Absolute Choice

Chapter 517: Domineering little loli


The black and white swords clanged, cutting each other off, and shattering into "snowflakes" all over the sky. The world seemed to be left with only the falling pure black and holy white.

Shi Xiaobai underestimated the mind of the Black and White Swords, or underestimated their "loyalty". He never expected that the Black and White Swords would be keenly aware of the seriousness of the situation, let alone that they would rather sacrifice themselves. save him.

Shi Xiaobai was stunned for a long time, staring blankly at the black and white fragments on the ground. His chest seemed to be blocked by a huge stone. He opened his mouth slightly but couldn't say anything. There seemed to be something stuck in his throat that he couldn't swallow or spit out.

He can endure pain and suffering, but he can't bear the most when others sacrifice for him.

The kind butcher who said, "This year's Qingming Festival, I will tell your grandpa that we will not kill pigs in the future."

The black-haired young man who knocked him unconscious in the cupboard, picked up a rusty butcher knife and rushed out the door, but never came back.

The purple-haired elf who went on a rampage to save him and became the fallen elf he hated most.

The blond girl who carried him all over the world and didn't even show a trace of fatigue until she fell into a coma.

The girl in green was worried about whether he would feel guilty when he scratched her shoulder and almost tore off her arms when he lost control of her.

They are so.

Next to me was a little white dog that had vomited out all its secret treasures.

The two black and white long swords in front of him had their swords shattered in order to save him.

The same is true.

He couldn't bear such a sacrifice. This was a sadness that the king couldn't bear, a tragedy that he couldn't accept.

Shi Xiaobai was silent for a long time, and finally sighed silently, with a trace of determination flashing in his eyes.

He moved his weak body, stretched out his stiff hands, and slowly picked up the fragments of the black and white swords, gathered them into a pile, and placed them in front of himself.

"One day, I will restore you to your original state."

Shi Xiaobai gently stroked the black and white fragments. The fragments were as warm and smooth as the keys of a black and white piano, but they no longer emitted the clear sound of swords. They were silent at this time, as if they had become a pile of dead things.

Shi Xiaobai will not eat them, even if they really become dead objects, even if there is only one minute left before the sin poison of the holy tree breaks out again.

He will collect and keep the black and white fragments of this place, and find ways to "assemble" them again and restore them to their original state.


Suddenly, a childish yet girlish snort suddenly sounded.

Shi Xiaobai was slightly startled, and suddenly felt a burning sensation coming from the back of his right hand. He looked down and saw that the golden pattern on the back of his right hand suddenly brightened, and bright golden light spread out in all directions, like a lotus flower blooming!

Suddenly a ball of golden light floated out from the golden lotus, filled with a trace of sacred aura.

The golden light group exuded bursts of fragrant fragrance, and vaguely emitted clear and clear sword sounds. A figure that was whiter than the snow-white wilderness slowly walked out of the light group.

The figure looked like a six or seven-year-old girl. Her facial features were too delicate to be human. She was wearing a princess dress with no other color embellishments except white. The exposed skin was a bit whiter than the princess dress, but it was pink. Tender and smooth, like condensed fat and beautiful jade.

The waist-length hair is also snow-white. Except for the light ink eyebrows, light golden pupils, almost invisible nostrils and pink lips, there is no trace of color other than white. However, this white color is not monotonous. It can be white with red inside, pure white like snow, or as clear as jade. It can be called a visual feast of white.

Shi Xiaobai was stunned. Who could this snow-white little Luoli who suddenly appeared from the golden light be the little sword spirit he named "Xiao Hei"

The little sword spirit rarely appears, and every time he has to poke the golden pattern on the back of his hand to call her out. Why did he run out this time

Shi Xiaobai opened his mouth and was about to ask, but saw the little sword spirit walking towards him immediately after landing, and he immediately noticed something strange.

That soft little face that was so cute that you wanted to reach out and squeeze it didn't have the softness that a little Luoli should have. Instead, it had a cold and angry expression, looking like an angry girl.

The appearance of a six or seven-year-old girl is completely inconsistent with the expression of this girl.

"You are so stupid that this sword spirit can't stand it anymore!"

Before Shi Xiaobai could say anything, Little Sword Spirit had already spoken. Her voice was not as childish and cute as before. Instead, it was cold and bright, like big beads falling on a jade plate.

Shi Xiaobai was stunned.

The little sword spirit walked and said, crackling: "In the beginning, I just asked you to drop a drop of blood to restore my strength to this sword spirit, but you inexplicably forced this sword spirit to sign a master-servant contract."

"It's okay to sign a master-servant contract. The worst thing I can do is hide my sword spirit. But in the end, you insist on exposing me and saying that you want to learn swordsmanship."

"Learn to sword, just learn to sword. What does 'Xiao Hei's name is cuter' mean? What this sword spirit hates the most is black!"

