Absolute Choice

Chapter 526: Li Wuyu, where does he live (second update!)


In this era, heroes are sought after, and star heroes even have a group of fanatical fans. Incidents like this are not uncommon, but professional heroes shoulder heavy responsibilities. They have to rescue disaster areas, capture criminals, fight against star beasts, and destroy The disaster-killing demon will even go to the plane front to defend the human world.

If a hero is injured or has his state of mind affected in such a containment incident, it is considered to be an incident that endangers all mankind to some extent. Therefore, the restrictions in this regard are actually extremely strict. Fans can chase stars, but they cannot go crazy. This even involves the law - onlookers should not get closer than five meters to the hero, otherwise it will be regarded as a violent incident. Not only will they bear legal responsibility, but the hero can also defend themselves legitimately.

Therefore, the people who were sprinting towards Shi Xiaobai stopped in time five meters away. People behind did not dare to crowd and push him, for fear of breaking the law or offending Shi Xiaobai.

Seeing everyone stop five meters away, Shi Xiaobai breathed a sigh of relief, but the feeling of being surrounded still made him feel very uncomfortable.

"Why are you surrounding me?"

Shi Xiaobai asked with a frown.

However, his voice was immediately drowned out by everyone's impatient questions!

"Shi Xiaobai, how did you defeat the eight tower lords?"

"What kind of trial is the eighth level? Why did Overlord Ji Feng, Sword Immortal Xu Taibai and the Conquering King all say that it is impossible for humans to pass the eighth level, but you passed it? How did you pass it?"

"Shi Xiaobai, can you describe your experience on the ninth level in detail? Or talk a little bit about the opportunities you got in the Nine Transformations Transcendent Tower?"

"Hello, I'm a reporter from Donglin Newspaper. Can I make an appointment with you for a related interview? I won't waste too much of your time, please!"

-This is a series of bombardments by reporters from various newspapers.

"Shi Xiaobai, our Thunder God Organization has always valued talents. If you are willing to come to our Thunder God Organization, Thunder Emperor Zhang Qi is willing to teach you personally!"

"Come to our Poseidon Organization. Lord Poseidon said that you have a good chance of becoming the next successor of the Poseidon Trident, and he will definitely give you the most generous training resources."

"Don't listen to them, Shi Xiaobai, come to the Muse organization. There are so many talented women in the Muse organization. There is always someone you like! Well, if you like my sister, it's not impossible for her to... . ... "

"Bah! The old cow still wants to eat young grass! Shi Xiaobai, if you join our dark organization, you will not only have the opportunity to win the favor of the saint, but also have a bunch of young girls to choose from. Even the 'Dark Destruction Technique' will be directly I teach you, you must know that the 'Dark Destruction Technique' is also ranked among the only seven super-S-level training techniques in Xia Kingdom!"

-This is a deliberate poaching attempt by the top management of each organization.

"Ahem, I have been alone in seeking defeat for decades and have never accepted a disciple. You can be my only closed disciple."

"Shi Xiaobai, come to my Shaolin. Abbot Kuhai is willing to accept you as his direct disciple and teach you the 'Yi Jin Jing', 'Vajra Zen Demon-Suppressing Magical Power' and 'Vajra Zen Lion's Roar'!"

"Shi Xiaobai, it is said that you are good at swordsmanship. I am respected as the 'Sword Sect'. In a few days, I will challenge the old sword god Jianxi Lai and seize the position of 'Sword God'. If you become my disciple and become a sword god, Just around the corner!”

—These are some famous senior heroes who came over to take on apprentices.

"Ah, Shi Xiaobai, do you have a girlfriend?"

—This is a fangirl.

"Ah, Shi Xiaobai, do you have a boyfriend?"

-This is a gay man fishing in troubled waters.

"Ah, Shi Xiaobai, are you a virgin?"

- This is crazy... fangirls and gay men alike.

Thousands of sounds bombarded at the same time, mixed together, and the noise was endless, making people almost collapse.

With so many voices mixed together, Shi Xiaobai couldn't hear what they were saying at all. He could only vaguely make out the people in the nearest circle, but he could only make out fragments of words, and couldn't make out what was said at all.

Shi Xiaobai was confused and felt that the noise was almost too much for him to bear!

Faced with this situation, Shi Xiaobai was ready to use his usual method.

Shi Xiaobai shook his head helplessly, crouched slightly, clenched his fist downwards, his psychic energy condensed and compressed on his arm, and his fist fell downward at a speed of less than one millimeter per second.

Turtle Speed Divine Fist!

After accumulating power for twenty hours, the fucking earth will be shattered and the earth will be shattered. It will be deafening. I don’t believe these annoying guys won’t calm down!

Shi Xiaobai concentrated on accumulating energy and ignored the crowd, but the enthusiasm of the crowd obviously would not be extinguished so easily. Seeing Shi Xiaobai being so "cold", it only intensified.

