Absolute Choice

Chapter 563: Desperate Sakura


It only took a few months for him to travel from the earth to another world. Shi Xiaobai, who felt his scalp numb when he read the book, had never seriously read books about the history of the other world. Therefore, his understanding of the world view of the other world had always been limited. Only limited to things that have personal contact with psychics, superpowers, heroes, disaster demons, starry sky disaster beasts, places of trial, etc.

So much so that the "acquired realm", "elf clan", and "twelve clans of the alliance" mentioned by the red-haired girl were all unfamiliar terms that Shi Xiaobai had heard for the first time.

Shi Xiaobai couldn't decide for a while whether it was because he was ignorant or because some kind of bizarre plot was happening that was almost unheard of and terrifying to think about.

But judging from the various signs encountered so far, it seems that the latter is more likely.

"This is the final warning!"

The red-haired girl stretched the arrow string to the limit and said coldly: "Choose, humans, leave here immediately, or sleep forever in the land of the Elf Forest!"

The cold and firm eyes of the red-haired girl left no doubt that if the boy still had no intention of leaving, she would launch the fiercest attack without hesitation.

Shi Xiaobai fell into silence. He had no intention of intensifying the conflicts and misunderstandings, but his explanation seemed to be in vain in the face of the other party's deep-rooted prejudice against human beings.

But he couldn't leave just like that. If he wanted to solve the doubts and some bizarre speculations in his heart, the little girl who looked like the childhood version of Hua Li must be the key.

When Shi Xiaobai thought of this, he couldn't help but look at the little girl hiding behind her.

When her weak eyes met the boy's harmless eyes, the little girl suddenly felt like a frightened little rabbit. She was so frightened that she buried her face on the red-haired girl's waist, as if the boy was a savage beast that could eat people.

His eyes confirmed that he was the bad guy who would kidnap Xiao Huali.

The little girl shivered.

"Go to hell!"

The red-haired girl was finally completely irritated. She shouted coldly, straightened the tail of Yan Ling's arrow, and suddenly loosened the tight tiger tendon bowstring.

Under the scorching sun, there was only a "boom" sound, and the arrow that left the string was like flying lightning, pointing directly at the young man's chest, just like shooting a bull's-eye.

"At such a close distance, it is impossible for him to dodge my blazing arrows with his acquired strength.


As soon as the red-haired girl had such an idea, she was shocked to see the lightning-fast lightning arrow passing through the young man's body without any hindrance.

There was no tragic sound of flesh piercing, nor the bloody scene of blood splattering as imagined. The Liekong Arrow passed through the young man's body as if passing through the air, and shot straight into the trees behind!

The red-haired girl's pupils suddenly shrank, and she suddenly remembered that her first long-range cold arrow missed the boy and missed. She thought it was because the distance was too far and she missed the shot, but now it seems , that was not a mistake, and the scene just now was definitely not a coincidence.

It was the young man who had dodged her flying arrows with his strength!

But how do humans in this mere acquired world do it

Although she was extremely shocked, the red-haired girl still did not stop her offensive. She neatly placed the bow and arrow that had failed twice behind her back, and whispered quickly. As she chanted, a bright light lit up in front of her. of purple-gold brilliance

"The wind gathers into shape, surges into a blade, and the moment the cross shines, the God of Wind will also praise it! Swing it! Gallop! Feng Yao Cross Slash!"

The red-haired girl suddenly put her fingers together and intertwined her arms in an Two cold wind blades intersecting horizontally and vertically to form a cross!

"The Feng Yao Cross Slash is several times faster than the Liekong Arrow. The damage range is huge, and it is absolutely impossible to dodge it easily."

The red-haired girl thought so in her heart, staring closely at the boy who was still motionless. She firmly believed that there was absolutely no hat trick in the world that could avoid the sharp arrows without moving. There must have been some details that happened just now that she did not notice. , this time, she had to be extremely focused on seeing the boy's dodging movements.


The cross wind blade was like a sharp cannonball, tearing apart the air as it galloped, and finally exploded when it hit an ancient tree.

The wind blades splashed in all directions, like blades scattered all over the sky. The sound of tearing was heard for a while. The ancient tree in front seemed to be being ravaged and destroyed by dozens of scissors. Countless broken leaves fell one after another, and branches that were cut into several pieces creaked off. Falling, the thick trunk only lasted for half a second before it was broken by the wind blade, and the entire tree collapsed!

The destructive power of this Feng Yao Cross Slash is evident!

However, the red-haired girl's eyes were dull and her face was full of disbelief.

Broken leaves were flying all over the sky, but the young man was still standing unscathed and motionless!

The Feng Yao Cross Slash that struck the boy in front chopped down several ancient trees, but it happened that it didn't even cut off a single hair on the boy's body!

The red-haired girl who had been watching Shi Xiaobai closely still didn't see clearly how Shi Xiaobai evaded Feng Yao's cross slash at that moment.

But she was convinced that the boy had moved.

Although her naked eyes did not capture the accurate dynamic picture, at that moment she saw the boy's figure flash past like a flash, disappearing for a moment, only to reappear on the same spot an instant later.

"He moved twenty meters to the side just when Feng Yao's Cross Slash was about to hit him, and then returned to the same place in an instant? How is this possible? How fast does this require?"

The red-haired girl couldn't believe it, but this was the only reasonable explanation she could think of.

"But he obviously doesn't have any innate aura on his body! Could it be that he can achieve this terrifying speed of almost teleportation just by relying on the spiritual power of the acquired world? What kind of monster is this human being!"

As the best genius of the younger generation of the elves, the red-haired girl "Sakura" felt panic in her heart for the first time.

Meeting a dangerous human in a forbidden area of the forest that could not be invaded by foreigners was an unexpected crisis. However, this human was so strong that he could not understand it. Sakura, who had never left the Elf Forest, could not help but feel this. panic.

But she didn't retreat, nor did she have the slightest idea of escaping.

Because the little girl standing behind her is her sister who is more important than her life, and the cutest little angel in the world who she must protect no matter what.

"I will never let Princess Huali get any harm!"

Sakura strengthened her belief and had infinite courage in her heart. With her eyes widened, she rushed towards the boy!

Rabbits will bite when they are in a hurry. Sakura, who specializes in archery and magic, realizes that long-range moves have no way to defeat the boy, so she chooses close combat!

Archers who don't know how to melee are not good mages!

Sakura took out the silver dagger she carried with her from her waist, and like a crazy rabbit, she fiercely pounced on Shi Xiaobai.

Shi Xiaobai still stood motionless.

Sakura was extremely nervous. She knew that with her speed, the boy would be able to easily dodge and counterattack this knife, but in a situation where even the Feng Yao Cross Slash couldn't work, melee combat was her last chance!


To Sakura's surprise, the boy didn't dodge at all. This time, he really stood motionless, and the dagger stabbed the boy's chest straight and solid. It only took a small cut to pierce. The heart of a young man!

However, what Sakura never expected was that the chest of the boy she stabbed would be as hard as a copper wall!

There was a clanging sound, and the girl's little hand holding the dagger was numb from the shock.

Sakura slowly opened her dull eyes,

She stared blankly at the dagger that was broken into two pieces and the boy's chest that didn't even have a trace left on it, and her face suddenly turned extremely pale.

Have you ever experienced despair

At this moment, Miss Sakura saw despair.