Absolute Choice

Chapter 81: let me!


The double knives that suddenly appeared behind Shi Xiaobai and attacked like the devil's hunting knives directly stabbed the most deadly neck and back. The cold death approached Shi Xiaobai in an instant!

"The crabs are so close that they reach the end of the world."

When the pair of knives were only a few centimeters away from piercing the tender skin, Shi Xiaobai's figure suddenly disappeared and appeared ten meters away in almost the blink of an eye. The strength of the two knives traveling all over the world failed, and he almost fell when he fell. Falling, he staggered forward a few steps, steadied himself and then looked up at Shi Xiaobai, as if he had seen a ghost.

What kind of terrifying burst of acceleration can cause him to jump ten meters away in an instant, and why is his movement so small that he can't even notice it

Space teleportation

No, that is something that can only be accomplished by using superpowers. There is no superpower system in the virtual world. How on earth did this guy... do it

Walking the World with Two Swords, I found that I, who had always been calm, could no longer calm down!

"Phew, it's so dangerous!"

Shi Xiaobai was a little startled. The service quality of Shooting the World was so good that he accidentally became addicted and almost fell asleep. However, Shi Xiaobai liked this thrilling feeling very much!

"Good job, one more time, baby! (Great job, do it again, baby!)"

Shi Xiaobai spoke broken English, with fighting spirit in his eyes.

Shi Xiaobai had been keenly aware of the tenderness of the shot hidden in the tree, but he did not reveal it. He even tried to forget the sniper in his mind. He hoped that there would be more dangers and that he would be in danger more times. moment, and only then can he break through his own limits.

Gao Sherenjian and Shuangdao Xingtianxia were unaware of Shi Xiaobai's heart's desire and thought that Shi Xiaobai was humiliating and provoking them. The hot-tempered Gaoshe Renjian could not stand it, and even the calm Shuangdao Xingtianxia became angry. .

"Be careful, his spiritual realm is at least the tenth level of the spiritual realm."

The two swords walking around the world made a sound to remind people to shoot at the world, and raised the swords to prepare for attack.

"I understand, how could I be so stupid that I can't even tell that he is a master of the tenth level of spiritual mortal?"

After strafing the world, he changed the magazine and pointed the gun at Shi Xiaobai again. He had already realized that the clown in front of him must be a master of the tenth level of spiritual mortals, a professional thug specially invited by the Gaia branch!

When Cantang in the commentator heard this conversation, he couldn't help but laugh, "Giggles, would they feel particularly stupid if they knew that the dog leash contestants only have the third level of spiritual mortals?"

Candy smiled and smiled and suddenly stopped laughing. She grimaced as if she was about to cry, "Why do I feel like I'm actually stupid?"

Candy was not the only one who was dumbfounded. Almost all the audience were dumbfounded, especially after they saw what happened next.

I saw the two swords running around the world rushing towards Shi Xiaobai like wild beasts, waving the left and right swords continuously, displaying all kinds of cool and shocking combat skills. However, Shi Xiaobai jumped left and right to dodge one by one. The posture should be as chic as possible, just like a dancer dancing freely. The light of the two swords is like the lights of a dance party, and the roar of the two swords is the soundtrack.

"Da da da... ... "

The shooting in the world started again, but this time his shooting was even more lonely, because this time Shi Xiaobai did not jump around repeatedly waiting for him to shoot back and forth, his figure was running back and forth in the forest, Like a cheerful butterfly.

Go to hell with butterflies!

Shooting the world was about to cry. He changed the magazine again with tears in his eyes. Dozens of trees were knocked down by his bullets. There was a mess all around, but the figure was still beating unimpeded.

Shi Xiaobai sometimes moved and sometimes stood in place. No matter how fierce the bullets fired at the world, no matter how fierce the offensive of the two swords in the world, he was still like a leisurely and contented crab, sometimes making cunning fake moves, sometimes just and aboveboard. Face to face with you, and then tell you mercilessly what is the sadness of "I stand and let you hit me, but you can't hit me".

The hearts of Sweeping the World and Dual Blades Walking the World were broken, but they did not despair and still tried to persevere because they knew that there was another person waiting for the opportunity, and that patient sniper had never disappointed anyone.

The tenderness of that shot was so cold!

