Absolute Choice

Chapter 579: Tianjie


Shi Xiaobai disappeared.

Yiquan's [Divine Protection] was supposed to be able to accurately locate the guard target, no matter how far away it was, but it failed this time. He was unable to lock onto Shi Xiaobai's position.

There are only two possibilities for this to happen.

The first possibility is that Shi Xiaobai is in a place where [God's Protection] cannot locate. Although this situation has never happened, Yiquan cannot determine how big the locking range of [God's Protection] is. Maybe in the world A certain corner of the world can block his lock, or Shi Xiaobai went to another world across the space wall.

This possibility is very small, but it exists.

The second possibility is that if the guard target dies, then the position lock will be automatically released.

But this possibility is almost non-existent, because if Shi Xiaobai dies, Yiquan will definitely be able to sense the "crisis" before dying and teleport to Shi Xiaobai's side through [God's Protection].

But until now, Yiquan has not sensed any "danger" happening. The three targets he is guarding are all safe. If there is any need to doubt this, then the ability of [Divine Protection] itself cannot be trusted.

"Looks like I have to take the initiative to go there."

Yiquan thought to himself.

There are two types of teleportation in [God's Guardian]. One is the guardian teleport, which means the guarded target passively teleports to its side when it encounters danger. This teleportation method does not cause any loss to itself, but only the guardian It will only be activated when the target is in danger.

The other is active teleportation. There are no restrictions on the activation of the guardian target when it encounters danger. You can actively initiate teleportation to the guardian target at any time, but this activation requires a large amount of spiritual power. According to Yiquan's current situation Of the total amount of psychic power, one activation consumes almost half of the psychic power.

Spending half of your psychic power to teleport to an unpredictable location is undoubtedly an adventure.

But whether it was out of appreciation for Shi Xiaobai's character and personality, or his regard for this young genius who had broken the 10,000-year history of the Nine-turn Extraordinary Tower, Yiquan could not ignore it.

"God's Protection—Active Teleportation."

Yiquan took the initiative to use [God's Protection], and after an instant of space transfer, he arrived at a strange place.

Normally, the person who appeared in front of him should be the young man who claimed to be the king, but what he saw was a giant tree with a diameter of 100 meters standing in the sky.

To be precise, there are two trees, one rising from the ground, and the other standing upside down with the sky as the soil. The crowns of the two giant trees meet at an altitude of tens of thousands of meters, converging into a green haze that envelopes the sky.

It is said that these two giant trees grew overnight. The spectacle of the giant trees competing was quite sensational news. It made the headlines in today's newspapers. Yiquan had heard about it a little bit, but when he actually saw it with his own eyes, it was a little strange. Shocking.

It was not because of the size of the giant trees, but because Yiquan felt that these two giant trees contained powerful power.

The stronger they are, the more they can sense the power emanating from the giant trees, as if two giant divine soldiers are looking down on all living beings. This kind of contempt for all living things makes Yiquan feel afraid.

Soon, Yiquan sensed a familiar aura in that power.

It's that boy's breath.

In the trunk of the giant tree rising from the ground, there was a faint aura belonging to Shi Xiaobai.

Yiquan's face changed slightly.

The teleportation position of [God's Guardian] is unmistakable. Shi Xiaobai should be right in front of him, but all he sees is the trunk of an ancient tree like a huge wall, and Shi Xiaobai's aura can be vaguely sensed from the trunk. So the answer It's already obvious.

"Shi Xiaobai is in the tree!"

Yiquan looked solemn.

If Shi Xiaobai is really inside the giant tree, then it may be reasonable to use the power of this tree to block the location locking of [God's Guardian].

But how can we determine whether Shi Xiaobai is safe inside the giant tree

Moreover, the competition between the organizational faction and the academic faction will start tomorrow. This nationally watched competition is a precious honor for any newcomer. Maybe Shi Xiaobai himself doesn't care, but it is a pity to miss it like this.

We have to "get" Shi Xiaobai out of the tree.

How to "do it" was a question. Yiquan thought about it for a long time and finally chose the clumsiest method.

I saw him pulling out the Yingyue Sword from his waist, squatting slightly, leaning half-tilt, and assuming a horizontal splitting posture.

Purple halo flows rapidly at the blade, spiritual energy gathers, sword intent condenses, and gradually turns into surging power.

"Guardian" - this is Izumi's kendo.


The Yingyue Sword slashed out horizontally, a clear sword cry suddenly sounded, and the power of the sword poured out, like a meteor slashing the moon, the purple sword energy in a semicircle slashed towards the towering tree!

Cutting down the giant tree and rescuing the boy from the tree is the only way Iquan can think of!


The sharp Ziyue Sword Qi hit the bark of the giant tree, making a dull clang sound like hitting copper and iron. If you look closely, you can see that there is not even a scratch on the smooth light brown bark!

This sword was a sword technique used by a world-class swordsman using the power of the sword, but it could not even cut into the bark of the tree. The hardness of this giant tree was simply unimaginable.


Izumi sighed lightly, although his kendo was "protection", a kendo that focused more on defense than destruction.

But it couldn't even cut into the bark. The defensive power of this giant tree was completely unexpected.


At this moment, a chuckle suddenly came from behind.

Yiquan turned around and saw a green-skinned young man appearing not far behind him at some point.

The young man laughed and said: "Stupid human being, with your poor swordsmanship, it's ten thousand years too early to cut off the sacred tree."

Yiquan's pupils shrank slightly, and his keen sense of crisis made his hair stand on end the moment he saw the boy, and his body tensed up vigilantly.

Except for his green skin, the boy's appearance was no different from that of an ordinary boy, but Yiquan felt an indescribable sense of oppression.

This boy is very strong! No, it is extremely powerful!

How many years has it been since he encountered such a monster whose mere breath made him feel oppressed

Yiquan held the Yingyue Sword tightly and said in a deep voice: "Who are you?"

The young man didn't seem to mind introducing himself and said: "My name is Tian Jie. I am the king of the extraordinary clan and the ruler who is about to conquer this world."

Yiquan frowned, "Conquer the world?"

Tian Jie raised his finger and pointed at the sky and said: "My people are in the world above the holy tree. It is a barren land with no grass growing. The extraordinary people have lived there for tens of thousands of years. Now it is time for you humans to go there." 'Enjoy' that hell."

"My king's army has been assembled. I will kill all the strong men of you humans first before starting this massacre called war!"

When Tian Jie said this, his eyes suddenly turned cold. He looked at Yiquan and said with a smile: "You are the first human being that I have seen. I wonder if you are considered a strong person among human beings?"