Absolute Choice

Chapter 566: The sacred tree blossoms


"Humans are divided into good and bad, just like elves are divided into holy elves and fallen elves. Not all elves are good, and not all humans are evil."

Shi Xiaobai pondered for a few seconds, and finally felt that he should explain in more detail, so he continued: "No race or group should be classified into the 'good camp' or the 'evil party', because there has never been an absolute Goodness and absolute evil depend on different standpoints and different perspectives. Goodness and evil will inevitably deviate or even be reversed. I am not trying to excuse such evil deeds as 'selling elves', even if I stand on From a human point of view, it is also an evil crime that should be punished. However, where there is light, there must be shadows. On the contrary, there must be light beyond the shadows. If there are bad guys who sell elves, there must be sanctions. The existence of bad guys' heroes and the rampant criminal forces just mean the strength of heroic organizations."

This is not the first time Shi Xiaobai has elaborated on the understanding of good and evil. In the Nine Transformations Transcendent Tower, he had an in-depth exchange with the blond girl who was named the "King of Heroes" three thousand years ago, so he is quite familiar with it. a feeling of.

The innocent elf girl was confused by this obscure truth. She tried to understand the meaning of this passage, but she couldn't understand it for a long time. Maybe it was because the "harmlessness" shown by Shi Xiaobai finally reached the girl. She became a little bolder, and this time she became angry and said: "I don't understand! Make it simple, the way you speak is simpler!"

Shi Xiaobai smiled slightly, accustomed to it.

He has understood from a long time ago that there is a gap in IQ between people. Not everyone is born with the wisdom of a king like him. A confidant like Li Chenxi who understands and understands everything is rare. More people Still a little clever like Liu Yu, or frighteningly upright like Feng Yuanlin.

"in short."

Shi Xiaobai directly gave a simple conclusion, "Human beings are not all bad guys, there are also good people, and I am a professional hero who specializes in bad guys. Not only will I not hurt you, but I will also protect you. Do you understand?"

Of course Sakura understood such a straightforward statement, but she was still puzzled. She couldn't help but muttered: "I know heroes, my mother-in-law is the 'hero' of the elves! But...' Are heroes still divided into professional and non-professional?"

In Sakura's understanding, a "hero" is a great spirit who has made significant contributions to the tribe or saved the tribe from certain disasters, and is therefore praised by everyone.

How can anyone claim to be a hero

Sakura remembers her mother-in-law saying that only one million elves have a chance of a hero appearing. Heroes are rare, precious, and unique. Only when everyone thinks you are a hero can you be qualified to be called a hero. .

Although Sakura always felt that her mother-in-law showed a hint of pride when she said these words, her mother-in-law's status in the elves was indeed highly respected and admired by thousands of people.

It is really difficult for Sakura to accept the connection between a noble "hero" and a secular "career".

Shi Xiaobai fell into silence.

In this era of rampant disasters, "hero" is not a simple title or honor. It is a global organization, a recognized and respected profession, a symbol of the strong, and a representative of the brave. Heroes defeat disaster demons, protect mankind, and protect the earth. This is common sense that everyone knows.

The elf girl asked a question that lacked common sense, but Shi Xiaobai was not surprised at all, because he had already realized that there was a big difference in common sense between them.

The "acquired realm" and "twelve tribes of the alliance" mentioned by the elf girl before were words that Shi Xiaobai had never heard of. He thought that there was something wrong with his "common sense", but now it seems that there is something wrong. The problem turns out to be "common sense" itself.

-His "common sense" and the girl's "common sense" are not "common sense" derived from the same world or the same social system.

"This king has traveled through time again?"

Shi Xiaobai had to face this terrible speculation.

Shi Xiaobai had experience in time travel. The last time he traveled from the earth to a different world without warning, the civilization and common sense he was originally familiar with had undergone earth-shaking changes.

This time, he came to this forest without warning, and his common sense seemed to be being subverted. Shi Xiaobai had to wonder if he had traveled to another world.

But we can't draw a conclusion yet, because there is still the possibility that this forest is just isolated from the world, so that "common sense" differs, and he is still in the same different world.

Of course, there is another embarrassing possibility, that is, he and the girl just lack "common sense."


Suddenly, there was a sound of wind blowing leaves in the forest.

Shi Xiaobai was slightly startled, where did the wind come from? He clearly didn't feel the presence of wind. Strangely enough, there seemed to be no wind blowing in this lush green forest from just now until now.

There is no wind, why is there the swishing sound of the leaves blown by the wind

Shi Xiaobai listened carefully and was shocked to find that the sound seemed to come from all directions.

At this moment, a fragrant fragrance suddenly floated from the distance. The fragrance seemed to be the fragrance of rice flowers or green grass.

"Ah! The scent of the sacred tree!"

Different from Shi Xiaobai's astonishment, the elf girl had closed her eyes and took a deep breath with an intoxicated look on her face, inhaling the sudden fragrance a little greedily.

"The sacred tree is blooming again!"

A happy smile appeared on Sakura's lips.

"Holy tree? What holy tree?"

Shi Xiaobai seemed to have thought of something and asked aloud.

Sakura opened her eyes suddenly when she heard the boy's voice. She quickly stretched out her hand to cover the boy's nose, "Ah! Don't smell it! You can't smell it!"

Shi Xiaobai did not dodge and allowed the girl's soft palm to cover his nose and mouth.

Sakura's nervous expression relaxed. She took a deep breath and said, "Huh! You scared me to death!"

Shi Xiaobai gave a questioning look, "What's wrong?"

"The holy tree is blooming!"

Sakura said matter-of-factly, but when she saw that the boy still had a puzzled expression, she finally realized that the other person seemed to really not know the situation, so she was surprised: "You don't even know this? During the flowering period of the World's Holy Tree, all but the elves within a hundred miles All other creatures are not allowed to approach. The floral fragrance of the sacred tree is a good tonic for us elves, but it is a fatal poison to other creatures. Isn’t this common sense?"

Shi Xiaobai's pupils shrank slightly.

"The Holy Tree of the World!?"

This is the third time Shi Xiaobai has heard this term.

The first time was when he first met Huali, and the second time was the story the Queen told about the extraordinary holy tree and the three holy trees of world, time and destiny.

The stories they told were different, but both Hua Li and the Demon Queen mentioned one thing - the world, time, destiny, and the three holy trees were all destroyed by the original sin during the first doomsday tribulation.

Shi Xiaobai still remembers that when he asked Hua Li, "Who are you?", Hua Li told him a long story.

The beginning of that story is - "Ten thousand years ago, I was the elf guarding the World Tree and lived a carefree life. However, after the first doomsday catastrophe, the World Tree lost its vitality and chose me before it withered. As the inheritor of power, I was an elf and a world tree at that time."

The World's Holy Tree was destroyed ten thousand years ago!

No, that's not right. His common sense and that of the elf girl are not common sense of the same world. So, the "World Holy Tree" the girl talks about may not be the "World Holy Tree" he knows.

"It's time for me to go back."

Suddenly, the little girl who had been hiding behind the cherry blossoms poked her head out and whispered: "I am the elf guarding the World Tree. It's time for me to go back."