Absolute Choice

Chapter 553: Xuanwu sleeps forever


"How I did it, shouldn't you know best?"

Li Wuyu said with a half-smile, "I secretly learned this skill of pretending to be dead from you."

Shi Xiaobai was stunned, did you steal it from him

Shi Xiaobai immediately listed all his "magical powers". Which acrobat could pretend to be dead and hide it from everyone

Shi Xiaobai thought for a few seconds, then his eyes suddenly widened and he asked in astonishment: "You're not going to let your breath go?"

"That's right."

Li Wuyu nodded and chuckled: "I still remember that when I fought with the fake hero king, I was defeated by the Sword Soul Sword. I was pierced through the left chest, but my heart was lucky to be born on the right side, so I didn't die on the spot, but I suffered so much A serious injury really hurts like hell. You realized this and immediately used 'Don't Breathe' to let me imitate it. Because of this, I was able to talk and laugh even though I was seriously injured. Others thought I had willpower. It’s amazing, but it’s actually just the magic effect of your trick of ‘not leaking turtle’s breath’. None of us could explain it, but at that time I was grateful to you from the bottom of my heart, and of course I was more and more curious about your mystery, ‘not leaking turtle’s breath’ I have never heard of, seen or heard of this magical skill. It is simply... a pretentious magical weapon! Heh, when I talk about this, I remember that in order to activate the regeneration power, I directly pressed the flesh and blood wounds with my hands. , it looked quite painful. The paper farmer thought I was crazy and asked me excitedly why I was so calm. I replied calmly, 'Because it doesn't hurt at all.' Wow, the paper farmer's expression at that time was simply It was like seeing God. His expression was shocked, his eyes were dull, and he must have been overwhelmed with admiration. But in fact, he didn't know that I used your "non-ventilating breath", so I couldn't feel the pain, and with my willpower It doesn’t matter at all, hahaha!”

Shi Xiaobai's scalp went numb when he heard it. He really wanted to use "Don't Breathe Turtle Breath" at that time to save Li Wuyu from suffering, but he didn't expect that this guy was actually using it to show off! What's more, he didn't expect that "not letting out his breath" would become Li Wuyu's main method of pretending to be dead.

"Not releasing turtle breath" is a special skill that suppresses the senses. However, if its inhibitory function is used to the extreme, it will reach the extreme and become another magical skill. It is called "Turtle Breath Technique", also known as "Xuanwu Long Sleep" .

In the "Xuanwu Long Sleep" state, the senses will be completely blocked from the outside world. Breathing, pulse, and heartbeat will all become extremely slow, as slow as still, like a dead body. "Xuanwu Long Sleep" is usually used when enduring unbearable pain, but it can also be used to "play dead".

Shi Xiaobai should have thought that "Xuanwu Long Sleep" can be used to pretend to be dead, but he has never used "Xuanwu Long Sleep" since he obtained "Unbreakable Turtle Breath", and even ignored this trick from the beginning, because Using "Xuanwu Long Sleep" completely isolates the senses from the outside world. Although it can completely block the pain, it also means completely losing control of the body.

In the "Xuanwu Long Sleep" state, you will be like a vegetative state, still conscious but unable to move. It will take at least half a minute to release the "Xuanwu Long Sleep". If you are "whipped to death" during the "Xuanwu Long Sleep", During the half-minute of the relief, the sky and the sky were unable to respond, and the earth and the earth were unable to function. Moreover, since the body has been in a "dormant" state for a long time, once the "Xuanwu Long Sleep" is released, the body will immediately fall into a "weak" state, requiring a buffering period. This buffer period is also extremely dangerous.

Therefore, if he had not endured the severe pain in his heart that could not be suppressed by "not letting out his breath" and had to use "Xuanwu Long Sleep" to completely shield his facial features, Shi Xiaobai would never consider using "Xuanwu Long Sleep" to put himself into a trap. It is a passive move, and he has never thought of using "Xuanwu Long Sleep" to pretend to be dead, so he has almost forgotten the extreme use of "Xuanwu Long Sleep" that "does not let out the turtle's breath".

But Li Wuyu discovered the "Xuanwu Long Sleep" when he imitated the "Breathless Turtle Breath", and even used it to pretend to be dead at all costs, hiding it from everyone.

"Don't leak anything" is an absolute choice reward. It almost "transcends" the existence of the world view. No one can see the flaw, which is reasonable.

Shi Xiaobai sighed and said: "It is true that other people can't find it, but if I can take a look at your 'corpse', I will be able to tell immediately that you used 'Xuanwu Long Sleep'."

Li Wuyu chuckled and said: "I know, so I can't let you see my body, and I can't even let you know the news of my death. You are too smart and can easily find out the truth through a few clues. This This is also the reason why I have to find Liu Yu as an accomplice. I asked Liu Yu to persuade others to hide my death from you and hide you as the murderer from the world while you were in coma, because if the 'truth' is revealed, you will feel guilty and the Li family will Anger will inevitably lead to another tragedy. This task is not difficult. It is not so much persuasion as it is tacit understanding and unification. After all, you are in the relationship between Ye Wuqing, paper farmer, Feng Yuanlin and me. In the hearts of these sisters, you have a very high status, and they all care about you. In my plan, when everything is over, you should know nothing and shout 'hat, fuck,' with a confused look on your face. man!'. Well, although I 'used' you, I didn't want to involve you, but I didn't expect that you would know the truth in the end,"

Shi Xiaobai couldn't help but sigh after hearing this. Li Wuyu's plan was indeed very meticulous, but he couldn't have calculated it. Not only Ye Wuqing and the other six people were watching the farce, but also the coquettish bitch from the Queen.

After Shi Xiaobai learned about Li Wuyu's death, he did not immediately think of the possibility of Li Wuyu faking his death. Instead, he was "deceived" by the announcement of the end of Absolute Choice. Shi Xiaobai still doesn't understand why Li Wuyu pretended to be dead. If he dies, Wang's mission will be completed, but Li Wuyu obviously cannot answer this question for him.

Shi Xiaobai felt complicated for a moment, and his thoughts were spinning.

Li Wuyu glanced at Shi Xiaobai, and suddenly smiled: "Speaking of this, I think of Liu Yu's acting skills at that time. When I died, there was no leader, and I needed someone who could stand up in times of crisis, and Liu Yu wanted to do that. Playing the role of this flustered and undisturbed temporary captain, I originally thought that this young Taoist priest was serious and sanctimonious, and that he should not be good at acting. I also thought it was a difficult task that would be difficult for others to do. However, I never expected that Taoist Liu would actually hide his secrets and his acting skills were realistic. If not I wrote the script, so I was afraid that even I could be fooled. At that time, I felt that if Liu Yu did not change his career and enter the film and television industry, it would be a waste of talent and a pity for an actor. However, I didn’t know that Taoist was worried at that time. Are you panicking, your legs are shaking, are you so nervous that you forget your lines for a moment? Well, in short, I admire Liu Yu with admiration."