Absolute Choice

Chapter 559: Thank you for being so gentle


This inexplicable impulse was not caused by the breathtaking beauty of the face so close at hand, nor was it because the pink lips bitten by the teeth exuded the most alluring fragrance in the world, nor was it because of the The two-year-old boy finally grew up and learned to satisfy his own hormones.

Shi Xiaobai just understood the girl's tenderness.

She would always appear when he was most tired, quietly and silently, accompanying him.

She never participated in the most exciting adventures, but whenever the story ended, whenever the banquet was over, whenever he felt empty, tired, confused, and overwhelmed, she was there.

Suddenly looking back, she was always in the dimly lit place.

Thank you for being so gentle.

Light the silent lamp.

It only warms me but does not disturb my cold winter.

Shi Xiaobai didn't know what such an impulse meant, but he knew that such an impulse was beautiful, pure, and made him happy.

He didn't stop his urge.

The boy's cold and somewhat dry lips suddenly pressed heavily on the girl's warm and soft cherry lips.

"Well... ... "

Hua Li snorted. With her strength, she could certainly react to such a "sneak attack" and easily avoid it, but she didn't hide. She even pursed her lips subconsciously, as if she was ready to "receive" it.

Uh-huh, so, so shameless.

The girl's blue eyes were like a pebble suddenly falling into the lake, breaking the tranquility, causing ripples, crushing the lake light, and creating sparkling waves.

The delicate and snow-white cheeks seemed to have been smeared with the most attractive rouge, with the most delicate pink color and shyness.

Hua Li did not reject the boy's sudden kiss, but was secretly happy.

Ordinary women like to spend time in front of flowers and under the moon, brewing an ambiguous atmosphere, laying the groundwork for intimacy, and carrying out the most perfect kiss at the most perfect time.

But she is not an ordinary woman. Compared with sweet words about the beautiful moonlight, she values spotless true love more.

Kissing is the love that lovers cannot express in words.

He likes her.

This is enough.

That's great.

The corners of the girl's mouth curved in joy, like the laughing crescent moon in the night sky.


The girl's eyes suddenly opened wide.

Tongue, tongue

Don't, don't come in!

Well! Shi Xiaobai, why did you learn so badly

Hua Li felt ashamed, and at the same time, she felt that the power of the World Tree in her body began to drain violently.

"Holiness" is the original power of the World's Holy Tree. Kissing is an act of defiling the holiness, which would have caused her power to drain away. However, she could not refuse the joy in her heart, so she was determined to ignore the small amount of power that was being lost.

But as the boy became more intimate, the loss of power became faster and faster, reaching a point that could not be ignored.

don't want!


With a thought in her mind, Hua Li moved to the other end of the room in an instant. Her face was red and she was breathing rapidly. She felt a trace of crystal liquid hanging from the corner of her mouth. She almost ran away thousands of miles away in shame. .

"Xiaobai, I..."

Hua Li opened her mouth to say something, but was suddenly stunned.

Boy, it’s green.

His hair, eyebrows, and body hair all turned green.

The skin, blood vessels, bones, organs, and everything in the body also turned green.

It was lush, vibrant, juicy green.


Just for a moment!

The greenery is dying!

The green boy is like a withered green leaf. It goes from green to withered, broken, and shriveled in just a short moment!

At this moment, even Hua Li's consciousness couldn't capture it.


Hua Li screamed in horror. With a thought, she teleported to Shi Xiaobai. However, before she could check the boy's condition, or even reach out to touch his heartbeat and pulse, the boy broke into pieces.

Broken, like dead leaves shattered in the cold wind!

Shi Xiaobai's body was shattered into countless withered pieces!

Hua Li was stunned on the spot, her heart seemed to be clenched, and it hurt so much that she couldn't breathe.

But in the next moment, when the withered yellow fragments turned into dust and dispersed in the air, Huali saw a seed suspended in the air.

A shriveled, dark yellow, lifeless seed.

Those almost frozen blue eyes finally regained their sparkle.

"It turns out that you are..."

The girl suddenly burst into tears.

She knelt on the bed with a pop, stretched out her trembling hands to hold the seed, held it tenderly in her arms, and held it tightly to her heart.

When the tears fell, the girl disappeared.


It's a warm light and a pure darkness,

One on the left and one on the right,

wrapped in seeds,

It seems to form a world,


The fate of seeds.

... ...

... ...

The next morning.

Li Wuyu opened the door. He subconsciously looked at Shi Xiaobai's wing and suddenly froze on the spot.

A huge green tree broke through the roof of the wing and spread over half of the courtyard, its trunk growing towards the sky.

In the morning light,

The branches of the green trees are covered with purple buds.

... ...

... ...

This is...where

Shi Xiaobai slowly opened his eyes, and what he saw was the clear blue sky and towering thousand-year-old trees.

