Absolute Choice

Chapter 543: break the balance!


Shi Xiaobai turned green.

This is not an illusion, but a strange event that actually happened before our eyes.

I saw that his exposed skin outside the clothes, which was originally light yellow and white, suddenly turned green in an instant!


Ye Dalang was so surprised that he could only use "superpower" to explain this strange thing, and his brows couldn't help but frown.

Today's superpower system divides superpowers into four categories: combat, defense, auxiliary, and miscellaneous. More than 90% of superpowers have miscellaneous superpowers that cannot be used in combat. Ninth, among the defensive and auxiliary systems, less than 1% are combat-specific abilities.

Four of the seven seven-skinned wolves have superpowers, but they are all miscellaneous superpowers that can only be used for daily chores. For example, Ye Dalang’s superpower [Sewage Purification] can only purify the dirt in the water. The most powerful application is just to purify some toxic liquids, such as waste oil, etc., which has no effect at all in combat.

The four supernatural beings of the Seven-Skin Wolf all have miscellaneous abilities. This is not a strange thing. After all, 99% of the supernatural beings have non-combat abilities.

But now Shi Xiaobai's whole body suddenly turns green. This phenomenon can almost only be explained by "superpowers". And if he uses it at this time, doesn't it mean that this "superpower" is probably a combat-type superpower

Ye Dalang knows very well how much combat-type superpowers can add to the strength of psykers. Even a large number of combat-type superpowers directly major in superpowers and minor in psionic powers. For example, the top powerhouse in the world, Thunder Emperor Zhang Qi, It is to cultivate the S-level power [Thunder God Body] to the extreme.

If this Shi Xiaobai also hides a fighting ability...

Ye Dalang felt bitter in his heart, he just felt that this young man was simply the chosen one, the son of God.

But in fact, Shi Xiaobai did hide an S-level ability, but he didn't use it. Of course, the skin turning green is not a supernatural power, but comes from the bloodline ability given by the extraordinary bloodline - the extraordinary nine transformations.

Shi Xiaobai used the "Extraordinary First Transformation" at this time!

Shi Xiaobai did not want to use this move, not only because the Nine Extraordinary Transformations might expose his extraordinary bloodline, but also because using the Nine Extraordinary Transformations, the spiritual power in the body would be continuously reduced during the transformation.

For example, if psychic ability is compared to the blue bar or energy tank in the game, then using the Nine Extraordinary Transformations requires consuming mana or energy every second to maintain the transformed form.

Moreover, the psychic power consumed by each transformation will increase exponentially. With Shi Xiaobai's psychic power reserves, he can only maintain the extraordinary first transformation for less than ten minutes, and if he uses the extraordinary third transformation, it will take less than one minute. His spiritual power will be exhausted.

When Ye Dalang and others were deliberately trying to consume his spiritual power, Shi Xiaobai, instead of trying to save his spiritual power, resorted to the extraordinary first transformation of actively consuming his spiritual power.

Of course, this was not because he had lost his mind, but because Shi Xiaobai realized that he could not delay the situation any longer and had to break the deadlock of balance.

So he wants to break the boat and solve the battle in one go!

Feeling the surging power in his body, Shi Xiaobai took a long breath, tensed his calves, suddenly kicked the ground hard, and rushed towards Ye Dalang with a bang!


Ye Dalang exclaimed, Ye Erlang and Ye Sanlang quickly strengthened their defenses. They didn't want to defeat Shi Xiaobai head-on, they just wanted to hold him back and waste him!

Shi Xiaobai galloped over and struck out with a palm, using the Zhigang Palm Technique to be fierce and aggressive.

Ye Dalang was not surprised but overjoyed. He put up his psychic shield to fight against it.

Shi Xiaobai blasted away the psychic shield with one palm, and Ye Dalang was forced to take a few steps back, but he was still not injured at all.

At the same time, Ye Erlang's blast gun and Ye Sanlang's Thunder Tribulation Knife arrived as support, attacking Shi Xiaobai from the left and the right.

Shi Xiaobai raised his palms to the top, shouted, slapped one palm to the left, and pushed to the right with one palm, and used the "dragon fighting in the wild" to deal with the two people's attacks at the same time.

This scene was exactly the same as before. Ye Erlang and Ye Sanlang were forced to retreat again. They didn't feel embarrassed and just retreated quickly without fighting.

But this time Shi Xiaobai had no intention of giving up. Although these two palms did not accomplish anything, they broke up the formation of the three people. This was Shi Xiaobai's purpose.

It also takes time to re-form a formation that supports each other. This short period of time is the only breakthrough!

Shi Xiaobai suddenly took a step forward, closing the distance to the end of the world, rushed in front of Ye Sanlang, and hit the chest with a fierce palm. The name of this palm is "sudden", it is swift and fierce, and the invasion is like fire!

Ye Sanlang couldn't dodge, so he had to swing the Thunder Tribulation Sword horizontally in order to catch the palm. Upon seeing this, Ye Erlang and Ye Dalang quickly turned around and came to support.

Shi Xiaobai's direct strike with his right palm was actually a fake move. Halfway through the direct strike, Shi Xiaobai's right palm suddenly changed direction and suddenly shot upwards, turning to strike Yesan Lang's throat. He swung it out and swung it towards Ye Sanlang's waist and abdomen like a stick.

Ye Sanlang was startled, but he did not panic. He forcibly withdrew the Thunder Tribulation Knife and placed it in front of his neck. He held the claw in his left hand and grabbed Shi Xiaobai's left arm that was swinging towards him!

Ye Sanlang's timely response was perfect, but the Tao was as good as the devil. Even after Shi Xiaobai's fake move, he was still fake!

The young man slapped one palm to the throat and the other to the abdomen. In fact, it was still a false move. He suddenly raised his foot, turned sideways, and kicked Yesanlang's lower body with a pop. This was a real move!

Walking on frost and ice, everything will be destroyed!

Ye Sanlang guarded against two moves but could not guard against the third one. He was kicked in the abdomen of the leg, and his center of gravity was broken. His body fell to the side uncontrollably, with holes all over his body exposed, like a door wide open!

Shi Xiaobai had been waiting for this opportunity. He moved his hands forward, like a king lifting a cauldron, and pushed his palm forward in an arc, like a giant pushing a mountain!

Kanglong regretted it and slapped Ye Sanlang on the chest!

Ye Sanlang is powerless to stop him.

Moreover, this move was only a flash of lightning, and neither Ye Dalang nor Ye Erlang had time to support them.


At this moment, a black sleeve arrow suddenly shot out of the night and hit Shi Xiaobai's throat!

At the same time, a figure hidden in the night suddenly appeared behind Shi Xiaobai, and a sharp dagger stabbed Shi Xiaobai's back from top to bottom!

At the critical moment, Ye Liulang's cold arrows and Ye Silang's backstabs provide simultaneous support!

However, in the face of these two fatal threats, Shi Xiaobai didn't care at all, shouted angrily, and desperately filmed "The Dragon Has Regrets"!

Ye Sanlang was so frightened that he could only forcefully hold up his spiritual shield to resist this palm!


However, this palm is no longer the previous one. After the first extraordinary transformation, the power has increased significantly. With Ye Sanlang's center of gravity unstable, how can he withstand this palm? The psychic shield instantly He was blasted to pieces and even hit in the chest with a palm. His body flew out and smashed through the courtyard wall. His eyes rolled and he fainted like the Seven Wolves that night.

Ye Sanlang was unable to fight anymore, the balance was broken!