Absolute Choice

Chapter 547: Buddha said Get rid of your paralysis (sixth update!)


However, Li Fuhu, who was rejected miserably, still looked calm without any change. He calmly said: "Abbot Kuhai talked to me today about the expansion of Shaolin and the revitalization of Buddhism. I still need to think carefully about it. Although I am the Prime Minister, But state funds cannot be used at will."

Abbot Kuhai still had a compassionate smile on his face and said softly: "Amitabha, saving one life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. That young man not only killed one person, but his methods of fighting people were even more vicious and unpredictable. He may become a murderer in the future. I don’t know how many innocent lives will die at his hands. If he kills him, wouldn’t it be equivalent to saving a lot of lives?”

Li Fuhu nodded and said, "What the abbot said is absolutely true."

Abbot Kuhai smiled compassionately and said: "But the poor monk will never kill. How about the poor monk restrain this evil thief and hand it over to Donor Li. Whether he kills or beheads him, Donor Li will arrange it all by himself?"

Li Fuhu nodded and said, "Okay."

Abbot Kuhai clasped his hands together and said, "Amitabha, regarding the expansion of Shaolin and the revitalization of Buddhism..."

Li Fuhu smiled and said: "Shaolin has an enlightened monk like Ku Haifang, so it is natural that it should be expanded. Buddhism is compassionate and does good to people, so why not revitalize it? Tonight, I will allocate funds."

Abbot Kuhai put on a compassionate smile, and Amitabha Buddha said: "Good, good. The poor monk will go and suppress the evil thief. When is the time to retaliate, let's end it with the life of the evil thief, and it can be considered as accumulating some merit for him, Amitabha." ! ”

Shi Xiaobai and Mu Lengxi were dumbfounded. This conversation really gave them insights. It turned out that there are high and low levels of "shameless". Compared with Abbot Kuhai and Li Fuhu, the Seven-skinned Wolf's face was simply too thin!

The abbot of Kuhai refreshed the three views of the two people. It turns out that this is how the "enlightened monk" attained enlightenment? Is this how you apply the Buddhist proverbs

The two of them complained in their hearts, and Abbot Kuhai had already turned his head to look over.

The old monk had cloudy eyes, but he only glanced at Shi Xiaobai and Mu Lengxi lightly, and it was as if the entire sky collapsed and fell on them.

The pressure of the Spirit King!

It is a hundred times more powerful than the pressure exerted by the seven-skinned wolves using superimposed formations!

Mu Lengxi was pressed so hard that he was completely unable to move.

Shi Xiaobai also felt an endless sense of oppression. This time, even his "King's Will" could not ignore it. His body seemed to be compressed in a lead mass, making it difficult to move.

But Shi Xiaobai is different from ordinary people after all. Although he is only in the spirit mortal realm, his will is comparable to the spirit king!

Shi Xiaobai bared his teeth, roared in a low voice, raised his arms with difficulty, and took steps, like a rusty robot, slowly and arduously walked towards Abbot Kuhai. He wanted to punch this shameless old bald donkey to death!

Abbot Kuhai's eyes changed slightly, and he clasped his hands and said: "Amitabha, this son is truly a dragon and a phoenix among men, a son chosen by heaven. His future achievements will be immeasurable. It's a pity that he has gone astray and has become a demonic obstacle. He is no different from an evil thief. He should not be taken lightly. Stay, otherwise people will be devastated in the future and mourning will be everywhere. The poor monk suppressing this thief today can be regarded as a great merit in his life. It is good and good."

Shi Xiaobai laughed angrily, and with difficulty opened his mouth to curse: "What a shameless old bald ass!"

Abbot Kuhai's eyes flashed with murderous intent, but his face still showed a compassionate smile. He shook his head and said: "If you are stubborn, you should teach him!"

After the old monk finished speaking, he suddenly clasped his hands together and looked up at the sky. His cassock suddenly expanded, like a windbreaker bulging, and golden seals fell from the sky and were printed on the cassock.

Abbot Kuhai spoke in a deep voice. His voice was majestic. It did not seem to come from his mouth, but seemed to come from every corner of the world, coming from all directions.

"Buddha said: The sea of suffering is boundless. Turn around and find the shore. Put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha immediately!"

This Buddhist motto is familiar to all of us, but Abbot Kuhai’s voice is anything but ordinary!

What he used was Shaolin's unique skill - Diamond Zen!

The sound is like a diamond, and the words turn into Zen thoughts, which is overwhelming power!

All this power was pressed against Shi Xiaobai!

Shi Xiaobai suddenly felt the pressure on his body increase sharply, as if a Buddha statue holding the sky was pressing on him, but Shi Xiaobai did not give in. Although his steps toward the abbot of the Sea of Bitterness slowed down, he never stopped.

"Why bother."

Abbot Kuhai shook his head and continued to recite Vajra Zen.

"Buddha said: One flower and one world, one grass and one paradise, one tree and one bodhi, one leaf and one Tathagata, one sand and one bliss, one stone and one universe, one square and one pure land, one smile and one dust connection, one thought and one purity!"

"Buddha said: I have no thought of the Dharma, no deeds in practice, no words to describe, no practice to practice. Those who understand are close, those who are confused are far away, the words and the way are broken, not bound by things, and the slightest difference will be lost. A moment!"

