Absolute Choice

Chapter 514: Balance of worldview


The extraordinary sacred tree that really existed was the supreme divine object that created the three races of extraordinary people, gods and demons. The crude fakes on the seventh floor of the Nine-turn Extraordinary Tower cannot be compared at all. Between Shi Xiaobai's anti-toxic physique and "this Under the influence of "The Hardest Turtle", the poison of the fake holy tree was not only not poison, but actually a tonic for Shi Xiaobai.

But the "Holy Tree Sin Poison" that erupted after the power of the Extraordinary King's inheritance backfired was actually the real Holy Tree Poison, and its toxicity was far more terrifying than imagined! Even if 80% of the poison is filtered out by the anti-toxic constitution, the remaining 20% is still fatal to humans!

Shi Xiaobai's internal organs and the blood vessels of his limbs were eroded by black toxins, and his skin was stained with a jet black color. His important organs succumbed in an instant, and the cells in his body began to die at an extremely fast speed.

Physical collapse, physiological collapse!

Without treatment, Shi Xiaobai would die on the spot in less than a minute!

Naturally, Shi Xiaobai would not sit still and wait for death. He immediately activated the "non-breathing" function to the limit to suppress the paralysis of the limbs caused by the poison. He raised his hands with difficulty, pressed his temples, and squeezed them gently. A few times, and then from the temples to the cheeks, to the neck, to the shoulders, to the chest, to the waist and abdomen, from top to bottom, massage step by step, methodically, it seems not fast or slow, but the technique is extremely fast, less than three seconds. In ten seconds it was pressed all over the body!

Divine Massage!

This is the most magical and incredible reward given by Absolute Choice so far. It is nominally a "combat skill", but in fact it is not an exaggeration to call it a "magic skill".

Shi Xiaobai once used the divine massage technique to transform a little mosquito from a chubby girl into a petite and cute girl overnight. He also used the divine massage technique to solve a problem that had troubled Mu Yuesheng for many years and broadened the world of psychic energy. I think it is impossible to artificially widen the breadth of the brain!

The massage technique of God can even greatly relieve muscle fatigue, give the human body new strength, and make the exhausted massage recipient "resurrection" like a dead tree blooming in spring. On the third floor, Shi Xiaobai used the Massage Technique of God to give the patient new strength. Mosquito and Kevin provided a steady stream of battery life, allowing them to train non-stop in such a short period of time, and their strength was greatly improved.

The Divine Massage Technique is almost omnipotent. Shi Xiaobai even believes that "there is no problem in the world that the Divine Massage Technique cannot solve. If it doesn't work once, then try it twice."

However, in order to maintain the balance of the "world view", the more unbalanced things are, the more restrictions must be imposed on them!

Just like Li Wuyu's "Mirror Imitation", its power is so powerful that it can be called a rip-off, but in fact, the limitations of the "Mirror Imitation" ability are several times more than those of Liu Yu, Paper Farmer and others, and even more The existence of "absolute restrictions" is just that Li Wuyu cleverly avoided the "absolute restrictions" when using his powers, and fully utilized the function of "mirror imitation" under the constraints of the restrictions. Li Chenxi once saw through the "mirror imitation" Imitation is not absolutely perfect. In fact, this is just one of the many weaknesses of "mirror imitation".

Of course, the divine massage technique also has limitations!

Shi Xiaobai discovered the first limitation on the third floor. He frequently used "Spring from Dead Trees" on Little Mosquito and Kevin, and the effect was slightly weakened. Although the amplitude of each weakening was not obvious, as time went by, the times increased, and the amplitude accumulated, the difference would become It was obvious, and even in the end, the physical impact of "dead wood blooming" on the two of them was close to nothing.

It can be seen that the Divine Massage Technique has a limit on the number of times the same massager can be massaged. Although no systematic experiments have been conducted, it is impossible to determine whether this limit is a permanent limit or a temporary fatigue. However, at least I want to treat the Divine Massage Technique as a universal perpetual motion machine. , is impossible.

This limitation is actually quite acceptable and will not affect the "bug" level of God's Massage.

However, when Shi Xiaobai was on the seventh floor, he discovered the second limitation of the Divine Massage Technique. This limitation can be called "fatal"!

It was in the formation world of the God-killing Formation. He and Li Chenxi were chased by monsters all over the world. At that time, they had just experienced a life-and-death battle. Shi Xiaobai used all his strength to use the Sword of Victory, and Li Chenxi also twice Using the power of the sword soul is exhausting. They fled together, depended on each other for life, and never left each other. In order to protect each other, they struggled to survive until they were exhausted and passed out, so that Shi Xiaobai was forced to use the "Angry Evil Seed".

In fact, Shi Xiaobai had used the divine massage technique on himself and Li Chenxi in the world of formations!

However, whether it was "dead wood blooming" or other applications of God's Massage, they had little effect on him and Li Chenxi, and could even be said to have "no effect"!

Shi Xiaobai used to be puzzled by this, but after thinking about it later, he finally understood the reason.

Divine Massage is not omnipotent, it has absolute limitations!

And its biggest limitation is the level factor!

Why are the effects of using God's Massage on Xiao Mosquito, Kevin and Mu Yuesheng so remarkable? It has no effect on yourself and Li Chenxi

The fundamental reason is that the "physical strength" of him and Li Chenxi is not at the same level as the three little mosquitoes!

