Absolute Choice

Chapter 556: Happy boy


"The reason I pretended to be dead is..."

Li Wuyu looked directly into Shi Xiaobai's eyes, with a serious expression and serious tone, and said, "Because I don't trust anyone."

Shi Xiaobai was shocked when he heard this.

He never expected to hear such an answer. He had guessed that Li Wuyu might have some reasons why he had to pretend to be dead. He also guessed that Li Wuyu pretended to be dead for some necessary purpose. He even guessed that Li Wuyu was just acting on a whim. I did something that left me speechless.

Shi Xiaobai had various guesses before this, but he never thought that the reason why Li Wuyu pretended to be dead was-he didn't trust anyone

Li Wuyu shouldn't be such a person.

At least in Shi Xiaobai's view, although Li Wuyu is a bit narcissistic and makes people speechless, when they get along with each other, people can feel his sincerity and sincerity. He is like a sun. Although it is sometimes dazzling and sometimes hot, it is always Full of positive energy, he is a high-spirited and upright young man in his prime!

But Li Wuyu said that he didn't trust anyone? Doesn't it mean that he has always looked at them with suspicion? So are his sincerity, sincerity and positive energy all fake

At this moment, Shi Xiaobai felt that he had never really known Li Wuyu.

Could it be that this is the real Li Wuyu

Shi Xiaobai did not jump to conclusions, he took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "I, the king, cannot understand. You said you don't trust anyone. Does anyone here refer to everyone in the world, or does it refer to a certain group of people? What does it have to do with you pretending to be dead and you not trusting other people?"

Li Wuyu did not answer, but remained expressionless for a long time, looked directly into Shi Xiaobai's eyes, and suddenly said: "Once upon a time, there was a happy boy..."

Shi Xiaobai was startled for a moment, but his expression immediately became more serious. Li Wuyu liked to change the subject and be imaginative when speaking, but this time it was different from before. Shi Xiaobai felt something keenly.

Li Wuyu suddenly raised his head slightly and looked at the night sky, with a trace of trance in his eyes. Then he lowered his head and laughed at himself, then turned to look at Shi Xiaobai, twitching the corners of his mouth to reveal a weird smile.

"That boy is really happy."

Li Wuyu whispered: "The boy has a grandma who loves him very much. Grandma will hold him and sit in the courtyard, look at the stars in the night sky, tell stories from fairy tales, and laugh with him when he laughs. When he cried, she would comfort him with candies, and she would not hesitate to play the role of a funny old witch to make the boy laugh. It was snowing, and grandma would accompany the boy to build a snowman. Even though her hands were blue from the cold, she did not say a word, and her face was filled with laughter. She always had a warm and gentle smile. Even if the boy occasionally lost her temper and said some angry words to her, she never frowned. She just waited patiently for the boy to calm down and then took the initiative to apologize to him. It was obvious that she had done nothing wrong. "

"The boy has an elder brother who dotes on him. The elder brother is excellent in all aspects and is the boy's idol. The boy has been chasing his elder brother's back, but the elder brother has never gone far away. He always looks back at his younger brother every three steps. The first time the boy climbed a tree, the first time he caught cicadas, the first time he stole sweet potatoes, and the first time he ate roasted sweet potatoes warmed by loess were all taught by his elder brother. Once, the boy was naughty and ran to the mountains to play alone. Not only did he get lost, but he also accidentally fell into a trap set by a hunter. After searching for a day and night in the mountains, the brother finally found the boy. Although he was exhausted, he ran for more than ten kilometers carrying the injured boy on his back and sent the boy to his home. When they arrived at the hospital, it turned out that the boy only suffered flesh injuries, but the brother lay in the hospital for half a month because of excessive overdraft, and even missed the entrance exam. The boy cried and said, "I'm sorry," but the brother smiled and said, "Thank you, thank God." ,Fortunately nothing happened to you'."

"The boy also has an all-powerful tutor. The teacher is not old, only thirty or forty years old, but he is middle-aged and bald. He looks older. But people should not be judged by their appearance. The teacher is surprisingly powerful. He can teach anything and everything. He has a good look, whether it is practicing righteousness or practicing all three religions and nine streams, the teacher has dabbled in everything. He knows astronomy and geography. He can teach the boy whatever he wants to learn. The boy is impressed by the teacher's knowledge, and the teacher also cares about the boy. Give them all you have."

"The boy even had a gentle and lovely child bride. The boy didn't understand what a child bride was at that time, and just regarded the girl as his playmate. The girl was very cute, like a porcelain doll, and she thought of being a good wife since she was a child. The goal is to cultivate oneself, be considerate, gentle and virtuous, and think about boys everywhere, so the boy is jealous of children of the same age, and often uses his identity as a child bride to tease boys and girls. The boy gradually understands the meaning, out of the child's ridiculous self-esteem, He thought about alienating the girl, but the girl clung to the boy like brown candy. The boy once got angry, said some hurtful words, and did not go home with the girl as usual. That night, the girl stayed alone in school until midnight The boy ran back to the school to find the girl. He found that the girl's eyes were red from crying and asked angrily: 'Why don't you go home?' The girl cried and said: 'You don't want me anymore, that's not my home anymore.' The boy then Realizing the meaning of the word "child bride", the boy asked painfully: "Don't you feel sad? You will marry someone like me in the future." The girl shook her head vigorously and said happily: "I like you, and I am happy." It's too late, how can I be sad?'. At that time, the boy was a bit shorter than other children of the same age and was teased as a 'dwarf', so she was the first girl to confess to the boy."

When Li Wuyu said this, he suddenly closed his eyes, remained silent for a long time, and sighed softly.

Then he opened his eyes, looked at Shi Xiaobai, smiled slightly, and said: "How is it, boy... are you very happy?"

Shi Xiaobai's eyes were solemn and he nodded with difficulty.

Li Wuyu said with a smile: "However, happiness is often short-lived. The boy's happiness only lasted until he was eight years old. On his eighth birthday, without any warning, his grandmother, brother, teacher and child bride all packed up their burdens and asked the boy to marry him. Saying goodbye, they said they were leaving and would never come back. The boy was so anxious that he cried 'why'. Shi Xiaobai, do you guess why?"

Shi Xiaobai sighed in his heart. When Li Wuyu started to narrate this story with happiness, he guessed that what Li Wuyu was going to tell was a tragedy, because the happier things are, the more tragic they will be once they are destroyed.

However, Shi Xiaobai had no way of guessing why this happened, but Li Wuyu asked, and he couldn't remain silent. Shi Xiaobai thought for a while and tentatively said, "What happened to the boy's family?"

Li Wuyu shook his head, suddenly looked up at the sky, and spoke in a low and inaudible voice.

"Because, they were resigned."