Absolute Choice

Chapter 523: One operation 0/8


"The world, time, and destiny, the three holy trees are all miraculous things, possessing the power to reach the sky, and are on the same level as the extraordinary holy tree. The extraordinary holy tree separated the power of inheritance into hundreds of thousands of parts and gave it to Dia race, and only one hundred thousand parts of the inheritance power created the three major races of the extraordinary race, the demon race and the divine race, and gave the extraordinary race the 'Nine Extraordinary Transformations', the devil the 'demon transformation', and the gods Wang's "God descends to earth", only one of hundreds of thousands, the power of inheritance of the holy tree has such power. The world, time, and destiny only choose the only inheritor after it is destroyed, giving the complete power of inheritance. The Nu family has never been able to imagine what kind of heaven-defying abilities its inheritors will acquire."

The Queen said softly: "But just now, you mentioned Li Chenxi and said this - 'The Holy Tree of Time is finally willing to waste its power to intersect two different time points in the same world line'. And you said The Nu family forcibly expelled Li Chenxi in the world line before the change, but the Nu family has no memory of this incident at all."

"It is rumored that the Holy Tree of Time is the incarnation of the will of the Law of Time. Obviously, this is the power of the Holy Tree of Time. It intersects the time point three thousand years ago with the current time point, causing the two time points to change at the same time, causing the world line to change. Change, such an incredible thing can only be achieved by the equally incredible law of time.”

"If you think about it more carefully, Li Chenxi three thousand years ago was the most powerful man in human history. He was also the first hero king in history to severely inflict the Original Sin of Heavenly Tribulation and almost defeat the seven clones. Although he unfortunately lost in the end , was killed by the Original Sin of Heavenly Tribulation, but his abilities were so powerful that they were beyond the scope of human beings. So the slave family guessed that the Hero King Li Chenxi was the inheritor of the Sacred Tree of Time!"

The Queen analyzed step by step and finally came to the conclusion that "Li Chenxi is the inheritor of time." There is no evidence for the speculation, but the logic is rigorous and reasonable.

Hua Li was silent. She didn't expect the Demon Queen to be so smart. Just by accidentally revealing a piece of information, she could combine it with other trivial information to reason it to the next stage, and it didn't seem to be that far.

The Queen's eyes were bright, radiant, and charming. She seemed to feel happy because of such "reasoning". She continued to analyze: "Since the world line has changed, why has the memory of the slave family been tampered with, but you are not affected and can do it easily?" Are you sure it's the power of the 'Holy Tree of Time'? In addition, the slave family has been very puzzled before, why can you easily suppress the power of the law of the Nine-Turn Extraordinary Tower, why can you easily pass through the wall of space as if teleporting, why did you release The light and darkness prevent the slave family from having any resistance? One answer can answer all the doubts - because you are the inheritor of the World's Holy Tree."

"The inheritor of the World Holy Tree and the Holy Tree of Time are at the same level or type of existence, so they are not affected by them. The laws of the world override the laws of space, so you are not bound by space and ignore the laws of space. The light and darkness , the reason why the slave family is so afraid is because they are among the four major branches of the world's laws - the law of creation and the law of destruction. Because the trial program is created by the extraordinary people using the simple and shallow law of creation, the destruction you control The law can easily destroy the slave family, so the slave family will instinctively feel fear."

The Queen's reasoning reached the next stage, and her reasoning was surprisingly correct, leaving Hua Li speechless for a moment.

She is indeed the inheritor of the World Sacred Tree, and controls the four major laws of the world - creation, destruction, repair, and destruction. She can create all things and summon meteorites to fall from the sky with a single thought. It is also easy to destroy a creation like the Demon Queen.

Hua Li was silent for a long time and finally said: "Your guesses are all theories and not convincing."

But after all, there is no evidence for the Queen's guess. She is wild and unconstrained. If she guesses wrong at one step, she will be wrong at every step.

"My husband once said that since you use the hypothesis method, you must firmly believe in your hypothesis, otherwise it will be difficult. I believe in my hypothesis and reasoning, even if there is no evidence and it is unconvincing, it doesn't matter."

The Queen quietly brought out "Shi Xiaobai's famous sayings". She still admired this human boy after all. He could play so many chess matches with her and even beat her in one game of "Flying Chess", the most test of wisdom. , His intelligence is impressive and his reasoning is often very reasonable.

Hua Li did not refute this time, but nodded in agreement. Of course, she kept every word of Shi Xiaobai's "famous sayings" in her heart. Although it came from the Queen's mouth, the truth was Shi Xiaobai's. Then That makes sense.

