Absolute Choice

Chapter 567: Mother-in-law


"The sacred tree is blooming."

Elf Queen Hillman is sitting on the throne, closing her eyes and breathing in the fragrant fragrance of the Holy Tree. To other races, the fragrance of the Holy Tree is a poison that will lead to death, but to the elves, it is a treasure comparable to the fountain of life. , can extend the life and youth of elves.

The blooming of the holy tree is a rare occurrence in a thousand years. Many elves even spend their entire lives never seeing the miracle of the blooming of the holy tree.

Hillman should have enjoyed the grand ceremony of the sacred tree blooming, but at this time her expression was not one of joyful intoxication, but instead one of incomparable solemnity.

"Mother-in-law, how many times has this bloomed?"

Hillman slowly opened his eyes and turned to look at the silver-haired elf sitting beside him. The silver-haired elf was extremely beautiful, even more beautiful than Hillman, the queen, but everyone in the Elf clan said The silver-haired elf is called "Mother-in-law."

No one knows what my mother-in-law's real name is. She is called this just because she has always called herself "grandma".

The people of the elves only know that Granny is the longest-living elf. Her years of life are probably as long as the history of the elves. Granny is also the most powerful elf. Even Queen Hillman is her master. Bring up the older ones.

The elves respect and love their mother-in-law extremely, not only because she has the most beautiful appearance, the highest seniority and the strongest strength, but also because she is the only elf who can communicate with the world's holy tree.

"The eighth time." Mother-in-law replied.

Hillman whispered: "A long time ago, the holy elf Maya once predicted that the world's holy tree can only bloom nine times. The ninth time the holy tree blooms means the end of the world. Now the holy tree has bloomed eight times. Mother-in-law, do you think Maya’s prediction is true?”

"Maybe." Mother-in-law replied.

This uncertain and perfunctory answer made Hillman frown slightly.

Although the sacred tree blooms only once in a thousand years, even if Maya's prophecy is true, it will not be until at least a thousand years later. Even as the queen of elves, it is difficult for her to live for a thousand years. She does not need to experience the prophecy at that time the end of the world.

But if the prophecy of the end of the world is true, where will the elves go after a thousand years

The only thing Hillman could do was to judge whether the Mayan prophecy was true or false, so as to remind future generations of elves, and the only person she could ask was her mother-in-law, who had experienced eight blooms of the sacred tree and lived for at least eight thousand years.

Hillman asked again: "Mother-in-law, are you not sure whether the Mayan prophecy is true or false?"


The mother-in-law, who was sitting on the snow-white futon, nodded casually and moved slightly. The hem of her dark black dress moved slightly, revealing a small ankle, which was even whiter than the futon.

Hillman glanced at it casually, feeling a little envious in his heart. The Elf Queen could not withstand the ravages of time. Her skin would one day age, turn yellow, and be full of wrinkles, but her mother-in-law, who had lived for a long time, seemed not to be able to withstand the ravages of time. In this way, eternal youth is what any woman desires, and the Elf Queen is no exception.

"Mother-in-law, if the doomsday disaster comes, will you still live forever?" Hillman couldn't help but ask.

"Maybe." said the mother-in-law.

Hillman's face was full of astonishment. He always felt that something was not right about his mother-in-law today.

She turned around and saw that her mother-in-law looked really distracted, so she asked, "Mother-in-law, did something happen? Why do you look so worried?"

The mother-in-law was silent for a long time and said something that confused Hillman, "I have been waiting for ten thousand years, and he is finally here."


Hillman asked, "Who is he?"

The mother-in-law showed a rare smile, and the slight smile at the corner of her mouth made her beautiful face extremely beautiful. "He is the person I have been waiting for for ten thousand years."

The unspoken answer, coupled with the somewhat coquettish tone, made Hillman a little confused. Is this the cold and wise mother-in-law she knew, who saw through the world of mortals and transcended things

Who can make my mother-in-law become so strange

And ten thousand years, how long is this

Hillman asked curiously: "Grandma, who is he?"

The mother-in-law pursed her lips and smiled, "You will see him soon."

Hillman was stunned for a moment and became more curious.

At this moment, hurried footsteps came from outside the palace, and a female elf in guard uniform broke in.

"It's not good, Your Majesty the Queen!" The elf guard broke into the Queen's palace with an anxious tone.

Hillman frowned, "Chief Guard, what urgent matter makes you dare to break into the king's palace?"

The elf guard in front of him was Shui Lian, the chief guard appointed by Hillman. He always followed the rules and performed his duties, but at this time he was so anxious that he forgot to report and barged in directly. Needless to say, it must be an urgent matter.

After hearing this, the head guard Shui Lian suddenly remembered that she had forgotten to knock on the door to announce, and she quickly knelt down and apologized, "I'm sorry, this matter is really a matter of urgency. I hope the queen can forgive me."

Hillman waved his hand, "That's all. Since it's an emergency, let's talk about it quickly."

Shui Lian seemed to be still in a state of nervousness and shock, hesitating and saying: "Little princess, little princess"

Hillman's frown deepened, "What happened to that girl again?"

Queen Hillman has always been dissatisfied with her daughter Wei Li Xi Huali. She always felt that the child was too lively and active. Her talent in cultivation was not good, and she ran into the forest all day long. It would be difficult for her to become a grown-up in the future. I am afraid that she is not qualified to inherit her throne as queen.

Hillman just hoped that the child would not disgrace the royal family, but something seemed to have gone wrong that she had not expected.

Shui Lian trembled: "The little princess brought back a human!"


Hillman's eyes widened in disbelief and he suddenly stood up from the throne.

"Hey, I beg you, don't follow me again!"

Sakura cried sadly and begged Shi Xiaobai, who was determined to follow behind her. Going further would be the territory of the elves. When the escort saw a human following her and the little princess, something big was going to happen.

Not to mention that I made a big mistake by bringing back a human. What's more important is that the elves have always hated humans. Those shameless human traders captured the elves and sold them as slaves to the nobles. This has long provoked irresolvable conflicts between the two races. Hatred, if the escort sees a human being at the gate of the territory, they will definitely kill them on the spot without saying a word.

Although Sakura also hates humans, she has to admit that this human boy who would rather bleed on his arm than hurt the little princess is not so annoying. She is kind-hearted and does not want the boy to die here.

Sakura stopped and said with a stern face: "Don't follow me again. I said that the elves hate humans the most. The guards will not listen to your excuses, let alone show mercy. They will definitely kill you when they see you. !”

Even though the young man has just shown extraordinary strength, after all, it is only the acquired realm. Even the strongest human being may not be able to defeat the Elf Queen Hillman, not to mention the even more enigmatic mother-in-law. If the young man dares to trespass into the Elf Clan, Territory, death is certain.