Absolute Choice

Chapter 59: MLM or whatever, you still have to rely on deception!


The female assistant didn't know that Shi Xiaobai was waiting on the other side of the corner. She was running on the street with her high heels and bare feet. Regardless of her ladylike image, she hurriedly shouted out the funny title "Crab Boy" , attracting the attention of pedestrians.

The female assistant is a little embarrassed, but there is no time for her to feel embarrassed now. Xia Lin has laid off countless employees after taking office, and one more of her is not too many. Whether she can turn that crab boy into a customer will directly determine whether she will succeed. Unemployed, how could she dare to be lazy at all.

Praying in her heart that the boy hadn't run too far, the female assistant finally ran to the corner. When she turned the corner, she almost collided with someone. She finally stopped and took a closer look. She saw that the person was walking in a crab step. Isn't it the crab boy

"Stupid mortal, is the crab boy calling me the king?" Shi Xiaobai frowned slightly. He didn't particularly like this title. Although he used the king's crab step, it didn't mean that he could accept being called a crab. juvenile.

The female assistant was panting slightly and was stunned when she heard the words, but after looking at Shi Xiaobai for a while, she was relieved. Young people of this age like to fantasize about being some kind of hero. Although it is relatively rare to claim to be the king, it is still Within her acceptance range.

Thinking that I had called him a "crab boy" in a hurry, I immediately felt a little apologetic. I quickly took out a business card from my pocket and handed it over, saying apologetically: "Sorry, please forgive me for being impatient. I am Gaia, War Domain Group." Assistant to the branch general manager, Yang Weiwei."

Naturally, Shi Xiaobai would not care about such a trivial matter. He took the business card and glanced at it. When he saw the word "Battlefield", he wondered: "The Gaia branch of the Battlefield Group refers to the game arcade on the street?"

"gaming room?"

Yang Weiwei was stunned for a moment, then realized what she was doing, and quickly explained: "No, no, no, you must have misunderstood. The Battlefield Bar is not a game arcade, but a virtual competitive battle bar. Although the Battlefield Bar also provides some leisure types. small games, but the main promotion is the most famous "Heroes Unparalleled" in virtual competition. The sensory experience that is close to real-life combat can help heroes to effectively improve their actual combat level. It is not just a place for entertainment, but allows people to focus on Virtual actual combat, a competitive place where you can gain real benefits from virtual competitions!”

After a series of explanations, Shi Xiaobai couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

To put it bluntly, isn’t it just a competitive game? After all, it’s still a game!

However, virtual combat games are really attractive!

Shi Xiaobai quickly shook his head, no, no, how could he be addicted to the charm technique in the game hall? If he was lazy, it would be impossible to practice the Crab Walk to perfection within seven days, and then B-level punishment... . ...

Shi Xiaobai suppressed his thoughts and glanced at Yang Weiwei. Remembering that she was a minion of the game arcade, he suddenly said warily: "Why did you ask me to wait a moment?"

Yang Weiwei was stunned for a moment, remembering that she had to turn this young man into a customer of the War Zone Bar, otherwise he would be fired, and she suddenly felt bitter in her heart. This pimp-like feeling was really annoying.

But complaining was a complaint. Yang Weiwei immediately put on a sincere expression on her face and said, "Can I delay you for a few minutes?"

Shi Xiaobai hesitated for a moment and finally nodded, "Okay."

"Actually, you can take a rest first."

Yang Weiwei lowered her head and glanced at Shi Xiaobai's legs, which had been beating back and forth in place from just now to now, and thought to herself, are you tired from walking on the crab steps all the time? If you are not tired, I am already tired of seeing you.

"Rest is the devil of laziness. There is no rest in this king's world." Shi Xiaobai shrugged, crossed his arms over his chest, and still took crab steps on his feet. He didn't know whether to call him chic or funny.

as long as you are happy!

Yang Weiwei cursed in her heart, twitched her lips, took a deep breath, and decided to get to the point quickly, saying seriously: "Warfield Group is a world-renowned virtual competition company, providing the highest quality virtual competition industry services. The most luxurious personal box, the most Perfect and comfortable stealth equipment, a virtual system with a 99% fidelity, and an exclusive account interface for the world’s divine domain will be provided free of charge to member customers.”

"In terms of service, we have the most delicious catering supplies, the most professional guide services, a large number of classic hero battle videos and the most authoritative teaching videos to provide appreciation, and there is a team of battlefield experts online to answer any questions customers have about battles."

