Absolute Choice

Chapter 75: I'll take you to show off and take you flying


When the five players walked toward Xiao Xiao, a cold voice immediately sounded.

"I won't form a group with any of you, so you don't need to waste your time on me."

The person who said this was naturally Xiao Xiao, and the tone of her words left no room for doubt. Although the veil obscured her expression, judging from the cold refusal, her alluring face must have been as frosty as snow. A generally cool expression.

These five players had obviously heard about Xiao Xiao's resolute character. They paused for a moment, without trying to entangle or persuade, and immediately turned around and walked towards their second goal. These five people were all old acquaintances and often participated in weekly competitions. Of course there will be some intersections when we meet online.

Many people in the movie theater breathed a sigh of relief at this time. They did not want their goddess to team up with others, not to mention that doing so would lead to suspicion of cheating by taking advantage of the rules. Now, these five hanging threads Being rejected coldly is the best ending.

Xiao Xiao's approach won unanimous praise from the audience. The two commentators in the commentary box immediately seized the opportunity to praise Princess Xiao Xiao, but they also raised doubts about why Princess Xiao Xiao established this negotiation link. ? Is she so confident that she can deal with a small team of other people by herself

If it were in the real world, Xiao Xiao, as a supernatural being at the tenth level of the spiritual mortal realm, might really be able to fight against six with his superpowers, but there is no way to use superpowers in the virtual world!

The two commentators made some reasonable guesses to pass the boring time for the audience. In less than a minute, the seven contestants in the white room had basically formed a team.

Xiao Xiao was leaning against the wall alone, thinking about something. Shi Xiaobai, who was wearing a clown suit, was sitting alone in the corner, squatting motionless, while the other five people formed two distinct groups.

Feng Wuhen from the ninth level of Lingfan and I am not a pig from the seventh level formed a team.

The seven-level Lingfan's ability to shoot down the world, the eighth-level Lingmort's twin swords to move the world, and the eighth-level Lingfan's shot of gentleness, these three people formed a team.

Judging from the number of people and overall strength distribution, the three-person team will be slightly stronger, but the strength of the two-person team should not be underestimated, especially the spear Feng Wuhen, whose Wind Step and Wind Speed Spear have reached the level where practice makes perfect. He is considered a genius in Lingfan territory.

"It seems that the small groups of the seven contestants have been initially formed. The only ones who are still alone are Princess Xiao Xiao and the dog leash contestant. By the way, I must tell the audience one thing. These seven contestants have previously There is no way to know the information of the players participating in the weekly competition, so the other six people do not know the psychic realm of the dog leash players, so the new face of the dog leash brothers will definitely become the target of testing and competition between the two small teams. , everyone can wait and see.”

Biscuit analyzed the situation for the audience very skillfully and put forward expectations for watching the game. I have to say that his idea was correct. As soon as he finished speaking, the two teams happened to squat in the corner as if they were asleep. Shi Xiaobai walked away.

At this moment, Feng Wuhen suddenly said: "I think this clown brother hopes that our two teams will come one by one. Your team already has three people, can you let us try it first?"

Since he didn't know Shi Xiaobai's information, he didn't know his nickname in the game either, so Feng Wuhen called him Brother Clown based on Shi Xiaobai's outfit. His statement was also very reasonable. When it comes to persuasion, it's best to first come first served. , but the side that tries first will definitely have a huge advantage. Who knows if this clown brother will be a weak guy who can be knocked down at a push

Just as the three of them were hesitating, Feng Wuhen said in a deep voice: "Everyone, can you give me Feng Wuhen some face?"

The three of them looked at each other and exchanged words in whispers. After a while, the gentle man in military uniform took a step forward and said to Feng Wuhen: "Brother Feng's face must be given to him, so let's do it. We agree to let you try it first, but Fatty Pig must do the persuasion, and Brother Feng is not allowed to give any advice, how about that?"

Fat pig refers to "I am not a pig." In addition to being fat, this person also has a pig's head. The three of them seemed to have made concessions, but in fact, they put Feng Wuhen in a dilemma.

