Absolute Choice

Chapter 528: The brave girl who fought with the tiger (second update!)


Li Fuhu walked to the other side of the coffin, looked at Li Wuyu's body expressionlessly, then raised his hand to push open the glass lid of the coffin, and reached out to reach for Li Wuyu's nose.

Mu Chaorong's eyes changed slightly, but he still did not raise his head or make a sound to stop him.

After ten years of marriage, she had never understood this man's true heart, but she knew very well what he was like.

This man believes in no one but himself.

So even if everyone tells him "Li Wuyu is dead," even if Li Wuyu's body is placed here, even if the two women closest to Li Wuyu have cried until their eyes are red and swollen, he still won't believe it.

He only believes in himself.

Li Fuhu used his fingers to detect Li Wuyu's breath, stroked his neck, pressed his chest, checked his pulse, and then retracted his hand and closed the coffin lid.

After confirming the death of his son, Li Fuhu didn't have a trace of sadness on his face, only there was a hint of gloominess in his eyes.

"Who is the murderer?"

Li Fuhu finally turned to look at his daughter, his voice was low and without any emotion.

He did not ask how Li Wuyu died, but directly asked who the "murderer" was.

This cold-faced emperor, who was known for his cruelty and ruthlessness in politics, never cared about the process or details, only the final result. He didn't care about the death of Li Wuyu, who the murderer was, and who had to pay the price. Li Fuhu only wanted to Know the result.

Mu Lengxi's heart suddenly jumped, her palms became sweaty, and she was very nervous.

But she knew from the beginning that she would face a lot of questions from people, and she also knew that her father would ask such questions, so she was mentally prepared and did not show any signs of nervousness.

This was also the reason why Mu Yuesheng wanted to follow but was sternly rejected by her. It was enough for her to bear such cold "torture" alone.

Mu Lengxi sighed softly in her heart, took out her writing pad and wrote.

"Brother... was killed by the tower lord. When we were on the seventh floor, we were suddenly attacked by three tower lords. The exit command couldn't be used for some reason. Brother, in order to save us..."

This was a unified confession made up by Liu Yu. It did not change the plot of the story, but moved the time of Li Wuyu's death to the time when he was confronting the three tower lords, and "slandered" the tower lords as murderers.

In order to hide it from Shi Xiaobai and the world, the six of them could not have any differences in their opinions or make any loopholes in the story.

Faced with this false statement, Mu Chaorong, who was extremely sad, did not question or question. Apart from being too sad, he actually believed that his daughter could not lie about this matter.

This also filled Mu Lengxi's heart with guilt and guilt, but she had to do it because if she told the "truth", Shi Xiaobai would face "revenge" from the Li family and the Mu family. If a prominent family that dominates the political and business world takes action, not to mention Gaia, not even the Heroes Association will be able to help.

Mu Lengxi bravely raised her head and looked at Li Fuhu. She had to complete the story and weave the lie seamlessly, because she knew that her father would not believe it so easily. He would definitely ask about the details of the story in detail and look for contradictions in it. and vulnerabilities.

He doesn't trust anyone but himself.

However, contrary to Mu Lengxi's expectation, Li Fuhu did not question this doubtful statement, but stared expressionlessly into Mu Lengxi's eyes, as if he wanted to see from those crystal clear black eyes. the truth.

Mu Lengxi's heart skipped a beat and her breathing stagnated slightly.

She recalled a memory from her childhood.

Mu Lengxi remembered that when he was four years old, Li Wuyu sneaked into Li Fuhu's room to steal a priceless treasure, saying he wanted to give it to his little aunt as a birthday gift. Not only did he succeed, but he also did it flawlessly, leaving no evidence. .

But Li Fuhu just looked at Li Wuyu, silently staring into Li Wuyu's eyes. The moment Li Wuyu avoided it because of a guilty conscience, he decided that his five-year-old son was the culprit of the theft.

Li Wuyu denied it.

Li Fuhu had no evidence or witnesses, but he only believed in his own judgment, so he hung Li Wuyu at the gate and hung a punishment sign for "theft" around his neck, so that Li Wuyu suffered a lot during that time. The ridicule from children of the same age is still an unforgettable memory of shame.

It's just that after Li Wuyu happily gave the treasure to his little aunt, he felt that the punishment was worth it, and with his extraordinary talent, he beat those children of the same age severely, so it did not leave any psychological shadow.

And now, Li Fuhu seemed to be preparing to use the same trick on his daughter.

Mu Lengxi was panicked, but she knew she could not avert her eyes because of a guilty conscience.

Mu Lengxi mustered up the courage to look at Li Fuhu with firm eyes. Even though those cold eyes that seemed to be able to see through everything made her palms sweat and her legs tremble, she still mustered up the greatest courage and did not look away even for a moment. .

