Absolute Choice

Chapter 576: Time allocation table


After walking into the portal, his vision was first covered with a layer of dull white, and his body fell into a weightless feeling as if he was floating. Then the world began to spin. When he opened his eyes again, what he saw was already another world.

This is not the first time Shi Xiaobai has experienced "space teleportation". Every time he goes up a level in the Nine Transformations Transcendent Tower, he is actually transported to another layer of different space through space teleportation.

However, it has been difficult for him to adapt to the instantaneous loss of senses during teleportation.

"Is this the small world inside the flowers and leaves of the World's Sacred Tree?"

Shi Xiaobai stood on the new land and looked up at the world he would live in for the next ten years.

What you can see is a thick fog with low visibility. The scenery is not clear in the thick fog. You can only see the dewdrops on the branches and leaves nearby. A little further away, there are only hazy silhouettes, which are chaotic and intertwined.

The sky you look up at seems to be covered with a layer of gauze. The morning light is dim and everything is silent, as if time has stood still here.

Listening carefully, intermittent chirping could be faintly heard from deep in the thick fog, which seemed to be the sound of birdsong.

After taking a short breath, he felt the fresh and fragrant air blowing into his nose. The abundant spiritual energy poured into his body with the air, filling his internal organs, instantly making Shi Xiaobai feel refreshed and invigorated.

"What a strong spiritual power."

Shi Xiaobai couldn't help but admire. Compared with this small world, the spiritual power in the other world is much thinner. The ten times difference mentioned by the mother-in-law seems to be even worse.

"With such a unique training environment, it seems that I must improve my spiritual realm as soon as possible."

Shi Xiaobai thought to himself.

Lizi once told him that there are roughly three ways to practice spiritual energy, namely meditation, physical training, and combat.

Among them, "meditation" is the simplest. You only need to completely empty your heart, mind, and spirit, and then engage in wild imagination. The more real and rich the content of the imagination, the better the effect of practice.

In short, just close your eyes, relax your body and mind, and think randomly for a while. The bigger your imagination, the better the effect. It is not too simple for Shi Xiaobai.

"Physical training" is more strenuous. It mainly improves the spiritual energy density in the body by tempering the body, improving physical strength, and constantly breaking through one's own limits.

Physical training requires tenacity, but the advantages are very clear. It can not only cultivate spiritual power, but also temper the physical body. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

Needless to say "fighting", Shi Xiaobai has only meditated once so far. Other than that, the only way to improve his spiritual power is through fighting. It can be said that he has to rely on fighting to cultivate from the first level of the spiritual realm to the tenth level of the spiritual realm. .

"I have the power of gluttony. It's impossible to practice physical training. It's impossible to practice physical training in this life. Just eat and that's it."

Shi Xiaobai murmured to himself: "It is not a good way to improve one's cultivation simply by fighting. To combine movement and stillness and work and rest, you must at least allocate some time to meditation."

Time allocation is the issue that Shi Xiaobai needs to consider most at this time.

This training lasted for ten years. If you want to maintain efficient training, it is imperative to formulate reasonable training plans and rules.

How much time should be spent fighting, how much time should be spent resting, and how much time should be spent meditating. Allocate the time of the day properly so that not even a second of time is wasted.

In addition, we must also find ways to improve the proficiency of "skills".

Thanks to the "Absolute Option" reward, Shi Xiaobai has many skills - such as Crab Steps, Pig Killing Knife, This Turtle is the Hardest, Doesn't Breathe Turtle Breath, Turtle Speed Divine Fist, Kunpeng Sword Technique, Sword Power, and Oath The Sword of Victory, the Power of Taotie, the Eighteen Dragon-Subduing Palms, the Nine Extraordinary Transformations... and although he has blood, the "Devil Transformation" and "God Descends to Earth" have not yet been developed.

Shi Xiaobai has many skills, and each one has extraordinary uses, but in fact, his proficiency is not very high.

