Absolute Choice

Chapter 540: This cold arrow is so damn cold!


They are rough-skinned and thick-bodied, with immense strength, quick speed, and extremely quick reactions. They are extremely vigilant and can be used as many as a dozen without any fear.

What kind of newcomer is this to the spiritual mortal realm

Ye Dalang's face became more solemn, and the murderous intention in his heart became stronger. If Shi Xiaobai was allowed to run around for a few more years, they would probably become ants who could be crushed at will. To kill Shi Xiaobai, they must do it now!

"Back off, don't rush, wear him to death!"

Ye Dalang knew that the more murderous he was, the less he should be anxious. The six of them had numerical advantages, realm advantages and tactical advantages. As long as they fought steadily and worked step by step, there would be no chance of defeat.

Ye Erlang and Ye Erlang immediately stepped back tens of meters after hearing the words, and once again stood back-to-back with Ye Dalang in a triangle shape, continuing to "invite you into the urn".

The four wolves of the night pulled away to the left side of the courtyard, seemingly away from the battlefield, but in fact they were hiding themselves and waiting for opportunities.

Mu Lengxi stomped her feet bitterly when she saw it. How could there be such a shameless person, even if he didn't dare to fight head-on, six against one, he actually resorted to such rogue tactics!

Shi Xiaobai had long seen that the opponent was preparing to pull and fight. This style of play is actually quite common in the game. It is usually used when forming a group to defeat the wild boss. The human shield warrior attracts hatred and constantly pulls the boss, allowing assassins and long-range enemies to fight. The attacker looks for opportunities to deal damage, and immediately retreats as soon as he is targeted by the boss, allowing the warrior to continue to draw hatred, and continuously cycle the above process, slowly draining away the boss's health.

Although the most critical output person, the long-range attacker, has not yet appeared, at least one of Ye Wulang and Ye Liulang, who must be still looking for opportunities, holds this position. These seven wolves are really good at tactics!

Shi Xiaobai didn't expect that facing six enemies who were two levels higher than him, he would be treated like a boss. He was angry and funny, but he had no fear at all. Not to mention who would fall first in a war of attrition. Besides…

"Do you really think that this king is a fool?"

Shi Xiaobai sneered, and first rushed towards Ye Dalang and the others with crab steps. Suddenly, the fake was confused with the real one, leaving an afterimage. He turned around, changed direction, and suddenly rushed towards the other person who was trying to erase himself at lightning speed. There is a sense of existence. In fact, he has always been a fool in his eyes.

"No, his target is the Four Night Wolves!"

Ye Erlang shouted in surprise.

I saw Shi Xiaobai running fast, like a cheetah eyeing its prey, rushing towards Ye Silang who retreated to the left side of the courtyard and curled up in a shadow corner!

Shi Xiaobai is not a brainless boss, and there is no so-called "hatred mechanism" in this battle. How could he stupidly let Ye Dalang and the other three draw hatred

Now that the assassin Ye Silang has exposed his position, Shi Xiaobai has no reason to let him go. As a smart boss, it is the wisest choice to make the assassin with the weakest body and the highest damage the first target!

Ye Dalang quickly shouted: "Go and support Ye Si Lang!"

Ye Da Lang and the other three immediately rushed towards the location of Ye Si Lang. They originally thought that Shi Xiaobai was an arrogant and brainless person, but they did not expect to see the situation clearly and figure out the key points so quickly. This boy was actually all How could he be so scary without any weaknesses

When Ye Silang saw Shi Xiaobai rushing toward him, he screamed in fright. He was a timid person, otherwise he wouldn't have dared to stab Shi Xiaobai's eyes with a dagger against the palm, but this time Being "cowardly" is actually a good thing for an assassin.

The four wolves yelled, put their feet against the wall, retracted their knees, and rushed out in the other direction with such speed that even Shi Xiaobai was shocked.

Ye Silang is timid and afraid of death, so in his assassination career, there are countless failed assassinations due to being too timid and cautious, but he has never paid the price for failed assassinations, because he can always escape when he sees the opportunity, and Run extremely fast!

Shi Xiaobai was stunned for a moment, and was thrown away by the Four Ye Wolves, but he did not rush, and with one step, he was so close to the end of the world, and his speed actually increased a few points.