Feng Wuhen really struggled in his heart. Although I'm not a pig's IQ is not as impressive as outsiders rumored, it is indeed not too high. It's just that the current situation is too unfavorable for them. If they can't win the right of way, Then it is likely to become a four-on-two situation.

"Okay, I agree."

Feng Wuhen finally chose to agree. After saying a few words to "I am not a pig," he walked aside and folded his arms as if he was watching.

And I'm Not a Pig also walked towards Shi Xiaobai who was still squatting in the corner under the gaze of everyone.

At this moment, both the players of the two teams, the audience in the theater, and even Xiao Xiao who was leaning against the wall looked over.

"Hello, my eldest brother Feng Wuhen, nicknamed Fengsu Kuaishou, specially invites you to join our team!"

I'm Not a Pig walked up to Shi Xiaobai, without any foreshadowing or euphemism, and directly stated my intention loudly.

Time froze for two seconds, and Shi Xiaobai's stiff body suddenly moved. He let out a long groan from his nose, then raised his head and let out a big yawn.

"Huh? What's the matter?" Shi Xiaobai, who was woken up, rubbed his eyes, saw the fat figure in front of him, and asked, his voice full of sleepiness.

Everyone was stunned. They originally thought that the clown squatting in the corner was pretending to be cool or observing the situation, but they didn't expect that he was actually asleep? In such an important negotiation session, you actually fell asleep right away

Even though I’m not a pig, I was stunned, but he didn’t think too much, but said bluntly: “My eldest brother Feng Wuhen is going to show you off and fly! Do you understand? Let’s tell you the name of your game first. Add a friend."

The vulgar statement that I am not a pig also made everyone dumbfounded. Saying that this guy has a pig head feels like an insult to a pig.

Shi Xiaobai was sleepy-eyed and confused at the moment, and had no idea what the fat man in front of him was talking about. But when he asked him the name of his game, he lazily replied: "I choose the dog leash."

I'm not a pig. When I heard this, my face turned red for some reason. There was a little more anger in my words, and I said angrily: "Why do you curse others? My eldest brother can really lead you to show off and fly, I'm not bragging!" Come on, tell me, what’s the name of your game.”

Shi Xiaobai yawned again and couldn't figure out where he was swearing. He couldn't figure out why the fat man asked for the name of the game again. But he was too sleepy at the moment and didn't bother to think, so he could only answer word for word. : "I...choose...to...take...the dog...to take!"

This pig should have heard clearly now, right

I am not a pig and I did hear it clearly, but I seemed to be greatly stimulated. I seemed to want to run away on the spot, but I suppressed my anger, so I kept breathing heavily, "Huh... Huh... Huh. ..What exactly is the name of your game?”

Shi Xiaobai also became a little impatient and said loudly: "Are you annoyed? I choose the dog leash! I choose the dog leash! I choose the dog leash!"

Say important things three times!

"Okay, you're fine!"

I am not a pig. He immediately became furious and immediately turned around and dragged his fat body towards Feng Wuhen. The angry footsteps made the floor tremble slightly. With a sense of hostility and grievance, he said angrily to Feng Wuhen. : "Brother Feng, this guy would rather be led by a dog than by you. What should I do?"

At this moment, the confused audience in the theater suddenly realized what was going on. They all laughed out loud. The laughter kept coming and going, and they couldn't stop for a while. Some people even burst into tears.

Candy also laughed so hard that she couldn't care about her image. She held her belly and said to the audience in a voice that was intermittent with laughter: "The dog belt... the mystery of the contestant's name... has finally been revealed. This name is really... really... So coquettish!"

(ps: At the request of a book friend, today’s chapter is updated in advance. This chapter is at 12 noon. This chapter is an idea contributed by a book friend in the book review area. I thought it was good and used it. So , if you have any new and weird ideas, please mention them in the book review area. If I see it and think it can be used, I may use it without any trace of PS one day. Also, the release date is October 14th Yes, I will remind everyone one week before it is put on the shelves. Now, please recommend and reward!)