Well, in fact, the tenderness of that shot was very confusing now. His finger had been resting on the trigger for several minutes, but he still hadn't waited for the most certain opportunity. After Shi Xiaobai performed the Crab Walk, He was shocked to find that he could no longer aim!

Shi Xiaobai had obviously been still many times, but the tenderness of that shot felt like he was in motion all the time, and even one second of absolute stillness could not be captured.

This is a crab that can't stop and is always in a commotion!

The tenderness of that shot was not in a hurry to pull the trigger. As a sniper, he was committed to killing with one shot, because once he fired, his existence and position would be exposed, and the next shot would not have the same favorable conditions. Therefore, his aim has always been to determine the outcome with one shot. This shot must be 1,000% sure!

He has seen the efforts of sweeping the world and traveling the world with two swords, and he has received their wishes.

"Just wait, brothers, I won't let you down."

The tenderness of that shot rubbed his eyes, scratched his back, adjusted to a more comfortable position, and prepared for a long-term fight.

However, the two people on the other side were almost unable to hold on any longer. The bullets for shooting at the world were about to run out, and the two swordsmen walking around the world were about to run out of spiritual power and physical strength!

"What a terrifying spiritual power reserve. Could this guy be a strong person in the spiritual realm? This is against the rules!"

Dual Swordsman Walking the World looked at Shi Xiaobai who was calm and calm, showing no sign of fatigue. He was extremely shocked. He felt that Shi Xiaobai's spiritual power reserve was too abundant. He used the flashing movement method so frequently without any signs of fatigue. Showing fatigue.

"Do dog leash athletes really only have the third level of spiritual mortals?" Candy asked the same question in the commentary box.

"It's hard to tell for the time being. Only after he has used combat skills and defensive skills can we judge the level of his psychic powers. But I think the reason why the dog-leader does not show fatigue is not the reserve of psychic powers, but the distribution of psychic powers. There’s amazing understanding,” Biscuit said calmly.

Candy groaned, hesitated, and suddenly asked: "Daddy Biscuit, if I'm not mistaken, the dog leash player uses the master-level crab walk, right? But why, I always feel that his crab walk... What should I say...it seems very different?"

Biscuit smiled faintly and said softly: "You are still young, and your experience is still a bit narrow. The crab walk of this dog leash athlete is indeed not an ordinary crab walk. If I guessed correctly, it is the legendary... god." The crab!"

"God's... Crab!?"

Candy and the audience chewed on these four words, feeling as if they had heard them somewhere, but couldn't remember them for a while.

"That... ... "

Candy opened her mouth and was about to ask in detail, but suddenly she saw something change on the broadcast screen, and her voice suddenly stopped.

At this moment, Shooting the World and Dual Swordsman Xingtianxia have given up struggling. One of them put down the machine gun, and the other inserted the two knives back into his waist. They have realized the cruel fact.

Swallowing the world, panting, he looked at Shi Xiaobai and said angrily, "Is it fun to torture vegetables?"

Shi Xiaobai said with a sad face: "Don't give up, persistence is victory. As the saying goes, the Foolish Old Man moved the mountains, the Kuafu chased the sun, the Jingwei filled the sea, the drop of water penetrated the stone, and the iron pestle turned into a needle..."

Shi Xiaobai emptied his mind of idioms, trying to get the two of them to cheer up again.

Well, these weren't the changes that made Candy stop asking.

The accident actually happened because of one person, a person who ran for his life.

The man was holding a spear in his hand, his eyes were burning with anxiety, and he was running as hard as he could on the wind step.

That person is naturally Feng Wuhen.

At this time, Feng Wuhen was really anxious. He saw the clown from a distance being surrounded by two of the three-person team. It was like a good woman meeting an evil gangster.

No, this energy bead at your fingertips is mine!

Feng Wuhen thought so in his heart, and a few hundred meters away from the three of them, he opened his mouth and shouted loudly: "Let go of that boy, let me do it!"

(ps: Happy National Day everyone! Also, if you are a book lover who can’t imagine the crab walk, you can search “James Crab Walk” on Baidu and watch the video of NBA superstar James’ crab walk. Then some book friends suggested updating it twice a day. Continuous updates, that is, find a time period to update two chapters at once, and it is still two updates a day. What do you book friends think? Well, in the end, I still ask for recommendations and rewards every day. Also, Happy National Day! Happy National Day! National Day hapiness!)