Absolute Choice

Chapter 570: Goodwill that cannot be conveyed


She once smiled as innocently and as brilliantly as a flower.

Later, she withered away, leaving only despair. When I finally saw her, her battered body had lost its former vitality, and there was no glimmer of hope in her empty eyes.

From the desperate look in her eyes, Hongyue could imagine the kind of humiliation her sister suffered when she was imprisoned by human nobles. Every time she thought of it, she felt heartbroken.

The elves are given seven virtues including hope, tolerance, and chastity by the World's Holy Tree when they are born. Every time they lose one virtue, they will be pushed deeper into "degeneration."

Human beings cruelly took away everything from my sister. Her hope, her tolerance, her chastity, and her innate virtues were all ravaged and trampled to pieces.

But even so, my sister still has not "fallen" and has not abandoned her faith out of hatred and despair. She is the elf guarding the holy tree and will always be.

My sister ended her life in the embrace of the holy tree. No matter how filthy her body was, her holy soul when she was born remained pure and innocent when she left.


How is it possible to forgive

All humans deserve to die!

Hongyue wants to return all the pain and unwillingness her sister suffered when she committed suicide to humans!


The spear suddenly thrust out, and the bright red petals rolled up and clustered together, like blooming bloody roses!

Hong Yue's attack was a killing move, and the red rose spear unleashed cold murderous intent!


Shi Xiaobai took a long breath and raised the psychic sword with both hands. Golden light particles rose from the earth like bubbles, slowly gathered at the edge of the sword, and condensed into a huge golden sword shadow. This was countless The collection of sword intent, this is Shi Xiaobai's swordsmanship - vowed to win!

Turning the obsession for victory into all-out power, the Sword of Vow to Victory is a must-kill skill that burns everything and bets everything for victory.

But in the God-killing Formation, when Li Chenxi was carrying him and escaping to the end of the world, they discussed and improved this most powerful sword skill originally created by Li Chenxi and later understood by Shi Xiaobai!

At this moment, Shi Xiaobai can already control the pouring amount of the Sword of Victory without having to use up all the power with one sword. For this reason, he divided the power of the Sword of Victory into different levels!

Facing Hongyue's sword, it was just to convey his swordsmanship, not to defeat or kill the enemy. His obsession with swearing victory was not that strong. Therefore, this sword was the weakest sword swearing victory. Shi Xiaobai calls it -

The Sword of Promise to Victory Level 1!


The golden sword light and the blood-red petals collided loudly, like a pink rose blooming under the morning sun. The two blended together and were radiant. However, the boiling sword intent seemed to be stronger and soon burned the petals!

Hongyue was pushed back a few steps. The right hand holding the spear trembled slightly, and her eyes widened in disbelief. What kind of sword skill is this? Why does it have such a powerful bright sword intention

Such hot and pure, bright and persistent swordsmanship comes from a human being, what a joke!

"How can it be?"

Penny took a breath, Hongyue was knocked back by a sword. Is that young man so strong? That is not the strength that the acquired realm should have, but he clearly does not have the spiritual aura of an "innate strong man"!

"What a joke!"

Hongyue suddenly roared, her beautiful features became twisted and ferocious due to anger, and her murderous intention suddenly became violent. She rushed towards Shi Xiaobai with a bang, and her spear stabbed out countless afterimages, as if to disturb everything in front of her. broken!

Shi Xiaobai frowned slightly. Didn't he convey it? Didn't his unwavering and scorching sword intent convey

No, it was conveyed, but even such pure light and goodwill could not dispel the haze in the other party's heart.

The blond-haired and red-armored elf's hatred for humans was beyond Shi Xiaobai's imagination. It was not simple racial hatred or prejudice, but a higher level of anger that reached deep into the soul and could never be easily resolved!

bump! bump! bump!

Swords and spears clashed in hand-to-hand combat, and Shi Xiaobai began to defend passively in the face of Hong Yue's crazy attack.

Since the anger cannot be resolved, let it vent. Counterattack will only add fuel to the fire. Shi Xiaobai has no choice but to use passive defense and dodge to show that he is not hostile.

"Enough, really enough..."

Sakura frowned. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that Shi Xiaobai had no intention of fighting. His dodge with ease was clearly giving up countless opportunities to counterattack.

But Hongyue bit like a mad dog and refused to let go. Hatred blinded her eyes, and anger overwhelmed her reason. She roared, gasped, and stabbed out one shot after another in a chaotic manner, as if she had really become a beast in the eyes. There are only killing beasts.

This is an unequal battle, no, this is not a battle at all!

Sakura wanted to step forward to stop this ridiculous farce, but the guards immediately stopped her.

The guard who blocked her said with a respectful but warning attitude: "Miss Sakura, this is not a battle that you should intervene in."

Sakura said anxiously: "Don't you see it? That human boy has no intention of fighting back. This is not a battle, it is just a one-sided vent dominated by hatred and anger! We are elves selected by the holy tree, and we are born with Come to the virtue of tolerance, anger is the original sin we should resist the most, isn’t it!?”

"so what!"

The guard lowered his head and said in a deep voice: "How much do you know about the captain's anger? How do you know about the pain and suffering in the captain's heart these past few years? Her Majesty the Queen has restricted the captain's going out. How much she wants to take revenge on mankind, but for Loyalty endured, she endured the torment of hatred alone, every day and every night, she practiced like crazy, using her physical exhaustion to numb the pain in her heart. We all saw this, and now it is not easy... "

Sakura's eyes widened and she said in disbelief: "It's not easy for a human to take the initiative to cross the Elf Forest. So no matter whether this human is good or evil, he should be regarded as the target of Captain Hongyue's vent, right? All these years of backlog All the anger and hatred are vented on an innocent human being. It is obvious that human traders and nobles are the culprits, but in order to vent, can you just find a substitute? What a joke! What a joke are you kidding!"

Sakura's breathing became rapid. She turned to look at the guards around her, her eyes filled with doubts and disappointment.

Could it be that sister Hongyue's life is life, but the boy's life is not? Is Hongyue's pain just pain, and the boy's pain doesn't exist

In order to vent their pent-up resentment, they regard all humans as mortal enemies. It turns out that it is such selfish bad nature that blinded the eyes of the elves!

"I'm sorry, I know it's wrong."

The guard whispered: "But for us, there is no comparison between that human and the captain. This may not be fair, but humans have never treated the elves equally! Miss Sakura, you can't stop this battle!"

One guard after another surrounded Sakura, and Captain Hongyue was freely venting the anger and hatred that had been nowhere to be released for these years. Before the boy fell, they would never allow Sakura to stop this battle!

Sakura smiled bitterly and said, "What are you doing...what's the difference between you and the humans you hate the most?"

The guards lowered their heads, but did not give way.

There were clanging sounds, collisions, and explosions. Hongyue was frantically destroying everything in front of her. The boy was still defending and dodging, never counterattacking. No one knew how long the boy could hold on.

Who will stop this farce

Sakura looked up at the sky. The sky in the Elf City was as clear as water and cloudless. But for the first time, she felt that the sky in the Elf City was so dark and cold.

At this moment, small figures suddenly rushed out. When the guards focused their attention on Sakura, there was still a small figure that could not comprehend the farce in front of them.

"Little princess!?"

When the guards were horrified to find that small figure rushing out of the crowd, it was too late to stop them.

A little girl named Hua Li bravely rushed to the out-of-control battlefield, hoping to end this ridiculous farce.