The Demon Queen narrowed her eyes slightly and continued the previous topic, saying: "Li Chenxi has the power of the Holy Tree of Time, so he can make time points intersect and change the world line. The changed world line will be actively tampered with due to the 'Law of Balance' The relevant memories of the time inheritor were lost, so the Nu family forgot about this matter. As a world inheritor, you are at the same level as Li Chenxi, so it is understandable that you are not affected. But... why is your husband not affected? The Nu family remembers, Not long after her husband woke up in the Demon King's palace, he asked about Li Chenxi, and asked, "Aren't there four trialists who have reached the eighth floor? Where is the King of Heroes?" Such a weird question made the Nu family feel puzzled at the time, but they didn't. Take it to heart. Now that I think about it carefully, it turns out that my husband just retained the memories before the world line changed!"

"You said that Li Chenxi was forcibly expelled by the slave family. Because the time points are intertwined, what the slave family did at this time directly interfered with the time point three thousand years ago. Therefore, Li Chenxi, who was supposed to reach the eighth floor, stopped at After reaching the seventh floor, the Law of Balance adjusted the balance of the world line and modified the relevant memories of this part. But the husband was not affected. He still remembered the history of the King of Heroes reaching the eighth floor before the world line changed! Why was the husband not affected? ?Obviously, he is the same level of existence as you, the inheritor of the same time!"

"The slave family's first guess is that the reincarnated person of the original sin must be at the same level as the time inheritor, or even above it, but this guess is too contradictory. The original sin of the heaven is the murderer who destroyed the world's sacred tree. Since you are the world's The inheritor of the holy tree is supposed to be inseparable from the reincarnation of the original sin. How can he become a lover? If you can't tell his identity, the slave family also thinks it is impossible. So the slave family has a second guess - the saint at the same time Among the existences of the same level as the tree inheritors, apart from you, there is still the inheritor of the Holy Tree of Destiny, right?"

"And this kind of speculation can just answer a question in the slave family's mind - why you have been standing by and watching and never taking action until the last moment. At least when your husband was poisoned by the sin of the holy tree, the slave family thought that you would directly help him. After all, at that time There are no factors that can limit you. However, you watched until the end. Even though he was in pain, regretful, self-blame, and even shed tears, you did not take action."

"You once said that you and your husband are two parallel lines that should not intersect. If you are too entangled, and when you have to leave, your husband's fate will be distorted because of your entanglement, so you can stay far away. Just look at me and be content. At that time, I thought your love was great but humble. But now that I think about it carefully, these words seem to have a deeper meaning."

"At least, when your husband is poisoned by the Holy Tree, the above reasons are not enough to be a reason for you to stand by. There must be a deeper reason that makes you have to stand by and wait until you have no choice but to take action."

"For this reason combined with what you said, the slave family can only come to one conclusion - you cannot interfere with your husband's fate, because his fate is not an ordinary fate, it is... a fate that even the world has to watch!"

"At the same level as the Holy Tree of Time, and with a fate that you have to stand by, the only ones who meet these two points at the same time are the inheritors of the Holy Tree of Destiny!"

The Demon Queen is now bright and charming, with a smile as bright as a flower. The reason why she has been entangled with Shi Xiaobai is because she has hidden these doubts in her heart. Now that she has spit them out, it feels so good.

The Queen chuckled and said: "If the inheritor of the Holy Tree of Destiny is the only guess, then the slave family will not have a headache. However, the characteristics of gluttony cannot be explained, and the husband does not seem to have the magical powers that the inheritor of the Holy Tree of Destiny should have, so the slave family cannot judge. Which of these two guesses is correct?"

"Shi Xiaobai, is he the reincarnation of the Original Sin of Heavenly Tribulation or the inheritor of the Holy Tree of Destiny? The slave family is very curious. I believe you should know the answer. Can you tell the slave family?"

Hua Li was silent for a long time, hesitated for a moment, and said slowly: "I can tell you the answer, but this conversation will end here, and I will destroy you directly."

Freedom or destruction, that was the topic at the beginning of this conversation.

The Queen "gave" the extraordinary inheritance to Shi Xiaobai at the price of betraying the extraordinary clan, and then got the opportunity to have this conversation.

But she knew too much and was too curious, and Huali had no reason to give her the possibility of freedom.

Curiosity killed the cat!

But the devil just likes to seek death. She chuckled and said: "If you hear the truth in the morning, you can die in the evening! The slave family is willing to use their lives in exchange for answers!"

Hua Li was slightly startled. She didn't expect the Queen to make such a choice. Her expression changed several times, and finally she sighed and said, "Okay, then I'll tell you the answer."

The Demon Queen's eyes were bright and hot, and she couldn't wait to ask: "Shi Xiaobai, is he the reincarnation of the original sin of the Heavenly Tribulation, or the inheritor of the Holy Tree of Destiny?"

Hua Li shook her head slightly, "None of them."

The Queen's eyes widened in disbelief.


Is there a third possibility

Are all her guesses wrong


This is impossible,

But facing a dying person, why would Hua Li lie

The truth is...

"What is his true identity?"

The Demon Queen gritted her teeth and asked.

Huali spoke slowly.

"Xiao Bai's true identity is..."

(PS: The second update is still being processed, so stay tuned. I won’t say when it will be updated this time, so as not to slap myself in the face. Anyway, there will definitely be a second update! Haha!)