He remembered that he was obviously in the wing of the Li family's mansion, and he kissed those soft lips out of "impulse", but suddenly he felt the sweet breath on his lips, like nectar.

An unbearable "hunger" suddenly arose, and he couldn't help but stick his tongue in, "greedily" absorbing it, and then he fell into a trance and lost consciousness.

When I opened my eyes again, I appeared in this strange place.

where is this place

Where is Huali

Shi Xiaobai looked around blankly.

I found myself in a primeval forest.

The branches of the trees are intertwined, and the lush branches and leaves are like green clouds. A huge camphor tree is right in front of you. Its bark is dark green, and its thick and strange-shaped branches are coiled around the tree like a dragon. With.

The breeze blows, and the branches and leaves make a rustling sound, just like the sigh of a dragon.

Shi Xiaobai walked into the forest and suddenly saw a huge black centipede, like a majestic mountain range, crawling slowly across. Wherever it went, trees were staggered and broken, like the traces left by a giant python after crawling across the grass.

Mud and gravel shot out in all directions along the path it passed. Thousands of huge abdomens hit the ground in an undulating manner. The cracks in the earth spread intertwinedly, collapsing everywhere like cracks in the ice.

Shi Xiaobai was surprised to find that he knew most of the animals, birds, beasts, and insects he saw in this forest, but they all had a strange feature, that is, they were several times larger than what he remembered.

Centipedes the size of pythons, magpies the size of eagles, squirrels the size of lions... But in the towering woods hundreds of meters high, they still look very small.

Everywhere he went was green and the air was extremely fresh. Shi Xiaobai walked through the woods and suddenly saw a lake in the distance. The surface of the lake was green and crystal clear, like a clear mirror, reflecting the shadow of the ancient trees.

Shi Xiaobai walked towards the lake.


A wooden arrow suddenly shot through the air!

Although the wooden arrow was shot at a tricky angle, its speed was not fast and its power was somewhat weak.

Shi Xiaobai gently raised his hand and accurately clamped the wooden arrow between his two fingers.


A clear girl's voice sounded from the bushes in the distance, with a surprised tone.


Shi Xiaobai asked, turning and walking towards the bushes.

"You, you are not allowed to come here!"

The little eyes hidden in the bushes blinked in panic, as if the stars in the sky were twinkling, and she issued a rapid but non-deterrent warning.

Shi Xiaobai stopped and asked, "I am not a bad person and will not harm you. I just want to know, where is this place?"

"Liar! My mother-in-law said that humans are all bad people!"

The little girl tightened her bow and arrow, and the wooden arrow slightly poked out from the bushes, aiming at Shi Xiaobai, and said in a panic: "Also, this is a forbidden area, you, you, how did you get in?"

Shi Xiaobai was slightly startled. The little girl's voice said "human beings are all bad people". Doesn't that mean she is not human

Where is this place

What kind of creature is that that sounds like a little girl hiding in the bushes

"Bad guy, go away, go away! If you don't go, if you don't go, I will shoot you!"

The "little girl" seemed to be afraid of humans, her voice sounded very nervous, and her wooden arrows were trembling slightly.

Spending it like this is just a waste of time, and the other party probably won't dare to take the initiative.

Shi Xiaobai thought so, and without any warning, he performed the Crab Step and rushed out with a whoosh. He rushed behind the bushes in the blink of an eye and reached out to grab the "little girl".


The "little girl" suddenly screamed, "Bad guy! Let me go! Let me go!"

Shi Xiaobai took a closer look and couldn't help being surprised, she was really a little girl.

Two small purple braids slapped his arms as the little head shook in panic, and two white and delicate calves kicked out of the snow-white skirt and kicked on his calves.

This is obviously a little girl of six or seven years old.

"Let me go! Let me go!"

The little girl struggled hard and screamed with tears.

"Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you!"

Shi Xiaobai reluctantly let go of the little girl's collar, raised his hands and took a few steps back.

The little girl immediately swooped behind the ancient tree like a frightened rabbit. After a long time, she carefully poked her head out and stared at Shi Xiaobai warily.

Only then did Shi Xiaobai see the little girl's appearance clearly, and his eyes suddenly widened.

The pear-shaped little face was extremely delicate, and the crystal-bright blue eyes stared at him closely, with nervousness and fear.

"Hua Li!?"

Shi Xiaobai was stunned. Although the little girl was only six or seven years old, her facial features were exactly the same as Hua Li!


The little girl suddenly panicked and said, "Bad guy, how do you know my name!?"




(S: Thank you for being so gentle and still waiting for the boy's return. As I said, he is Duan Geng, not a eunuch. As long as you live longer than me, you will definitely see the end of this book. So, I, Hu Hansan, am back again! Absolutely. Options, still going on!)