Absolute Choice

Chapter 65: Answers from beginning to end


One Shot Headshot likes virtual competition, not because virtual competition can improve combat skills proficiency, nor because he enjoys the fun of fighting, but because virtual competition can relax him, and the pressure accumulated in reality can be restored in this fake world. to be vented and released.

In reality, his strength is at the seventh level of the spiritual realm, but in Heroes Unparalleled, he adjusted his data to the third level of the spiritual realm. Although players who adjust their own data cannot participate in the hero ranking mode, the room mode does not prohibit such shameless behavior.

The strength and vision of those in the spiritual realm are naturally unmatched by those in the spiritual realm. Although the spiritual realm is reduced to the same value, the gap in combat skills between the two is huge. Therefore, his game in Heroes Warriors is truly "abusing a primary school student like a dog". None of the third-level players who come in can survive a single shot.

Of course, it would be unscientific for a strong person like him who has been fighting for the world hero rankings all year round and constantly struggling in life and death battles to kill a weak person on the third level of the spiritual realm with one shot. Maybe he can occasionally encounter Players who lower their values like him will immediately separate after one game.

Because once the value is lowered, the improvement of skill proficiency will be reduced exponentially, so their purpose from the beginning was not to enhance strength, but to simply use Heroes as a way to relax and entertain.

"Thank you Hero Wushuang."

He shot a headshot and took back the ak blaster with a chuckle. Every time he shot another player's head, he felt a sense of pleasure in releasing his stress.

"Compared with the crab walk of that godlike man, such an ugly crab walk is really an insult to the crab walk."

A shot to the head. Thinking of the funny crab move used by this player called "I Choose the Dog Leash", he felt a little bad. That god-like man was once the target of his pursuit, but now he was out of reach, and That man is most famous for his crab walk, which has reached the realm of "super-soul and sainthood" and is known as one of the seven wonders in the history of flash movement.

When he first saw "I Choose a Dog Leash" using the crab walk, it vaguely reminded him of how ridiculous that god-like man was at the beginning. He once regarded such a walk as a joke, but was so ridiculously taken by it. Gradually increase the distance until you can no longer even see your back.

Having such ridiculous and sad memories brought back by "I Choose a Dog Leash" makes A Shot in the Head feel inexplicably angry.

"Forget it, he should leave the room anyway."

He sighed with a shot to the head. Any player who has played against him can clearly feel the difference in strength. Naturally, they will think of him as a bad guy who lowers his data to torture others. In Heroes Warriors, he is a torture dog. It's very common, and a bastard like him who blows off other people's heads with one shot is the easiest to identify, so a headshot is very clear, and "I choose the dog leash" will of course leave the room immediately.

"Player, I selected the dog leash and prepared it. Do you want to start the battle?"

The voice of the system rang in my mind, and I was slightly startled by the shot to the head. I didn't expect that this guy didn't leave the room, but wanted to play again

"Well, you can occasionally encounter this kind of idiot who can't recognize the reality and insists on hitting the wall. It just makes me relax a little bit more. I just hope he still has the remaining courage after the second game."

A headshot shot silently took out the AK explosive gun. This gun is actually an assault rifle with a short range and sufficient firepower. It is suitable for close-range burst shooting. However, a headshot shot requires such a close-range firearm to complete the long-distance shooting. A headshot from a distance makes the opponent feel desperate.

"Then, let me enjoy it for once." He sneered with a headshot.

As the countdown ends, the second battle begins!

The familiar crab walk also followed. "I Choose the Dog Leash", wearing a clown suit and a clown mask on his face, looked like a funny clown, but a headshot was nothing like it. Can't laugh.

This time I chose the dog leash and did not approach rashly. Instead, I started circling a thousand meters away, as if looking for an opportunity to make a sudden advance.

"Haha, do you think this distance is a safe distance? Innocent, let's feel the sorrow of the weak."

This time he no longer had the patience to shoot a headshot. He raised his gun and raised his hand. It only took him a second to aim before he suddenly pulled the trigger. The bullet shot over a thousand meters and hit the target without any suspense. I jumped in an attempt to dodge the shot and chose the dog leash.

"The battle is over. One shot to the head, no explanation, victory. It takes three seconds."

This shot was another headshot, and it was done with an assault rifle from a distance of one thousand meters. This was already a naked humiliation and the most complete trampling on dignity.