Seconds were like years, and Mu Lengxi felt that every second passed so long.

"You are lying."

Li Fuhu looked at Mu Lengxi expressionlessly and suddenly spoke.

His tone was still emotionless, so the sentence didn't sound like a question, but rather like a statement stating a fact.

Mu Lengxi was startled and tried her best to control her expression so as not to show her panic.

Why did he still come to the conclusion that "she" was lying even though she was looking closely into his eyes, her gaze serious and sincere

Mu Lengxi shook her head vigorously, picked up a pen and started writing on the writing board.

Li Fuhu stared at her expressionlessly, and said without waiting for her to finish writing: "The murderer is not the tower lord."

The tone of the statement was still emotionless, as if what came out of his mouth were established facts without any doubt.

Mu Lengxi was at a loss for a moment. She hurriedly erased the half-written text and rewrote it, trying to explain the details of the story in detail, trying to convince her father that "the murderer"

It’s the tower lord”.

However, Li Fuhu did not give Mu Lengxi a chance to "speak" at all. He just stared into Mu Lengxi's eyes and stated the facts he saw as if he had seen through the truth.

"The murderer is someone else, and you know who he is."

Li Fuhu said expressionlessly: "Not only do you know who the murderer is, you also plan to protect him."

"You made up a story and perfected the details to try to deceive me."

“But there’s no point in telling a lie no matter how complete it is, because I won’t believe it.”

"I know you hid the truth."

"You protected the murderer."

"You made up the story."

"I don't care why you did it."

"But you have to tell me."

"-Who is the murderer?"

Mu Lengxi was dumbfounded, with cold hands and feet. Faced with Li Fuhu's merciless "declarative accusations", he had no time to breathe and no chance to refute.

It felt like being pressed down by a big mountain, covered by a layer of dark clouds, depressing and uncomfortable, and wanting to scream and roar to vent.

Mu Lengxi stretched out her hand to cover her mouth, feeling terrified, aggrieved, and afraid, like a boat drifting in the vast ocean, feeling helpless, helpless, and unable to see the other side.

She was scared.

But she knew that she couldn't be weak now, let alone retreat.

The "accusations" she is bearing are exactly the same as those of Li Wuyu at that time. There is no room for refutation, and even if she refutes it, it will be meaningless.

But Li Wuyu, who was only five years old, denied it and would rather be punished than admit it. Although he was hung at the gate and laughed at, he gave the stolen treasure to his little aunt, which earned her a knowing smile.

It was all worth it.


She can't admit it!

She must deny it!

Because what she hid was not a dead thing, but a living life, and this life was the young man she cared about.

She must be as brave as Li Wuyu.

For Shi Xiaobai, she was willing to accept any punishment.

"I don't!"

Mu Lengxi wrote these three words on the writing board with force.

The big, watery eyes looked into those cold eyes without giving in at all.

This gentle girl who was only thirteen years old faced the powerful political circles and swallowed one old fox after another with a cold face. She did not step back, but instead took a step forward, with her head held high and her chest high, with great momentum!

Li Fuhu was silent, then suddenly reached into his arms and took out a medicine bottle.

The medicine bottle was not big, filled with white liquid, thick and turbid.

"Drink it."

Li Fuhu handed the medicine bottle to Mu Lengxi, his tone unquestionable.

Mu Lengxi was shocked and looked at Li Fuhu in disbelief, his eyes sad.

Is this punishment

Even his five-year-old son could be hung at the door and charged with theft.

His punishment for his thirteen-year-old daughter, who was being raised by his divorced wife, would only be more cruel.

This bottle of white liquid is probably some kind of poison, right

Mu Lengxi felt sad in her heart, but her eyes gradually became firmer. Her hands trembled, but she still slowly reached for the medicine bottle.

If this was the punishment for protecting Shi Xiaobai, then she would be happy with it.

Mu Lengxi stretched out her hand halfway, and a white arm suddenly stretched out and snatched the white medicine bottle before her.

Mu Lengxi turned her head in shock, only to see her mother, Mu Chaorong, snatching away the white medicine bottle as if going crazy and throwing it towards the wall.


Pill bottles smashed against the wall.

Mu Chaorong, who had been silent for a long time, took a step forward, pulled Mu Lengxi behind him, his face was livid, his eyes were angry, and he roared angrily at Li Fuhu.

"Li Fuhu, are you crazy? Are you forcing your daughter to drink Veritaserum!?"

(PS: After many months, I finally have a recommendation. There will be a client recommendation on the 28th. I will add a wave of updates then and pay back all the updates I owe recently. Please vote for me and give me rewards. I will Try to make this plot exciting!)