"Furthermore, Zhanyu Group has recently launched a 50% off first-time purchase service and a preferential service of 500 yuan for free when recharging 1,000. From now on, if you become a Zhanyu Bar member, you will also have the opportunity to be selected as a branch representative by the Gaia branch and participate in the Zhanyu Group weekend Qualify and win huge prizes!”

"What are you waiting for? It's better to take action than to move your heart. Come join the battlefield as soon as possible!"

Yang Weiwei spoke very fast, but word for word, and after she finished reading this sales line that she had read countless times clearly, the smile on her face had already become extremely stiff, and she felt a rather disgusting helplessness in her heart.

After hearing this, Shi Xiaobai was speechless. After a moment, he suddenly turned around and was about to leave with crab steps.

Yang Weiwei was stunned and grabbed Shi Xiaobai's sleeve in desperation. Suddenly she found that Shi Xiaobai's shoulders were shaking slightly and his hands were quietly clenched, as if he was enduring something.

What is he enduring? Could it be that her sales pitch was too fake and he was angry

"The charm spell in this arcade is so powerful. It includes food, drinks, and a private box. How can we fix it... Doesn't this force me to be lazy? No, I must not give in. I am a man who wants to create miracles! "

Shi Xiaobai's heart was churning, and he broke away from Yang Weiwei's hand and moved forward with crab steps. Due to his inner struggle, he did not move too fast, as if he was waiting for Yang Weiwei to catch up.

"The Battlefield Bar provides a gathering place for customers, making it convenient for newcomers and regular members of [Gaia] to communicate virtually and learn from each other. It is an excellent platform for making friends!"

Yang Weiwei trotted to catch up. If it were an ordinary passerby, she would have given up. But this boy was related to whether she would be fired, so how could she give up.

"Looking at you, you should be a newcomer of this class of [Gaia]. If you join the battle field, you will be able to meet many newcomers of the same class as you. You can communicate with them about their progress, strengthen friendship, and at the same time, you can Better position yourself in terms of strength among newcomers. Virtual battles will provide you with the most authentic and reliable personal data, so don’t miss it!”

Yang Weiwei trotted next to Shi Xiaobai with bare feet and tried to talk to him. However, Shi Xiaobai still looked indifferent. Yang Weiwei suddenly felt that she was going crazy. This feeling was so uncomfortable!

"Join the Battlefield. You will have the opportunity to come into contact with some well-known heroes, and you will also get to know some newcomers from other departments. You can be more fully prepared for the battle for the Newcomer King. Please seriously consider it!"

Yang Weiwei racked her brains to bring out all the benefits she could think of, but found that Shi Xiaobai was still indifferent and even accelerated his pace. She was immediately extremely frustrated. Her persuasion seemed to have failed.

"If one isn't enough, push two; if persuasion doesn't work, trick!"

Xia Lin's words echoed in Yang Weiwei's mind involuntarily.

If persuasion doesn't work, then deceive... deceive!

Yang Weiwei's eyes suddenly lit up, she had an idea, and shouted: "Join the battlefield, you will have the opportunity to get to know Shi Xiaobai, and even become friends with him."

As soon as these words came out, the young man in front of him stopped and turned around, his face full of shock and disbelief.

Yang Weiwei smiled proudly in her heart. Sure enough, for these pink and tender newcomers, the name Shi Xiaobai is still powerful!

If you want to deceive, then deceive to the end!

Yang Weiwei thought so, walked towards Shi Xiaobai, and smiled brightly: "Shi Xiaobai, you should know this very well, right? This unparalleled genius with double S-level talents and the consciousness of God has no one in [Gaia]." I don’t know if anyone knows about it!”

"But there is a secret that you may not know. In fact, Shi Xiaobai has been the most loyal customer of our Battlefield Bar for a long time. He often goes to the Battlefield Bar to communicate with other customers about actual combat. As long as you join the Battlefield Bar, Sooner or later, I will be able to meet Shi Xiaobai, and if I’m lucky, I can become friends with him!”

"As long as you join War Realm, you will have the opportunity to become good friends with Shi Xiaobai, this year's Rookie King and the future S-class hero. How can you miss such a good opportunity? It's better to act than to act, come and become War Realm Come be a member, it only costs 998, it only costs 998, it really only costs 998!”

When Yang Weiwei saw the dull look on the young man's face in front of her, she suddenly burst into laughter. MLM and other things really had to rely on deception!

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