"Haha, you should finally recognize the reality this time, right?"

One shot to the head and the ak blaster was withdrawn again. For some reason, for the first time in his heart, he couldn't feel the joy of torturing food. One shot to the head of the dog leash that I chose would remind him of the man who had been raped a long, long time ago. Other strong men have been humiliated and had their dignity trampled on.

"Player, I selected the dog leash and prepared it. Do you want to start the battle?"

A shot to the head made his brows jump, and he felt a strange discomfort in his heart.

I chose the dog leash and actually chose to play another game again, and this time I almost chose to prepare immediately after the defeat.


for what

"Haha, it seems that you are holding on to the ridiculous idea that you can regain some face after dodging a bullet. There are also weak people who can't recognize the reality. Then I will let you recognize the reality, right? I don't know if you can do it again. How many times should you insist, three times? Five times? Or ten times?"

He shot a headshot with a sneer and took out the AK blaster again. Even in such a virtual world, there are cruel realities that have to be faced. Some victories absolutely do not exist. In the face of despair, how can a person who wants to save face be able to How long will it last

... ...

The ending was beyond the expectations of one shot to the head. It was fifty rounds, and it was a total of fifty headshots! However... ...

"Player, I selected the dog leash and prepared it. Do you want to start the battle?"

After a headshot, he was in a trance. He silently said "Yes" in his heart, and took out the AK explosive gun again. For the first time, he felt that the habit of taking back the gun after every victory was unnecessary and irritating.

I can clearly feel that I have indeed made considerable progress in choosing a dog leash after fifty failures, but the gap in strength between the two is too big. Even though I have made amazing progress in choosing a dog leash, I still cannot survive in front of him. One shot couldn't even last five seconds.

However, in the face of such an unsuspicious failure, why would he choose to do it again again and again

"Why?" He couldn't help but ask after being shot in the head.

The preparation time before the battle was short, but it should be enough for him to clear up his doubts.

I chose the dog leash and said doubtfully, "Huh?"

A shot to the head asked: "Why did you insist on holding on for so long? You should understand that withdrawing from the battle is the best choice."

When you meet a dog who abuses vegetables, you coldly laugh at "It's fun to torture vegetables?" Then angrily quit the battle, comforting yourself in your heart that you failed just because you met a shameless idiot. Isn't this the best choice

Why do you have to hit the wall again and again

Why choose the stupidest method

His answer was a rhetorical question about my choice of dog leash: "Why quit?"

A shot to the head said in astonishment: "Because..."

Because I am a bitch!

One shot to the head, I thought to myself, but for some reason I swallowed the words when they came to my lips.

I chose the dog leash and said calmly: "You are very strong, I want to fight you."

He shot a headshot and sighed: "You should understand that we are not on the same level. No matter how hard you try, you are doomed to failure. You can just say 'abusive dog' and quit naturally. Why bother to persist?"

I chose the dog leash and said, "If I do that, wouldn't I lose a lot?"

A shot to the head asked in confusion: "What do you mean?"

I chose the dog leash as a matter of course: "I like failure, it will make me stronger. If failure 10,000 times can make me progress one centimeter, then it will be a profit! On the contrary, if I run away now, it will be a big loss." "

He was stunned when he was shot in the head, and he couldn't help but think of the same conversation that seemed to have happened before, with the man who was already a god.

He once asked: "Senior Yaris, why...why do you insist on challenging the teacher after failing so many times? You should know...you have no hope at all."

The man replied: "Because I like failure, it makes me stronger."

He lowered his head slightly with a headshot, and an imperceptible smile quietly bloomed under the skull mask.

I see.

The answer turns out to be that simple.

"Entering the final countdown, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1—the battle begins!"

As soon as the system finished speaking, he suddenly raised his head with a shot to the head, straightened his right hand, and pulled the trigger hard!


Gunshots ring out!

"The battle is over. One shot to the head, no explanation, victory. It takes one second."

One second is the final question of a headshot.

"Player, I selected the dog leash and prepared it. Do you want to start the battle?"

It only took me half a second to select the dog leash and then select preparation again.

Half a second was his answer from beginning to end.

(ps: Damn, is there a power-leveling dog that is the most annoying to abuse when playing games? Hehe, I wonder what choice you will make when you meet an abuser? If it were me, I would choose - shamelessly Please recommend and reward!)