroy my extraordinary inheritance. The sinful poison of the holy tree will definitely turn you into pus, and you will die without a complete body!"

The Extraordinary King cursed viciously, and suddenly his soul flew away with a "pop", and scattered into a ball of light green smoke, floating in the air.

At the same time, the green ball inside Shi Xiaobai suddenly turned black, from oily green to dirty black!


The black ball suddenly exploded inside Shi Xiaobai's body with a "boom". If the power of blood had not surrounded it and formed an invisible barrier, the heart next to the ball would have been blown into pieces.

Even so, Shi Xiaobai spit out a mouthful of dirty blood.

The exploding black ball exploded like a water ball, and the jet-black liquid splashed out, splashing everywhere in Shi Xiaobai's body. It did not corrode flesh and blood like sulfuric acid, but penetrated into it, dyeing the blood-red fascia in an instant. Got black!

The poison eroded the internal organs and blood throughout the body in an instant!

The poison of the holy tree

Only then did Shi Xiaobai understand the meaning of this obscure term. The green ball suddenly turned black and exploded, and the black liquid that spread was actually the poisonous sap of the extraordinary holy tree in the seventh layer of the world!

No, that extraordinary holy tree is just a replica, and its toxicity is not at the same level as the venom that penetrated Shi Xiaobai's body at this time!

Even though Shi Xiaobai has an anti-toxic constitution and can filter out 80% of the toxins, the poison of the real extraordinary holy tree is only 20%, which is a fatal poison for Shi Xiaobai!

Skin, flesh, muscles, bones, nerves, and even cells throughout the body were eroded by black toxins at this moment, almost necrotic!

Shi Xiaobai, it’s dark!

(ps: Hey, the exciting plot is about to begin, and the awesome updates are still going on. Please vote for me and give me rewards!)