Absolute Choice

Chapter 560: This king has not fallen yet


Police uncles, I am Liluo Qiuxi, now known as Lihua Shiraishi, and I surrender!

In fact, I wrote three books before "System Please Queue", one is called "Reverse Origin World", which has more than 200,000 unpublished books, and the other is called "Absolute Option", which has 1.5 million words. Temporarily suspended, there is only one breath left of a 300,000-word book called "I Am Really the Great Demon King".

Let me confess these dark histories first.

Sorry, I'm guilty.

In fact, readers have been asking me why Niyuan Eunuch has been released, why the options have been discontinued, and why the Big Devil has been discontinued.

Today, I will explain the reasons seriously.

First, "The World Against the Origin" was the first book I wrote when I first entered the online literary world. Because I didn't understand the rules at all, this book was not even recommended. At that time, I quit my job as a programmer and went my own way regardless of the opposition of my family. I had to write, so I didn’t have time to waste on a book that was destined to make no money, so I had to bear the pain and cut it before “Reverse Origin World” was put on the shelves.

Secondly, the reasons why "Absolute Option" has come to this day are quite complicated, but most of them are my personal factors. Let’s talk about it carefully here.

I worked tirelessly to write this book, coupled with my shameless advertising methods, and finally got results, which at least allowed me to write with peace of mind.

Just as a newcomer, when this book reached more than one million words, I, like many authors, fell into a bottleneck.

I found that my writing became increasingly ugly, and readers gradually left me.

Is it when I have over one million words that I can’t control it anymore

Or can my own level only go so far

At that time, it was very painful for me to write.

Then, when I was learning how to write, I came into contact with Japan's lightness. I learned that lightness is a volume of hair, usually published every few months. I learned about weekly and monthly magazines, and then I came up with a bold idea.

Yes, that's why it's updated monthly.

I was pleasantly surprised to find that I updated once a month and updated 100,000 words at a time. This update mode allowed me to arrange my time freely and code when I was most inspired and physically comfortable, instead of day by day like before. , squeeze out like toothpaste, even though you have no inspiration, you still have to squeeze out words that are watery and smelly.

To be honest, the book "Absolute Choice", no matter the plot, content or writing style, what I am most satisfied with is the section during the monthly update. This section happens to be the final plot of the seventh floor of the Transcendent Tower, which shaped Li Chenxi. I wrote about the battle between the three lords in which almost every supporting character had a role to play!

When I looked back at that paragraph, I was fascinated by it.

I can't even believe that I wrote that.

I am very satisfied with the results of the monthly update, which allows me to write with love again.

But the reality is cruel. The mechanism of online articles is doomed. Monthly updates are not enough. Readers who are used to daily updates will abandon the book. My willfulness caused the performance of this book to fall to the bottom, to the point where I can no longer write willfully. At this point, the pressure of life comes again.

Later, I resumed daily updates, but this book was already struggling to improve. In the month of daily updates, too many readers left messages saying that it was getting uglier and boring. I know that was because I was too busy during daily updates. The level does not exceed the monthly update.

I'm calm on the outside, but miserable on the inside. I can't make any money, and I'm ruining my previous hard work. What's the point of it

At this time, I faced two choices.

First, finish "Absolute Choice" quickly.

Second, reopen a book.

Readers who have read "Absolute Option" should know that "Absolute Option" reaches 1.5 million words. In fact, the story has just begun and the world view has just unfolded. To complete the book, it will take at least two to three million words. That's right. For me, it's a year or two.

One and a half million words is actually the number of words that can be completed. Zhuzi’s first two books were both completed with 1.55 million words. It’s just that he can achieve a perfect ending, but I can’t help it. If “Absolute Choice” is 1.55 million words, Once the book is finished, it will be an absolute mess, so we can simply rename it "Absolutely a Bad End".

I didn’t want to end it, so I chose the latter and started a new book.

This book is called "I'm Really a Big Devil".

When I opened this book, I told myself that as long as the performance of this book can maintain my livelihood, then I will write this book to more than three million words no matter what. At the same time, I will slowly update "Absolute Choice" .

However, reality slapped me hard.

The big devil pounced, blood pounced, pounced on my innocent thoughts, and shattered into slag like bubbles.

I am only 26 years old this year, but I already have low back pain and spinal pain. My back hurts when I sit for a while, and my neck hurts when I lie down for a while. I don’t know how many more years I can write, and I even have the idea of giving up writing.

But I wanted to struggle a little longer.

The big devil has become a victim of my struggle. I am really sorry, so sorry.

The source of reversal is a mistake made by young people, and the choice is a mistake made by love. But the big devil, there is no excuse, it is my fault. My naivety and incompetence made it become a victim of reality.

Once again I faced a desperate battle.

The first time I decided to write a book, I relied on my love and enthusiasm for writing.

But the second time, I tried every means to study popular books, various routines, and various themes to learn profitable writing methods, turning myself into a useless, novice writer.

I don't regret it because I'm too afraid of losing.

I know that if "System Please Queue" also fails, then I will have no way out.

Fortunately, "System Please Queue" did not fail. Although it did not become a hit, I am already satisfied because I have fallen, made mistakes, and lost, so I know how to be humble.

Having said so much, it’s time to get back to the topic.

Of course, I am not surrendering myself to tell you that I am going to commit a crime again.

Surrender yourself to atone for your sins.

In fact, I have always naively believed that there are still opportunities to make up for the mistakes I made along the way.

Next, I will finish writing "System Please Queue" and "Absolute Option". Of course, "System Please Queue" will be the main one. "Absolute Option" will be a little slower, but believe me, both of them will be completed. I have already I’m fed up with the pain of “never finishing the book” and I don’t want to eat any more.

After finishing both of these books, I will write the remake of "I Am Really the Great Demon King". If I can continue writing the remake of "I Am Really the Great Demon King", I will write "The World of Counter-Origin" The remastered version.

No matter how many years it takes, I will fill all these holes!

Today, "Please Queue, Please Queue" will take a day off. I want to get back to my former self and regain my former style.

Today "Absolute Choice" updated Chapter 558 "Thank you for being so gentle." Well, I haven't fallen yet.