"Hmph, forget about the name. You are the master of this sword spirit contract after all. This sword spirit caters to your bad tastes. I wanted to pretend to be an innocent and cute little luoli, and I will part ways with you when my strength recovers. darts!"

The little sword spirit looked cold and chattering, as if she wanted to vent all the "complaints" she had accumulated. She walked up to Shi Xiaobai, who looked confused, and stretched out her delicate little hand to point at the pile of black and white fragments on the ground. , said coldly: "But how can you be so stupid? Just for this pile of junk? Do you want to die?"

Shi Xiaobai's expression finally changed when he heard this. He looked at the somewhat "unfamiliar" little Luoli in front of him and said seriously: "They are my swords, not scrap metal!"

The little sword spirit snorted coldly and said: "What's the difference between a pile of dead things and scrap metal? You want to eat it or not!"

Shi Xiaobai shook his head and said: "I will never eat it!"

The little sword spirit glared and said, "Then you should quickly untie this sword spirit's master-servant contract. If you want to die, don't hold me back!"

Shi Xiaobai was startled and asked, "How to explain it?"

Xiao Jian Lingqi smiled and said: "I have never heard of the contract word you used, so how do I know how to interpret it?"

Shi Xiaobai was silent, recalling the words of the contract he read when he signed the contract with Morning Star in the underworld. It seemed to be -

"Explode the reality, crush the spirit, banish this world, and obey the blood oath. You will regard me as your king and become my king's sword, the holy sword that slays demons - Xiaohei!"

Well, this contract word seems, seems, seems... made up on the fly...

Although Shi Xiaobai didn't think it was strange that the contract words he made up temporarily would become a master-servant contract, he really didn't know how to undo the contract.

Because he never thought about taking the initiative to break the contract he made.

Shi Xiaobai smiled dryly and said: "I don't know how to solve it. But don't worry, I won't die. A little poison won't kill me."

Of course, Shi Xiaobai has a last resort. Although he will pay a heavy price, he will not be poisoned by the sin poison of the holy tree. Otherwise, talking about restoring the black and white swords to their original state is just a bunch of empty talk.

The little sword spirit looked at Shi Xiaobai suspiciously and snorted: "The sword spirit has seen too many stupid things you did! Break this pile quickly... eat them quickly, otherwise This sword spirit is not at ease!"

Shi Xiaobai shook his head and said, "I won't eat it!"

The little sword spirit gritted his teeth and said, "If you don't want to eat, then find a way to break the master-servant contract!"

Shi Xiaobai shook his head again and said: "I can't solve it."

The little sword spirit said angrily: "Then eat it quickly!"

Shi Xiaobai said solemnly: "Don't eat it!"

The little sword spirit stared and said, "Are you going to eat or not?"

Shi Xiaobai also stared and said: "Don't eat! Don't eat! Absolutely not!"

The two stared at each other with firm attitudes, but neither of them planned to "reason" with the other party.

Shi Xiaobai only felt that the glaring little Luoli in front of him was so "hateful". If his hands were not so stiff due to the "sacred tree sin poison", as if they were frozen, he would have smashed her little face " "Ravaged".

The little sword spirit seemed to sense the "evil" thoughts in Shi Xiaobai's eyes. After staring for a moment, she was finally defeated. She slowly lowered her head.

Shi Xiaobai smiled slightly. He knew that although the little sword spirit used a more "selfish" term, his original intention was to worry about him doing stupid things, but it was indeed a bit too much to pretend to be a cute little luoli before.

Shi Xiaobai slowly raised his hand, preparing to kill with a slap on the head. He also told the little sword spirit that he would not mess around, and even if he did not eat the black and white swords, he would never be poisoned to death.

However, at this moment, the little sword spirit, who had lowered his head slightly, suddenly pounced forward, his feet landed on Shi Xiaobai's thighs sitting cross-legged on the ground, his petite body leaned into Shi Xiaobai's arms, and his white and tender hands were raised upwards. , suddenly stretched towards Shi Xiaobai's face.

The little sword spirit was so fast that Shi Xiaobai couldn't react for a while.

The little sword spirit snorted coldly and pinched Shi Xiaobai's cheek with his small hands. The force was so strong that Shi Xiaobai had to open his mouth.

At the same time, the black and white fragments on the ground seemed to be pulled, and rushed into Shi Xiaobai's slightly open mouth with a "swish" sound!

"You have to eat even if you don't want to!"

The little sword spirit's eyes narrowed slightly. He was obviously just a six or seven-year-old little Luoli, but his expression was extremely domineering, like a queen.

(PS: I had a slight fever and it took me a day of sleep to get over it. But I didn’t want to ask for leave, so I finally finished coding the first chapter at night. I’ll try to code the second chapter later and see if I can finish it. If I can’t finish it, I’ll finish it tomorrow. Third update. Although I am determined and do not need to save the manuscript, it is really uncomfortable if I don’t save the manuscript!)