"Buddha said: All conditioned dharmas are like bubbles in a dream, like dew or lightning, and should be viewed as such!"

"Buddha said: Everything is illusion, you still need to... let it go!"


Abbot Kuhai recited the Zen words, the faster he recited, the more urgent he became.

As a result, Shi Xiaobai walked slower and slower, and it became more difficult to move, but he never stopped, even if he just moved forward centimeter by centimeter, and closed the distance millimeter by millimeter, he never stopped.

Abbot Kuhai didn't move, so Shi Xiaobai finally walked in front of him.

Abbot Kuhai finally had a flash of disbelief in his eyes, and sighed: "You are not a villain, you must be a devil for a lifetime. The poor monk subjugated you, like saving the common people, your merits are great, you can see the Buddha!"

"Fuck your motherfucker!"

Shi Xiaobai gasped hard, straightened his chest hard, and couldn't help but curse angrily.

A trace of anger flashed in Abbot Kuhai's eyes, and he opened his mouth to continue chanting Vajra Zen, "Buddha said..."

"Buddha said: Get rid of your paralysis!"

Shi Xiao roared angrily, and his stiff and slow body suddenly seemed to be broken from the shackles. He slapped the shameless old monk with a swift palm!

The strong dragon has regrets, go to your paralysis!

Abbot Kuhai's expression changed, and he suddenly opened his mouth and drank!

"Kneel down!"

The angry shouts were like thunder, deafening!

This is not Vajra Zen, but the lion's roar of Vajra Zen, which is several times more powerful!

Just like the last straw, Shi Xiaobai was completely crushed. His hand stopped halfway, and he knelt down as if his knees were hit by a heavy hammer.

But Shi Xiaobai knelt down on his knees in the sky and his parents. He would rather die than kneel on the old bald donkey. He pounced forward with all his strength and pounced on Abbot Kuhai like a vicious wolf.

Abbot Kuhai stepped back, and Shi Xiaobai's whole body hit the ground with a "bump" on his back, creating a large human-shaped pit in the floor!

Abbot Kuhai suddenly slapped a palm in the sky, and a five-finger handprint fell from the sky, hitting Shi Xiaobai with a roar, like a five-fingered mountain, completely suppressing Shi Xiaobai!

At this point, Shi Xiaobai was unable to move.

Abbot Kuhai smiled slightly and said: "In ancient times, there was Tathagata who suppressed Sun Wukong, and now there is Kuhai that subdues Shi Xiaobai. How good and wonderful!"

Abbot Kuhai straightened his cassock, turned to Li Fuhu and said, "Donor Li, please!"

"Very good."

Li Fuhu nodded with satisfaction, picked up the big knife that Ye Sanlang had dropped on the ground, and walked slowly towards Shi Xiaobai.

Mu Lengxi was anxious, but couldn't move. She felt sad for a moment and felt regretful. She regretted it very much. When Granny Shenlan asked her to practice magic hard, she indulged in reading and was often lazy. If she had been stronger, maybe she could …

When Shi Xiaobai faces a desperate situation, he is not panicked, but filled with fighting spirit and anger. He will never give in, let alone give up.

"Be angry!"

Suddenly, a strange voice sounded in his mind, like a demon moaning.

At the same time, the "compassionate" voice of Abbot Kuhai rang in his ears, "Killing people to pay for their lives, that's good, that's good."

Shi Xiaobai suddenly became furious and wanted to "run away" again.

At this moment, a familiar yet unfamiliar voice came from the night.

"I'm still alive. How could I kill people? Why should I pay for it with my life?"

That voice was actually Li Wuyu’s voice!

Li Fuhu and Abbot Kuhai turned their heads in shock and looked at where the sound came from. They saw a handsome young man slowly walking out of the mourning hall door.

The bright moonlight illuminated the young man's face, which was a bit paler and colder than the moonlight, but that Li Wuyu was clearly "dead"!

The expression on Li Fuhu's face was very exciting. He couldn't tell whether it was surprise or shock. There seemed to be some suspicion. He frowned and said, "Are you faking your death?"

Li Wuyu walked slowly into the courtyard. He staggered and looked a little weak, but his eyes were as bright as stars. When he heard Li Fuhu's question, Li Wuyu shook his head and said, "No, I'm really dead."

Li Wuyu said, turned to look at Abbot Kuhai, and sneered: "Not only did I die, I also went to the Western Paradise. I met the Buddha there. He told me that there was an old bald donkey who was doing great things in his name. If you are doing something shameless, let me come back and let me tell that old bald donkey - Buddha: Go away and be paralyzed!"

... ...

(PS: Here comes the sixth update, I wonder if you guys enjoyed it! Talking about the flood of trolls in the book review area during the lower limit exemption period, in fact, trolls are nothing to worry about. On the contrary, the more trolls, the better the recommendation effect. This time There are only four books for free. I checked the recommendation effect. On the first day, I gained 3355 collections. The other three books were 2361, 1788 and 1718. On the second day, I got 2800 and the other three books were 2046, 1646 and 1255. This It proves that the quality of this book is still very good. The sinister intentions of trolls and trolls are of no use. The collection should increase or increase! So, the trolls are just wasting their time. But I still want to thank you for your comments in the book review area To the true book lovers who fought hard for this book, thank you! Finally, as usual, I ask for monthly votes, rewards, and medical expenses. Oh my god, I can’t help it!)