Absolute Choice

Chapter 72: War of the Holy Grail


"What a shameless bitch!"

After Shi Xiaobai exited the room, he couldn't help but cursed.

Naturally, the bitch was scolding Wang Qiang. In the past seven days, he had met several bitches who couldn't beat him and sat on the ground to beg for relief. Shi Xiaobai also felt a little angry.

"Every bitch is begging me to give him a death, but it's a pity that I don't have the game currency to buy Shang Fang Baojian..."

Shi Xiaobai sighed. Since he has not mastered psychic combat skills, and he has not had time to study psychic combat skills in order to practice Crab Steps in the past seven days, there is no way to win by killing the opponent. The only way to win is to force The opponent runs away.

After Thomas left, Shi Xiaobai "encountered" countless opponents, less than ten of whom were able to hit him when he used the Crab Step, and the remaining ones could only stare at him.

But Shi Xiaobai has never been able to win. Except for some bitches who break the jar like Wang Qiang, the most important reason is that his spiritual power and physical strength are often exhausted.

In Heroes Warriors, spiritual power and physical strength are reflected by specific numerical values. Every time he uses Crab Step and Ripple Shield, spiritual power and physical strength will be consumed. Therefore, most of Shi Xiaobai's failed battles are due to spiritual power. and exhausted.

Therefore, in these seven days, in addition to the steady improvement of the skill and proficiency of the Crab Step and the deepening and consolidation of Shi Xiaobai's understanding of the essence of the Crab Step taught by Thomas, the most important gain was that he learned to allocate his own spiritual power. and physical strength.

Shi Xiaobai learned how to dodge attacks with the smallest flicker, and how to complete every action with the least amount of spiritual power and physical strength.

So in the end, he ushered in a gorgeous ten-game winning streak!

After struggling with ten opponents in a row for more than an hour, I found that I couldn't defeat him at all, so I fled the room angrily.

Shi Xiaobai failed nearly two thousand rounds and finally won. He was still in a great mood, until he met this bitch called the King of Strong Leopards in the eleventh round...

"You bitch are just being hypocritical."

Shi Xiaobai sighed, and suddenly felt dizzy. Fatigue swept through his body like a wave, making him almost faint.

Shi Xiaobai quickly bit his lower lip, using the pain to force himself to wake up.

It has been seven days, and although his progress has been very significant, he still has not heard the sound announcing the completion, which means that his crab walk has not yet reached the level of "perfection".

Come to think of it, after spending seven months practicing a certain combat skill to "perfect proficiency", he was already astonished and called a miracle.

Trying to complete the miracle of seven months in seven days, how could such a miraculous thing go so smoothly

Perhaps this choice was a mistake from the beginning.

But this time, it is a daily option. There is no chance to do it again. You will be rewarded if you succeed in the task, and you will be punished if you fail the task. It is fair and cruel.

It's just that what Shi Xiaobai cares about is not getting rewards or not being punished. It's just that the feeling of gradually getting stronger makes him energetic, difficult to control, and unable to stop at all. Strive crazily for a certain goal, not caring what the goal is or how far out of reach it is, just immersed in the joy of moving forward.

"I must create a miracle!"

Shi Xiaobai waved his fist and looked up at the blue sky that was made into a game interface. He had obviously rested for a few minutes, but he felt more and more tired. He decided not to rest and start the next game quickly.

Click on personal battle mode, room mode... ..

"Warning! Warning! Serious warning! You have been in a state of virtual stealth for twenty-five consecutive hours, which is extremely harmful to the spirit. Please wake up from the virtual stealth state quickly, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous."

The system warning sounds.

Shi Xiaobai was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that he had not left the virtual world for twenty-five hours. When he realized the existence of reality, he immediately felt a sense of hunger in his stomach.

At this moment, a voice came from the sky.

"The life detector detects that other life forms have entered your box. For your safety, it will automatically disconnect the virtual link after three seconds and wake you up immediately."

"Three, two, one!"

The sound of the system's countdown fell, and Shi Xiaobai felt that his consciousness was swaying as if being beaten by waves. The world in front of him suddenly fell into darkness, but was soon filled with light. He blinked in discomfort, and the interior scene of the virtual cabin came into view. eye.

At the same time, the sound of high heels stepping lightly on the wooden floor came from outside the virtual cabin.

"I'm Yang Weiwei, excuse me."

... ...

... ...

Ten minutes later.

