Absolute Choice

Chapter 580: Full moon and celestial wheel


The scorching sun hung high in the sky, but the sky-covering canopy of two giant trees bordering the sky cast a vast shade, so that at noon when the sun was shining in the sky, the earth under the cover was not only not sultry, but rather dark and cold.

Especially when the green-skinned young man who called himself "Tian Jie" spoke, his air of contempt filled the air with a chill.

"It is said that your human world will usher in a catastrophe that is on the verge of annihilation every three thousand years. Oh, I remember it is called the 'Doomsday Catastrophe'?"

A hint of joking sneered at the corner of Tian Jie's mouth: "Whenever the doomsday catastrophe comes, the demon king named 'The Original Sin' will be the first to come, and first kill all the humans in the 'strong' class with his own power." Jing, and then let the army named 'Seven Original Sins' launch a massacre against the weak human race that has lost the support of the strong."

"I think the method of the original sin of the catastrophe is very interesting, so I plan to stage the doomsday catastrophe of mankind in advance! When I alone kill all the strong men of your human race, I will let the army of the extraordinary race land in the human world. Start a crushing massacre and completely eliminate humanity!"

"This King Tianjie is the doomsday disaster for you humans! Hahaha!"

The wild laughter made Yiquan couldn't help but frown.

"I'm afraid you will be disappointed. The strong men in this world are far more powerful than you think."

Yiquan said in a deep voice that he could sense the power of Tian Jie, which was beyond imagination, but Yiquan did not think that Tian Jie had the ability to "kill all strong human beings".

Because as far as he knew, there was an existence in Gaia with unfathomable strength.

Tian Jie only made him feel oppressed, but the girl named "Hua Li" he met by chance in Gaia made Yiquan not even have the courage to draw his sword.

"You haven't answered my question yet."

Tian Jie's cold eyes were fixed on Yiquan, his murderous intention vaguely emerged, and he said coldly: "Among humans, are you considered a strong person?"

"It doesn't count."

Yiquan answered.

Compared with Hua Li, he is just a weakling. The purple-haired girl is the real strong person in this world.


Tian Jie glanced at Yiquan with contempt, withdrew his gaze, turned and walked towards the city in the distance.

He has no interest in weaklings.

Tian Jie looked around and saw a prosperous city block at a glance.

"Is that a human city? It's so different from the filthy ruins where the extraordinary people live. You humans took away heaven from the extraordinary people, but drove the extraordinary people to hell!"

Anger flashed in Tian Jie's eyes, and he said coldly: "If I let this beautiful city turn into a purgatory of devastation, will you human beings take the initiative to come to me and die? This may be a good idea. Way. "

Tian Jie said this and walked towards the city.


Yiquan said coldly: "I can't pretend that I didn't hear what you said."

Tian Jie turned around and glanced contemptuously, "I have no interest in the weak."


Yiquan suddenly pulled out the Yingyue Sword from the scabbard

, the sword roared suddenly.

Unlike some heroes who regard "heroing" as their profession and job, Yiquan became a hero simply because of his love.

"Protect" is his swordsmanship, to protect those he cares about and to protect those innocent victims.

He couldn't pretend he didn't hear such wild words as destroying the city.


Tian Jie felt the surging sword intent and raised his brows slightly: "That's fine, just let me warm up."

After the words fell, Tian Jie suddenly disappeared with a pop. The ground where he was standing cracked instantly, and an afterimage was seen passing by at the speed of light. Tian Jie appeared in front of Yiquan in an instant.

When he was in front of him, Tian Jie suddenly jumped and kicked in the air, but it was like an overwhelming force, crushing the air.

Yiquan reacted very quickly, immediately raised his sword to block, and the powerful whip leg hit the Yingyue Sword's blade.


The 100-meter radius with the collision as the center seemed to be involved in a storm. In an instant, the ground cracked and gravel flew, as if a heavy bomb had been dropped.

Yiquan raised his sword to defend himself, and the guardian kendo constructed an impregnable barrier that even an atomic bomb could not destroy. Although this kick was powerful, it still could not shake the S-class hero's guardian kendo.

But what shocked Yiquan was that the Yingyue Sword was a magical weapon that could even cut diamonds. Tianjie's calf, which was not wearing any protective equipment, collided head-on with the Yingyue Sword's blade with such force, and he was not even hurt!

What terrible physical strength!

"Oh? Your swordsmanship seems to focus more on defense than destruction. It's good. This has finally made me a little more interested. Defend, defend with all your strength, I hope your defense can last until I finish warming up!"

Tian Jie laughed wildly, and his fast running figure was like a galloping electric light traveling through the ruins of the ruins. The naked eye could not catch any trace of him.

boom! boom! boom!

While moving at high speed, Tian Jie attacked from all angles, hitting the barrier guarding the sword with one fierce whip after another. Each blow was like a bomb exploding, and there was no end to the ground within a hundred meters radius.

"Such terrifying speed and explosive power. How can pure physical skills achieve this level?"

Although Yiquan's defense was unimpeded, he was shocked in his heart because Tian Jie's high-speed movement and explosive whip legs did not rely on "spiritual power" or "superpowers", but the purest physical skills.

That is something that can only be achieved by tempering one's body to the point where it can be as fast as lightning, kick as hard as a cannon, and be as hard as diamond just by relying on physical fitness.

This is not the physical strength that humans can achieve at all. No, Yiquan has never seen a disaster demon or a starry sky disaster beast with such abnormal physical strength.

The extremely explosive whip kick came again. Yiquan did not defend blindly. He was always looking for an opening to counterattack. At this moment, he quickly found it.

The moment Tian Jie drew back his legs, Yiquan perfectly demonstrated the strength of a world-class swordsman. He held the sword horizontally, turned around and slashed sideways. The sword blade rolled up a storm, and the sword light drew an arc, as if it was drawing in the sky. A full moon appears!

Sword skills! Full moon and heavenly wheel!

Even the old sword Shen Jian Xi Lai must deal with this sword seriously!

The full moon wheel covered Tian Jie's retreat route without any blind spots. No matter how fast it was, there was no way to avoid it. The sharp sword energy accurately struck the young man's green skin.

bump! bump! bump!

However, the sound of cutting flesh did not sound. The sound of the sword energy striking the boy was a clanging sound, and it only knocked him back a few steps.

Tian Jie stood still in the distance, his contemptuous and lazy eyes suddenly became cold and sharp.

"It seems that I underestimate you."

The full moon and the heavenly wheel made Tian Jie rarely become serious.

Tian Jie suddenly opened his mouth and took a breath. The originally thin body seemed to have expanded a bit, and the originally muscleless arms and thighs suddenly bulged out with strong muscles.

The light green skin suddenly became darker.

Tian Jie used the extraordinary ability of the extraordinary people and sneered: "If you can let me use extraordinary changes, you will be considered worthy of death."