As the strongest person in human history, Li Chenxi not only has superb swordsmanship in the spiritual realm, but in fact her "physical strength" is also far superior to that of her peers, not to mention Shi Xiaobai, who "eats and digests" with the power of gluttony "With the energy of the Extraordinary Holy Fruit, the Jade of God, and the Demon King's Sword, the greatly increased "physical strength" can even go head-to-head with the extraordinary third-transformation Lion King, which is called "abnormal" for humans in the spiritual realm!

After all, the principle of Divine Massage is to influence the human body through "incredible massage", just like kneading a piece of soft clay into various clay sculptures!

The "physical strength" of the person being massaged will obviously affect the impact of God's massage. The softer the clay, the easier it is to knead, of course, but what if the clay turns into a piece of hard iron? Can it still be easily "kneaded and flattened"

This is the biggest limitation of the God's Massage Technique. Its omnipotence only targets the "physical strength" within the range of influence. It can be used to squeeze soft mud like a small mosquito, but it can't be pressed against iron blocks like Shi Xiaobai and Li Chenxi. Can't press.

Of course, this does not mean that the limit of the Divine Massage Technique lies here. In fact, the Divine Massage Technique is a move... a combat skill!

Combat skills are divided into levels of proficiency, preliminary mastery, practice makes perfect, mastery, mastery, reaching the pinnacle, a world like no other, super-spirituality and sainthood, which are divided into seven realms!

Shi Xiaobai's divine massage technique has only reached the second level of "practice makes perfect"!

If one day you reach the seventh realm of cultivation, "super-spiritual becoming a saint", you will be able to squeeze not only iron knots, but also diamonds and diamonds!

However, the reality at this moment is that Shi Xiaobai's divine massage technique has only reached the point where "practice makes perfect", and no matter how hard he massages, it has no effect on his body.

But Shi Xiaobai still used the Divine Massage Technique at the critical moment when the "Holy Tree Sin Poison" broke out. This was not a dead horse being treated as a living horse, but Shi Xiaobai discovered that the toxins of the "Holy Tree Sin Poison" were acting like His body functions were destroyed at an extremely fast speed, and his constitution was collapsing!

In other words, Shi Xiaobai's body has become extremely weak and fragile due to the infiltration of the "Holy Tree Sin Poison". A slight movement of wind and grass may scratch the skin, just like an iron pimple melted into a pool of solution!

The massage technique of God is like a fish in water, and it is finally able to exert its "divine power"!

Shi Xiaobai used the Divine Massage Technique to massage his whole body, trying to directly clean out the toxins from the "Holy Tree Sin Poison". However, the toxins had already penetrated deep into the bone marrow. The Divine Massage Technique, an "external intervention" forced cleansing method, although it can be used to a certain extent. It cleans out toxins, but it also causes "damage and destruction," ranging from crippling to fatal.

The slime sticks together after all, so it can be kneaded at will, but Shi Xiaobai's current body is not even slime. It is just a puddle of mud at best. Not only can it not be shaped, it will also make the mud even more pulpy.

Shi Xiaobai had no choice but to limit the spread of the "Holy Tree Sin Poison" without interfering with his body. After some efforts, Shi Xiaobai finally used the massage technique of God to temporarily suppress the spread of the "Holy Tree Sin Poison" , like freezing a fast river into a glacier.

However, although the "Holy Tree Sinful Poison" is frozen, it is only temporary. The inside of the rapid river is struggling to beat the frozen river surface, and the highly toxic "Scorching Sun" is also making the inhibitory effect of the God's Massage gradually " Melt”!

In less than ten minutes, the massage technique of God will lose its effect!

Even the Divine Massage Technique only extended Shi Xiaobai's remaining life from one minute to ten minutes. The horror of the "Holy Tree Sinful Poison" is evident!

But Shi Xiaobai didn't give up. He sat down on the ground and racked his brains to think.

Is there any other way he can resolve this crisis

What other means does he have to fight against the ravages of the "Holy Tree Sin Poison"

Shi Xiaobai closed his eyes and meditated, one thought after another flashed through his mind, thinking, denying, thinking again, denying again...

Never give up until the last moment, never despair until the last second!

No! Even at the last second, there will be no despair!

Suddenly, Shi Xiaobai, who was still thinking hard, suddenly felt a warm feeling coming from the upper left side of his abdomen!

This sudden feeling of warmth was particularly prominent and clear when Shi Xiaobai's whole body became cold due to the "Holy Tree Sin Poison"!

Shi Xiaobai suddenly opened his eyes, reached out to the upper left side of his abdomen, and found that this was not an illusion. There was a stinging freezing sensation coming from other parts of the body, but this place felt very warm to the touch, exuding heat.

Shi Xiaobai quickly pulled up his clothes and looked down.

I was shocked to find that when the skin all over my body turned black, there was a patch of skin on the upper left side of my abdomen that was white and rosy!

The outline of the fair skin looks like an important organ in the human body.

That's... the stomach!

(PS: The second update is in the code and will be updated soon. There is a high probability that another chapter will be added. This chapter will briefly explain the bug of why God’s Massage is not used in the formation world, and by the way, it will balance the God’s Massage. Next This plot will start to use foreshadowing, fill in the previous pitfalls, and improve various settings. Of course, leaving the tower is just around the corner, and the plot of Li Wuyu that everyone is concerned about will also start immediately after leaving the tower.)