"So what you're saying is that you want me to represent this store in the Holy Grail War?"

Shi Xiaobai chewed the warm pork that had just been delivered, and looked at the delicate woman wearing white-collar clothes in front of him, his eyes flashing with strange light.

"Yes, General Manager Xia appreciates your strength very much and hopes that you can represent the Gaia branch in this week's seven-person melee."

Yang Weiwei always felt that Shi Xiaobai's eyes were a little strange, but she didn't think much about it. She also didn't correct Shi Xiaobai's misinterpretation of the seven-person melee as the "Holy Grail War" that she had never heard of. Her only concern now was how to persuade Shi Xiaobai Bai participated in the seven-person melee. In the past, she would have carefully explained the rules of the seven-person melee and boasted about the generous prize money for the weekly competition, but now she has understood the truth - nonsense is the way to go!

So she continued: "A movie theater has been built in the Battlefield Bar, and weekly games will be provided for free to the residents of the Steel City. By then, you will become the focus of everyone's attention, and the most important thing is, Shi Xiaobai It’s very possible to come and watch the battle!”

Who doesn’t want to be the center of attention, who doesn’t want to show off his excellence in front of his idol

Yang Weiwei lied shamelessly again.

Shi Xiaobai swallowed the minced meat in his mouth, his eyes looked thoughtful, and after a moment he asked: "Are the other six contestants strong?"

Yang Weiwei hesitated for a moment. At this time, she should weaken the other six players and trap Shi Xiaobai in. However, doing so would probably lead to Shi Xiaobai underestimating the enemy. Yang Weiwei hoped that Shi Xiaobai could survive the melee in a low-key manner and maximize her ranking. He leaned forward, so he had to say hesitantly: "Those six players... are very strong. But the seven-person melee is about survivability. Your crab walk has a huge advantage in this aspect. I believe you will have a wonderful performance." !”

Yang Weiwei suddenly remembered that she had said in front of Xia Lin that Tu Dahei was afraid of death, so she had no choice but to bite the bullet and continue: "The other six players should be old faces who have participated in many weekly competitions, and there will be some friendship between them. and conflicts, so please be sure to keep a low profile. As long as you find ways to reduce your presence, you will definitely achieve good results in the weekly competition."

"So the six people of destiny chosen by the Holy Grail are all powerful, and if the rules allow it, it is possible that six will fight one?"

After listening to Yang Weiwei's words, Shi Xiaobai expressed his understanding.

Yang Weiwei thought for a moment and nodded: "The rules do allow six to hit one, but as long as you are low-key and careful enough, this situation will not happen. So I suggest you hide from the beginning, and then... ..."

"I agree!" Shi Xiaobai directly interrupted Yang Weiwei's chatter.

"What?" Yang Weiwei was stunned.

"I agree to participate in the Holy Grail War. Well, I don't have time to talk nonsense with you. Since the Holy Grail War is held in the virtual world, I will go to the virtual world to wait."

After Shi Xiaobai finished speaking, he lay down in the virtual cabin again. Today was the last day of the mission, and he had no time to waste. As for agreeing to participate in the seven-person melee that Yang Weiwei mentioned, it was because he had been training in a one-on-one mode. He thought that if he was besieged by six people, maybe his crab walk could break through again.

"Won't you take a break?"

Yang Weiwei swallowed hard. Although Shi Xiaobai agreed to participate in the weekly competition so simply, she was a little surprised, but she thought that Shi Xiaobai had been sneaking for an average of twenty-two hours a day for seven consecutive days, and would have to participate in the difficult seven-person competition later. The melee is going on, and you don’t even take a break at this moment. How can your body bear it

Yang Weiwei suddenly felt a little uncomfortable, vaguely feeling that she had done something wrong.

Shi Xiaobai didn't answer.

No, he gave his answer with actions.

He pressed the start button twice and entered the virtual world again.

(PS: An old bookworm said: Haha, the next step must be a slap in the face and pretending to be cool. I immediately slapped you in the face, isn’t this nonsense? You have been setting the stage for so long and you don’t show off to make everyone feel happy. Okay? There may not be a slap in the face, but there is definitely no shortage of pretense. But don’t worry, the way of pretense in this book has always been fresh and refined, and it will definitely not be the same as the coquettish bitches outside. With a little more foreshadowing, it will Wave after wave of exciting plots are coming, everyone is waiting to see. Ahem, I ask for recommendations and rewards every day.)