Absolute Choice

Chapter 564: Now, do you believe it?


As the best genius among the younger generation of the elves, Sakura, who is only fourteen years old, has broken free from the shackles of her mortal body and broken through to the realm of innate extraordinary. Compared with those children of the same age who are still struggling in the acquired realm, she has always been A presence that stands out from the crowd.

Sakura has reason to despise any opponent in the acquired realm, because both the history of the world and her own experience have confirmed the truth that "the innate realm is enough to crush the acquired realm". For example, when she was still in the acquired realm, she had no power to fight back against Aunt Orange, who was in the innate realm. But when she entered the innate realm, Miss Jumei, who had been evenly matched with her before, was no match for her.

The innate realm and the acquired realm are two worlds apart. They are the first gap that defines the extraordinary and the ordinary. They are also the first criterion that distinguishes the strong from the weak.

Untie the shackles of the mortal body and become innately extraordinary, and of course you will have the confidence to defeat the weak. This is the infinite confidence given by the laws of history and natural common sense!

Of course Sakura also had this kind of confidence, so when she discovered that the boy in front of her still had the shackles of a mortal body and was still an acquired mortal, she was overjoyed and believed that she could protect the most important little princess of the elves.

However, reality is often cruel. When entities that ignore laws and common sense appear, the confidence given by history and nature suddenly turns into ridiculous superstition.

The Liekong Arrow missed, Feng Yao's Cross Slash was easily dodged, and even the close-range sword attack of the Cauldron was completely defeated. Sakura stared blankly at the lion's tooth dagger broken into two pieces in her hand and the unscathed boy, completely trapped. despair.

"This is not the acquired state, definitely not the acquired state..."

Sakura realized that the young man in front of her was not the weak person she thought she was in the acquired realm. On the contrary, the young man was so strong that she was unable to fight against him.


The young man suddenly raised his hand and patted away the half of the dagger pressed against his chest. He ignored the dull red-haired girl and walked slowly towards the shivering little girl.

"I am stronger than you, and a strong person can do whatever he wants."

The young man's cold voice sounded in her ears, and the young man's passing figure flashed in her eyes. Sakura suddenly woke up, no, she must protect Xiao Zi! This little girl who has sacrificed too much for the elves should not be harmed anymore!

"Get away!"

The red-haired girl bit her lower lip tightly, with red eyes, she threw an angry Feng Yao Cross Slash at the boy who was close at hand and turned his back to her.

The holy tree gave the elves seeds called "Seven Virtues". For them, sneak attack on enemies who turn their backs is a shameful act that violates the "virtue of justice".

But in order to protect the little princess, even if she violated "justice", Sakura made up her mind to protect Xiaohuali to the death!

Feng Yao's Cross Slash, which was close at hand, hit the defenseless young man with his exposed back almost instantly.

"You can't hide now!"

As Sakura expected, the boy had no way to avoid it this time.

No, no, the boy didn't hide at all! He allowed the cross wind blade to hit his naked back, which was not protected by armor!


However, there was no sound of tearing open the flesh, only a solid collision sound echoed in the forest, as the sharp wind blade seemed to hit hard steel!

Feng Yao's cross slash at such a close range did not leave any traces on the boy's back. Even the white T-shirt with "Gaia" and redbud patterns printed on it only had slight wrinkles.

"How can this be… "

Sakura was stunned. It turned out that the boy didn't need to dodge from the beginning. Even the Feng Yao Cross Slash, which she was most proud of, couldn't hurt the boy at all, not to mention the Liekong Arrow and the knife stab that she was not good at at all.

Hehe, her strongest attack method can't even break through the opponent's most basic body defense, so how can she fight? Even if the opponent stood still like a wooden man, there was nothing she could do against him. This was no longer a crushing, but an absolute crushing. This was a "battle" with not even a 0.0000001 chance of winning!


The boy didn't even look back at the "mosquito" that bit him without any pain. He stepped on the broken branches on the ground as if nothing had happened and walked slowly towards the little girl.