Five minutes passed like this, and Shi Xiaobai completed a quarter of his earth-shattering punch. He regretted that he had known that it would be enough to accumulate power for five minutes. The noise was so loud that he was almost deafened.

At this moment, the golden lines drawn into the teleportation circle on the earth suddenly lit up, blooming with dazzling brilliance!

Shi Xiaobai withdrew the Turtle Speed Divine Fist in shock.

"what happened?"

Everyone was also shocked and looked down.

Those golden lines began to break and disappear at a speed visible to the naked eye!

At the same time, the ground began to tremble, and frightening black auras filled the air from the broken golden lines.


The timid girl couldn't help but scream, and everyone fell into panic. For a moment, they didn't care about surrounding Shi Xiaobai, and turned around to leave the circle. But with so many people crowded in the circle, it couldn't be that easy. To evacuate, there was a blockage and pushing.

"Wow! Wuwuwu..."

Some people were so frightened that they cried, fearing that this vision was a disaster and that they would die here.

The scene was extremely chaotic for a while.


Suddenly a coercive voice resounded throughout the world, drowning out everyone else's voices!

A green figure like a mountain suddenly appeared outside the magic circle. The green figure was blurry and could not be seen, but it was vaguely human-shaped. It was as huge as a ten-story building. It stood between the sky and the earth, exuding majestic energy. Awesome breath.

"Qing Emperor Jiang Tianyou!"

Some well-informed and famous heroes instantly recognized this huge cyan figure as Jiang Tianyou's "Blue Emperor's Shadow", one of his famous magical powers.

The noisy and chaotic crowd suddenly became quiet due to the appearance of this phantom, because this huge green shadow made them feel scared and at the same time reassured. It was very contradictory, but they all did not dare to make any more noise.

Jiang Tianyou suddenly spoke, his voice solemn and majestic, like the sound of an ancient temple bell, "Disaster is coming, let's help evacuate together!"

Disaster is approaching, help evacuate together.

This is a slogan that has been popularized all over the world. This world needs heroes. Disasters are everywhere, or terrorist organizations are attacking, or criminals are raging, or meteor showers are coming, or disasters are breaking out. Whenever a disaster occurs, except for heroes to save the scene. , there is another thing that is extremely important, that is the evacuation and evacuation of disaster victims.

No one knows when the disaster will happen, where it will happen, or whether there will be a huge crowd of people when it happens.

Therefore, how to evacuate in a safe and orderly manner, to help each other, and to evacuate without pushing or trampling is a strict education that people in this world have received since childhood, and it is also a means of survival that ordinary people must learn.

Therefore, when Jiang Tianyou said, "Disaster is coming, let's help evacuate together." The panicked people immediately calmed down and began to evacuate in an orderly manner. They did not push or step on each other. They helped each other and formed a queue. They were safe and fast, as if they were well-trained. army.

Outside the magic circle, the hunched old man with white eyebrows looked at the golden lines that were constantly breaking and disappearing in the magic circle, his brows were deeply furrowed and his expression was ugly.

Yang Weiwei, who was standing aside, looked at the evacuated people with worried eyes and nervous mood. She couldn't help but ask: "Grandpa, what happened? Why suddenly... "

Jiang Tianyou sighed, "The Nine-turn Transcendent Tower... collapsed."


Yang Weiwei exclaimed, looking unbelievable.

It is not uncommon for a trial place to collapse, but the Nine-turn Extraordinary Tower is the only trial place in the Xia Kingdom that ranks among the eight trial places in the world, and it is also the most important trial in the Spiritual Realm. If it collapses , its influence is so great that it cannot be underestimated.

Jiang Tianyou sighed again. This old man who had the country in mind and the people at heart felt very heavy.

Suddenly, Jiang Tianyou's pupils shrank slightly, and his expression suddenly changed.

He vaguely saw a figure suddenly rushing out of the collapsing golden light. Although the figure was far away from the place in the next moment, at that moment, Jiang Tianyou's eyesight was still able to see the figure clearly.

Dressed in colorful feathers, with snake hair hanging down her waist, she has a beautiful face and enchanting figure.

More importantly, the cultivation level is unfathomable.

"I am afraid… "

Jiang Tianyou murmured in an inaudible voice: "I'm afraid... there is another monster born."

Shanghai City, a bustling neighborhood.

Shi Xiaobai covered his face and ran out of the dark alley.

Taking advantage of the sudden disaster, he used all his strength to perform crab steps and took advantage of the chaos to escape everyone's sight. Then he ran around and dived into the alley, seemingly finally getting rid of the fanatical pursuers.

But Shi Xiaobai had no idea where he was now.

But it doesn’t matter. Although you don’t know where you are, as long as you know your destination, you won’t get lost!

Because Shi Xiaobai has unique path-finding skills.

Shi Xiaobai covered his face and ran into the bustling street, reaching out to grab the arm of a woman in red who happened to be passing by.

The red-haired woman turned her head in surprise.

Shi Xiaobai covered his face and asked in a low voice.

"Li Wuyu, where do you live?"