Absolute Choice

Chapter 581: Nine Extraordinary Transformations


Extraordinary people have an innate talent called "Nine Extraordinary Transformations".

This is an enhanced ability that greatly improves various physical qualities in a short period of time by stimulating life potential.

A series of the purest physical qualities such as strength, explosion, speed, endurance, defense, etc. will all be improved qualitatively.

The Extraordinary Nine Transformations are divided into nine levels, from one to nine. With each level, the ability increases exponentially, but the burden on the user's body will also become more and more serious.

Most of the ordinary extraordinary people can only use the "First Transformation", and those who can use the "Second Extraordinary Transformation" are already considered elites. Those who can use the "Three Extraordinary Transformations" can be called warriors, and once they can use the "Extraordinary Transformation" "Four Transformations", then he is qualified to compete for the throne of the Extraordinary King.

Almost all the extraordinary kings in the past have the ability of "Four Extraordinary Transformations", but very few can use the "Five Extraordinary Transformations", because every time the extraordinary transformation rises to a level, the strength changes dramatically, but the load on the body also increases like hell. .

In order to withstand the load of the five extraordinary transformations, in addition to the user's physical strength must reach the upper limit, the purity of his extraordinary bloodline must also reach a certain target. The former requires hard training, while the latter must have the corresponding qualifications. , the extraordinary tribesmen who can do both are as rare as a drop in the ocean.

Tian Jie is the most amazing genius in the history of the extraordinary race, and also the most powerful king in history, because he completed the "Five Extraordinary Transformations" when he was thirteen years old, and when he ascended the throne, he performed the unprecedented "Six Extraordinary Transformations" ", and today, he has raised his own limits and the limits of the extraordinary race to the "Seven Extraordinary Transformations"!

Since being expelled to the deserted land, the superhuman race has been planning to return to the world and regain their homeland all the time, but they have always lacked the most critical decisive factor - the combat power to defeat the strongest human beings!

The appearance of Tian Jie made revenge possible. No extraordinary tribesman would question that the king with the unprecedented "Seven Extraordinary Transformations" could kill all human beings.

Because once Tianjie uses the seven extraordinary changes, he will be invincible!

"An extraordinary transformation!"

Yiquan's full moon heavenly wheel made Tian Jie become a little more serious, but in fact this so-called "seriousness" still contained absolute contempt, because compared to the extreme state of the extraordinary seven transformations, the extraordinary one transformation and Tian Jie's full strength Not even a fraction of it.

However, even so, Tian Jie's mere extraordinary transformation still gave Yiquan a headache.

The already terrifying speed increased again after the extraordinary transformation, and the power of the whip legs like artillery fire also increased to a higher level. Although the guardian swordsmanship can still defend it, the chance of using the Full Moon Heavenly Wheel to counterattack has become slightly smaller. Fleeting.

Yiquan defended passively, Tian Jie's speed was too fast, and it was difficult to counterattack for a while.

boom! boom! boom!

When each of Tian Jie's whip legs hits the barrier guarding the sword, it will trigger explosions all around, and the residual power of the collision is no less than that of a missile.

Although Yiquan could only defend, Tianjie was still unable to break the protective barrier. The invisible barrier propped up by the sword's will seemed to be indestructible, blocking all the killing moves of the Chaotic King.

Tian Jie gradually lost his patience.

"Very good, I have to admit that you are not weak!"

"Extraordinary second transformation!"

Tian Jie raised his extraordinary transformation to a higher level, his body expanded to another latitude, and his light green skin darkened a bit. It seemed like he was just getting bigger in size, but his speed and explosive power increased threefold!

The sudden surge in power caught Yiquan almost off guard.

If the million-ton whip leg was hit with a heavy hammer, the protective barrier trembled several times. Like glass hit by a heavy hammer, spider web-like cracks instantly appeared and it was almost shattered.

Yiquan let out a low cry and took half a step back in time. At the same time, he suddenly raised the Yingyue Sword from bottom to top, cutting a semi-circular arc of sword energy. The sword energy rolled up like flowing water and entangled, "Gentle "The ground wrapped around Tian Jie's right leg, as if it was trapped in a whirlpool, and it stopped the kicking force.

Tian Jie's expression changed slightly. It turned out that not only did he fail to use all his strength, the human in front of him actually also spared a hand.

"How dare you look down on me?"

Tian Jie was enraged. No one had ever dared to hide their clumsiness in front of him. The enemies they had encountered in the past had to do their best in the face of his terrible pressure.

However, this human being did not use his full strength from the beginning to the end. If he had not used the extraordinary second transformation, this human being seemed not to have even thought of using the soft and still water swordsmanship. This was not possible for a strong man like Tian Jie. To say so is tantamount to contempt and humiliation.

Tian Jie retracted his right leg, and this time, he clenched his fist.


If the ice sculpture stood still for an instant, then with an explosive sudden attack, Tian Jie came to Yiquan in an instant, bent his arms and knees, and thrust out his fist like a spear. This was just a simple cannon punch, but the power it released was far greater than that of a cannonball.

If this punch hits the barrier guarding the sword, the barrier will definitely shatter.

Yiquan, who made such a judgment, couldn't hide the horror in his heart. The whip legs that Tian Jie showed just now were already at the level of an S-class disaster demon, but this seemed to be just the tip of the iceberg.

Yiquan did not dare to be rash, so he had to use the ultimate killer move "Tai Chi Sword Technique" to deal with it. Tai Chi produces two forms, and two forms produce four images. This is the top sword skill that uses softness to overcome hardness.

The sword energy swirled like a whirlpool, and Tian Jie's cannon fist directly bombarded it, but it seemed to hit the clouds and mist, making a dull "thump" sound, and all the power of the fist was swallowed up and scattered.

Tian Jie's expression was gloomy, and his left fists came one after another.

What greeted him was the full moon celestial wheel. It was like the sword energy of the full moon cutting through the night sky. Like a shrinking bracelet, it instantly tightened his left arm. Then there was a sizzling sound like a chainsaw, and the sharp sword energy tried to Straight away the dark green arm.

"Three Extraordinary Transformations!"

At this moment, Tian Jie angrily raised his extraordinary transformation to the third level, and his left arm became thicker again, crushing the full moon wheel. The unstoppable cannon fist also increased its power by nearly five times in an instant.

This punch directly shattered the soft formation of Tai Chi swordsmanship, and then broke the barrier guarding the swordsmanship, sending Yiquan flying hundreds of meters in an instant.


Yingyue Dao was hit into the air and then landed on the ground. Yiquan stood up from the ground coughing. This punch almost caused him serious injury.

"You can force me to use my three extraordinary transformations and take my three punches, human being, you are amazing."

Tian Jie said coldly: "But that's all. To tell you the truth, the punch just now was only one-tenth of my full strength!"

Tian Jie's greatest pleasure is to appreciate the despair in the eyes of the weak. At this time, he wants to see the helpless frustration in this human's eyes.

However, those seemingly dull eyes were filled with perseverance and obsession. After witnessing the punch just now, the human in front of him did not waver.



"It's a coincidence that my sword skills are only one-tenth as powerful as my fists."

Yiquan sighed softly, seeming to have made some determination, and then slowly clenched his fists.

When Yiquan clenched his fist, Tian Jie suddenly tensed up his nerves. His innate intuition allowed him to smell danger.

The human in front of me has changed. When he holds the sword, he is as weak as a sheep. When he holds his fist, he turns into a huge monster!