The little girl looked at the boy walking towards him expressionlessly, and was so frightened that she started crying.

To be captured by humans—

I will never see my mother-in-law and sister again, I will never see Aunt Orange, I will never see...

The little girl cried even more sadly when she thought of this.

"Let her go!"

Sakura screamed in despair, what else could she do? What else could she do


The proud girl fell to her knees with a plop. With tears in her eyes, she screamed at the cold-faced young man: "Let her go! She is still a child! She can't be sold for much money! If you want to arrest me, arrest me! I won't do it." Resist, I can satisfy all your demands! So, please, let her go! Please, let her go!"

Of course Sakura knew what kind of tragic fate would happen to the young and beautiful elf captured by humans, but at this moment, being forced into a desperate situation and unable to resist, she had no other choice but to abandon her dignity and endure the humiliation of begging.

If this is the only way she can save the little princess, then she is willing to pay any price.

The boy suddenly stopped and stood between the girl and the little girl. He seemed to be considering the girl's suggestion.

Sakura seemed to see the dawn in the dark night, and she said in a trembling voice: "Let her go. As long as you let her go, I won't make any resistance. Only an elf who is submissive and obedient can be sold at the best price. If You don’t want to catch the elf who worked so hard to harm or even commit suicide before the deal is completed and become a defective product, then let her go, let this child go!"

The young man turned his head and stared expressionlessly into the girl's red eyes. He was silent, as if he was thinking about the gains and losses of interests.


At this moment, the timid and crying little girl suddenly pounced on the boy!

The little girl suddenly jumped up and hugged the boy's arm, which was not thick but not slender either, like a young koala clinging to a branch.

"You are not allowed to take my sister away!"

The little girl screamed and bit the boy's arm!

"Xiao Zi!"

Sakura was horrified. That was a monster that couldn't even be cut down by Feng Yao's Cross Slash. With the little girl's baby teeth not yet fully grown, wouldn't she use fragile glass to hit hard steel

Sakura seemed to see the tragic scene of the little princess's broken teeth. She couldn't bear to close her eyes, not daring to look at that miserable scene.

"My king, you have three options now."

The boy seemed not to notice the little girl hanging on his arm. He suddenly looked at Sakura kneeling on the ground and said expressionlessly: "Option 1: accept your suggestion and just capture you."

Sakura opened her eyes suddenly.

"Option 2: Ignore your begging and insist on taking her away."

The boy pointed at the little girl who was biting his arm.


Sakura shook her head wildly.

"Option three: Sorry, no matter it's you or her, I want them all!"

A strange smile appeared on the young man's face.

Sakura's eyes suddenly widened. This was the outcome she was most afraid of, "Don't..."

"Don't choose three?"

The young man raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "It's a pity that no matter which one I choose, you can only accept it, because you have no other choice but to accept the fate I choose for you."

The girl's face turned pale, like a balloon that had been popped. She was so angry that she was shaking all over, but she couldn't say a word, because what the young man said was an irrefutable fact. In the face of absolute strength, she was crushed. The only option before you is to wait for the other party's choice. No matter how angry you are, no matter how unwilling you are, you can only accept it.

"Then, your choice is..."

The girl lowered her head unwillingly, in a surrendering posture, and even added the honorific title "you", just humbly praying that the other party would have a little mercy when making a choice.

"I choose option four."

The boy replied.

Sakura was stunned, "Option four?"

The young man smiled and said: "Option 4: Don't want any of them. This is my choice. Have you forgotten? From the beginning, I have said that I am not hostile to you, and I have no intention of harming anyone. This is This king’s answer was the same at the beginning, and it is the same now.”

Sakura looked up in disbelief, and suddenly her pupils shrank. She might never forget the scene in front of her in her life.

Under the dappled sunlight, the young man smiled harmlessly, caressing the little girl's head tenderly, as if comforting a frightened kitten. His monster-like arms could not even be damaged by the Feng Yao Cross Slash. He was bitten until blood dripped from his mouth.

"Now, do you believe it?"