The distance between the two gradually narrowed.

Ye Silang was stunned, this boy was actually faster than him!

Ye Silang was so frightened that his liver and gallbladder burst. He was thin and his defense was extremely low. There was no way he could withstand that terrifying slap. Ye Silang ran and screamed: "Help! Big brother, save me! Second brother, help." Me! Third brother, save me! Come and save me!"

Ye Dalang and the other three were anxious, but they had nothing to do. These two people were running too fast. How could the three of them catch up

Seeing that Shi Xiaobai was about to catch up with Ye Si Lang, he was about to slap Ye Si Lang on the back with a vicious palm.

Suddenly, there was a "bump", like a cannon exploding, and a bomb fell from the sky and hit Shi Xiaobai accurately.

The bomb came so suddenly and fell from the sky that Shi Xiaobai had no way of warning, but with the dangerous intuition of "God's Heart Awareness", he sensed the danger in the last tenth of a second.

Shi Xiaobai had no choice but to raise his hand and slap the explosive bomb away. The explosive bomb detonated in mid-air, blooming like fireworks.

Shi Xiaobai raised his head, and with the light of the fire, he saw clearly that the person hiding in mid-air and suddenly attacking with explosive bombs was none other than Ye Wulang, who had not appeared for a long time. He saw this person holding a gun, and two sprouts sprouted from his back. The bat wings flapped one after another, soaring in the air.

"Ah! Thank you fifth brother for helping me!"

The four wolves screamed in surprise and took advantage of this opportunity to escape into the distance again.

Shi Xiaobai narrowed his eyes slightly, and instead of chasing the four wolves rashly, he stepped back and spread his palms, one after the other, up and down, and suddenly jumped up and slapped the five wolves in the air with his palm!

The flying dragon is in the sky!

This palm technique that was supposed to jump up and land to strike was reversed by Shi Xiaobai and turned into a strike that hit the sky. Just listening to the roar of the dragon, the power of spiritual energy turned into the power of the palm, soaring into the sky, like a bright golden dragon, galloping out from the palm, flying towards the sky, and soaring into the sky.

How could Ye Wulang dare to insist on "flying dragon in the sky"? He had already flapped his bat wings and flew away into the distance, hiding in the night again.

Shi Xiaobai had no choice but to stop. He didn't chase Ye Wulang. He couldn't fly. If Ye Wulang wanted to fly higher, Shi Xiaobai could only let him dance like the wind.

Moreover, during this short period of time, the timid Ye Silang disappeared and hid, and Ye Dalang and the other three also took this opportunity to catch up.

"You coward, don't even think about escaping!"

Ye Dalang pointed at Shi Xiaobai and shouted sharply, showing a look of contempt for Shi Xiaobai's "escape behavior".

Shi Xiaobai smiled. Is this provoking method too clumsy? Too shameless

Ye Dalang glanced at Ye Erlang and Ye Sanlang beside him. The two moved quietly, preparing to surround Shi Xiaobai. Since "invite you into the urn" was useless, they could only forcefully "close the door and beat the dog"!

Ye Dalang took a step forward, preparing to continue to say some shameless words that would anger Shi Xiaobai.

Suddenly, a black pocket arrow flew from between Ye Dalang's legs and shot towards Shi Xiaobai's crotch!

Ye Dalang's scalp suddenly became numb and he had goosebumps all over his body.

He knew that Ye Liulang, who had been hiding all this time, finally took action, shooting the long-awaited cold arrow at what seemed like the most inopportune time.

This cold arrow passed through his crotch and was so hidden that even Ye Dalang, who had been mentally prepared for a long time, could not react. But the scary thing was that if the arrow was just one centimeter higher, Ye Dalang would be shot through. Wolf's balls.

The arrow passed by and the balls were cold.

This cold arrow is so damn cold!

(ps: Everything is recovering, and it’s the season of limited exemption. The limited exemption is really a recommendation that people love and hate. In short, according to the usual practice, during the limited exemption period, the two days will be updated once a day. The limited exemption will end, that is, twenty On the 8th, there will be another wave of explosions. As for how much I can explode, it depends on whether my liver is strong enough. The liver explosion starts, code word ing!)