Absolute Choice

Chapter 555: Finally asked the export question (third update!)


Stronger than Abbot Kuhai

Shi Xiaobai was shocked, but pretended to be calm and said: "Strength is not an issue."

Shi Xiaobai felt that he had the right to speak. Could that woman be stronger than Hua Li? There is probably a huge gap between his and Hua Li's strength.

Li Wuyu heard this and chuckled: "That woman is twenty-eight years old, more than ten years older than me."

Shi Xiaobai shook his head and smiled: "Age is not a problem."

Shi Xiaobai feels that he has more say in this. Hua Li claims to have lived for more than 10,000 years, and they are more than 10,000 years apart. If Li Chenxi was the hero king three thousand years ago, then they are also more than 3,000 years apart. Li Wuyu He was only a dozen years old, so he was so insignificant that he was not worth mentioning.

Li Wuyu saw that Shi Xiaobai was confident and confident, and secretly thought that Shi Xiaobai seemed to be not only a love saint, but also a beast. Age was not a problem, wouldn't it mean that he could not take care of anyone from a young luoli to a mature woman?

Li Wuyu swallowed his saliva and felt more and more that he had asked the right person. He continued: "That woman is related to me by blood. Well, let me just put it bluntly. The woman is my mother's biological sister, that is, mine. … Auntie.”

Shi Xiaobai was dumbfounded, blood relationship? Hiss, he has no say in this at all!

Shi Xiaobai coughed lightly and said bravely: "If the laws of Xia State allow it, it's not... a big problem, cough... "

Li Wuyu smiled and said: "For the time being, the laws of Xia State do not allow close relatives to marry, but one day I will repeal this bill."

Shi Xiaobai was silent and said to himself, as long as you are happy.

Li Wuyu suddenly shook his head and sighed, and said: "These are actually not problems. The biggest problem is that the woman will not be tempted by me at all. She has always regarded herself as an admirer of the King of Heroes, and claimed that if she had not met the King of Heroes, she would Man, she would rather be single for the rest of her life than compromise, so at the age of twenty-eight, she has not been married, has never been in love, and has not even had any scandals. I originally thought that I would imitate the King of Heroes and one day become a man like the King of Heroes. There would be a slight chance, but a year ago I couldn't hold back and showed my feelings. As a result, she rejected me and told me the truth. It turned out that the King of Heroes was just a shield for her. In fact, she hated all men. What I like... is women."

Shi Xiaobai was stunned.

Li Wuyu spread his hands and said, "But even so, I still like her. Am I hopeless?"

Shi Xiaobai was silent for a long time and said stiffly: "There's nothing wrong with liking her."

Li Wuyu nodded with deep approval and said: "As expected of the Saint of Love, I hit the nail on the head. She likes women, and I like her. There is nothing wrong with anyone. Although I can't change her view on love, she can't force me to completely I don’t want to give up, so regardless of whether there is a cure for this heart disease, I don’t want to cure it anyway. But now I can’t put it off with the other girl. Whether I accept or reject it, I have to be more decisive. The longer I delay, That girl will sink deeper and deeper. Although I, Li Wuyu, have fallen in love with a woman I shouldn't love, I never want to become an irredeemable scumbag. So, what should I do now?"

Li Wuyu opened his eyes and stared at Shi Xiaobai expectantly, like a little tiger wondering whether he should bite the lamb, waiting for instructions from the big bad wolf.

But how does Shi Xiaobai know what to do

Those who should refuse cannot bear to refuse.

You should love those you shouldn't love, but you have to love them.

What can be done

Shi Xiaobai was also very desperate.

Shi Xiaobai racked his brains, and finally an idea suddenly occurred to him. He raised his hand and pointed at Li Wuyu, and said seriously: "Don't you already know what to do? Think about it carefully, how did you describe the girl and the girl? Woman, please clarify the difference and take a serious look at your heart. You already have the answer in your heart, but you have been avoiding it without knowing it. I can only help you point the way. Can you see the way forward clearly? , but you still need to muster up the courage to face it! If you give up, you will gain, and if you gain, you will lose. There is no way to have the best of both worlds. How can you have the best of both worlds? Li Wuyu, ask from your heart Which one are you more reluctant to part with, yourself, fish or bear's paw?"

Li Wuyu suddenly widened his eyes, lowered his head and murmured to himself: "Which one is more reluctant to part with, the fish or the bear's paw, the fish or the bear's paw..."

Shi Xiaobai breathed a sigh of relief. His bowl of poisonous chicken soup seemed to make a lot of sense, but in fact it didn't solve any problems. It seemed that Li Wuyu was temporarily choked!

However, we can't drag it out any longer. If this guy suddenly changes his mind, he'll be in trouble!

Shi Xiaobai coughed quickly and said: "This matter cannot be rushed. If you don't think hard for three days and three nights, you can't come to a conclusion easily, otherwise you will be irresponsible. Let's get back to the topic. Unknowingly, you have pulled us away again. ”

Li Wuyu raised his head blankly and said "Oh", looking very absent-minded.

Shi Xiaobai shook his head helplessly, took a deep look at Li Wuyu, clenched his fist slightly, hesitated for a moment, and then said three words in a deep voice.


Li Wuyu said blankly: "Why?"

Shi Xiaobai took a deep breath, his expression became serious, his eyes were extremely serious, and he asked in a low voice: "Why are you pretending to be dead?"

Li Wuyu was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly woke up. He recovered from his absent-minded state. He took a deep look at Shi Xiaobai and chuckled: "This is the most appropriate question from the beginning, but you delayed it until now. , you are really tolerant."

Shi Xiaobai smiled bitterly and said: "You may not believe it when I tell you. I have always been fearless, but I am a little afraid to ask this question. I hesitated until now, and I couldn't help but ask."

Li Wuyu nodded and said seriously: "I understand. No matter how interesting I make this conspiracy look, no matter how cheerful I use to tell this story that is destined to hurt many people, no matter how I do it, the mistakes I make, The harm I have caused to you will not be reduced by one point. Whether this story is black, gray, or there is still a trace of pure white does not depend on my ability to tell the story, nor does it depend on my attitude of admitting my mistakes. How sincere, but why I did it. For what purpose did I hesitate to hurt you, this is the real key. Shi Xiaobai, you have an innocent heart, so you value the cause more than anyone else. Paying attention to the purpose, unlike some black-hearted tiger who only cares about the final result, in my opinion, is rare, valuable and admirable. Of course, this also caused you to postpone this question that should have been asked from the beginning until now , because you are afraid of hearing unexpected answers, and you are worried that the Li Wuyu you know is not actually a gentleman, but a hypocritical villain who betrays his friends for his own selfish desires. You don’t want to lose me as a friend, so you don’t dare Q. I am very happy and honored. In fact, I have been waiting for you to ask this question. I am nervous and apprehensive, but I also have a sense of expectation. Although I have a clear conscience about the answer, I don’t know how you will view it. You Whether I agree or oppose, appreciate or criticize, to be honest I don’t know, but I want to know what you would think of... the real Li Wuyu."

The real Li Wuyu.

When Shi Xiaobai heard these words, he suddenly felt a little heavy, but this time he looked directly into Li Wuyu's eyes and said bravely: "Tell me the answer and let me see the real Li Wuyu!"


Li Wuyu's eyes were bright, a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he said softly: "The reason why I pretended to be dead is..."

... ... .

(PS: The story will be finished in one or two chapters. You can guess why Li Wuyu pretended to be dead. There are also foreshadowings in the previous article. The preparation for this plot is basically completed. Next, prepare for the climax of the upcoming rampage!)