Skill proficiency is divided into seven levels - initial mastery, practice makes perfect, mastery, mastery, reaching the pinnacle, a world of difference, and super spirituality.

So far, only the Crab Step has reached the "peak" level of Shi Xiaobai, while the other skills are stuck at "comprehension" and "perfection".

Every time the skill proficiency increases to a level, the gap is extremely obvious. Shi Xiaobai understands this deeply. The ultimate crab step is by no means comparable to what he has mastered.

Improving skill proficiency and improving spiritual realm are the two most critical issues currently facing Shi Xiaobai, and both are indispensable.

"Cultivating the realm of spiritual energy to the realm of the Spirit King, and upgrading all skills to the level of Super Spirit and Sainthood, this is my lowest goal."

Shi Xiaobai thought to himself, "And that tower..."

Shi Xiaobai turned his head and looked to the east. Although the fog was thick and the visibility was extremely low, the towering sky-reaching tower in the east of the horizon was like an Optimus Prime rising from the ground, piercing the clouds that shrouded the sky. It connects heaven and earth together, and it’s hard to even see it.

The mother-in-law said that the Tower of Babel has a hundred floors, and each floor has a gatekeeper boss. She wanted to see which floor he could reach in ten years.

The answer is obvious,

"One hundred floors."

If you are a man, go to the 100th floor!

Shi Xiaobai didn't think that the hundred-story boss of the Tower of Babel would be stronger than the Original Sin. If he couldn't defeat the hundred-story boss of the Tower of Tongtian in ten years, then rewriting the script of [Destiny] would be a fool's errand.

Shi Xiaobai took out a pen and paper from the storage ring, drew a table on the blank paper, and wrote down each training item and the corresponding training time in detail.

Shi Xiaobai has never been a person who plans carefully and prepares for rainy days. He prefers to adapt to changes and is better at having an idea. Therefore, making a time allocation schedule is not his strong point, and it is even a bit awkward.

But knowing that he was responsible for the future of the entire world, Shi Xiaobai did not follow his own whim. It was necessary to allocate time reasonably. There is no doubt about this.

It took Shi Xiaobai half an hour to complete the time allocation list. This time allocation list was detailed down to every minute. Complex and heavy training projects filled every moment of every day.

Shi Xiaobai set himself only one hour of rest time every day, and this hour of rest time was used for meditation. Using meditation instead of sleep was almost equivalent to no sleep time.

Shi Xiaobai thought that after practicing for ten years, he must balance work and rest, but when he thought that the time was only ten years, he was reluctant to waste time sleeping.

Not breathing can suppress sleepiness and keep him in a state of alertness, but without sleep, it will put a lot of load on the body. Ten years of accumulated fatigue will destroy the body to what extent.

Shi Xiaobai couldn't care so much, of course, because his physical strength was no longer the same. He didn't think that just ten years of exhaustion could defeat Wang's body.

Within half an hour, the thick fog gradually dissipated, and the field of vision gradually became clearer. It was vaguely visible that there was a mountain forest ahead, with huge trees and vines that looked like an elven forest.

Shi Xiaobai kept the time allocation table firmly in his mind and prepared to go to the east and camp close to the Babel Tower so that he could enter the Babel Tower to challenge the boss at any time. After all, fighting was also an indispensable way of training.


Suddenly there was a sound of opening the door from behind. Shi Xiaobai turned his head and saw that a black door shrouded in white light suddenly opened from behind, and a small figure was thrown out from the black door.

Shi Xiaobai subconsciously caught it and looked down, only to see a pair of eyes as blue as the sky blinking at him.


There were tears hanging from the corners of Xiaohuali's eyes. She stopped crying when she saw the boy who caught her. With a hint of surprise and expectation, she whispered in a low voice: "Human brother, have you been detained too?"

Shi Xiaobai was stunned. He soon realized that the time allocation list he had spent half an hour writing was probably in vain.